Biss takes on the “Madigan question”
Monday, Mar 20, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * I think the main takeaway from today’s announcement by Sen. Daniel Biss (D-Evanston) that he’s running for governor is this quote…
That’s not only a jab at Gov. Rauner and Speaker Madigan, but also at Democrats like JB Pritzker and Chris Kennedy. * If you saw the update below, you know that the Illinois Republican Party called Biss “the North Shore branch of the Madigan machine,” this morning. The party also claimed that Biss is a “willing Mike Madigan accomplice who would give the Governor’s office back to the Chicago machine.” Biss talked about Madigan several times during his Facebook Live event, and had this to say to someone who asked how the state could be rid of the longtime House Speaker…
He added that he introduced legislation years ago to limit leader terms, before it became so popular. * He also said that this fight was about lots more than a personality conflict and said…
Overall, I thought Biss was more animated and less professorial than I’ve seen him before. He also talked about making the wealthy pay their fair share and promised to protect important social programs. And he called on the governor to speak out against President Trump on things like immigration, whom he said should be resisted “at every turn.”
- siriusly - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:39 am:
Agree with you Rich, Biss was at his best today. A very solid FB Live presentation and the Q & A was great - handled the questions like a pro. I give Biss an A- for his announcement.
The only reason it’s not an A+ is because I found the people in the background strange and confusing.
- walker - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:44 am:
Biss will attach real numbers to his plans, and they will add up correctly. Sad that this is remarkable.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:45 am:
===I found the people in the background strange and confusing===
I kept waiting for one of them to turn around and say, “Hey, dude, pipe down! We’re trying to get some work done here!”
- I'mDone - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:45 am:
I watched the FB Live announcement. He was very good and handled the Madigan question perfectly. He just needs to hammer that every time it comes up.
Delivery was an improvement from past events, but he could stand to loosen up a bit, still.
What will Manar do? That’s what us downstate Dems want to know. How about a Biss/Manar ticket?
- LeonDespres - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:47 am:
Far and away the best rollout from a gubernatorial candidate thus far and, as you said Rich, definitely managed to address some of his weak points.
- Deft Wing - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:51 am:
His best performance, despite the weird background.
Biss will compete mightily in the Gold Coast & in North of I-80 uber-lefty areas with that Alderman candidate. But that’s about it.
Unions will not be with him; be it leadership still sore about his efforts at pension reform, or rank & file who regularly align with Trump’s policies.
He’s not really done the math here … unless he’s running for Lt. Gov which still is a miss due to geography.
- ZC - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:51 am:
Clearly Madigan will now induce Manar into the race to split the vote just enough, so Madigan’s true favored puppet, Alderman Ameya Pawar, will just eke through.
It’s all going according to his plan … *evil chuckle, sound of apple crunching*
- Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:52 am:
I’m all in.
- The Dude Abides - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:52 am:
One thing about Biss is that wherever he’s at he’s usually the smartest guy in the room. If he becomes Governor and the Legislature gives him a so called balanced budget you can bet that he will know whether or not the numbers add up.
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:55 am:
–One thing about Biss is that wherever he’s at he’s usually the smartest guy in the room.–
The trick for him will be not coming off like he’s the smartest person in the room and he knows it.
- W Flag - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 10:57 am:
Biss can fix Illinois if you’ll just accept the fact that his rocket scientist solutions are going to be held to be unconstitutional and that does not bother you.
- lake county democrat - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:03 am:
Kennedy: Hey JB, what’s up?
Pritzker: Not much Chris, just chillin’ in the military library. Gonna walk over to my new law school in a moment. Hey, what’d you think of Danny?
Kennedy: Not bad at all. This is gonna be too easy.
JB: I know - by the time we spend all that money attacking each other, one of these Dawn Clark Netchers is gonna beat us in the primary, then lose to Brucie. I’m not gonna like the mud, but you know, first things first.
CK: I hear you. But there was no other choice - I mean, Pat Quinn’s don’t grow on trees, and in this state who else is he going to beat? Meanwhile, nearly every other Dem elected representative will be safe as milk in their seats.
JB: Heh - can you imagine all those dogooders faces when they go through another petition drive just to find out the Dem Supreme Court majority rules that redistricting can’t be done by referendum - they just couldn’t be troubled to tell the voters that before!
CK: Pretty sweet. Gotta run!
(Do I think such a conspiracy is afoot? No. But it might as well be. Dan Biss is today’s Dawn Clark Netsch.)
- illini - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:03 am:
A clear plus for any of the announced or soon to announce candidates would be some recognition of those of us who live in Central or Southern Illinois.
BVR has destroyed our economy, education and social services as he has in the greater Chicago area. Granted Gov Lite may not appear to be an important position, but a team approach may help help them not only in the Primary, but in the General as well.
