Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Trib defends Rauner’s tenure
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Trib defends Rauner’s tenure

Monday, Feb 27, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune editorial board believes Gov. Rauner has done pretty much everything he could for the past two years

He took office in January 2015 with 44 items on his Turnaround Agenda. He dropped most due to opposition and as gestures in compromise. He’s open to a politically risky tax hike. Anything else?

He tried meeting with legislative leaders behind closed doors. He tried putting a camera in the room. He tried meeting with leaders individually. He tried lobbying individual lawmakers.

He tried staying out of negotiations. He tried inserting himself. He tried tough talk. He tried gentle prodding.

He tried introducing his agenda in bill form: Scroll through all the bills in House rules, Speaker Michael Madigan’s dead letter office, to find the pillars of that agenda. They’ve been ignored, along with Rauner’s last two budgets.

What compromise or agenda have the Democrats offered? Not much in the House. Dems gave their speaker a 17th two-year term and received engraved clocks that read: “The Honorable Michael J. Madigan, Longest-serving House Speaker of a state House of Representatives in United States History.”

Note what Rauner didn’t do: Cave to that longest-serving speaker. Rauner won’t write a blank check, via a tax hike, for Democrats without also getting pro-growth reforms to help build Illinois’ tax base. That’s what he ran on, what he continues to stand for.



  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    ===He’s open to a politically risky tax hike.===

    Rauner’s 3 proposed budgets require, not optional, increased revenue to balance.

    The mere fact the Trib Edit Board is trolling such a blatant falsehood means that this editorial isn’t about helping the governor make a case, it’s about #AlternativeFacts to continue the Raunerite “false narrative”.

    Had Rauner proposed any or all of his 3 budgets as unequivically balanced, no games, balanced, then the…

    ===He’s open to a politically risky tax hike.===

    … would be at least true to the give.

  2. - Stuff Happens - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    When I’m electing an official, I don’t really care about what they “tried.”

    Sounds like the Tribune is pushing Rauner on the “He won’t let Madigan succeed” line while acknowledging that Rauner hasn’t accomplished anything of his own.

    I guess “Vote for *our* obstructionist” is the new Tribune mantra.

  3. - Biker - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:03 am:

    Nope. You don’t get to pretend that because he is now OK with a tax hike in year 3, that somehow that was his position all along. Absolutely false.

  4. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    This is a defense?

    ==He took office in January 2015 with 44 items on his Turnaround Agenda. He dropped most due to opposition and as gestures in compromise.==

    Then why bother being Governor? We can find a Democrat who’ll never even propose those 44 things and end up in the same place.

    “He tried meeting with legislative leaders behind closed doors. He tried putting a camera in the room. He tried meeting with leaders individually. He tried lobbying individual lawmakers.

    He tried staying out of negotiations. He tried inserting himself. He tried tough talk. He tried gentle prodding.

    He tried introducing his agenda in bill form: Scroll through all the bills in House rules, Speaker Michael Madigan’s dead letter office, to find the pillars of that agenda. They’ve been ignored, along with Rauner’s last two budgets.”

    …which all just means he’s incompetent. He’s tried a bunch of different things, none of them have worked. Maybe the problem is him.

  5. - Arsenal - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    Bottom line is the Trib thinks Rauner has tried everything he could and he’s gotten…no where. That’s textbook damning with faint praise.

  6. - HistProf - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    The Trib Board is Republican, and Republicans are like a school of fish in finding Nemo: they don’t know where they are going, but hey follow one another in absolute synchrony . . . regardless of how jarring the turns!

    So even during the election, little of Rauner’s T.A. was understood let alone supported, even by Republicans. But now destroying the unions is the sine qua non for revitalizing the state’s economy? Huh? And anything short of this would be an unconscionable surrender. It doesn’t matter if we weren’t headed in this direction two years ago; we are now! Such is the Republican mind.

    At the national level its the same story: two years ago free trade was clearly God’s plan. (No kidding: catch “Christian” talk radio. They were talking about “Christian Capitalism.” You can’t make this stuff up.) Now free trade is a betrayal of Mom, Apple pie and God.

