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More CPS finger-pointing

Thursday, Mar 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

As the stalemate over Chicago Public Schools funding persists, Wednesday’s CPS board meeting saw more rhetoric, with the school district and the state continuing to lay blame at each other’s feet.

“Yesterday, Governor [Bruce] Rauner, in a statement of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ absurdity, blamed the city for the immediate financial crisis that threatens to close our school doors early,” CPS CEO Forrest Claypool said.

Claypool has said CPS may have to close on June 1, as opposed to June 20, unless the district receives more money from the state to fill a $215 million budget hole.

Rauner’s administration fired right back.

* Tribune

Claypool said the district’s latest fiscal emergency was caused solely by Rauner’s veto of a measure that would have provided the $215 million.

“He is only threatening to take away critical school days for CPS students. He is only threatening to take away textbooks and after school programs for children of color in the state’s largest school district.”

State Education Secretary Beth Purvis, in a statement, continued to urge Claypool to get behind a legislative effort promoted by the governor to both overhaul state pension systems and secure funding for the district. The governor has said he vetoed the measure to aid to CPS because it was not tied to broader pension reform.

“Look in the mirror, Mr. Claypool. You presented a budget to your board knowing that it spent $215 million more than the General Assembly appropriated,” Purvis said. “As CEO, you knew that the additional money was dependent on the passage of statewide pension reform.”

It’s like watching a tennis match. Kinda tiring, too.

* ABC 7

Some teachers, union members and parents that don’t want Chicago schools to close early this year voiced their opinions.

“I’m not here to say who is right or wrong, knock it off, get these kids educated, keep Chicago Public Schools Open,” Diane Palmer, SEIU, said. […]

“What are we doing? We need to make plans. Are we having school in June or not?” Jesse Sharkey, Chicago Teacher’s Union vice president, said.

At Wednesday’s school board meeting, Claypool gave no indication about his plans.

* Related…

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  1. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    ===”As CEO, you knew that the additional money was dependent on the passage of statewide pension reform,”===

    I wonder why Purvis didn’t mention that the statewide pension reform she referred to was killed by Governor Rauner in the Senate last month. She must have forgotten about that.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    ===Claypool said the district’s latest fiscal emergency was caused solely by Rauner’s veto of a measure that would have provided the $215 million.===

    No, keep up Rauner Crew…

    The Boss, Governor Rauner stated he got emotional and vetoed the $215 million, triggering this….

    … current, today, real-time…

    … situation exacerbated solely by a veto only a governor can choose to use, and Rauner chose it, emotionally…

    … and hurting Chicago students… purposely.

    The rest is just ignoring the simple truth of governing… governors own vetoes and the fallout of those vetoes.

    Good try, Rauner Crew, but governors can’t explain away vetoes.

    Same as it ever was.

  3. - Down South - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    “kind of tiring” - it’s flat out exhausting!

  4. - Juice - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    “Look in the mirror, Mr. Claypool. You presented a budget to your board knowing that it spent $215 million more than the General Assembly appropriated,” Purvis said.”

    Purvis could then be heard yelling “Get that kettle out of here!”

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    Sorry, thought I had grabbed this too.


    ===Purvis said. “As CEO, you knew that the additional money was dependent on the passage of statewide pension reform.===

    That’s Dr. Purvis congratulating Gov. Rauner for purposely hurting Chicago students… by being emotional.

    How can Dr. Purvis say that, and how does that reconcile with Rauner saying his veto was an emotional response?

    “Then this…”

    No, keep up Rauner Crew…

    The Boss, Governor Rauner stated he got emotional and vetoed the $215 million, triggering this….

    … current, today, real-time…

    … situation exacerbated solely by a veto only a governor can choose to use, and Rauner chose it, emotionally…

    … and hurting Chicago students… purposely.

    The rest is just ignoring the simple truth of governing… governors own vetoes and the fallout of those vetoes.

    Good try, Rauner Crew, but governors can’t explain away vetoes.

    Same as it ever was.

    Dr. Purvis, you can’t blame someone or group or “anyone” for a choice only a governor can made.

    I am excited Dr. Purvis is cheering the veto. That’s fun.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:01 am:

    Bruce is very good at finger pointing.

