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Justifying the carnage

Monday, Apr 10, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Tribune editorial on the stopgap passed last week by the House

Rep. Steve Andersson, R-Geneva, said he wakes up every day wondering “who will die today?” because of lawmakers’ inaction on a full-year budget. But he stuck with his opposition to a stopgap, saying it only relieves the pressure on the legislature to find a real solution.

“Call me a hostage taker. Go ahead. It’s been done before. We need the pressure to get to a full budget, not a budget like this,” he said. […]

As much as they blame Rauner and his agency heads for failing to say where they would cut spending — and we get that — they prove him right about duct tape solutions. That’s what a stopgap is.

This state desperately needs a full-year budget. Rauner has said he will block the half measure the House passed, if it gets to his desk. Then what?

Why is it so hard to understand that what social service agencies and universities need is stability? They don’t need stopgap budgets. They don’t need a sip of relief. They need and deserve a long-term plan. All parties in Springfield are failing them on that.

Rep. Andersson is a co-sponsor of a bill to provide funding for state employee salaries in perpetuity and regardless of whether a budget is passed.

And one wonders if the Tribune will say the same about a stopgap if a full budget isn’t passed by June 30th and K-12 schools are in danger of not opening.

So, yes, stability is most desperately needed, as is a real budget. But higher ed and human services need this stopgap money in the interim. To deny them that “sip of relief” so they can remain alive to take a full drink after the big boys and girls finally finish fighting is simply not right.

Universities have laid off staff and shut down programs but those actions have had zero impact on the impasse. Social service providers have stopped providing service to a million people and it has had no impact. Two of the only things that almost undoubtedly will have an impact are a complete governmental shutdown and schools not opening on time.

Noticing a pattern here?


  1. - Langhorne - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:10 pm:


    Never been happier.


    Carnage, what carnage? Winning.

  2. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    “Rep. Steve Andersson, R-Geneva, said he wakes up every day wondering “who will die today?” because of lawmakers’ inaction on a full-year budget.”

    When the next sentence starts with “But” you’re doing it wrong.

  3. - Langhorne - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    The ad writes itself, if the dems and unions would only use it.

    Scroll specific carnage factoids on the left half, alternate energized and happy quotes on the right to match.

    Start doing this NOW. Body blows before adjournment. Rauner totally controls the messaging. He is getting away w murder.

  4. - pawn - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    I’m so done with the Trib. Cancelled my subscription after 32 years of being a subscriber — since I was 18 years old. I could not stomach the sanctimony and hypocrisy coming from Hurricane McQueary and her friends, and how they refuse to hold Rauner to any standards of truth and decency.

  5. - Earnest - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:22 pm:

    >Noticing a pattern here?

    I would have bet $150,000,000 that the Republicans in the legislature could not be bought into this and I would have lost.

    That the IDP hasn’t been able to turn a blatant pattern into a clear, cohesive message is political malpractice. Their supporters should sue them. /s

  6. - Anonamouse - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    I know what would get noticed.
    Have UofI close the Springfield campus due to lack of funding.

  7. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    If you want pressure to do your job, baby, no K-12 approp. in the fall.

    Long about Labor Day, that kind of pressure will likely involve a mob of parents, tar, feathers and a free ride on a rail out of town.

    What motivation!

    The tronclodyte “stability” argument is hilarious, if you accept them as the screwball comedy act that they are, and ignore two years of incoherent, unquantifiable pre-conditions for a budget that would produce that stability for core government functions and paying bills for services rendered.

    I guess the troncs feel that they owe it to higher ed and social services, for “stability” sake, to deprive them of a breath of air when they’re purposely being strangled to death by Rauner.

    Judge Smails said it best.

  8. - illini - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    @Earnest - what you said as /s/ is anything but.

    …political malpractice, indeed.

  9. - duckblind - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:28 pm:

    Talking about the stopgap as being wrong but he is a part of the bill to do the same for the employees pay??? What am I missing here does anyone in Springfield play with a full deck these days?

  10. - Gruntled University Employee - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    Keep telling yourself that Rep Andersson, whatever it takes to be able to sleep at night.

  11. - DuPage - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    While our state universities are drowning, other states are offering alternatives. This ad showed up over the weekend.