    Only schools of fish shift direction in better harmony!

    One more little wrinkle: Wealthy Republican donors literally bank on this phenomenon. A new Gilded Age.

  7. - AlfondoGonz - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:09 am:

    I suppose Rauner has done everything he could the past 2 years, same as Richard Dunn did everything he could to defeat Muhammad Ali.

    When peoples’ lives and livelihoods are at stake, “A for effort” doesn’t quite cut it.

  8. - Not Rich - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    maybe 20,000 people read that crap in the paper today..Trib IS in the tank with Rauner come hell or high water..the crumbling ivory tower is irrelevant today..

  9. - Dude - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    Rauner really could include a tax hike to balance the budget and still put it completely on the Dems with the right narrative. What he would really need to do is emphasize that he has tried for three budget cycles to get the authority to make the cuts necessary for a balanced budget. Lacking the authority to make those cuts, there is no choice but to pay for the excessive government spending put in place under previous administrations through a hike on Illinois taxpayers. If Illinois taxpayers want to see true reform and a reduction in government spending, they need to choose different legislators at the ballot box.

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:15 am:

    Couldn’t agree more.

  11. - Big Joe - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    Pointless drivel, as always from the Tribbies.

  12. - working stiff - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    ==Rauner won’t write a blank check==

    all the vendors and schools that have done lay offs or closures aren’t looking for blank checks. they are just looking for any checks.

  13. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    Meh, Katrina told us that all of Rauner’s proposed budgets were balanced, too. GOMB doesn’t even claim that.

    Once you’ve gone there, you’re in the Baghdad Bob Club for all time.

    Not a mention of the tripling of the backlog of bills.

    Not a mention of the broken contracts to vendors.

    Not a mention the destruction of the social service infrastructure.

    Not a mention of the bleeding of higher ed.

    Not a mention of the lack of a capital plan.

    Not a mention of taking no role in addressing the Chicago homicide spike.

    Not any justification, whatsoever, for the supposed “pro-growth reforms.”

    Just whiny shilling.

  14. - Sir Reel - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    This continues the Governor versus Speaker silliness. Not surprising.

    What I find tiring is the continued pass on how the Governor’s “reforms” are “pro-growth” and will “build the tax base.”

    Prove it with data not just platitudes and the Tribune could advance the argument.

    Until then it’s just partisan noise.

  15. - illinoised - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:28 am:


  16. - InCollections - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    So among my daily mail is a notice I’m going to collections for bills the state is not paying. In my monthly chat with the hospital and insurance lady I learned today that the hospital AND doctor are getting an extra 9% as per the agreement for delayed payment. Whaaaaaat? Did anyone else know this or am I just out of the loop?

  17. - Henry Francis - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    lil Brucie tried really, really hard. It doesn’t matter whether he got anything accomplished or won. He should get a trophy like everyone else.

  18. - Hambone - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    Compromising is not “caving”.

  19. - JoanP - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:30 am:

    “Anything else?”

    Yes, how about submitting a balanced budget? One without irrelevant “reforms”?

  20. - Henry Francis - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:30 am:

    The tribune was sure to make this exact point about Obama’s presidency. Right?

  21. - Anon - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:32 am:

    The Tribbies evince no conern for the victims of budget gridlock, nor for its deleterious effects on State finances and the economy. Apparently no price is too high to pay to prevent a compromise.

  22. - Stones - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    What he hasn’t done is to cut the inflammatory rhetoric.

  23. - Illinois O'Malley - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    Dear Tribune, did Rauner run on the debt increasing by billions and sending our future talent to out of state schools? Yeah, stay strong

  24. - Skeptic - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:37 am:

    “I’ve tried rowing, I’ve tried the engine forward and reverse, I’ve tried raising the sail, I’ve tried lowering the sail, I’ve tried waiting for low tide, I’ve tried waiting for high tide and I still can’t get anywhere!” “Have you tried raising the anchor?”

