Let’s celebrate the holiday!
Thursday, Mar 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * Today is National Puppy Day. We’ll start with a canine-related story…
* And here’s a photo of Oscar when he was a pup… ![]() Feel free to share your own puppy stories below.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:21 pm:
I love Theo, but Fortune is beyond silly.
- PublicServant - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:24 pm:
Oscar: Hey! Keep your eyes on the road…Maybe I should drive.
- illinoised - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:24 pm:
Molly was a Rottweiler pup I rescued from the animal shelter. She had been thrown away into a ditch, full of ticks, and very scared. She especially was not fond of men. I think she had been abused. The first night I slept with her in a sleeping bag on the floor. Fourteen years later she still had spunk but her rear legs, decimated by arthritis, just wouldn’t work. She was the sweetest creature I’ve ever known. She left us on March 18, 2014, the worst day of my life.
- Just me - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:31 pm:
ADORABLE Pooch!!!!
- yinn - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:03 pm:
We used to keep our basement door cracked so the cat could get down there. Then the German Shepherd picked up the habit of checking the basement a few times a day to see if the cat had left her any tootsie rolls in the litter box. She made a huge mess of it regularly, so in self-defense we installed a cat opening a couple weekends ago.
Now we are waiting for the GSD to get stuck in this opening, Winnie-the-Pooh style, because she won’t give up on attempting another successful raid.
Btw it’s this cute flapless hole, which was very easy to install: http://tinyurl.com/mwkm9e When the lights over the basement stairs are on, we get a bonus of a Cat Signal™ on the wall opposite the door.
- illini - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:17 pm:
Fourteen years ago my “Oscar” was an 8 week old mixed breed rescue dog. He has since grown to a 40 pound member of the family.
The house training was tedious and time consuming but he never left me any “surprises”.
Theo can be a World Leader but I can say I have been successful in helping turn a skittish and hyperactive bundle of fur into a mature elder companion and friend.
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:23 pm:
Growing up, I was afraid of dogs, ever since I tried to pet my cousin’s German Shepard and he clamped down on my hand in gratitude (I still have that scar on my finger!). My parents decided when I was 6 that we needed to get a dog to tame my fear. We got the sweetest female dog, Brownie, who was 1/4 cocker and 3/4 brittany spaniel. Greatest dog and she passed away during my first year of law school.
My current family of husband and two boys bugged me forever to get a dog and I was the one hold-out (the kids had to be old enough to walk the dog and take care of it). One Saturday when boys were 10 and 7, husband drove us all to lunch–”But we just have to make one stop first…” At PAWS, and I fell in love with a Boingle (beagle pointer mix), probably 9 months old. What got me was that his coloring and face shape looked like Brownie. What a wonderful dog Buster is (named for Buster Keaton). And a great guard dog. Any one comes near the house and he barks like crazy!
- Maggie - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
I found Maggie and a litter mate in a box in a Dairy Queen parking lot when a friend and I were on Spoon River Drive in October 2001. There was a bowl of water outside the box but the box was too tall for the puppies to climb out of and it was a pretty warm day. My friend and I took the puppies home She kept one and I kept one, they were both females. I named mine Maggie and Maggie didn’t want to walk. I took her to the vet the following day and the vet said she had been abused but she could walk. I overcompensated and spoiled her, she was definitely my dog. She was an Australian shepherd with blue eyes, and she was beautiful and sweet, at least to me! Maggie was also hugely territorial and skittish around strangers but she mellowed with the years. I lost her in December after 15 years and it broke my heart. She was truly a great dog.
- FormerParatrooper - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
A few years ago my wife decided we needed a small dog, so off to PAWS we went. We walked a few, but none seemed interested in us or in being outside their cages. One fellow was running up the side of his cage and doing back flips, like he was showing off. And then she saw a yellow ball with large sad brown eyes. She took her for a walk and decided then she was our new family member. They told us she had been 3 homes and was just 12 months old. It was a few days after we had her, that the wife realized she didn’t get a small dog, she got a Yellow Lab. We were told she tore things up when left alone, that’s why the others didn’t keep her. She did not do anything of sort with us. She does have separation anxiety according to her vet, if I am gone for work beyond a few weeks, she mopes, sits at the door and whines. The wife puts the phone on speaker and I talk to her and she snaps out of it. Now, weekly I talk to her on the phone when I am gone and she seems more content and patient. When I am home, I have a 70lb lap dog that sits in my lap and demands her attention. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
- blue dog dem - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 3:39 pm:
Its a sad time at the old blue dog kennel. Our 15 yr old German Shepherd is terminal. There is never a good way for this to end. making sure her last days are pain free, these end of life decisions are tough to make. Maggie, we feel your pain.
- Earnest - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 4:14 pm:
Growing up on a farm, I had Milo, a medium-sized black and white dog. We used to run after the cats. My dad was always amused when Milo would keep looking at me to get the go.
When I was 5, we moved “into town” and the new owners of the farm insisted that Milo stay. At least, that’s what I was told. Never did have another dog, at least not yet.
- WhoKnew - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 4:40 pm:
When our Boston Terrier “Oscar” turned 12 I asked my wife if we could get another Boston, so that he could learn Oscars mannerisms. I took our adopted little boy to let him pick up his new puppy & we came home with “Gizmo”. In the truck on the way home Gizmo passed a little gas. Man what a memory, had to pull the truck over from the fumes and laughing so hard.
Lost Oscar 2 years ago at the age of 16. Sure thankful for the memories!