  12. - Honeybear - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    A pattern of perfidy

  13. - Boat captain - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    Agree with Wordslinger. That is the pressure that is needed.

  14. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    The GA and Mike Madigan still refuses to acknowledge after two years a Republican was elected by the majority of Illinois residents to reform Government in Springfield.

    He never would have been elected in deep blue Illinois without the help of democrats and independents.

    The failure to agree to any reforms is on Democrats

  15. - Sir Reel - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:06 pm:

    Representative Anderson: do as I say, not as I do.

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:07 pm:

    LP, domo arigato, Mister Robotto!

    Please hit refresh and explain the relationship between not paying your bills, gutting higher ed and term limits.

    Because you can’t pay your bills or fund higher ed, without term limits, right? Something-something, job creators?

    I’m sure it makes a lot of sense, after all this time.

  17. - Rabid - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    The practice of taking hostages as security is know as kidnaping

  18. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:11 pm:

    –The practice of taking hostages as security is know as kidnaping–

    Or extortion.

    The thing is, I think the carnage might not have been the primary goal, but it certainly is an acceptable secondary goal.

    Those collectivists won’t come back, if you put them out of business.

    If they do, the willful fiscal degradation in GRF is so severe, they’ll have to take pennies on the dollar, going forward, as the new baseline.


  19. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:11 pm:

    ===The GA and Mike Madigan still refuses to acknowledge after two years a Republican was elected by the majority of Illinois residents to reform Government in Springfield.===

    Bruce Rauner still refuses to acknowledge after two elections that the democrats won the majority of Illinois house and senate seats. He would have never been elected in a “deep blue” state had reporters actually reported that the state’s condition was improving. The failure to agree to a budget is on Rauner.

  20. - don the legend - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    LP, that reformin Government takes 60 and 30. It’s in the constitution. That same document that says pensions can’t be diminished and that the Governor is who must submit a balanced budget. Tedious I know, but try to understand.

  21. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:12 pm:


    Honest people can agree some reforms are needed but not at the cost of social services and higher ed. They can have honest discussions about their disdain for the way Rauner is going about trying to get said reforms.

    You, you’re nothing but a hack. You copy and paste the same drivel regardless of the subject matter and context. Go away and take Rauner with you.

  22. - Try-4-Truth - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:13 pm:

    ======- Lucky Pierre - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    The GA and Mike Madigan still refuses to acknowledge after two years a Republican was elected by the majority of Illinois residents to reform Government in Springfield.

    He never would have been elected in deep blue Illinois without the help of democrats and independents.

    The failure to agree to any reforms is on Democrats=======

    Lucky Pierre still refuses to acknowledge that the Illinois General Assembly is overwhelmingly Democratic. He also fails to realize the fact that Gov. Rauner defeated Pat Quinn in 2014, not Mike Madigan.

    I’m also wondering if Mr. Pierre was around, year after year, after year, when Republicans were in the Governor’s Mansion there was always a budget. Always. I wonder what’s different now?

  23. - Whatever - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    ==The failure to agree to any reforms is on Democrats ==

    Name one of the Governor’s “reforms” that is in any way related to the budget, other than worker’s comp reform. For extra credit, tell us the budgetary effect of that reform.

    Just calling something a “reform” doesn’t make it so. Just saying that “without reforms, we’ll never fix our problems” does not mean a proposed reform will fix anything. The Governor has failed to propose any meaningful reforms, and has never stated what the effects of any of his reforms would have on the budget.

  24. - Sideline Watcher - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:22 pm:

    Lucky….Illinois is not deep blue. When you look at the map by county, it’s clear as day. It’s disingenuous at best to continue to behave as though this fiasco is only on the Dems. This is divided government. Neither branch can accomplish anything without the other. Period.

    Rauner and the superstars refuse to acknowledge that they didn’t come into a Wisconsin legislature where they could pass whatever hard core conservative stuff they wanted to. So the failure of this state over the last two years is due largely to a Governor who refuses to accept that legislature is duly elected just like him. You know…co equal branches and all that.

    That democracy thing sure is difficult.

  25. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    –Rep. Steve Andersson, R-Geneva, said he wakes up every day wondering “who will die today?”–

    If you truly woke up every day wondering that, wouldn’t you take immediate measures to mitigate the situation, any way you could, as soon as you could, as you press for a permanent solution?