- Miss Marie - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:22 am:
“If he becomes Governor and the Legislature gives him a so called balanced budget you can bet that he will know whether or not the numbers add up.”
And he can probably do that math mostly in his head and with a little scratch paper haha
- Earnest - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:24 am:
>We have a system that listens to billionaires and machine politicians.
Clever–don’t just run against the second-most unpopular politician in the state, but against the most unpopular one as well.
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:28 am:
1) Every politician talks about “the wealthy paying their fair share” until they get into office. Just like the millionaire tax referendum. Where did that political mandate go? Funny stuff happens when they get into office, it seams.
2) Biss is unrealistic in his plans, particularly pension plans. Only logical, realistic option for dealing with pension debt is to reammoritize the debt. For such a math genius, Biss doesn’t think logically.
- The Other Anonymous - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:28 am:
Using people as props generally comes off as dismissive. Rookie mistake.
- Amalia - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:33 am:
will be inside baseball, but interesting, delving into his academic career, tenure, disputes about his math theories. that will sure be different for campaigns.
- OH - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:51 am:
Not sure what his prospects are, but he nailed the Madigan question. There are a whole bunch of rank-and-file Dem primary voters who are dissatisfied with Madigan.
- Robert the Bruce - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 11:56 am:
from another thread:
==more Democrats disapprove of Madigan’s job performance (47 percent) than approve (40 percent), while 27 percent of Democrats strongly disapprove and only a tiny 9 percent strongly approve.==
And that 47% has been awaiting a candidate.
- Downstate Gentleman - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 12:03 pm:
I think the roll out was masterful. However, there was not one mention of, or even an allusion to, the importance of Illinoisans outside of Chicagoland. He is too much of a Northshore guy to be relevant this cycle. Also, make no mistake, Madigan is still in control of the caucus. The tone Biss has regarding Madigan is a no no.
- Blue dog dem - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 12:11 pm:
The ’system is broken’…i think he must be talking about that ‘waste,fraud and abuse’ thing. He surely isnt talking about the working poor and middle class will be forced to pony up is he?
- OH - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 12:15 pm:
== Madigan is still in control of the caucus ==
Biss isn’t running for the votes of 67 House Dems.
Sure, it’s risky for any Dem to take a shot at Madigan. But Biss needs to distinguish himself from a multi-candidate primary field — this is a good way to do it.
- Anonymous - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 12:33 pm:
I think he is extremely smart, but he has totally disregarded southern Illinois. At a recent hearing he held regarding DHS issues he insisted on holding the hearing in Chicago, although there was a large group of people from central and southern Illinois who wanted to attend. Although many of us voiced our disappointment at the meeting being held in Chicago he would not change it, but promised we would have a chance to speak at another hearing in the future. Several of us traveled to the hearing anyway, but were not able to speak. Guess where the next hearing is scheduled for: Chicago. Central and southern Illinois do exist and we do vote, and we do make a difference.
- Blue dog dem - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 12:46 pm:
I had the pleasure of talking to the Senator about guns. Most of us gun nuts wont/dont like his rhetoric. Primary wise, not an issue…general election, big trouble.
- Hit Em With the Hein - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 1:22 pm:
I came in late to the Facebook live, so did he acknowledge who the awkward people in the background were in the beginning or say where he was broadcasting from? It was so weird…I thought he did a good job but was that a green screen or something? How do this Chitown candidates think they will win without downstate centrist voters?
- justpeachy - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 1:24 pm:
Frankly, I found it refreshing that someone was talking about what needed to be done instead of simply pointing a finger and saying its not my fault. I say go all in!!
- Demoralized - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 2:07 pm:
==general election, big trouble==
You think guns will be the central issue in the general election? Good luck trying to make that the issue.
- blue dog dem - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 2:45 pm:
No Dem, I don’t ..what it will do is keep just enough conservative union households at home to possibly make a difference. I am predicting just about anybody beat ing Rauner, but it ain’t gonna be easy and it will be close. 2 out of 5 won’t cut it again. And yes, many,many voters are one issue voters.
- JDuc - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
He can’t self fund…….
- Dee Lay - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
“what it will do is keep just enough conservative union households at home to possibly make a difference”
If any union member votes for Bust Out Bruce, they should turn in their card that day.
- Generic Drone - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 4:14 pm:
Ok Biss. You have my attention. Give me more. So far, you are the only one making sense to me.
- Moist von Lipwig - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 5:19 pm:
Biss passed petitions for Hillary Clinton to get on the ballot before the primary. Some Bernie supporter.
- X-prof - Monday, Mar 20, 17 @ 7:13 pm:
Rich, you say ‘professorial’ like it’s a bad thing! /s