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CTU to consider another one-day strike

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some days, it just seems like everything’s spiraling out of control

Angry about the prospect of losing 13 school days at the end of the year and the fact that a long-term funding for city schools remains elusive, the Chicago Teachers Union intends to ask its governing delegates to consider a single-day strike on May 1.

“We’re very much thinking about how we put pressure on the state and local governments to fund schools,” CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey said. “For us, everyone isolated in their own living room feeling bad about it, being laid off one day at a time, is much less effective than all of us together out in the street showing our unity with a clear message about the revenue funding our schools.”

The CTU has lodged complaints about losing four training days already in unpaid furloughs, and now its leaders have set an agenda item for Wednesday’s House of Delegates meeting to open a discussion into a strike on May 1, International Labor Day. A final vote on whether to have a one-day strike would be expected in April.

The agenda item on the House of Delegates meeting for Wednesday night reads “Resolved that the CTU delegates will conduct discussions and hold meetings in their workplaces about a May 1st strike for revenue in solidarity with labor and immigrants, with the aim of taking a vote in the regular April 5th House of Delegates meeting on whether or not to recommend a one-day strike to the CTU membership.”

On the “bright” side, maybe this can save enough money so CPS can ditch a June furlough day.


  1. - molly maguire - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    I thought they had a CBA with a no strike clause. why would Board negotiate a CBA if strikes are going to happen anyway?

  2. - Jake - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    CTU’s problem: Possibly losing 13 school days.
    CTU’s solution: Losing a school day to be upset about possibly losing 13 school days.
    Am I missing something? This line of thinking seems dull-witted.

  3. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    Just remember. Its for the children.

  4. - Peters Post - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    CTU needs to be a little more creative. How about an old organizing concept. The Teach In. How about declaring school in session during the upcoming Spring break and get it on the news every day for a week solid. Need to get more support from the parents to keep the pressure on.

  5. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    No doubt suburban swing voters will be moved to call their representatives.

  6. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    -=hold meetings in their workplaces about a May 1st strike=-

    Always a smart move for American unions to strike on May Day.

  7. - Truth - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    The single biggest budget problem for Chicago school’s is the CTU fire all of them get rid of the union hit the reset button problem solved.

  8. - Tone - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    CTU does not have the brightest people running the show.

  9. - pawn - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 2:18 pm:

    May 1 is immediately before the AP exams are set. Many kids hope to score well on their AP exams as an affordable way to earn college credits.

  10. - Echo The Bunnyman - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    I wonder if Chance wants to take his money back? The only possible way this union could mess up is by this statement. Not actually following through even. Just had to get in the news. Seriously, I’m glad the grand bargain is dying. We’re a dumpster fire. Maybe a total reset is what’s needed? Unreal

  11. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    –May 1 is immediately before the AP exams are set. Many kids hope to score well on their AP exams as an affordable way to earn college credits.–

    Worse. Chemistry, Environmental Science and Psychology are THAT VERY DAY.

  12. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 4:04 pm:

    I just do not see how this helps them?

  13. - Echo the Bunnyman - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    This doesn’t help them. It just proves they don’t care about the kids. They care about themselves. I applaud the honesty. You can’t be for kids and take off because you want a contract that is better. Why are people against school choice and vouchers for the city again?

  14. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Mar 8, 17 @ 10:07 pm:

    CTU won the battle with their contract but it is that unaffordable contract that is causing them to lose the war as well as many jobs

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