  25. - Biscuit Head - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    Stones is exactly right. This Trib article omitted the Gov’s other “accomplishment” which is to fund ads and groups that attack the people he says he’s trying to negotiate in good faith with. No wonder he hasn’t actually accomplished anything.

  26. - Tommydanger - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:46 am:


    Very, very well said.

    Thank you.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    ===The Trib Board is Republican, and Republicans are like a school of fish in finding Nemo: they don’t know where they are going, but hey follow one another in absolute synchrony . . . regardless of how jarring the turns!===


    ===…And anything short of this would be an unconscionable surrender. It doesn’t matter if we weren’t headed in this direction two years ago; we are now! Such is the Republican mind.===

    Rauner is NOT a Republican. Rauner’s agenda is a Raunerite agenda tailored towards Illinois, not a much broader narrative. The falsehood is Rauner tries to point to… Wisconsin… Kansas… Indiana… and those states aren’t even close to Illinois in its economic engine or challenges to make that engine work. Rauner tries to link the “sameness” while either touting or tearing down the uniqueness.

    ===Wealthy Republican donors literally bank on this phenomenon. A new Gilded Age.===

    I’m taking this as Griffin, Uihlein, Diana Rauner, and Bruce seeing opportunity to control a Party that didn’t believe in Raunerism but could be gotten by just buying the party whole and usurping it’s will.

    That’s not Republican either.

    With respect.

  28. - Anon - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:48 am:

    Editors also refuse to give the Governor his share of the responsibility for going into year three without a budget. “It’s all Madigan” is pure partisanship.

  29. - Chicago 20 - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    - “Rauner won’t write a blank check, via a tax hike, for Democrats without also getting pro-growth reforms to help build Illinois’ tax base. That’s what he ran on, what he continues to stand for.”

    Fake news from the Tribune.

    Rauner never mentioned any of his turn around agenda items before the election nor did Rauner disclose his refusal to prepare a balanced budget without Rauner’s hostage demands taken care of first.

  30. - Anon - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    === Just whiny shilling ===


  31. - Huh? - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    “Compromising is not “caving”.”

    Unfortunately, given the hyper-partisan atmosphere that permeates the State, any iota of compromise will be seen as caving.

  32. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 10:55 am:

    Democrats… pass his budget proposal unanimously. Right now.

  33. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    talk about fake news “the Trib editorial board is Republican”

    Look at who the members are.

    Except they have not endorsed a Republican for President since 2004

    Rauner was open to a tax hike in year 1 with some Turnaround agenda items

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    ===Rauner was open to a tax hike in year 1 with some Turnaround agenda items.===

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Again, while you think you’re helping, even the “Year 1″ budget online required, not optional, revenue.

    I’m reminding you, while you keep trying, that revenue can never-ever be an “if” as long as it is required.

  35. - Langhorne - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:06 am:

    Words–rauner is eminently reasonable, tried everythin, and worked really, really hard.

    Deeds–he wants capitulation, not compromise. Meanwhile, it is damage and destruction far and wide and deep, until his “persistence” pays off. Strike, no pay, and/or shutdown are on the horizon. Maybe that will end the complicitly of the republicans.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:07 am:

    I remind you OW that compromise is required, not optional in divided government

    I am reminding you as well as Speaker Madigan and the General Assembly that the Democrats do not have total control of state government any longer. That message has not made it through yet.

    They will have to compromise with the Senate as well as the Governor

    So far they have not, but they do have nice new clocks

  37. - Carhartt Representative - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:12 am:

    Pretty much what I’d expect from Tronc.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    ===…compromise is required, not optional in divided government===

    1) you can’t co-op “compromise” on a “if” that’s blatantly phony. It’s required. No compromise needed. Revenue is required.

    ===I am reminding you as well as Speaker Madigan and the General Assembly that the Democrats do not have total control of state government any longer. That message has not made it through yet.===

    It’s Rauner that needs 60 and 30. I refer you to Geo Ryan, and his take, as a former governor who dealt in 60 and 30…

    ===“The governor is the top guy. He is the leader. House Speaker Mike Madigan is not. The governor has to make things happen. If he doesn’t get everything he wants, he’s got to figure out how much he can get. To get something done. He’s got to take the wheel. He’s got to have a plan. It’s like everything in life.”===

    It starts with a governor. A former, actually Ryan and Edgar have said so too.