  7. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    Not only did Forest Claypool pass an unbalanced budget seeking 215 million extra dollars from Springfield which has not had a balanced budget in years but he was not successful in getting the teachers to pick up the full share of the employee cost of the pensions like every other state worker does.

    Karen Lewis and CTU won the battle, protecting the 98 percent pension pick up for current teachers but may lose the war in terms of furlough days, teacher layoffs and a shorter school year.

    All they would have to do to get the extra pension money is have the state pass Senator Cullerton’s pension reform

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    This means you, and Dr. Purvis cheer the veto, something only a governor can do, that purposely hurts Chicago students.

    ===All they would have to do to get the extra pension money is have the state pass Senator Cullerton’s pension reform===

    Do you want me to grab where Rich Miller tries to explain to you where you fail in your logic?

  9. - Jocko - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    Claypool should just write “Working Together on a Grand Bargain” and put $215 million next to it.

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    OW do you think passing unbalanced budgets and failing to negotiate a fair deal so CPS teachers are on a level playing field as far as the rest of state workers in the pension system is impossible?

    CPS is in far worse shape than the state, but their pensions are far more lucrative for the employees.

    CPS and Chicago legislative leaders want to have it’s cake and eat it too.

    Taxpayers are not bottomless pits of money. Speaker Madigan and pretty much everyone else admits the pension system is unsustainable. If not reform now, when?

    Responsible leaders balance the interests of all parties, not just democratic special interests.

  11. - Rod - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    At the CPS Board meeting where Claypool’s comments occurred a recurring theme during the public participation component was a direct attack on Claypool’s managerial competence. By this I mean parents wanted to know the close down date so they could make arrangements for their children. The CTU via vice president Sharkey also raised similar concerns. Claypool prides himself on being the ever efficient manager so that stung I think.

    Claypool wants to focus on Rauner’s responsibility for the $215 million shortfall, but many others have much more immediate practical concerns that Claypool seems to be ignoring in order to continue the political attack on Rauner and get the money.

    Also it should be added that having a white guy like Claypool playing the race card repeatedly against Rauner is visually confusing.

  12. - Union Dues - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    It was the Governor himself who made the bailout dependent on pension reform. Then he was the Gov who squashed the pension reform by pulling votes from the grand bargain.

  13. - KAA-boom - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    Claypool is just plain wrong on 2 fronts:

    1. Suburban schools are being impacted by the impasse. It’s called pro-ration and it’s been going on for a long time.
    2. The City of Chicago has the capacity and ability to provide more funding to schools. They lack the political will and motivation to actually do it.

  14. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    LP, no State/Uni worker pays their employee contribution. That was traded for raises in the 90’s. Downstate teachers, my data is old, but a plurality have at least a portion picked up by the district.

    Why do you think this is so contentious with CPS?

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    ===do you think passing unbalanced budgets…===

    Yeah, I’m gonna stop you right there.

    Rauner has proposed 3, grossly unbalanced, status quo budgets, and hasn’t signed ANY budget since taking the oath as Governor.

    You have NO points talking “budgets”, “balanced”, or “responsible”. You have no point. You know it too.

    This is the first time I’m reminding you today.

    ===CPS and Chicago legislative leaders want to have it’s cake and eat it too.===

    Again, then you are 100% advocating the emotional veto only Rauner can choose to use. Logic is lost in you.

    This will be the first time today I remind you that choosing to think this veto is stopping “cake and eat it too” is Rauner choosing, not being forced to veto.

    The rest of your gibberish includes Rauner Word Jumble favorites like…


    … and refuse to see the simplicity that Rauner himself admitted he (Rauner) vetoed the CPS’s $215 “emotionally”

    Rauner owns the veto, Dr. Purvis seems to own the veto for Rauner, heck, even you - Lucky Pierre - say “cake and eat it too” ownership of the veto is fine by you.

    You should be cheering? Why aren’t you?

  16. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    Of course it’s all Bruce’s fault: (1) that CPS deliberately passed a budget that included a negotiated bailout from Springfield, (2) that the terms of the negotiated bailout weren’t kept by anyone, (3) that CPS decided years ago to pay a higher percentage into their teacher pension funds than other school districts and negotiated those terms into their own labor contracts, and in spite of (1), (2) and (3) need to be bailed out . . . because . . .

