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Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President Cullerton and Senate Republican Leader Radogno…

* The Question: Caption?

By the way, the Senate will start voting again on the grand bargain today at around 3:30. Click here to watch our live coverage.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    “Leader Radogno asked me to speak since her own caucus can’t be trusted to get this bargain… “

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    “Pand, we’re interviewing as a team… Is it Pan or Pand… “

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    “So I’ll ask you both again, will the governor support this Grand Bargain?… Mr. President?… Leader?… Any comment to this committee?… “

  4. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    Cullerton: “I just know that Rauner is going to screw this up….”
    Radogno: “I just know that Rauner is going to screw this up….”

  5. - GOPgal - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    Deliver $1 billion in small unmarked bills and the hostage will be released unharmed.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    “Would you both say Rauner is trustworthy… Leader?… Mr. President?… “

  7. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    Both: Maybe if we just stare straight ahead, nobody will ask us any questions about the bills.

  8. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:40 pm:

    There is a chair between them; guess they’re not going to get cozy, huh?

  9. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    Wow. Everybody looks so happy. Did they lock the door and make them watch the Bulls?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    “Rank in order who frustrated you both most… Durkin, Rauner, Madigan? Explain your answers… “

  11. - So tired of political hacks - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    What in the Heck were we thinking!!!

  12. - A Jack - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:45 pm:

    Cullerton put the chair between them because Proft said that Radogno has cooties.

  13. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:46 pm:

    The Governor’s invisible presence separates the Senate leaders.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    “Which of Rauner’s costumes seems the most ridiculous? Explain your answer please… “

  15. - Southern Dawg - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    Radogno: “The microphone is pointing at me, the microphone is pointing at me. I wish I had something to say, the microphone is pointing at me!”

  16. - Just Sayin' - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    Yep, this is gonna’ be a fun hearing.

  17. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:48 pm:


  18. - So tired of political hacks - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:49 pm:

    There has got to be a way we can blame this on Mike Madigan

  19. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:49 pm:

    “… and after you both testify, the Illinois Policy Institute will then testify, then we will vote on these Bills… “

  20. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    I’m waiting for Joe Pesci to walk through the door in a purple suit. Or maybe Matlock overslept?

  21. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    In the words of Linda Richman of Coffee Talk, as portrayed by Mike Myers of SNL back in the day…

    “Talk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic…

    ‘The grand bargain is neither grand, nor a bargain. Discuss.’ “

  22. - A Jack - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    Dang it, we had to stay here and work while the Governor went skin’

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    “A a point of clarification, it appears Leader Radogno is now the only Republican sponsor on these Bills… that’s just for the record… “

  24. - A Jack - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:55 pm:

    Governor Proft, how kind of you to weigh-in on our Grand Bargain.

  25. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    Last call at the senate bar.

  26. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:57 pm:

    Radogno thought bubble: “This chair is really uncomfortable with Dan’s knife stuck in my back.”

  27. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    C: Retirement benes max in…how many days? Not soon enough.
    R: Our money guru said I can walkaway whenever I want. Don’t need this….

  28. - siriusly - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    Being a leader is way less fun than it used to be.

  29. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    Seen happier faces at divorce arbitration.

  30. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:02 pm:

    “…this is the last time I sit through a time-share seminar for a free senate seat….”

  31. - Joe M - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    Will we still be friends when this is all over?

  32. - A guy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    NO CAPTION says more than any caption could.

  33. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    “She’s only demanding the dog to spite me! She doesn’t even like the dog!”

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:08 pm:

    Preacher says, “Turn to your neighbor and say, ‘I love you neighbor, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  35. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    It’s A or B:
    1) faces of determined resolve
    2) uh oh, I don’t think The Authority fueled our tanks before takeoff

    I can’t tell

  36. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    “Now the Governor isn’t saying who exactly ate the Frozen Strawberries, but he does know you both have a key to the ice box… “

  37. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:14 pm:

    The moment everyone in the room realizes they shouldn’t have eaten the oysters.

  38. - IllinoisBoi - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:15 pm:

    The faces on Rushmore are less stony than those two.

  39. - Jocko - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:17 pm:

    John and Christine look like they’ve been summoned to the Principal’s Office.

  40. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    CR: “If I don’t get a larger office than Munger after all this, I’m just gonna LAUNCH.”

  41. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    It’s going to be some funny stuff when he just vetoes everything.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:25 pm:

    “We’ll pass these out of committee, you two, but good luck getting 30 ‘Green’ on a couple of them… “

  43. - Arock - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:25 pm:

    Crap, we’re dead meat if Madigan finds out that we tried to fix his mess.

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    We’re as positive on this “the grand bargain” as our faces show at this time.

  45. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:28 pm:

    [Cullerton looks puzzled at pension vote totals]

    Cullerton: “And the grand bargain is…”

    [Radogno looks at pension vote totals]

    Radogno: “PASSED! The Grand Bargain passes!”


    Cullerton: “Wait, there’s been a mistake.”

  46. - hot chocolate - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:29 pm:


  47. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:31 pm:

    The bride and groom at a shotgun wedding.

