Et tu, Tillman?
Thursday, Mar 9, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Umm…
* But the Tribune editorial board has a different take…
We applaud Chance for his activism. The more pressure to help Chicago kids, to improve results at CPS, to close the gap in funding statewide between wealthy and poor school districts, the better.
But that inequity — built into a school funding model that relies on property taxes — has been worsening for 20 years, not just the two since Rauner’s inauguration. Illinois legislators have had the power to change the formula in the dozen years after 2002 when Democrats won the governorship plus majorities in the House and Senate.
Instead, Democrats let the gap in funding widen. They’ve had task forces and news conferences and recommendations and hearings and white papers. But no results. The last school funding proposal to gain some steam got out of the Senate but never even got a hearing in the Democratic-controlled House.
That history never seems to make its way into news conferences when schools CEO Forrest Claypool blames Rauner for a “racist” school funding formula.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:00 am:
===Illinois legislators have had the power to change the formula in the dozen years after 2002 when Democrats won the governorship plus majorities in the House and Senate.===
Governor Rauner…
Today needs answers, not a history lesson.
To the IPI cartoon…
Like with the Tribune Edit Board on the budget and blaming the “GOP” *cough* Rauner *cough*… this cartoon is an outlier until IPI decides that biting Rauner’s hand that feeds them is worth telling the truth about the reality of Rauner’s stewardship.
We’ll see
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:04 am:
So in the Trib’s world, Dems are more culpable because they tried and failed, while Rauner didn’t even try.
Maybe sit this one out, huh, Trib?
- AC - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:04 am:
I’m definitely in a parallel universe, did the Germans and the Japanese lose WW2 in this one? /S
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:04 am:
But that inequity — built into a school funding model that relies on property taxes — has been worsening for 20 years, not just the two since Rauner’s inauguration.
The TEB is hijacking Chance’s argument in order to make/restate their own. How different would there take have been had the sit-down with BRV gone well? Nothing new here.
- jimk849 - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:09 am:
Tribune ed board is steam-engine era media their opinions travel at the speed of a newpaper. Less significant by the day. Last time I heard someone quote the Trib ed board was????
- PublicServant - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:14 am:
History is nice to talk about, but action can only occur in the present. #DoYourJob
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:20 am:
OW should the legislators, Mayor, CPS school board, Forest Claypool and CTU do their job too?
Or should they behave like Occupy Wall Street protesters who only blame others and accept no personal responsibility for their circumstances.
I notice you only direct blame at the Governor as if he is the Supreme Leader of Illinois who can do anything he wishes and give all the other players especially Speaker Madigan a pass.
- Mama - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:23 am:
“Illinois legislators have had the power to change the formula in the dozen years after 2002 when Democrats won the governorship plus majorities in the House and Senate.”
How the ‘H’ does blaming the Dems for everything help us to get a budget passed? I’m waiting…
You cannot change the past. The past is over - - let it go! Learn from yesterday’s mistakes and start today by doing a better job from now on…
What can the current State Legislature do to pass a bipartisan budget? (Do the Republican Legislators have any answers?)
How can we get the governor to stop derailing every budget?
What is doable for both parties?
- justpeachy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:24 am:
Soooo, history continues to repeat itself and that is ok with Governor?? #DoYourJob
- Grand Avenue - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:28 am:
It’s been a while since their last big check from the Rauner Family Foundation. Maybe they’re in shakedown mode.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:34 am:
Anyone else see the subtle imagery of a young black man pointing his finger (like a gun) at the old white guy who is putting his hands up (as in don’t shoot) with a scared look on his face?
- Harry - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:36 am:
So, the Trib is ready to support an even bigger increase in the income tax? If you replace the property tax for school funding, you have to replace it with something…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:39 am:
Don’t ask Rep. McSweeney to have the rich people pay taxes.
- Chicago Schooler - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:40 am:
The Tribune is flat out wrong.
The immediate crisis facing CPS has not been 20 years in the making; its been five years in the making, and it has dramatically worsened under Rauner, especially with his veto of $215 million in pension funding that was supposed to be just a first step toward equality.
In the past five years, state education funding to downstate and suburban school districts (including pension subsidies) has gone up significantly, while CPS has received a net reduction in funding.
The immediate issue for CPS is not the state funding formula, which affects low-income kids throughout the state with equal toxicity; its the separate pension funding systems which create a radical and growing disparity in overall education funding between CPS and its 90 percent children of color vs. the rest of the predominantly white state.