    You 1,000% can not have as a “give” a required element.

    Governors need 60 and 30 to find their agendas passage.

  39. - Name Withheld - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    ==Note what Rauner didn’t do: ==
    Propose a balanced budget in 2015
    Propose a balanced budget in 2016
    Propose a balanced budget in 2017

    for starters…

  40. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:24 am:

    No compromise needed, that pretty much sums up the arrogance of the legislature OW

  41. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    ===No compromise needed, that pretty much sums up the arrogance of the legislature===

    No. Argue like an adult.

    Rauner himself, time and again says “this has bipartisan support in the House and Senate”

    Ok. As Governor, get that 60 and 30 on those stairs like Rauner does when grandstanding his own refusal to compromise.

    How embarrassing it would be if Rauner has 90… 60 and 30… on stairs behind him, while Rauner behind a podium and microphones calls out Madigan and Cullerton out denying these 90 agreed legislators to his (Rauner’s) compromise.

    No, the Geo Ryan quote, the Edgar quotes, the ignorance that required revenue is a “give” in the math of budgeting…

    … “Pat Quinn failed”.

    Rauner needs a budget. Rauner should listen to Edgar, to Ryan, to math, and not Rauner’s own media vertical integration.

  42. - scott aster - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    ‘dude’ you get my vote……….

  43. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    In Tribune Tower, it only takes one to tango. Woof, another bad editorial.

  44. - walker - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:49 am:

    Has anyone ever seen a formal Turnaround Agenda with 44 items?

    I have heard the governor say he had 44, 41, 18, 13, 8, 6, and 4 TA items, during his continuing campaign thru last week, and not in that order. We know he’s not especially good with numbers, and likes to exxaggerate, but the Trib shouldn’t just add to the Rauner confusion.

  45. - Tomn - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 11:24 am:

    No compromise needed, that pretty much sums up the arrogance of the legislature OW

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:00 pm:

    - Tomn -

    What are you trying to say… exactly?

  47. - Honeybear - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:06 pm:

    OW- I don’t understand how the Tribune benefits from embracing the Rauner destruction. Is it just simple corporatism? I don’t get it.

  48. - Ill a noying - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    If a Dem. Gov. wracked up a 12 Billion dollar backlog and proposed 3 budgets out of wack by billions, the Tribune would be howling with disapproval.

    But a Rep sinks the ship of state, as part of a radical strategy not to fulfill his const duties, and we get this drivel from the Trib.

    What a piece of garbage that paper is. As bankrupt as the state.

  49. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:11 pm:


    So repeating your words back to you is not arguing like an adult?

    I agree wholeheartedly

  50. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:11 pm:

    ===…how the Tribune benefits from embracing the Rauner destruction. Is it just simple corporatism? I don’t get it.===


    Vertical integration is based on that the sole entity that owns all the levers of each level of the integration gets to “profit” in the end by the ownership.

    The Trib Edit Board now is an instrument within the vertical integration. It doesn’t matter if the TEB believes this, like this, hates this, or even if it will profit or lose from it.

    The Trib Edit Board is a lever within. They’d role is to be that lever. Rauner is the only concern.

    It’s pathetically sad that the Trib Edit Board has, since Rauner, been reduced to a vertical integration lever, but…

    With respect.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===So repeating your words back to you is not arguing like an adult?===

    You have no case or way to use them. Repeating them in a vacuum like you continually do is not arguing like an adult.

    ===…compromise is required, not optional in divided government===

    Claiming a tax increase is a give when it’s required then saying, repeating my words back is indeed arguing like a child.

    You are oblivious of your failure in making a point with it.

  52. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:19 pm:

    Fact Check:

    Rauner killed efforts to bring the budget negotiations out of the back room and into the full light of day.