    If they don’t get their way, they will close early, screwing up children and their parents, and continue their finger pointing, because to listen to CPS, nothing is ever their own fault or of their own making.

    Now this same group, the largest school district in Illinois, entrusted to educate the most students than any other school district, pretends to be flummoxed as to how they got into this mess.

    The spin: It’s all Bruce’s fault. The reality: CPS, Claypool and Emmanuel need to look into a mirror.

    Babies instructing children. That’s the problem with CPS.

  17. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:38 am:


    the Governor would sign Senator Cullerton’s pension bill as a stand alone tomorrow and CPS would get the money as the leaders agreed in June.

    Why are you rooting for this to not happen?

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:42 am:

    ===the Governor would sign Senator Cullerton’s pension bill as a stand alone tomorrow and CPS would get the money as the leaders agreed in June.===

    … but Rauner chose to veto the $215 million before any of that could happen.

    You do know how vetoes work, right?

    You think Raunerites in the House and Senate are going to override the Rauner veto for CPS now?

    Do you even understand politics, governing, and how they work together?

    I can’t root for something that doesn’t exist as a path right now, and you know it doesn’t exist as a path right now.

  19. - City Zen - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    ==LP, no State/Uni worker pays their employee contribution. That was traded for raises in the 90’s.==

    You do realize that “trade” only exists in the year in which the raise was given up. Unless wages have been frozen for 30+ years or raises were much smaller than anyone else without the pick-up, there is no trade. It’s just another giveaway.

  20. - Juice - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    LP, Cullerton has called the pension bill for a vote twice now. And both times Republicans killed it.

    The votes aren’t going to be there if its not part of a bigger package, and since the Governor doesn’t appear to want an end to the impasse, he doesn’t have a path to get to 60 and 30 and the pension bill as a stand alone.

  21. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    I’m glad DHS is so flush it can afford a $250K contract employee to lob lame “I know you are, but what am I” zingers about Chicago schools. Can’t have enough of those hidden on the payroll when you’re shakin’ up corrupt Springfield.

    Where’s the $250k state Superintendent of Instruction in all this? That’s a real job, written into law and everything.

    Purvis is a ghost payroller. That used to be scandalous. Now they get fancy made up titles that some media pretend are real, for some reason.

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    The votes would be there is Chicago legislators get enough pressure

    Do you understand how politics and governor works? Give and take, deal making compromise.

    What compromises have democrats made? Should not take you long to come up with the answers.

    All foreign concepts in Springfield. It is like the Dire Straits song playing on a loop -money for nothing…

  23. - Juice - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    The Senate Dems were willing to give on pensions, workers comp, procurement reform, term limits on leaders, and a property tax freeze.

    All because the Governor is incapable of doing math.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    Oh - Louis G Atsaves -, lol…


    ===Of course it’s all Bruce’s fault: (1) that CPS deliberately passed a budget that included a negotiated bailout from Springfield, (2) that the terms of the negotiated bailout weren’t kept by anyone, (3) that CPS decided years ago to pay a higher percentage into their teacher pension funds than other school districts and negotiated those terms into their own labor contracts, and in spite of (1), (2) and (3) need to be bailed out . . . because===

    Counselor, in government, which branch has a veto, and is that veto a sole instrument of that branch?

    Your talking around the simple fact… simple fact… Bruce Rauner purposely hurt Chicago students, “emotionally” by executing an act only a governor CAN do.

    You should be cheering…

    “Yes! Governor Rauner hurt Chicago students. That’ll teach ‘em”

    Rauner owns his veto, why don’t you?

    ===If they don’t get their way, they will close early, screwing up children and their parents, and continue their finger pointing, because to listen to CPS, nothing is ever their own fault or of their own making.===

    This is embarrassing for you. A veto caused this real-time problem… but you already know that.

    ===The spin: It’s all Bruce’s fault. The reality: CPS, Claypool and Emmanuel need to look into a mirror.===

    Why do Emmanuel and CPS need to look in a mirror, did they “emotionally” veto the $215 million.

    Governors own vetoes.

    You saying they don’t, Counselor, might question your own knowledge of the Constitution and Powers of the Branches, lol.