Rauner and the Tribune want you to believe the immediate CPS crisis is about the longstanding issue of an inadequate state funding formula. In reality, its about racial discrimination on a grand scale, a separate and unique injustice inflicted upon CPS and CPS alone.
- Anon - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:46 am:
=== “Illinois legislators have had the power to change the formula in the dozen years after 2002 when Democrats won the governorship plus majorities in the House and Senate.” ===
History shows that big and controversial reforms are always bipartisan. Republicans were hardly willing to join in any such reform of funding public education during the 12 years of Democratic control.
- Rod - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:47 am:
I think its pretty unfair to lay the blame for a failure to pass a school funding reform bill on the Democrats. The current funding reform proposals using the evidence based model according to articles Rich has linked to and documents from the Governor’s Commission would cost between $3.5 and $6 billion more a year for a k-12 budget than the current budget to get to what is called adequacy.
That would require a significant income tax increase, on top of the increases needed just to keep the state up and running. Ralph Martire from the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability estimated to fund the low end for adequacy, $3.5 billion a year, would require a one half of a percent income tax increase. The Civic Federation called for an income tax increase up to 5.25% from 3.75% with tight controls on costs without the education funding reform just to stabilize Illinois. Add on the school funding model and we are now talking 5.75%.
Neither Republicans or Democrats want to take responsibility for that. So here we sit.
- Arock - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:48 am:
justpeachy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:24 am:
Soooo, history continues to repeat itself and that is ok with Governor?? #DoYourJob
No, he is trying to change things but Madigan and his minions want to stay with the same broken system of let’s just raise taxes and that won’t fix the underlying problem. Broken for over twenty years and no repairs is the failure of Madigan that has made the problem into the catastrophe it is today. Has Madigan brought forth a proposal to address the issue, no, so he shares as much of the blame as he is the leader in the House and nothing comes to the floor without his consent.
- Arock - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:53 am:
“History shows that big and controversial reforms are always bipartisan. Republicans were hardly willing to join in any such reform of funding public education during the 12 years of Democratic control.”
That is a copout of major proportion, if a good solution is to be had you vote for it as legislators are elected to represent their constituents and not to worry how everyone else votes. If you can’t think for yourself and vote your conscience then get the hell out. I don’t care if an issue is bipartisan or not if something needs fixed then fix it.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:56 am:
===If you can’t think for yourself and vote your conscience then get the h**l out.===
The the SGOP, the HGOP should go?
That seems a bit rash, lol
I’m sure you’re so upset with Rauner and his “no $&@#% problems” and owning GOP GA switches?
- Zimmy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 11:57 am:
More taxes in any form is not a solution to the inherent destructive structures in the state. Education funding (the exorbitant pensions) need to be addressed!! Too bad the politicians have ridden the politically correct pony for so long.
- A guy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:00 pm:
IPI must be a very confusing place to work for everyone but the cartoonists. Beginning to think the cartoon dept. was their first hiring priority. Sure looks like it.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:02 pm:
===No, he is trying to change things but Madigan and his minions want to stay with the same broken system of let’s just raise taxes and that won’t fix the underlying problem.===
… by proposing 3 phony, out of whack, unbalanced budgets?
You can do better than this, can’t you?
===Broken for over twenty years and no repairs is the failure of Madigan that has made the problem into the catastrophe it is today.===
… and yet, Rauner proposed “status quo” budgets, not unlike the past 20 years. Are you trying to do better or not?
===Has Madigan brought forth a proposal to address the issue, no, so he shares as much of the blame as he is the leader in the House and nothing comes to the floor without his consent===
You just said…
===If you can’t think for yourself and vote your conscience then get the h**l out.===
… then why does Rauner refuse to allow SGOP members to vote for a budget.
Madigan-like? lol
These all seem “smart”, but the talking points lack.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:07 pm:
- Lucky Pierre -
You ignoring how this ALL began with Chance. I bet you are…
Rauner vetoed $215 million, purposely hurting Chicago students.
Rauner, all by himself, tweeted @ Chance…
Rauner meets Chance, Chsnce refuses to believe the phoniness that IS Bruce Rauner as to “why” Rauner hurt Chicago students, and Chance reminds Rauner.
Only a governor can Veto.