    A public meeting between all legislative leaders and the Governor brokered by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform was killed by Rauner.

  53. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    === Rauner won’t write a blank check, via a tax hike ===

    Fact Check: a budget is not a “blank check”. A budget is a very detailed spending proposal. Plus, the money is spent by the governor. Is the Tribune suggesting that Governor Rauner cannot be trusted with the taxpayer’s money?

  54. - PoW - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:22 pm:

    C’mon MJM, pick up the phone and make that call.

  55. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    I am continually surprised to find out the Trib is still a thing whenever it comes up.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:26 pm:

    - Piece of Work -

    From Geo Ryan…

    ===“The governor is the top guy. He is the leader. House Speaker Mike Madigan is not. The governor has to make things happen. If he doesn’t get everything he wants, he’s got to figure out how much he can get. To get something done. He’s got to take the wheel. He’s got to have a plan. It’s like everything in life.”===

    Governors own, governors take the wheel.

    Governors are not passive.

  57. - Piece of Work - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:43 pm:

    George Ryan isn’t guv Willy and hasn’t been guv for about 14 years.

    A lot of people were trying to tell Trump what to do or not do–he did it his way and won. Would he have won 14 years ago with his style. I would bet heavy odds that he wouldn’t have.

    Times change. What has MJM conceded so far?

  58. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    ===George Ryan isn’t guv… and hasn’t been guv for about 14 years===

    60 and 30, even 14 years ago, continues to be the way things get passed and signed. A former governor, actually two Republican governors continue to try to teach Rauner and Rauner ran on Governors own too… so there’s that.

    ===A lot of people were trying to tell Trump what to do or not do–he did it his way and won. Would he have won 14 years ago with his style. I would bet heavy odds that he wouldn’t have.===

    Campaigns are hard, governing is difficult.

    What is not difficult in governing Illinois is understanding 60 and 30 and that governors lead, and governors own.

    ===Times change. What has MJM conceded so far?===

    Madigan doesn’t need 60, Rauner does. Capiche?

  59. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:49 pm:

    Madigan has conceded nothing so far and for that Rauner is solely to blame for the impasse apparently

    OW should the Governor just kick the can like your hero Governor Edgar?

  60. - PoW - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    Then don’t blame Rauner for the impasse Willy. You readily admit there has been no give from MJM. I get the 60 deal, so Mike sits in the chair and doesn’t budge. Not one iota.

    That is on him. Therein lies the problem. A lot of truth in that Trib article.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    ===…should the Governor just kick the can like your hero Governor Edgar?===

    Welp, Rauner’s grossly unbalanced, phony budget seems very status quo. You keep forgetting that.

    Rauner is doing what has been done for decades, proposing sham budgets, billions over budget, requiring high taxes, with no change.

    Rauner wants?

    ===“I may have to take a strike and shut down the government for a few weeks [in order to] redo everybody’s contract. I will do it proudly.” – Rauner, 3/19/13===

    I’m sure Rauner is frustrated but reforms are far more important than a short term budget stalemate…

    … or a tweet to that effect.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    ===Then don’t blame Rauner for the impasse Willy. You readily admit there has been no give from MJM. I get the 60 deal, so Mike sits in the chair and doesn’t budge. Not one iota.===

    - Piece of Work -

    Reading is fundamental.

    ===“The governor is the top guy. He is the leader. House Speaker Mike Madigan is not. The governor has to make things happen. If he doesn’t get everything he wants, he’s got to figure out how much he can get. To get something done. He’s got to take the wheel. He’s got to have a plan. It’s like everything in life.”===

    What word or letters forming words confuse you?

    Governors need 60 and 30.

    Same as it ever was. Rauner can’t find his 60 and 30, so Rauner continues to veto things like all of Higher Education funding or refusing to pay Social Service organizations, things only a Governor can choose to do.

    Maybe this “stuff” is too complicated for you, or…

    ===Therein lies the problem. A lot of truth in that Trib article.===

    The third sentence is a bald face lie…

    ===He’s open to a politically risky tax hike.===

    Requirements can never be gives.