  25. - Juice - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    And take a look at the roll call.

    Most Chicago legislators already voted for the pension changes. But if the deal is pensions to bail out CPS, versus actually ending the impasse, you lose suburban and downstate democratic votes.

  26. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:29 am:

    Oswego Willy logic

    “Son” spends more than he makes over decades

    “Son” asks “Dad” for more money

    “Dad” says happy to help son but you need to spend responsibly so I don’t have to bail you out next year.

    “Son” stomps feet and says I won’t change anything, give me my money.

    “Dad” owns the son’s problems

    Repeat year after year

  27. - Amalia - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    Claypool has the reputation of being a big cost cutter. But the money needs of CPS are more than presenting a lower budget and the State screecher knows that.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    ===The votes would be there is Chicago legislators get enough pressure.===


    Governors get 60 and 30. Ask GHR, ask Edgar, ask Thompson.

    Further, the only actor in this that has pulled votes time and time again to prevent passage of things is Rauner. Leader Radogno will attest to the latest submarining by Rauner.

    ===What compromises have democrats made? Should not take you long to come up with the answers.===

    From former Gov. Ryan…

    ===“The governor is the top guy. He is the leader. House Speaker Mike Madigan is not. The governor has to make things happen. If he doesn’t get everything he wants, he’s got to figure out how much he can get. To get something done. He’s got to take the wheel. He’s got to have a plan. It’s like everything in life.”===

    So, there’s that…

    ===All foreign concepts in Springfield.===

    Thompson, Edgar, Ryan… Compromise and Concesus.

    ===…money for nothing…===

    Then you ARE cheering the veto. There’s no other way that bit works unless you’re cheering the veto hurting Chicago students.

    Own your cheering. Chicago students are hurt, “money for nothing” and all, according to you…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    ===spends more than he makes over decades

    “Son” asks “Dad” for more money

    “Dad” says happy to help son but you need to spend responsibly so I don’t have to bail you out next year.

    “Son” stomps feet and says I won’t change anything, give me my money.

    “Dad” owns the son’s problems

    Repeat year after year===

    Rauner has yet, himself propose a balanced budget.

    According to that logic, Rauner is the son, for the past 3 years, LOL!

    You have NO case in the budgetary argument.

    Also, that analogy, you’re cheering for the Dad, and Dad is vetoing more monies in your warped example.

    Just cheer Rauner hurting Chicago students, you’re accidentally trying not to anyway…

  30. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:37 am:

    OW warped logic= living within your means, spending responsibly

    Rauner is the “son” refusing to make any changes? Talk about warped logic

  31. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    ===…warped logic= living within your means, spending responsibly===

    Rauner has yet to provide 3 budgets that he proposed “living within your means, spending responsibly”

    Why aren’t you upset with Governor Rauner?

    ===Rauner is the “son” refusing to make any changes? Talk about warped logic===

    You say yourself, “grossly unbalanced, status quo budgets”

    Rauner has proposed 3… “grossly unbalanced, status quo budgets”

    Same as it ever was.

    Keep trying, lol

  32. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:02 pm:

    OW you only have a problem with the past three “grossly unbalanced budgets ” the Governor submitted.

    Of course you neglect to mention the budget contains bipartisan reforms that would slow the growth off spending and would balance with revenue he agreed to support.

    Meanwhile, you let every other politician, state and local that just wants to keep the same deficit spending they have been doing for decades and not reform anything so labor can have peace.

    Labor peace seems to be all that matters in your book. The rest of the state’s needs are inconsequential. You prove that day after day.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:10 pm:

    ===Of course you neglect to mention the budget contains bipartisan reforms that would slow the growth off spending and would balance with revenue he agreed to support.===

    Couple ignorant things to truth you left out;

    It’s admitted that it IS grossly unbalanced and a status quo budget that… won’t make up the shortfall with the ridiculous reforms… and it’s not a give the increased revenue, it’s a requirement.

    All those factors, they’re baked into the cake that IS…

    Rauner’s 3 wholly status quo, grossly unbalanced budgets… 3 of them.

    But, you already know this, you are reminded daily, and count this as your first reminder on revenue increase isn’t a “give” abc saddle that to the admitted unbalanced budget submission with reforms.

