Don’t Let Big Soda Sugarcoat the Facts
Wednesday, Mar 15, 2017 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] Big Soda companies and their lobbyists want you to believe that a tax on sugary drinks would bring our economy crumbling to the ground. That assertion is extremely misleading, just like their downplaying of sugar’s negative impact on public health over the years. Sugary drinks are the number one source of added sugar in the American diet and have been directly linked to heart disease and diabetes. In recent polling, 56% of voters said they support this choice tax as one way to balance the budget. Despite Big Soda’s message, the tax will NOT include a number of everyday products. There are plenty of non-taxed, healthier items that people can still choose:
· 100% fruit or vegetable juice · Milk · Infant formula · Unsweetened, coffees, and sparkling waters In short, a sugary drink tax is:
· A choice tax that lets people opt out · A benefit to Illinois’ public health Don’t let Big Soda companies sugarcoat the facts: taxing sugary drinks is good for Illinois. The American Heart Association supports a sugary drink tax to balance the Illinois budget.