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Rauner announces new hate crimes initiatives

Thursday, Mar 9, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune last night

In response to recent local acts of anti-Semitism and reports of increased hate crimes nationwide, Gov. Bruce Rauner on Wednesday will announce a multipronged effort to boost the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes through stronger laws and better education.

Rauner will detail his four-point plan at a downtown dinner benefiting the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, according to his office. He tapped the state director of public safety and the secretary of education to help carry out the proposal.

* Press release last night…

Governor Bruce Rauner announced today at the Illinois Holocaust Museum Humanitarian Awards dinner a number of steps the administration is taking to combat hate crimes and growing anti-Semitism in Illinois.

“We cannot stay silent on hate. We cannot stay silent when families in our community are in danger. The promise of ‘Never Again’ requires us to take action,” Governor Rauner said. “Illinois is a leader in standing up to hate crimes and anti-Semitism, but we can and must do more.

In a memo to Illinois Director of Public Safety Rodger Heaton and Secretary of Education Beth Purvis, the Governor outlined a number of objectives to protect minority communities from hate and violence. Those objectives are:

    · Strengthening Illinois’ Hate Crime Law
    The Illinois Holocaust and Genocide has proposed legislation to increase penalties for acts of vandalism against houses of worship and religious centers. The administration is working with the bill’s sponsors on HB 2390, and the governor will sign the agreed bill when it reaches his desk.

    · Improve Law Enforcement Training and Response on Hate Crimes
    In conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League, the Illinois State Police (ISP) and the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, the administration will develop a statewide standardized training plan for state troopers and local police departments. Illinois will also strengthen its partnerships with the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect religious minority institutions across the state.

    · Expand Anti-Hate Education in Schools
    Illinois was the first state in the country to require students learn about the Holocaust as part of their curriculum. The administration will work with Illinois State Board of Education to create a dedicated portal to anti-hate education in support the state’s requirement to educate our students about the Holocaust.

    · Strengthen Illinois’ Landmark anti-BDS Law
    Illinois was also the first state in the country to pass legislation to fight the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement by restricting state pension funds from investing in countries that boycott Israel. Other states followed Illinois’ lead, but went a step farther in prohibiting state contracts with companies that boycott Israel. The administration will work with the General Assembly to strengthen Illinois’ landmark by prohibiting state contracts for companies that boycott Israel.

“In a time of rising hate crimes and anti-Semitism, we need to remember that America is the flagbearer for freedom of religion,” Governor Rauner added. “We should do everything we can to prosecute those who look to incite hate and violence against others because of their religion.”

* Another press release last night…

Attorney General Lisa Madigan today sent a letter to Governor Rauner calling on him to restore the state’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes to combat a troubling increase in hate crimes.

In her letter, Madigan urged the governor to immediately appoint a diverse group of individuals to fill the 20 vacant positions on the Commission due to the pressing need to have a fully functioning commission to combat increasing reports of hate crimes, that include recent bomb threats, against people in Illinois.

“Appointing members to this commission is a critical responsibility that the governor has ignored for too long,” Madigan said. “We must bring Illinois’ vibrant and diverse community of leaders and advocates together to help combat growing hate and discrimination in our communities.”

Madigan sent her letter after convening a recent summit with Illinois civil rights leaders for communities of color, women, people with disabilities, immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, Muslims, Jews and Christians on hate crimes. Leaders at the summit detailed increasing experiences of hate and discrimination and voiced their need to have an active and engaged Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes fulfill its mandate to coordinate statewide efforts to combat these unlawful acts.

Data from the Chicago Police Department shows that hate crimes reached a five-year high in 2016 and are outpacing that level in 2017, according to reports. In addition, the Southern Law Poverty Center reported over nearly 1,100 hate incidents nationally in the month after last fall’s election. Just this week, a new wave of bomb threats was made against Jewish Community Centers in Illinois and across the county.

…Adding… The hate crimes commission has been plagued for years with division. Remember this from 2006?

Five Jewish members of Illinois’ hate-crimes commission have resigned in protest over another commissioner who is an official with the Nation of Islam. Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, rails against Jewish and gay people this week in front of commissioners. Chicago Public Radio’s Catrin Einhorn reports.

And from a pal…

I’m trying to find Lisa Madigan’s letters to Pat Quinn asking him to fill the hate crimes commission for the six years it sat empty under him.

Can’t seem to locate them. Curious.

* Related…

* Sneed: Rauner opens up on religion in launching hate-crimes plan


  1. - @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 9:29 am:

    As someone once observed: ‘Hate crimes’ are what we call terrorism committed by white dudes.

    – MrJM

  2. - Compromise requires two sides - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    Is purposely under funding social services considered a hate crime since it is waged on a defined population of Illinoisans.

  3. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    Yet another example of Rauner campaigning but having no clue (or interest) in operating the government.

  4. - NoLonger Anonamous - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    These are the things a governor does WHILE they govern. Usually, governors govern. Do your job

  5. - Tikkun olam - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    Was Rauner originally scheduled to speak at the dinner, or did he ask to speak specifically to announce the plan?

    I ask because the Holocaust Museum is, to a large extent, a JB Pritzker project. Obviously the Holocaust Museum should be apolitical, but it’s an interesting (to me, at least) subplot

  6. - Mama - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 7:03 pm:

    Is there a budget for the “hate crimes commission”?

    Why do they need a commission to study hate crimes? If one commits a hate crime, arrest them.
    I’m sure the attorneys will be able to figure out which laws cover the hate crimes.

  7. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Mar 9, 17 @ 9:42 pm:

    ====. I’m trying to find Lisa Madigan’s letters to Pat Quinn asking him to fill the hate crimes commission for the six years it sat empty under him. Curious. ====

    I am trying to find the news stories about hate crimes skyrocketing under Pat Quinn. Maybe your friend and I can form a joint task force?

    Rauner’s rebukes of Trump during the campaign were mild, at best. In fact, he joined in support of the Muslim ban. We’ve since learned that while keeping arms length from Trump publicly, there has been a lot of back channel communication going on.

    We know that the folks lashing out at their fellow Americans and immigrants to our country are doing so because they feel empowered by President Trump. Governor Rauner needs to decide which side of history he wants to be on, Donald Trump’s or lady Liberty’s. Because there ain’t no middle ground.

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