    ===Meanwhile, you let every other politician, state and local that just wants to keep the same deficit spending they have been doing for decades and not reform anything so labor can have peace.

    Labor peace seems to be all that matters in your book. The rest of the state’s needs are inconsequential. You prove that day after day.===


    I guess you don’t read “too good”

    60 and 30…

    That’s the ball game.

    I can show you dozens upon dozens.

    Labor peace is critical in finding a stability within government and outside government

    The Decatur PowerPoint made Labor peace impossible. That’s on Rauner too, which is why Rauner gets called on it. And got called on me watching it, starting the day Rauner took the oath.

    By the way. Half that comment was about me, not about the issues? Why is that?

  34. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:19 pm:

    No changes in Governor’s demands since the Decatur powerpoint?

    Did you just wake up from a two year nap Rip Van Willy?

    The” ridiculous reforms” on pensions are the Senate Presidents, not the Governor

    the other “ridiculous reform”s like term limits, redistricting, workers comp, property tax reform and others all have bipartisan majority support of the voters.

    Perhaps you can give us the elusive roadmap to labor peace that does not reform pensions or health care benefits.

    The labor peace you describe has mortgaged our future with the 130 billion in unfunded pensions

  35. - Maximus - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    Lucky Pierre,
    You are making way too much sense. For some here they believe CPS would be in perfect financial shape if it wasn’t for that missing 215 million they tried to negotiate from the state.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===No changes in Governor’s demands since the Decatur powerpoint?

    Did you just wake up from a two year nap Rip Van Willy?===

    I do nap. But I’m not sleeping on 60 and 30.

    If Rauner has 60 and 30, I must’ve missed it. So did Edgar, Ryan, well… everyone.

    It’s up to governors to find 60 and 30, not me.

  37. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    @Willy, yes the Governor has a veto. He used it. Get over it. Allowing CPS the funds to scratch and claw financially to the end of the school year is one thing.

    Next year, when CPS comes for bailout no. 2, will it have learned it’s lesson about finances?

    Highly doubtful. Based on Emmanuel’s rants and Claypool’s blatherings? Change doubtful to “nope.”

    Babies educating children in the largest school system in the State.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    ===the other “ridiculous reform”s like term limits, redistricting, workers comp, property tax reform and others all have bipartisan majority support of the voters.===

    Not the question, but good try.

    That won’t fill $7-9 billion in a grossly unbalanced budget. Wants and budgets requirements are apples and oranges, and thanks for pointing out the wants, they are why the budget is being held hostage by Rauner, again, something you already know.

    Rauner could go on stairs and show 60 and 30 for his wants, why won’t he?

    ===Perhaps you can give us the elusive roadmap to labor peace that does not reform pensions or health care benefits.===

    That’s a governor’s job, not mine, and since you’re asking me, you must be conceding Rauner hasn’t found that answer. “Thanks!”

    ===The labor peace you describe has mortgaged our future with the 130 billion in unfunded pensions===

    No, that was the ILSC that made the case about pensions, that and the pesky constitution.

    Rauner, by nearly every measure, has made Illinois worse off since he’s been governor. Ask Crain’s

  39. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    - Louis G Atsaves -

    Then all your bloviating has boiled down to…

    “Get over it”

    Rauner purposely hurt Chicago students today… “Get over it”

    I dunno, Counselor, the Rauner Crew might not agree with the “Governor Rauner vetoed the $215 million hurting Chicago schools, get over it” take… lol

    - Maximus -

    Then you agree with the Veto and that it hurts Chicago students, purposely, and that ok. Got it.

  40. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    Louis, who are these “babies” that you speak of?

    If it’s Emanuel and Claypool, Rauner thought they were big heat back in the day when he was trolling for government business and dropping hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions on them. He was among their biggest supporters.

    If you’re referring to Chicago school teachers — the actual educators — perhaps you could explain why they rate that insult from such a concerned big hitter such as yourself.

  41. - School parent - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 12:49 pm:

    As usual, all the discussion is about political personality conflicts. No one is asking the real question–is CPS’s claim true? Are it’s minority and poor students getting far fewer dollars than the rest of the state, which is mostly white? Seems that can actually be determined with routine math and the state’s own sources. But I haven’t seen a single reporter even ask the question, let alone investigate and report.