    What’s the heck is this guy babbling about?

    Meanwhile, on the order of “you can’t make this stuff up,” check out this tweet from this afternoon:


    The @ALPLM will be showing the film “Paths of Glory” at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11.–

    Perhaps Gov. Rauner can make one of his Springfield Carharrt public appearances and introduce the flick:

    – It’s trench warfare, basically. Battle here, gain two feet, lose a foot, gain five feet, lose two feet. I mean, it’s a tough battle. But, we’re winning.”–

    Yeah, I think Douglas and Kubrick would say you’re really, really missing the point of trench warfare.

  26. - Big Muddy - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:55 pm:

    Difference between Anderson and Democrats, who have the majority in both chambers and could easily pass a budget, is that he wants to do the right thing and pass a full year balanced budget while Democrats just want to blame Steve and those like him.

    Let’s not forget Madigan and Cullerton have the votes to put a full year budget on Governors desk but choose not to.

  27. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    –Let’s not forget Madigan and Cullerton have the votes to put a full year budget on Governors desk but choose not to.–

    Give someone your car keys, okay?

  28. - Big Muddy - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:07 pm:

    You an ostrich? Head in the sand and all… Denying reality is what the Dem’s are all about in this state. It’s as if they had nothing to do with the mess we are in and have no way to make Illinois better. Last I checked they have the 60 and 30 needed.

  29. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:08 pm:

    ===Let’s not forget Madigan and Cullerton have the votes to put a full year budget on Governors desk but choose not to.===

    I seem to remember that happening… so what happened? Spoiler alert, total veto except K-12.

  30. - Big Muddy - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:15 pm:

    =I seem to remember that happening… so what happened? Spoiler alert, total veto except K-12.=

    Fail much? Life is hard. Not trying is worse than failing.

  31. - Agree!! - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    I think PHONY hit the nail on the head.

  32. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    –You an ostrich? Head in the sand and all… –

    LOL, definitely give up the car keys. Dude, it’s Monday, pace yourself.

    –Denying reality is what the Dem’s are all about in this state. It’s as if they had nothing to do with the mess we are in and have no way to make Illinois better. Last I checked they have the 60 and 30 needed.–

    See if you can keep up to the 2:30 mark on the link below for what else has to happen (substitute GA for Congress, Governor for President).

    Very informative.

  33. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:18 pm:

    ===Fail much? Life is hard. Not trying is worse than failing.===

    Where is the governor’s balanced budget presentation then? Not trying is worse than failing.

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:18 pm:

    ===I think PHONY hit the nail on the head===

    Except that comment was held in moderation for its way over the top rhetoric and you just happen to have the same IP address. So, now I gotta ban you for sock puppetry.

  35. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:20 pm:

    I’m still convinced LP is Yaffe.

  36. - Ron - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:25 pm:

    Constitutions don’t pay bills.

  37. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:25 pm:

    Mr Miller, swinging the ban hammer! Lol

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:27 pm:

    === swinging the ban hammer===


    People is weird sometimes.

  39. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 5:54 pm:

    You are right Illinois did not vote like a deep blue state for Rauner’s election.

    He had a huge mandate for reform winning every county except Cook

    Obviously that huge win went over like a lead ballon for the Cook County Dems who have controlled Illinois for decades

  40. - Fixer - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 6:00 pm:

    Thanks for the insight, LP/Yaffe

  41. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 6:02 pm:

    –He had a huge mandate for reform winning every county except Cook–

    LOL, 50.5% of the vote. And never campaigned on any of the stuff he’s tried to pull since.

    –Obviously that huge win went over like a lead ballon for the Cook County Dems who have controlled Illinois for decades–

    Like the 70s, 80s, 90s, Oughts……

    You don’t even try, do you, Baghdad Bob? You’re not actually interested in the issues or the people impacted, just the leader of your cult.

  42. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 6:28 pm:


  43. - peon - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 6:35 pm:

    The lack of a budget does not “put pressure on the legislature” - it puts pressure on the people of Illinois and our future.

    This is the whole problem with The Plan. It’s not leverage, it’s damage.