Your continued ignorance to this fact, the fact as to what happened and the Rauner veto reasons makes your own questioning as comical as Rauner thinking Chance would be willing to ignore Rauner’s phoniness.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:22 pm:
Those defending Rauner and blaming the Dems are forgetting one key thing: Rauner ran on the promise that he would provide solutions to the Dem-created problems.
Two years and three budgets later and Rauner has yet to propose any solutions to the budget issues. His department head were asked for cuts, they offered nothing substantial. If the Dems put us into this situation and are not willing to provide any solutions, then it’s time for the Governor to lay out the solutions he promised us.
#doyourjob (until you doyourjob, you should stop complaining that others are not doing theirs)
- cdog - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:24 pm:
Since we do such a good job here in Illinois taking care of those with inequality of opportunity,
like Chicago school kids,
we should double down on more immigration of similar disadvantaged people. /s
(Same snark applied more universally, beyond Illinois)
We have delusional ideologues piloting a sinking ship.
- Jocko - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
==No, he is trying to change things…==
[citation needed]
- JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:34 pm:
=In the past five years, state education funding to downstate and suburban school districts (including pension subsidies) has gone up significantly, while CPS has received a net reduction in funding.=
If CPS was subject to the regular funding formula it would receive far less monsey than it currently does.
Why? Falling enrollment and increasing real property values.
Instead,CPS gets a block grant and massive independence. This is unique to CPS.
They are immune to the fluctuations that every single other district in the state faces.
CPS funding, and that of every high poverty district is not biased against them. It is tilted for them based on how the state funds poverty.
What CPS has not addressed, and Chicago and Cook County schools never talk about is accessing the area property wealth through an equitable EAV basis of 33 1/3% (like everyone else) versus the 10% That Cook County uses.
Yes, pro-ration impacts districts dependent on state funding harder, but they are receiving a disproportionately high share of state funding.
- Rocky Rosi - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:35 pm:
That cartoon is funny and very sad at the same time. The times we live in.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:39 pm:
OW I will bet you there is no Chance the after tax revenue from the future concerts will add up to 1 million dollars for a CPS donation.
Chance has brought a lot of attention to the dysfunction at CPS, which you seem to just attribute to Governor Rauner and not the people who have been running it and passing unbalanced budgets for years.
You also don’t blame the two previous Governors both from Chicago.
The House has been run by a Chicagoan for 40 years except for two years of Lee Daniels.
The Senate has been run by a Chicagoan since 2003.
I can certainly see why you would think Chicago Public Schools do not have enough influence in Springfield.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
===..,Rauner and not the people who have been running it and passing unbalanced budgets for years.===
You don’t get that point.
Rauner himself proposed 3 grossly out of whack, status quo budgets.
Just like the past, which is it, 40 years now.
Every single “point” you think you have is ruined by Rauner himself and his failure to propose a balanced budget.
Rauner is the status quo, including the last 40 years.
Rauner is NO different.
You forgot the Rauner Veto of $215 million again.
I don’t get it, if think Rauner’s continuing of the status quo would anger you, why doesn’t it, lol
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
==You also don’t blame the two previous Governors both from Chicago.==
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:48 pm:
“I will bet you there is no Chance the after tax revenue from the future concerts will add up to 1 million dollars for a CPS donation.”
Hundred bucks says the kid makes good on his pledge.
– MrJM
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:49 pm:
- Lucky Pierre -
#DoYourJob is being said over and over AT Rauner because Rauner had to @ Chance… and the move is conintuing to hurt Rauner.
So, attacking Chance keeps the #DoYourJob fresh.
I’d let Chance alone. It’s only hurting the Governor.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:49 pm:
==You also don’t blame the two previous Governors both from Chicago.==
I mean, one’s in the pokey and the other got booted out of office, so they can’t really take any action on the problem.
- Chicago Schooler - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:51 pm:
= but they are receiving a disproportionately high share of state funding.=
CPS students are nearly 20 percent of statewide enrollment but receive 15 percent of state education funding. That doesn’t seem like a disproportionate share of state funding to me.
- A guy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:05 pm:
===Hundred bucks says the kid makes good on his pledge.===
One thing’s for sure, we’ll know either way. My own gut says he’s good for it. In part, because it will be really good for him.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
==You also don’t blame the two previous Governors both from Chicago.==
Quinn got booted and Rauner elected on the promise that he had a plan to fix the budget. Where is the plan? Where is the balanced budget Rauner promised to deliver? Three budgets presented so far, none were balanced with specific revenues and cuts. Rauner was elected on the promise that he had those revenues and cuts. Where are they?
