A Tax That Gives Back
Thursday, Mar 2, 2017 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] As our state moves into its second year without a budget, we need to look for taxes that balance spending and also benefit communities. Taxes proposed in the budget are more than just revenue; they can be creative options that ensure a healthier future for Illinois. One option has been overwhelmingly supported by voters in a recent poll: a tax on sugary drinks. As the number one source of added sugar in the American diet, sugary drinks have been directly linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease as well as the healthcare costs that follow. Sugary drink taxes work by keeping people healthier and lowering state healthcare costs that harm the economy. People can opt out simply by choosing other drink options not included in the tax, like diet drinks, milk, unsweetened teas, coffee, water, and 100% juice. American Heart Association supports a tax on sugary drinks as a smarter choice for the Illinois budget. We all deserve to live in a state where the healthier choice is also the easier one.