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Local reaction to new immigration order

Wednesday, Feb 22, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* New York Times

President Trump has directed his administration to enforce the nation’s immigration laws more aggressively, unleashing the full force of the federal government to find, arrest and deport those in the country illegally, regardless of whether they have committed serious crimes.

Documents released on Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security revealed the broad scope of the president’s ambitions: to publicize crimes by undocumented immigrants; strip such immigrants of privacy protections; enlist local police officers as enforcers; erect new detention facilities; discourage asylum seekers; and, ultimately, speed up deportations.

* Gov. Rauner has already said that he has no interest in having the state police help Homeland Security round up immigrants. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said the same thing this week

As the Trump administration publicly detailed its plans to more aggressively enforce immigration laws, a top Cook County sheriff’s official said Tuesday the department has “no interest” in joining an effort that would use local police to round up immigrants living in the country without legal permission.

“We have not been approached nor would we be interested in participating in this program,” said Cara Smith, policy chief for Sheriff Tom Dart. “Our focus is and will remain on addressing violence in the city.”

* CPS is also responding

As the Trump administration expands its deportation policy, Chicago Public Schools told its principals Tuesday that they should not let any agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement into schools without a criminal warrant.

“To be very clear, CPS does not provide assistance to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law,” chief education officer Janice Jackson wrote. “Therefore, ICE should not be permitted access to CPS facilities or personnel except in the rare instance in which we are provided with a criminal warrant. If presented with any paperwork from ICE, please call the Law Department before taking any action.”

She said that “ICE agents should wait outside while the school is reviewing the matter with the Law Department.”

The district also distributed palm cards in English and Spanish from the National Immigrant Justice Center containing such legal advice as not opening doors to immigration officials who do not have a warrant. And it advised schools to have parents update their emergency contact form with back-up contacts, saying, “If a child is left stranded at your school and you suspect it is because his or her parent is detained, please exhaust the child’s emergency contact list,” and to “have a staff member remain with the student.”

* CBS News interviewed Dr. Jerry Kruse, dean of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield

One-in-four doctors in the U.S. are foreign born, including an estimated 15,000 from the seven countries already included in Mr. Trump’s travel ban.

“How significant is the shortage at a place like this?” Dokoupil asked.

“In this county, the shortage of primary care physicians is about half of what’s needed,” Kruse said.

Kruse had hoped to help rural and short-handed places like Morgan County, about 30 miles outside Springfield, Illinois, by recruiting more international graduates. […]

Hospitals have until 9 p.m. Wednesday to decide which recent medical school graduates they’d like to bring on as residents. In a normal year, the best candidates would rise to the top. But this year, hospitals also have to weigh whether to take a risk on a candidate whose visa might be denied.

* And World Business Chicago took a look at the Chicago area’s ties to Mexico


There are an estimated 130+ Chicago-area companies in Mexico including: Baxter, Groupon, Hyatt, Illinois Tool Works, Ingredion, McDonald’s, Motorola Solutions, Underwriters Laboratories and United Continental
There are at least 10 Mexican companies with a presence in greater Chicago including: Amtex Chemical, Cemex, Bimbo Bakeries and Famsa
US-Mexico Chamber of Commerce – Mid America Chapter
Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Chicago
Chicago-Mexico City Sister City relationship
There are 70+ weekly nonstop departures from Chicago airports to destinations in Mexico
An estimated 1.55 million Mexican-Americans reside in the Chicago area […]


Total Imports to Illinois, 2015: US $13.1 billion
Top Import Categories, 2015: Electrical machinery, beer, vehicles and parts, heavy machinery and parts, plastics, furniture, medical instruments, iron & steel crude oil, iron & steel, paper & paperboard
Total Exports from Illinois, 2015: US $9.1 billion
Top Export Categories, 2015: Cell phones and electric apparatus, heavy machinery and parts, engines, plastics, corn, iron & steel, medical instrutments, pharmaceuticals

* Tribune

President Donald Trump’s sweeping crackdown on immigrants in the country illegally will strain an already tight U.S. job market, with one study suggesting that removing all of them would cost the economy as much as $5 trillion over 10 years.