- Former hillrod - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:11 pm:
Lucky Pierre your arguments make little sense. Ta gueule!
- NothsideNoMore - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:11 pm:
Schooler ….If CPS (Aka City of Chicago) would raise property taxes to the proportions that we pay in the suburbs they would have no school funding issues.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:24 pm:
Ta gueule! LOL. are you sure you are not really former OW
Former hill rod blaming Governor Rauner for CPS dysfunction makes zero sense especially when the school board intentionally passed another unbalanced budget with pay raises for CTU as well as a continued pension pickup of 7 % of the employee 9% share.
Everyone says cuts are necessary except to CTU and AFSCME, health insurance, pensions, social services, K-12 education, prisons, medicaid, breast cancer screenings, rape crisis centers, programs for most needy, legislator pay. That leaves virtually nothing to cut
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:28 pm:
===…school board intentionally passed another unbalanced budget…===
Yeah, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Rauner has submitted 3 phony, unbalanced, status quo, budgets.
You can’t point to any budgets as Rauner himself is part of that status quo budget, 3 times running now.
===Everyone says cuts are necessary except to CTU and AFSCME, health insurance, pensions, social services, K-12 education, prisons, medicaid, breast cancer screenings, rape crisis centers, programs for most needy, legislator pay. That leaves virtually nothing to cut===
Rauner’s own agency heads, when asked by the State Senate, they too seem perplexed at the whole “budget-budget cutting” thingy too.
- Lucky Pierre -
You have no argument.
- Humboldt - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:52 pm:
Chance is right now in the middle of tweeting a list of CPS schools his non-profit will be sending $10k checks to.
- whetstone - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:58 pm:
==I will bet you there is no Chance the after tax revenue from the future concerts will add up to 1 million dollars for a CPS donation.==
Well, he’s playing a bunch of arena shows (Palace at Auburn Hills, Oracle, American Airlines, etc.). I’d guess each one would pull in $750k gross at least. 40 city tour, some are festivals… if he brought in $750k at 30 stops, that’s $22.5m.
My knowledge of how that breaks down is limited, but I’d think he could shave off 1/22nd for CPS? (At the press conference he said that he’d worked it out with TicketMaster, AEG, LiveNation, & the promoters; not that Chance isn’t savvy, but assuming the odds would have to be good to get everyone on board.)
- Former hillrod - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:05 pm:
Lucky. I appreciate you trying to compare me to a certain Oswego resident. I’m not worthy of such lofty praise.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:29 pm:
I hope you are right, CPS needs the money I was just pointing out that he made a pledge and did not cut a check.
There is a difference.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:33 pm:
==blaming Governor Rauner for CPS dysfunction==
Let’s be clear about what’s happening here: Rauner’s getting blamed for vetoing $$$ for CPS, and being told to #doyourjob in finding a solution to CPS dysfunction. I know it’s always 2014 in your posts, and as such, Rauner’s never been governor and never vetoed that money, but out here in Illinois, he has been and he did.
- Former hillrod - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:36 pm:
I’m surprised that the governor hasn’t demanded his last, best offer to AFSCME be part of the “grand bargain”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:46 pm:
(Tips cap to - Former hillrod -)
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:47 pm:
No it is 2017 and the leaders made a deal in 2016 for pension reform for extra CPS dollars.
Now they want the extra CPS dollars without pension reform.
Tell me why that is all Rauner’s fault , don’t the leaders own the consequences of their inaction?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:51 pm:
===Tell me why that is all Rauner’s fault…===
Only a governor can veto, so there’s that.
===…don’t the leaders own the consequences of their inaction?===
Rich Miller, personally, has tried on two separate occasions to “set you straight”.
Do you want the link to where?
Enough with the babe in the woods. You know these answers. You KNOW them.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 2:55 pm:
==Tell me why that is all Rauner’s fault==
‘Cause he vetoed. And his own stated reason for vetoing was that he got a little emotional.
Are we done here?
- Former hillrod - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:02 pm:
I apologize for the French expletive. It seemed appropriate at the time.
- Juice - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:18 pm:
Lucky, were you taking a nap last week when the Governor killed the pension bill that the Governor wanted?
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
The pension bill could be passed tomorrow as a stand alone and then CPS gets the money
I think you were the one napping
- Juice - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:37 pm:
Not sure the Dem votes are going to be there for that package.
