Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Radogno: Pass the grand bargain by the end of this month or forget it
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Radogno: Pass the grand bargain by the end of this month or forget it

Friday, Feb 17, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I meant to post this earlier and forgot. Pearson in the Tribune

Illinois Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno says the chamber needs to vote by Feb. 28 to approve its still-evolving bipartisan “grand bargain” to end the state’s historic stalemate or go home and let Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan decide how to move the state forward.

Radogno, speaking on the “Steve Cochran Show” on WGN-AM 720 a day after GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address, said she will be working with Democratic Senate President John Cullerton “about things we might be able to take from the governor’s speech and incorporate into our program so it’s something that he could sign.”

“I’m hoping that we will be able to vote on this on Feb. 28, when the Senate comes back (from a break next week). The urgency here is critical. We have to get this moving,” the Lemont Republican said. “If we don’t get this moving by the 28th, we might as well just go home and then at that point, Mike Madigan can figure out what he’s going to do. This is the only game in town.”

The Senate isn’t in town at all next week, so Tuesday the 28th is the very first session day after the break.

Think they can pull it off?


  1. - Dee Lay - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:24 pm:

    Fixed it for you.

  2. - Dee Lay - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:25 pm:

    [[“If we don’t get this moving by the 28th, we might as well just go home and then at that point, the governor can figure out what he’s going to do. This is the only game in town.]]

    Fixed it for you

  3. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    ===The urgency here is critical.===

    Strange. I was in the Senate gallery on the afternoon of February 8th, and I could have sworn it was Leader Radogno asking for more delays.

    Can she get any of those SGOP yellow lights to turn green?

  4. - wordslinger - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    Meaningless artificial deadline.

    Seriously, two years without a budget and you’re setting a deadline in February?

  5. - walker - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    If Radogno can muster the votes, and if Rauner doesn’t stretch it out of recognition, then she and Cullerton will get it on the floor that week.

    My best guess is No. Still don’t trust that Rauner wants this deal.

  6. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    If she had put 12 votes on pension bill, it would have passed. She put zero votes on package bills. Not even her own.

  7. - Allen D - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    i highly doubt it….

  8. - Curl of the Burl - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:31 pm:

    Yes - because Cullerton & Radongo have been working for almost two months on this and, if my memory serves me correctly, President Cullerton promised revotes on some of the grand bargain legislation.

  9. - Northsider - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:32 pm:

    NOW there’s critical urgency?

    To the question: No.

    I’m beginning to believe the Republicans are willing to break Illinois to break Madigan.

    Meanwhile, what will “Gov.” Rauner do when the Trump regime’s National Guard immigrant roundup reaches Illinois?

  10. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    Her caucus wasn’t ready and now they’re in a rush?

    Ok. How many votes is she putting on each bill?

  11. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    She can’t both ask for delays last week and say it has to be passed by the end of the month now. She’s just been funnin’ us this whole time.

  12. - John - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    So looks like that is a dud then

  13. - Dolphin - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:40 pm:

    You mean you’re ready to actually do your job? Kudos to you

  14. - illini - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    The pension bill is the problem for many of both parties that are sincere about resolving this impasse.

    And it will be the deal breaker for the entire Grand Bargain if the content is not revisited and revised.

  15. - don the legend - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:46 pm:

    “…when I wake up, if the money is on the table, I’ll know I have a partner. If it isn’t, I’ll know I don’t.” In other words, If Rauner wants it voted on Rodogno will get her vote, if he doesn’t, she won’t.

  16. - Honeybear - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:48 pm:

    No, Rainer doesn’t want it. Rauner is going to get his labor war now. The strike authorization vote as I see it went a lot lot better than I thought. If what I was told is correct we got votes from over 90% in our local. Who knows what the outcome is but over 90% participation is what I’m proud of.
    My guess ( which is not worth a lot ) is that Mar 1 Rauner opens up with implementation. That’s a kick to AFSCME’s goonies that they can’t ignore.

    So labor war destroying AFSCME is what I think Rauner will go next

    That might soften up the DEMS for a deal.

  17. - IRLJ - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    Something will pass…the Senate.
    Has to. They’ve gone too far to emerge empty-handed.
    By February 28?
    And what will emerge from the House?
    And will Rauner take responsibility for what he signs?
    Doubts abound…

  18. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:53 pm:

    Right now, the SGOP Caucus as a whole doesn’t have a stomach for it. Of course, that’s because Rauner’s IPI, Proft, and ILGOP aren’t helping get 30 either, but I digress…

    I can’t see, right now, that date being met.

  19. - No Longer A Lurker - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:53 pm:

    Nope. I don’t think it will happen. I’m sure IPI and Proft will come out with some reason why the grand bargain shouldn’t be passed before the 28. With of course Rauner’s blessing.

  20. - Mama - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:55 pm:

    Honeybear, is the impasse case still in the courts? If yes, how can Rauner propose his final offer?