  42. - Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    @word, I define “babies” as the administrators of the CPS, including Emmanuel. Not teachers, students, janitors. Yup, Claypool and Emmanuel were all allegedly pals with Rauner once, but maybe Bruce learned his lesson about many so-called “political pals.”

  43. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    ===Yup, Claypool and Emmanuel were all allegedly pals with Rauner once===

    “Allegedly”? Counselor, you give someone the money Rauner gave Claypool and Rahm… you call that “allegedly”?

    C’mon - Louis G Atsaves -, you’re better than this. Honestly.

    “Allegedly”… Geez, Louise.

  44. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:24 pm:


    ===The labor peace you describe has mortgaged our future with the 130 billion in unfunded pensions===

    No, that was the ILSC that made the case about pensions, that and the pesky constitution.

    Of course you neglect to mention your idols Jim Edgar, Mike Madigan, Senator Cullerton and every other past Governor and legislative leader’s responsibility for that mess.

    You direct your anger only at the current Governor and excuse everyone else.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===Of course you neglect to mention your idols Jim Edgar, Mike Madigan, Senator Cullerton and every other past Governor and legislative leader’s responsibility for that mess.

    You direct your anger only at the current Governor and excuse everyone else.===

    Good try, you know better, but “good” try.

    I’ve cited, even to you, often may I add, McKinney’s work on the crisis, even giving the link.

    Did/Does McKinney give cover to MJM, Edgar, Ryan, even Jim Thompson?

    So… are you incapable of understanding, unable to remember questions asked an answered, or just a Raunerbot “fool”, wearing jester clothing repeating the same things, asking the same questions that are both refuted and explained to you like a babe in the woods, which we all know you are not.

    “Of course you neglect to mention your idols Jim Edgar, Mike Madigan, Senator Cullerton and every other past Governor and legislative leader’s responsibility for that mess.”

    Nope. And you know it. You know it, if your in the least honest.

    “Asked and Answered

  46. - Rod - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    School parent your issue has been placed before the Illinois courts by CPS. I believe it’s very possible CPS will eventually lose their case and the funding provided to CPS under the existing formula will be found not to violate any law or be discriminatory.

    In the meantime it would be nice if Mr. Claypool would inform parents of an early school closing date so they can begin to make plans for a more extended summer vacation. I don’t see the Governor handing over the money, regardless of the pleas of Chance the rapper. Either Claypool closes down early or he comes up with the money to make the pension payment. Having been a CPS parent and once upon a time a CPS student myself the instability of this school district wears on you.

  47. - School Parent - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    Rod–issue I was raising was for the news media. It’s a very serious charge CPS is making. Why is the mainstream media allergic to the work of fact finding and reporting? If true, the governor’s political deals should be irrelevant. How can you get away with government-sponsored race discrimination directed at kids?

  48. - The Real Just Me - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 3:45 pm:

    Mr. Atsaves, do administrators include the Board? If you are calling the members of the Chicago Board of Education “babies” you may want to check the composition of the Board. Actually some pretty impressive individuals, including Fr. Garanzini. And keep in mind, Jesuits don’t like being called “babies.”

  49. - wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    – Yup, Claypool and Emmanuel were all allegedly pals with Rauner once, but maybe Bruce learned his lesson about many so-called “political pals.”–

    Geez, I’ll take some of those alleged powerful checks any day of the week.

    But, Louis, tell us more about the epiphany your boss had. His actions for the greater good are very mysterious to those of us who aren’t disciples.

    Are CPS schools closing early or opening late just a cross some have to bear — for something-something?

    What do you get out of this dorm-room rhetoric, Louis? Green Stamps? After two years, Rauner ain’t a mystery. His actions reveal his objectives.

  50. - Ron - Thursday, Mar 23, 17 @ 11:26 pm:

    CPS will close early. Pensions are hungry for cash.

  51. - PublicServant - Friday, Mar 24, 17 @ 8:21 am:

    No Ron. CPS schools will close early because the governor “emotionally” vetoed a 215 million dollar bill passed with a bipartisan majority in the legislature. Rauner owns that veto. Willy is absolutely right about that.

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