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It just gets worse by the day

Thursday, Mar 9, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Vinicky on the grand bargain

Cullerton’s spokesman says, “We are in a holding pattern until we get an indication from Republicans that there is Republican support for proposals they helped put together.”

The governor says he wants evidence of deeper spending cuts before he’ll sign off on the “grand bargain” and its income tax increase, but Democrats say Rauner’s own budget proposal is seriously out of balance – even more than originally thought, given new estimates from the state’s nonpartisan Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability, which show next year’s revenues coming $329 million weaker than Rauner’s estimates of $32.7 billion.

Rauner’s proposed budget had a $4.6 billion dollar deficit, so the new revenue estimates mean that hole is now about $4.9 billion.

* From the Senate Democrats

A state financial report released this week by the General Assembly’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) projects that state FY18 revenues are $329 million less than Governor Rauner’s estimates of $32.7 billion. The drop means that Rauner’s budget blueprint is unbalanced by nearly $5 billion.

The Senate’s budget and revenue committee heads say the new estimates aren’t impossible to overcome, so long as the governor ends his behind-the-scenes antics that have derailed the Senate’s bipartisan compromises.

Senator Toi Hutchinson (Chair of Senate Revenue Committee)
“We know today that the governor’s budget is wildly out of balance - by $5 billion. That’s an alarming figure. What is abundantly clear is that not telling the truth about Illinois’ revenue crisis is disingenuous at best. The simple fact is part of the solution requires straightforward honesty with the public about the need for revenue.”

Senator Heather Steans (Chair of the Senate Appropriations I Committee)
“There remains a determination to strike a compromise to provide what Illinois needs more than anything else right now: stability. Fiscal stability, stability for countless service providers and stability for our business community. Taking another few hundred million dollars out of the formula is a hurdle, but I’m confident we can complete the task to address Bruce Rauner’s $5 billion out-of-balance budget design. To make that task easier, it’s helpful if the governor ends his ideological meddling.”

Senator Andy Manar (Chair of the Senate Appropriations II Committee)
“The drop in revenue makes Bruce Rauner’s phony budget $5 billion out of whack and counting. Every day Bruce Rauner interferes, it adds $11 million dollars onto the growing pile of debt and makes his budget even more out of balance. The Senate remains committed to doing the job to fix the chaos the governor’s created.”


  1. - Arsenal - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    I’m sensitive to the argument that there needs to be more cuts, but the Rauner Administration has been parading a bunch of guys in front of the committees who refuse to specify where we can cut.

  2. - Mama - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    Hey Rich, What are the Senate Republicans saying? They are the key right now.

  3. - Mama - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    What does Governor Rauner want cut from the Senate’s budget that is doable?

  4. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:26 pm:

    “We are in a holding pattern until we get an indication from Republicans that there is Republican support for proposals they helped put together.”

    There’s your message, Democrats.

    Stop improvising and repeat that.

    – MrJM

  5. - Rogue Roni - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    The senate republicans are lil yes men. They’ll do what Boss Rauner tells them to do.

  6. - Anon - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    So long as Proft, Tillman and the Manufacturers oppose a grand bargain, Rauner isn’t likely to get on board. There is no way to appease Proft and Tillman short of privating public education and embracing the draconian IPI budget.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:34 pm:

    ===There is no way to appease Proft and Tillman===

    Bruce Rauner, personally funds both Proft’s and Tillman’s endeavors.

    They aren’t telling Rauner what to do, Rauner is using them to tell us what he (Rauner) is thinking and wanting.

    (Sigh)… Geez, Louise.

  8. - Echo The Bunnyman - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:41 pm:

    OW. Yup. You are absolutely correct. But, what is the end game??? I guess it could always get worse. But, geez.

  9. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    Kirk Dillard is in the Capitol today, in case anyone wants to go apologize.

  10. - The Real Just Me - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    SDems, please make your message clearer otherwise the SRepubs and the Governor won’t or don’t want to understand: Take it or leave it. SDems, please don’t continue to say, or be perceived to say: OK, what else do you want? They will always want something else.

  11. - The Dude Abides - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    @Michelle If I could award up votes I’d give you one. Oh what could have been if the Unions had thrown support behind Dillard early in the Primary process.

  12. - Precinct Captain - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 12:55 pm:

    Rauner gets richer as Springfield burns

  13. - Who are the idiots? - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    Who are the idiots here? Is it Rauner, Madigan, Cullerton, Manar, Hoffman, etc., etc., etc.? Or is it the common, ordinary citizens of this State who continue to sit on their hands and allow this to continue? Certainly enough idiots to go around!

  14. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    Not the first to say this, but it appears to me the only way this gets resolved is a shutdown of state government. Until then, we are simply wishing for lighting to strike and a silver bullet solving this.

  15. - Chicago Guy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:06 pm:

    The problem is Rauner and Trump don’t want incremental reforms. They want dramatic/revolutionary change without any real understanding of the implications.