  44. - Railrat - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 6:49 pm:

    Yup damage to all ! Mild winter yet Snowflakes abound ! Are the CPS teachers suffering damage ? The same damage as the poor ? the mental health needed ? The other agencies that help our families? The higher education facilities? But hey votes in the Chicago caucuses are more important than the agency’s! So blame Rauner lot easier than reform !

  45. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:08 pm:

    Chicago needs a biblical flood, it would be best if college towns withered and died, that awful editorial was SO Hurricane McQueary I wasn’t a sentence into it before I was like here we go with some sickening Trib crap logic. Lordy just go away

  46. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:11 pm:

    Rauner be Quinn by 5 percentage points

    that is a landslide in a state that last voted for a Republican president in 1988

    The Speaker has controlled Springfield for decades

    The Senate has been run by a Chicago Democrat since 2003

    We had 12 years of Democratic mayors from Chicago

    If you really believe that Chicago democrats have not controlled Springfield how did they get all the social carveouts in terms of local control of teachers pensions etc?

  47. - Rich Miller - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:13 pm:

    ===that is a landslide in a state that last voted for a Republican president in 1988===

    Um, off-years are different. Illinois elected Republican governors in 90, 94 and 98. Quinn won in 2010 by less than a point.

  48. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:16 pm:

    Does paying your bills with borrowed money still count as paying your bills?

    can you take out a loan to pay your mortgage?

    Since we have not been paying our bills without borrowed money for over 15 years, I think nt

  49. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:28 pm:

    Wow Lucky P. Just wow. Illinois is doing it right now with Rauner as the Governor to the tune of 7 billion dollars a year. 7 billion. 7 billion. 7 billion. Now how does any “reform” (remember Blago ran on “reform” too) bring us near plugging this hole?

  50. - XDNR - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 7:51 pm:

    LP - Go ahead and continue your baseless dribble support for Rauner’s carnage, sleep well!

  51. - Illinoised - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 8:08 pm:

    I dream of the day when both sides quit debating which side is to blame for how we got here, and simply agree to do what is needed TODAY.

  52. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 8:15 pm:


    I dream of a day when people stop saying that exact thing that you are saying and start blaming the hostage taker instead of the hostage taker and hostages like they are one in the same. Then maybe something could actually happen in a positive manner.

  53. - Oldman - Monday, Apr 10, 17 @ 8:36 pm:

    The Chicago Tribune editorial board has forfeited all credibility in the state budget debate.

  54. - Chucktownian - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 7:04 am:

    Shut it down. Now. Then they’ll be movement on a deal.

  55. - PDJT - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 8:07 am:

    So what Rep. Steve Andersson is saying is that the Governor’s “turnaround agenda” is worth dying for. Well, at least worth other people dying for. He wakes up every morning knowing that people are dying as a result of this hostage situation, but he is opposed to saving them with a stop-gap budget.

    It’s time for Rep. Steve Andersson, to put up or shut up. If these agenda items are so important, then be like Mohamed Bouazizi, and make a real statement.

  56. - Lynn S. - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 8:47 am:

    Dear Lucky Pierre,

    When you were a child, did you beg your parents for a “Math is hard” Barbie doll?

    Rauner beat Quinn by171,900 votes. When we add the votes for Quinn and Grimm, Rauner only won by 53,802 votes.

    Under either scenario, Rauner did not have a double digit lead over Quinn. Rauner was selected by 50.3% of the voters in the 2014 election, but only 14.8% of the residents of Illinois.

    Rauner may have won the election, but he got nowhere close to the double digit margin needed to claim a “mandate”.

    In refusing to admit that we are a democracy with co-equal branches of government, both you and Bruce Rauner make it embarrassingly obvious that you didn’t pay attention in your high school Civics class.

    Bonus question: in 3 paragraphs or less, explain how the 40% of union members who voted for Bruce Rauner taught Pat Quinn a lesson.

  57. - illinoised - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 8:56 am:

    Ducky, I was not talking about the hostages, of which I am one. I was talking about Rauner and the Four Tops.

  58. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 9:00 am:

    So 55% of Illinois residents voting against a Democrat for Governor is a mandate for the Madigan/Quinn/Cullerton view of how Springfield should be run?

  59. - doedoa - Tuesday, Apr 11, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    Nice to see that the state of New York is making college free while we are destroying it. Great job legislators.

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