That represents the contribution of the millions of unauthorized workers to the world’s largest economy, about 3 percent of private-sector gross domestic product, according to a recent paper issued by the National Bureau of Economic Research. At an average of $500 billion in output a year, removing all such immigrants would be like lopping off the equivalent of Massachusetts from the U.S. economy, said study co-author Francesc Ortega. […]

“The challenge is particularly high now because the labor market has tightened up not just overall but in areas in which you would think undocumented immigrants would be important, so that means that it’s going to be hard to fill these jobs if you deport these employees,” Harris said. “You have to think about indirect effects when you disrupt production in industries in which they’re a critical part of getting things done. So there’s a transition cost, as well as the cost of a reduced labor force.”

* Related…

* Sen. Aquino: Maybe Trump taking anti-immigrant cues from Rauner

* New immigration enforcement rules worry Southland Latinos: The study concluded that by 2010, the number of unauthorized immigrants in Illinois had fallen to 490,000. The caucus surveyed more than 200 communities in the Chicago area.

* Trump to spare ‘dreamers’ from US crackdown: The administration of US President Donald Trump plans to consider almost all illegal immigrants subject to deportation, but will leave protections in place for immigrants known as “dreamers,” who entered the US illegally as children, according to official guidelines released on Tuesday.

* Trump hardens immigration rules, several Indian-Americans to be affected: Indian-Americans, who as per an unofficial count, account for nearly 3,00,000 illegal aliens are likely to be greatly impacted by this.

* Police chief: Evanston undocumented immigrants should get a legal driver’s license

* Illinois Senators vocally oppose Trump on immigration orders

* How Illinois’ Attorney General Plans To Challenge Trump:


  1. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    Personally, i think one of the few good things the Obama administration did, was how hard they cracked down on illegal immigration. 2.8 million deported in 8 years will be hard for the Trump admin to top. I guess time will tell.

  2. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    Why don’t people trust the media, because of reports such as the one shown here from CBS on doctors. Nowhere is it suggested that the foreign born doctors are here illegally yet this is presented as being impacted by the new ICE directives. Liberals know that that Trump and Repubs don’t want to end immigration, just make sure we as a country are in control of who and how many come into the country. But that won’t sell papers or raise dollars. The Dems are so dishonest on this issue.

  3. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    Dr. Kruse. Maybe SIUE School of Med should close. When was the last time you saw an MD who was sn illegal immigrant?

  4. - CornCob - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    Nice to see so many Illinois officials standing up for criminal behavior…

  5. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    Who would think that so many groups would be tripping over-themselves to ensure that they do not comply with establish federal law !

  6. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    Young African-American unemployment in Chicago is estimated to be up to 70% Multiple academic research studies linking illegal immigration to African-American unemployment. Coretta Scott King and Barbara Jordan history of pleading Congress not to expand immigration because of what it would do to minority employment. Now you can’t even debate it (at least among progressives).

    There’s a clear compromise here: real border security (including an e-verify system with teeth and draconian penalties) in exchange for one last amnesty for all here now. Ask yourselves why the Democrats aren’t offering that. (And before you say “What about the Gang of Eight,” read the CBO estimate on how little the increased enforcement would curb illegal immigration).

  7. - Curl of the Burl - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:05 pm:

    Dr. Kruse is dabbling in a bit of stretched logic there. Senator Aquino, on the other hand, is invoking Stretch Armstrong or Mr. Fantastic levels of stretched logic.

  8. - G'Kar - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    Maybe Never and Blue Dog read a different article. I see Dr. Kruse being concerned that graduates of foreign Medical Schools being denied a visa to intern at US Hospitals because of their national origin.

  9. - cdog - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    Maybe next time Congress has a chance to compromise and pass immigration reform they won’t play games and get nothing done.

  10. - Rocky Rosi - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    It seems no IL politician wants any part of this. 10k new ICE agents on the streets will hurt business and employers

  11. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    Those who conflate legal and illegal immigrants are dishonest.