That’s the problem with the Governor making demands in exchange for math.
Then other members make demands, and then other members make demands, to the point where Williamson county is now getting a casino.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:47 pm:
===The pension bill could be passed tomorrow as a stand alone and then CPS gets the money===
… then Rauner owns the veto, hurting Chicago students.
You are talking in a circle…
===… and then CPS gets the money===
===Tell me why that is all Rauner’s fault…===
You asked and answered your own questions. Again.
You know Rauner got emotional.
Rauner hurt Chicago students. Rauner made a choice.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 4:06 pm:
OW ask the legislators why they are protecting their own self interest as well as government union special interest groups and hurting Chicago students and residents by not passing pension reform.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 4:10 pm:
- Lucky Pierre -
Can’t talk your way out of Rauner’s Veto.
Not even a sporting try.
Rauner himself said he got emotional, Rauber than personally hurt Chicago Students.
Chance called Rauner on it because Rauner tweeted @ Chance.
You have no argument against a Governor using a veto they now call an emotional decision, lol
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 4:10 pm:
==The pension bill could be passed tomorrow as a stand alone and then CPS gets the money==
Unless Rauner gets “a little emotional” again…
Regardless, if it’s that simple, then it’s that simple, and Rauner remains responsible for his veto. We *all* remain responsible for our own actions.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 4:12 pm:
LP, ask Rauner why he hurt students by vetoing the money. Oh! We already have the answer! He got emotional. OK, got it. He remains responsible for his actions.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 4:37 pm:
The Tribune was wrong about Social Security, isolationism, Dewey \ Truman in 1947 and they’re wrong about Rauner now.
- Blue dog dem - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 5:23 pm:
As i said earlier in the week, i am not concerned about CPS or their students. What i am really upset about is the fact that Naperville had been unable to get lacrosse elevated to school sport status. Maybe if we send them more K-12 funding we can make it happen.
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 5:27 pm:
“I was just pointing out that he made a pledge and did not cut a check.”
No, you weren’t.
You said, “I will bet you there is no Chance the after tax revenue from the future concerts will add up to 1 million dollars for a CPS donation.”
If you’ve changed your mind, fine. Then say so.
But don’t insult the rest of us by pretending that you didn’t bet Chance wouldn’t follow through with the money.
– MrJM
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 10:35 pm:
With all due respect to the Tribune, while I like history lessons, they left out some of the most important parts.
First, Republicans poisoned the well for education funding reform in 1994 with the campaign blasting Democrat Dawn Clark Netsch for wanting to implement the tax increase needed to properly finance schools.
Three years later, a regretful Jim Edgar saw his own effort at school finance reform blocked by suburban Republicans.
Rather than make his own push, Gov. Ryan laid out what I call the Ryan Doctrine, committing 51 percent of all new dollars to the old system, rather than demanding reforms. It’s worth noting that there was never really any objection from the Tribune.
Ryan might still have pushed for school finance reform, but for the fact that he pushed for a big early tax hike to fund construction projects, and never got a second bite at the apple do to his pending corruption problems. It’s also worth noting that the Tribune sold us a bill of goods when they endorsed Ryan, there was plenty of reason to believe that Licenses for Bribes was for real.
Now, the tribune does have one point. There was one Democrat who stood in the way of fixing the school funding formula from 2003-2009, that was Rod Blagojevich.
Unless you plan on playing Robin Hood and stealing from the rich to give to the poor, switching the formula requires providing a “hold harmless provision” that makes sure no school gets less than what it got under the old formula. That requires more money, a lot more to make significant changes, and that requires a tax hike.
Rod befuddled Democrats by doggedly opposing a tax hike. He wanted to be president, and a tax hike would have ended that.
Of course, by the time Quinn became governor, we needed a tax hike just to keep paying our current bills thanks to the Edgar Pension Time Bomb.
Now, maybe Democrats should have tried harder to beat Blagojevich in the primary in 2002. Labor lined up behind him early, so it would have been a bloodbath if Madigan had tried to take him out. Based on what we have seen since then, I am not convinced Vallas would have been that much better.
We really missed our chance for school reform in 1998 when Poshard lost. And again in 2006 when labor tried, unsuccessfully, to convince Topinka to publicly support a tax increase in the General Election. If she had, I think enough Democrats were fed up enough with Rod in 2006 that she might have won. Maybe. On the other hand, the Tribune might have refused to endorse her. Who knows.
How is that for history?