    – MrJM

  48. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:41 pm:

    Little did we know when we impeached Blagojevich that we’d eventually become governor.

  49. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    Faces that make the Nuremburg defendants look like a glee club….

  50. - Rod - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:46 pm:

    Oh good god John don’t feel bad about SB 16 failing, the only vote I got in favor of SB 5 was my own.

  51. - CrazyHorse - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    Cullerton: “This was a training video I sent to Dick and Tammy to prepare for proper Democratic behavior at Trump’s address. They’re quick learners those two. BTW, I asked Christine to play the role of Nancy Pelosi. Not bad huh?”

  52. - BBG Watch - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    I want a divorce

  53. - Negligent - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:02 pm:

    The morning after, Senators Cullerton and Radogno wondered if their friendship would ever survive the grand bargain they so enjoyed the night before.

  54. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:03 pm:

    “Run for Senate, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Be the leader, they said, it’ll be fun, they said.”

  55. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:06 pm:

    It’s so much easier to just fight each other and let everything burn to the ground.

  56. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    When the boss says push the yellow button on a bill, I push the button, see, Senator?

    Buffers? Yeah, that’s right Senator. The Governor has lots of buffers.

  57. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:15 pm:

    Let’s do this…

  58. - Puddintaine - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    Where is your other hand?
    Between two pillows.

  59. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    Same as it ever was
    Same as it ever was
    Same as it ever was

    My God! What have I done!

  60. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:45 pm:

    Radogno: “My lips aren’t moving, but you can hear me talk.”

  61. - Whatever - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    “This is my happy face.”

  62. - FirstTimer - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    “Do I really want to grow up and be so sad like those two?” said the young intern from afar.

  63. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 5:11 pm:

    Radogno: Life in the private sector has got to be better than this…

  64. - Rabid - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    My life is a struggle ( Voltaire )

  65. - winners and losers - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 5:32 pm:

    We mourn (together) the Death of the Grand Bargain (but we can say Rauner killed it).

  66. - walker - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 5:45 pm:

    Leaders respond to question: “What’s in it for my district?”

  67. - burbanite - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 6:09 pm:


  68. - Rabid - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:15 pm:

    Today I announce my candidacy for GOP govenor primary

  69. - Rabid - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:18 pm:

    There’s no profit in the grand bargain

  70. - swIFT taylor - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:22 pm:

    Where are the updates on the Governor threatening individual senators today and where are the updates on the FACT that Bruce Rauner murdered the grand bargain today?

  71. - Tapped in the 'burbs - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:32 pm:

    Sincere thanks to Radogno and Cullerton for their efforts. Rauner needs to answer some questions.

  72. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:35 pm:

    –Sincere thanks to Radogno and Cullerton for their efforts. Rauner needs to answer some questions.–

    LOL, who are you going to believe, the governor or your lyin’ eyes?

    He’s been playin’ an obvious double game the whole time. It’s amazing he had to call in some GOP Senators to spell it out for them.

  73. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:41 pm:

    ===He’s been playin’ an obvious double game the whole time. It’s amazing he had to call in some GOP Senators to spell it out for them.===

    Do they have names? And if so, what are they? I want to know who almost had a spine.

  74. - IllinoisInsider - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:42 pm:

    “I can’t wait to go home and fall into a bubble bath.”

  75. - Morty - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:42 pm:

    Rauner had another episode of Chronic Backstabbing Disorder today. He really needs to up his medication.

    Cullerton is left with egg on his face again- how do you explain to him that Rauner’s just not that into him?

  76. - Rabid - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:52 pm:

    I knew this would get me on bossmadigan

  77. - Rabid - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 7:58 pm:

    Someone from the GOP with some stones

  78. - Just Me - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 8:32 pm:

    Is that the Lt. Governor in the background? What important work is she up to these days?

  79. - Chicago 20 - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 9:12 pm:

    Rauner ran on a “Shake up Springfield” platform and promised to “Drive Everyone Crazy”.

    When will this madness end?

  80. - Mac - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 9:38 pm:

    And people were saying that comedic duos were no longer popular.

  81. - Smitty Irving - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 10:00 pm:

    IF we sit vewy vewy still, Niedermeyer from IPI won’t see us.

  82. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 1, 17 @ 10:03 pm:

    The two Senate leaders show immense anguish upon realizing that Rauner’s efforts to torpedo “the Grand Bargain” have succeeded.

  83. - Hillary - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 1:33 am:

    Did you brush your teeth?

  84. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 6:01 am:

    Both “I gotta get out a here ….what time does the state plane leave ? Dang that’s right…”

  85. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 6:55 am:

    That feeling when you realize that you are not an accomplice — you are just another hostage.

    – MrJM

  86. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 7:54 am:

    Goldie your chair is waiting for you to explain the budget hole

  87. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 7:57 am:

    I’am radioactive

  88. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 7:59 am:

    Burning up on ash Wednesday

  89. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 8:25 am:

    Anybody that sends a budget with a hole must have a hole in their head

  90. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 8:36 am:

    Aces and eights

  91. - Rabid - Thursday, Mar 2, 17 @ 8:39 am:

    Prince of snarkness wakes up GOP leader

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