    Something is wrong with a system that can attract a poorly educated person to take the risk of traveling from Central America to DuPage county to work construction, landscaping , or housekeeping but cannot attract a person from Englewood to do the same work.

  12. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    I’m confused — who’s all in the Trump barrel? Mexicans, Muslims, Jews (again) — anyone else?

    Going to need a bigger barrel.

    Seriously, though, what’s the point, anyway? It’s all been going downhill since Mayor Boone let those German Catholics get away with having beer gardens on their Sundays off.

    Can you imagine? Drinking beer with friends outdoors on the Lord’s day? Had to raise the bridges to keep those unholy papist savages from destroying the Loop.

    Since then, katie bar the door — Irish, Italians, Poles, Greeks, Lithuanians, et. al., you name it, the whole lazy, thieving lot of them who aren’t like me, looking to steal those sweet ditch-digging type jobs that I don’t have to do.

    If only everyone was like Trump, or Jeff Sessions, or Steve Bannon, or Milo. That would Make America Great Again.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:49 pm:

    If true this is ugly stuff–expanding deportations regardless of whether people committed serious crimes. But I’m sure it will please the folks who lovingly chanted, “Build the wall!”

  14. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    When 25 percent of our automobiles are imported, we ask “What is wrong with our system? ” When 25 percent of our doctors are imported, nobody cares.

    Our system for training doctors is failing us.

  15. - Rod - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:01 pm:

    The CPS position is much more bluster than actually preventing in any way ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) from grabbing a student who is undocumented. The trigger for some of these kids would be reputed membership in a criminal street gang, this voids all Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections for the student.

    Chicago police have established a database that includes information on more than 100,000 known gang members. Even the lowest members of the gangs are entered as soon as police become aware of them. Their arrest records and affiliations are all entered and cross-referenced and available to the cop on the street. All ICE has to do is to wait for the kid as he or she leaves school and it’s off to the Broadview, IL Detention Center.

    All of this is more than enough to allow ICE to expel an undocumented student from the USA. I suspect that ICE has access to this database through a variety of methods and can cross reference it against DACA students or students who never bothered to seek DACA protection. One source of this information will be reports from CPS security staff or school based police units to ICE. If you had a kid who was a suspected gang banger, why not just get rid of them? CPS cannot prevent anonymous tip via phone, to the HSI Tip Line at (866) 347-2423 or emails to ICE that will easily set up some pain in the ass kid they would love to see gone. Here is their form

    CPS can legally do nothing to either a school based cop or security staff that provides this information to ICE the cops and security staff can get a monetary reward for doing so.

    Gang policing relies on police-developed secret lists, secret surveillance, secret criteria, and is not governed by either constitutional or statutory requirements. A kid does not have to have an arrest record to be in the database, and there is no way to object to being put in the database because the names are not public information. Individuals can be certified as gang members or associates, based on appearance, association, location, law enforcement “intelligence,” or informants. I find that the Chicago media’s playing up this CPS story of blocking ICE arrests of its students in schools is pathetic, why bother with that when the kid can far more easily be nabbed off the street after or before school. This is all part of Mayor Emanuel’s playing for the Hispanic vote, like being a sanctuary city, it has no real meaning it’s largely symbolic. Trump is all bent out of shape about this stuff when it does not mean much in stopping his plan to expel hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens. Do not get me wrong I do not support Trump’s crack down, but all of these supposed actions of resistance to ICE are largely meaningless.

  16. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:03 pm:

    –Nice to see so many Illinois officials standing up for criminal behavior…–

    What crime are you referring to?

  17. - Fav Human - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    Our system for training doctors is failing us.

    Indeed. Why not EXPAND capacity at US medical schools? We all know they turn away qualified candidates.

  18. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:18 pm:

    Actually third and second world nations are highly critical of the way the U.S. robs them of needed doctors and nurses. Most of the progressives criticizing Trump 1) couldn’t care less, 2) don’t have jobs threatened by illegal immigrants and 3) deep down share Mexico’s former president Vincente Fox’s attitudes about the people whose jobs *are* threatened.