  21. - walker - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:55 pm:

    ==She’s just been funnin’ us this whole time.==

    With respect, gunner, more likely the Gov has been funnin’ her the whole time. Radogno is just not the game playing type.

  22. - A Jack - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    Well since AFSCME just kept a court order that would also pay fair share and merit comp who will help to break the strike, they may want to hold off on that strike for a bit.

  23. - Roman - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    If, and only if, Rauner personally assures 7 or 8 Senate Republicans that he’ll have their back if they vote for a tax increase.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    To clarify further,

    I sympathize for Leader Radogno here.

    Rauner has given her a bad hand, and she wants to keep her word to President Cullertonvehicle being undercut at every turn.

    Radogno deserves better. - OW

  25. - Anon - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    No. Just let Madigan do it.

  26. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    ===she will be working with Democratic Senate President John Cullerton “about things we might be able to take from the governor’s speech and incorporate into our program so it’s something that he could sign.”===

    Sounds to me like she wants to renegotiate the twelve bill package. In a week. Talk about moving the goal posts. She not only moved them farther back, she made them as narrow as the football Cullerton is trying to kick through.

    It sure looks like negotiating with Radogno was a waste of time.

  27. - PJ - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:02 pm:

    It’d be classic Rauner to take credit for an agreement that isn’t finished and that he had no part in, thank everyone for passing it, then watch his little minions at the IPI and ILGOP slam the Republican senators who dared to stick their necks out for it.

  28. - Texas Red - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    The sticking point will be the property tax freeze - while attractive to homeowners. The various units of government are flipping out. The lobbyists that represent them are working overtime to kill it. Plus once the details are more clear - the voters might not be happy knowing that their schools, Village Halls, Police Stations, Park Districts and Libraries will be stuck forever with a set revenue stream - the though of crumbling local infrastructure can be powerful.

  29. - Anon - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:04 pm:

    Mama, yes, the impasse case is in the appellate court and there’s currently a temporary stay to keep Rauner from imposing while the case is litigated. But the stay could either become permanent or be lifted any day. I’ve been calling the courthouse and asking but there’s no prediction.

  30. - Arsenal - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    ==With respect, gunner, more likely the Gov has been funnin’ her the whole time. Radogno is just not the game playing type.==

    Perhaps. Point is, between asking for delays last week and demanding this be done in 11 days this week, someones not working in good faith.

  31. - Kippax Blue - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    Reminds me of The Deer Hunter…

    “DiDi Mao. MAO!

  32. - Honeybear - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    Mama, the AFSCME appeal is now at the 4th district. Rauners apellate trick box. It will be denied when Rauner wants it denied. Thus I’m sure that implementation forces are moving into place. Then BAM! The appeal comes down and the implement ion goes into immediate effect. That opens the labor war. For the record. I don’t want a strike. Nobody ever does. Except Rauner. He has to have his scapegoat.

  33. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:17 pm:

    The sticking point will be what the property tax freeze means to the local schools:
    1. no money for the school districts when a building needs repaired due to a storm, etc. or overly crowded schools need to build a new building.

    2. new school buses need to be purchased, and the list goes on and on…

  34. - Juice - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    Arsenal, I’m willing to take the leader at her word here and interpret this as a message to members of her own caucus that they need to get off the dime if they want to have a say in how things move forward.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:19 pm:

    Here’s the rub, before everyone piles on Radogno…

    Radogno was “tasked” by Rauner, passively, maybe even as a smoke screen for Rauner to stall…

    … but what’s happened is Radogno and Cullerton did get things to votable agreements.

    Enter Proft. Enter IPI, on the other end, enter ILGOP.

    Rauner has put the brakes on Radogno, and put a huge barrier on the train tracks where Radogno laid out the rails.

    What I read is… “My side needs to get behind me, and my efforts… or we all just go back to ‘Blame Madigan’ because that’s the only game my side seems to play in this town”

    I read frustration, not ultimatum.

    Radogno deserves better, and she can’t even say why she’s frustrated because she’s already fighting 3 sides inside the Raunerite Triangle

  36. - UnionBoy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:19 pm:

    Honeybear, if Rauner wants a strike, why give it to him? We’re screwed either way. I would prefer Lisa Madigans’s way.

  37. - Mama - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    Praying hard the appellate court judge sides with AFSCME in his judgement.

  38. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:23 pm:

    =- UnionBoy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:19 pm: =

    UB - the court has already ruled against A.G. Lisa Madigan’s motion to stop pay.

  39. - 47th Ward - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:23 pm:

    ===What I read is… “My side needs to get behind me, and my efforts===

    Willy, with respect, if that’s true, how do you explain this remark?

    “…things we might be able to take from the governor’s speech and incorporate into our program.”