  16. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    –So long as Proft, Tillman and the Manufacturers oppose a grand bargain, Rauner isn’t likely to get on board.–

    LOL, the tail ain’t waggin’ the Big Dog — the one with all the money.

    Rauner and his funder network owns both GA caucuses, the state party organization and bankroll the Proft and Tillman propaganda machines.

    He tells them what they think, and they get in line if they want to see another dime. Rauner is the bank; who else is bothering to contribute money to the GOP anymore?

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:15 pm:

    - Echo The Bunnyman -

    Here’s what I “know”

    Autonomous GOP Caucuses would help in these times because their autonomy would allow their input and sway with a governor, as a partner, not as “middle management”.

    What Bruce Rauner did to Leader Radogno was what you see now; Cullerton completely, albeit respectfully, ignoring the GOP caucus and leadership because negotiating with them (and Leader Radogno) isn’t going to move anything, and the only person Cullerton now who he knows controls votes IS Rauner.

    “Why is this bad?”

    What is the purpose of Leader Radogno, her leadership team, the 22 GOP votes in the Senate? Obstruct until Rauner decides which 10/11 he (Rauner) will put on a deal he (Rauner) approves?

    You have the Executive asking the Legislative to #DoTheJob of the Executive and that same Executive is meddling in the affairs of the other branch, undercutting the tasks.

    How to solve this?

    It’s up to Rauner now.

    The Senate is understandably angry. Like “Stop Meddling” angry, like “You asked for a bargain!” angry.

    So… Rauner, if he wants anything, especially from the Senate, Rauner needs to show his cards, his votes, and publicly and privately support it, 100%

    That’s all that’s left now(?)

  18. - RNUG - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    == But, what is the end game??? ==

    Implementing the ALEC agenda (or a reasonable portion thereof) in a formerly blue state by:

    1) Destroying all unions, especially government unions, starting with AFSCME

    1a) Destroying the Democrat power base and removing all party leaders

    2) Preventing a graduated state income tax

    2a) Freezing or lowering property taxes

    3) Privatizing schools or, at minimum, convert all schools to a flat payment voucher system for K-12.

    3a) Closing / selling off various college and university assets.

    4) Busting the 5 state pension systems completely, if possible, so they are no longer an example to private sector of what everyone used to have before the bankers got greedy.

    4a) If they can’t bust it, then privatize it via 401K’s so the bankers can, at least, get their hands on management fees.

    5) Running the State so far into debt that it creates a SCOTUS test case for state’s to take bankruptcy

    5a) In the alternative, find out how far you can stretch contract law through deliberate non-funding and misrepresentation of payment ability and terms.

    5b) Leave the State so encumbered with debt that any successor will have to skyrocket taxes, ensuring that party’s defeat in the following election cycle.

    The above may not be in exact priority order, but it pretty much covers it.

    I used to be a staunch GOP supporter, but I’m sure starting to sound like a conspiracy nut and Madigan supporter!

  19. - JS Mill - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    =Kirk Dillard is in the Capitol today, in case anyone wants to go apologize.=

    OMG!!! Michelle Flaherty- you have outdone yourself and that is a very high bar!

    I will set up the charter bus if anyone wants to join me.

  20. - Angry Chicagoan - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 3:56 pm:

    I’m thinking six percent tax here, I’m afraid. The more trouble gets saved up, the higher the payments will be. And to think that just three short years ago, Illinois’ debt and arrears were steadily declining.

  21. - Just Fred - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 6:15 pm:

    The war is over Rauner has lost. If he doesn’t come around on the Grand bargain or pass a budget he will be a sure one termer with nothing to show for it.

  22. - Mama - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 6:52 pm:

    == RNUG - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 1:20 pm: ==
    “But, what is the end game??? ”

    RNUG, your 11 points at 1:20pm are sadly on target.

  23. - Nikolas Name - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 7:29 pm:

    Mama, I agree, but that point about bankruptcy will never fly. Our govt has the ability to tax for more revenue. A judge will tell our legislators to man up and pass a tax hike.

  24. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 8:20 pm:

    RNUG. It is 5b.

  25. - up2now - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 9:56 pm:

    RNUG at 1:20, you are spot on.

  26. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 10, 17 @ 4:25 am:

    RNUG has a big influence on my understanding of Illinois politics. I do not know who he is, and I shocked to learn that he was a Republican, but he was exactly right about the pension stuff a few years ago, and he is right about the state budget now. My two questions are these. If we are already retired, what will happen to our state pensions if Rauner succeeds in his total agenda?Second, does RNUG accept the New York Times 2015 argument that Rauner is the front man for a deep state conspiracy of very rich people who want to break “blue states” and who selected Illinois as their guinea pig? Thanks.

  27. - Nikolas Name - Friday, Mar 10, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    My guess is if they want a guinea pig they’d pick one that is more on the border red/blue like maybe Colorado. I know they’re blue, but I don’t think they’re a deeper blue than us.

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