  19. - Jocko - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:21 pm:

    As part of his “Get tough!” initiative, what steps is Donald taking to employers of illegal immigrants? ::crickets::

  20. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:25 pm:

    [PS #3 - I estimate 3/4 of the people I’ve shown research to about the effect of illegal immigration on low skilled workers, after spewing some cliches about “we’re a nation of immigrants” and citing historical racism against immigrants, will start “blaming the victims” in just this fashion. And none of them will provide a number of immigrants the nation should accept before the nation should take action, but at the same time insist they are not advocating for open borders.]

  21. - CornCob - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    ** What crime are you referring to? **

    The one that you continually deny is a crime - violating the immigration laws of the US.

  22. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 2:31 pm:

    –** What crime are you referring to? **

    The one that you continually deny is a crime - violating the immigration laws of the US.–

    I guess you were getting stoned behind the tennis courts during 8th grade civics.

    Try the google on the difference between criminal and civil violations of law.

  23. - Shelby - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    The definition of criminal is someone who breaks the law. They are here illegally, so….

  24. - CornCob - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    No, but I did go to school when they actually taught civics as opposed to “social justice”. Whether civil or criminal, jumping the border or overstaying a visa is a violation of federal law, and there are penalties for violating those laws, including deportation.

  25. - Rod - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    Believe it or not Word crossing the border illegally is just a misdemeanor for the first occurrence. But for each crossing after that it is a felony. See Title 8, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code (U.S.C.). If the illegal border crosser has purchased a false social security card or other IDs its immediately a felony.

  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:14 pm:

    –The definition of criminal is someone who breaks the law. They are here illegally, so….–

    You’re not even trying. In the time it took you to write that sentence, you could have looked up the difference between “unlawful entry” (a criminal violation) and “unlawful prescence” (a civil violation).

  27. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    Unlawful presence is a civil offence.

    Improper entry is a criminal offence.

    The person who overstayed their visa has only committed accivil offence. Those who cross the border with no visa have committed a criminal offence.

  28. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    –No, but I did go to school when they actually taught civics as opposed to “social justice”. –

    LOL, not Sunday school, I take it.

    That was a new one on me, that “social justice” is a naughty phrase in some circles. I learned that and other things from Milo the other day.

    Where do you and he hang out to consider such deep thinkin’? Hopefully not around playgrounds.

  29. - CornCob - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    ** Where do you and he hang out to consider such deep thinkin’? Hopefully not around playgrounds. **
    When Wordslinger starts slinging petulant insults, you know you’re right. Funny how you manage to violate the terms of service on a daily basis yet manage to stay on here…Bueller? Bueller?

  30. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 3:44 pm:

    –When Wordslinger starts slinging petulant insults, you know you’re right.–

    Interesting theory.

    What is it, specifically, that you’re “right” about?

  31. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    I don’t know that Blue Dog. My guess is what they really want to is make it illegal to be anything other than lily white in this country.

  32. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 4:25 pm:

    How much are illegals costing the tax payers of Illinois in services, compared to what they contribute? Billions of dollars in costs to the tax payers. This is another reason Illinois is hooked on spending and tax increases!

  33. - Jorge - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 5:56 pm:

    This executive order and it’s popularity amongst some is ludicrous especially when it’s known that Drumpfs own grandfather tried to go back to Germany but was kicked out.

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 6:02 pm:

    I remember years ago when the local police tried to force our school district to provide lists of students known to have illegal status. The district lawyers shot down the request immediately. The Supreme Court protected the accessibility and right to a public school education for all minor children regardless of legal status decades ago. The confidential status of student records prevents ICE or anyone else from accessing their families’ personal information.

  35. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 7:21 pm:

    44. Every doctor i have is non-caucasion
    . Every one a legal resident.

  36. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 9:25 pm:


    Many of the illegal immigrants are Europeans who overstayed student or work visas.

    Not all who want immigration laws enforced are racist.

  37. - Jorge - Wednesday, Feb 22, 17 @ 10:14 pm:

    Those darn Slovenians are all over the place Bull Moose

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