    Clearly she believes she needs to renegotiate big parts of the 12-bill package she and Cullerton have spent months putting together. This is no longer her effort. Her effort, IIRC, go zero SGOP votes.

    Rauner put that blade squarely between her shoulders. That’s got to hurt. I agree 100% that she deserves better.

  40. - Mama - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:25 pm:

    Does anyone know why Feb. 28th is the magic do or die date?

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:30 pm:

    ===Willy, with respect, if that’s true, how do you explain this remark?

    “…things we might be able to take from the governor’s speech and incorporate into our program.”===

    Radogno thinks she can still salvage this by keeping IPI, Proft, and Rauner at bay long enough to go back and tell them…

    “This is our best and final, Governor. I tried, that’s it.”

    She has to, to appease Rauner, seem like she needs more.

    I don’t think Radogno is willing to throw away all the work and credibility without trying to appear to work things for Rauner, knowing this is as close to “best” right now.

    I also point to that Property Tax line in the Governor’s Speech. That’s Rauner “poisoning” the well?

    I trust Radogno more than Rauner, right now. It seems the President does too(?)

  42. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:31 pm:

    With great respect as always - 47th Ward -


  43. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:32 pm:


  44. - Earnest - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:41 pm:

    Her statement makes me more pessimistic because it seems like a setup to give credit to the Governor, have things fail and then drop the ball (and the blame) in Madigan’s court. I hope I am incorrect.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===…a setup to give credit to the Governor, have things fail and then drop the ball (and the blame) in Madigan’s court.===

    I’m sure that’s where the inserting Rauner ideas in the agreed to plans of Radogno and Cullerton comes in that “statement”, and I’m sure Rauner is looking for ways to escape too…

    … but, Radogno has invested loads personally/professionally in this, going almost literally hand in hand with Cullerton, to Edit Boards and Podiums… this might be Radogno stalling Rauner out(?)

    “You want a grand bargain, you run ads about it, you undercut me at every turn, thus is the deal. You have until Feb. 28th to figure out if you want to win a budget or win by undercutting your only chance AT a budget”.

    Radogno deserves better.

  46. - Echo The Bunnyman - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 3:58 pm:

    It can’t be too big of a deal…. they are off all next week and all. The public only knows we’re in a bad way. If they knew details. The last place these folks would be is in their districts. I am advocating a shutdown. Then not the schools open on time. Let’s stop this slow bleed. Get Theo on the phone, time to rebuild.

  47. - Roman - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:02 pm:

    I am 100 percent with Willy on this. I think Radogno has operated in good faith. She wants a deal. She’s been repeatedly undercut by Rauner on this. He publicly offers vague platitudes in support, and then has his surrogates rip it to pieces.

    Unfortunately, the Senate Republican caucus belongs to Rauner. I don’t see how this passes Feb 28th unless Rauner wants it to.

  48. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:03 pm:

    Bet on a real budget in 2019

  49. - Anonymous - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    ==I also point to that Property Tax line in the Governor’s Speech. That’s Rauner “poisoning” the well?==
    YEP. Gettin too close to any budget deal.

  50. - Ginhouse Tommy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:11 pm:

    If I were the senator I would get compromise together, put up for a vote in the senate and pass it on to the House. It’s Madigan’s problem then. If it’s passes and if the Gov. doesn’t approve, too bad. If he veto’s the bill try to override his veto. Enough of this stalling garbage. It would be pathetic if after all the effort by the Senate leaders to do something it would fail because the Gov. has a change of heart.

  51. - Cleric dcn - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:18 pm:

    I think Rauner wants to destroy labor more than he wants a budget. At some point a budget might happen but Rauner will be in glory when he has his fight with AFSCME. Unlike honeybear I do not see the numbers for a strike. I don’t want a strike and there is really no way any employee with over 15 years in can strike and be ahead. AFSCME has no real support other than some unions, the public sees state employees as lucky and better take what you can get.

    I think Rauner if a strike happens will proceed to fire strikers and let them fight him in court individually since union will have little power.

    Once all this happens he will then think about a budget. No matter what they vote on I believe he will not sign off until he knows the labor victory is his.

  52. - Earnest - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:18 pm:

    >Radogno deserves better.

    Amen, OW. She has put herself out there, as a leaser should but so seldom does. Credit as well to all of the Senate of both parties. They’ve given us a breath of fresh air and some hope for Illinois’ future.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    - Ginhouse Tommy -

    With a “normal” functioning governor’s office, I’d agree.

    We can’t afford in your gaming this out not having 71 and 36.

    They only have “1″ shot at this, it appears, they better be sure it works. With respect, OW

    (Tips cap to - Earnest -)

  54. - Archiesmom - Friday, Feb 17, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Radigno does deserve better. But she has the title of Leader for her caucus. At least on the Democratic side, in both houses, the leaders work their people. She has the problem of the man behind the curtain. She can’t get her people to do anything without the tacit approval of the governor.

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