    ===Therein lies the problem. A lot of truth in that Trib article.===

    The only way that’s true is if you stopped after the second sentence, lol.

  63. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 1:06 pm:

    ===Madigan has conceded nothing so far===

    I don’t understand the premise of someone in the legislature having to give something to the governor so the governor will agree to fund his own departments. The legislature has attempted to fund the executive branch. The executive branch has refused to accept the funding.

  64. - @MisterJayEm - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    tl;dr- Rauner failed, but failure is all that could be reasonably expected from him.

    – MrJM

  65. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 1:34 pm:

    ===but failure is all that could be reasonably expected from him.===

    Is that a slam on billionaires, republicans, those that lack political experience, or what? I have general expectations for all politicians. Granted, I agree he has failed, but he could have been such a good governor if he didn’t feel the need to treat everyone that didn’t agree with him like an enemy.

  66. - Pundent - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    =He’s open to a politically risky tax hike= This is like saying, “I’m open to paying my mortgage, but first the bank has to paint my house”.

  67. - wordslinger - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 3:15 pm:

    –Madigan has conceded nothing so far and for that Rauner is solely to blame for the impasse apparently–

    What “impasse” are you referring to?

    Is there some disagreement on taxing and spending that is preventing a Constitutionally required full-year budget from being enacted?

    If Pat Quinn had refused to engage on a budget, and vetoed all approps. except K-12 unless he got a millionaire’s tax and “may issue” and home rule for conceal-carry, would that have been a legitimate exercise of his gubernatorial powers?

  68. - Whatever - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    Second Waler’s question. Where do they come up with 44 items? The most I can find is in the compilation on the Governor’s page on, which has 26 if you do things like count each of the 5 topics in workers’ comp reform as a separate item, rather than as just 1. And, according to his budget address, workers’ comp is one of his demands, that would mean he still has 5 items on the table if you count them as part of the original 44.

  69. - Illinoyed - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 4:02 pm:

    Ducky, I believe that concept was stated clearly in the guv.’s infamous “drive a wedge” and “shut it down for awhile” speech. The statement which caught my attention the most in that speech was when he said (i think more than once?) that “they can’t make me spend money”. More credence to the idea that he doesn’t want a budget…

  70. - walker - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 4:09 pm:

    LP and PoW: My friends

    I am not being entirely snarky when I ask for a list of TA items substantially longer and more detailed than the 8 categories Rauner listed on his campaign overview presentation. The reason is straightforward — if we together reviewed that long a list, I am confident we would find at least five, and maybe more items on which the Dems (”Madigan” if you wish) have already offered compromises and passed some of them. Changes to DCEO and economic development, and property tax freezes, and to local gov’t consolidation, and proposed adjustments to workers’ comp, all come to mind, off the top.

    If we stick with the big 8 “categories”, each one can be viewed as all-or-nothing by both sides, and we can claim both sides have been entirely intransigent.

    Looking for any route to optimism.

  71. - Demoralized - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    This is just more peddling of the narrative that Governor Rauner is the victim. It’s also a narrative of the failure of this Governor to figure out how to govern.

  72. - MyTwoCents - Monday, Feb 27, 17 @ 5:34 pm:

    There can be a debate over the substance of the policy differences between the Speaker and the Governor but intentionally or not a lot of the issues have been caused by missteps by the Governor. While that might be inside baseball that angle has been glossed over. What if Rauner had stopped campaigning when he was elected and actually tried governing? What if he hadn’t launched the all out assault on unions? What if he had worked to establish trust with Madigan from day 1 and decided to not vilify him? Maybe things wouldn’t be any different but we’ll never know will we and that’s on Rauner.

  73. - Seymourkid - Tuesday, Feb 28, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    Are there any Right To Work states with a robust, growing economy and increasing tax revenue? That would improve the argument for the Turnaround Agenda.

  74. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 28, 17 @ 5:54 pm:

    No matter how bad it gets, the Trib will say, ” Re-elect Rauner.”

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* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
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