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Biss releases tax returns, calls on others to do the same

Friday, Apr 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

State Sen. Daniel Biss, a Democratic candidate for governor who is pushing legislation requiring presidential candidates to release their tax returns in order to be on the Illinois ballot, released five years of federal tax returns Thursday evening.

The returns show that in two of the years, including last year, Biss did not owe federal taxes.

For 2016, Biss reported $32,568 in adjusted gross income and, after deductions and exemptions, a taxable income of $2,958. The returns show he owed no federal tax. In 2013, the Evanston state senator reported $54,218 in adjusted gross income and $18,116 in taxable income, owing no federal tax.

Biss and his wife, Karin Steinbrueck, paid federal taxes of $581 in 2012, $629 in 2014 and $2,775 in 2015. Among the largest deductions he took were ones for local property taxes, state income taxes and home mortgage interest.

A campaign spokesman said Biss reported less salary than usual for last year because lawmakers’ paychecks were delayed during the ongoing Illinois state budget impasse.

Pritzker, Kennedy and Pawar all say they will release their tax returns. Gov. Rauner has released his returns every year. Rauner’s last return, for 2015, showed he had tripled his annual income. Biss, on the other hand, lost half of his income last year because of that “no budget, no pay” stunt.

* From the Biss campaign…

My fellow Democrats,

As you know, Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to release his tax returns for public scrutiny. The practice of candidates and executives releasing their returns isn’t simply a time honored tradition, but a necessary check to ensure elected officials don’t allow their responsibilities to the public to be compromised by potential personal gain.

Serious and consequential questions have been raised about Mr. Trump’s finances and potential conflicts of interest. And voters deserve answers to these questions.

Indeed, voters have the right to be confident that their elected officials are doing things for the right reasons, and that they are putting the interest of the people first. In short, they need to have trust in their elected officials — something that is in short supply today.

That’s why I introduced SB 982 in the Illinois legislature, which would require any candidate for President requesting the vote of Illinois citizens to afford them the respect of releasing their tax returns. We’ve seen the value of releasing tax returns in our state recently: when Governor Rauner released his returns, the public was made aware of potential conflicts of interest between Rauner family holdings and the allocation of public funds.

In a state that has been controlled by money and the machine for so long, the transparency provided in releasing tax returns is an important signal to voters that elected officials in Springfield are ready to be held accountable to the people, and only the people.

Accordingly, today, my wife and I are releasing our tax returns for the last five years. We also pledge to release next year’s returns before the primary election, and we are calling on all other Democratic candidates for governor to do the same. If we are calling upon President Trump and Governor Rauner to do so, Illinois voters should expect nothing less from any Democratic candidate for governor.

Transparency of this kind is not a new idea in our state. In his own campaign for governor in 1971, Paul Simon volunteered his sources of income saying that without disclosure, “all of us who hold office will continue to suffer in the eyes of the public.”

Senator Simon added personal financial transparency is “the only way to meet the complex problem of conflict of interest. Put matters on the table in public view and then the citizenry can make reasoned judgments, whether we are serving ourselves, or serving the public.”

I agree. All Democrats should.

Let’s hold this field of progressives to a standard that Paul Simon would be proud of. Together, we can send voters a message that we are serious about getting the levers of power out the hands of the well connected, restoring trust in government, and putting our state on a new course.

* Click on the dates to see the Biss returns: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.


  1. - Northfield Latte - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:22 am:

    Congratulations to Senator Biss on setting a fine example for his fellow Democrat Brad Schneider to follow!

  2. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:23 am:

    Invoking Simon is a nice touch, though I suppose that’s getting to a point of diminishing returns since Simon was last on a ballot, like, 25 years ago.

  3. - Anon - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:25 am:

    Senator Biss sure has a lot of money in treasury bonds.

  4. - Anon123 - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:26 am:

    == That’s why I introduced SB 982 in the Illinois legislature, which would require any candidate for President requesting the vote of Illinois citizens to afford them the respect of releasing their tax returns.==

    I do like the idea of Springfield putting constraints on who Illinois voters should be allowed to vote for at the national level.

    Trump’s election certainly proves that. I know (most) Illinois voters have enough sense not to vote for ridiculous candidates, but we can’t be too careful in this day and age.

  5. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    Does Biss know he has to write a $60 million check to his campaign?

  6. - NoGifts - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    Their combined household income is 27k? 25k is the Federal poverty level for a family of four.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:43 am:

    The relevance of tax filing day and making the point within where Biss sees his own “sweet spot” within a Democratic Primary, this makes total sense, including the actual wording attached to the releasing of the taxes and the symbolism and Simon quote.

    The bad?

    It’s Friday. This could get lost.

    Monday, after the holiday weekend could have been better(?), but it will be relevant for weekend talk radio, so there’s that too.

  8. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    No wonder he wants to raise taxes, he pays virtually none.

    Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?

  9. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    Can’t wait to see Pawar’s from a couple years back when he (and his chief of staff) were holding down full time jobs outside the land of beer and strollers aka the 47th Ward

  10. - Seats - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    Virtually none? He is making more than the median family income and setting aside a lot for retirement.

  11. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:48 am:

    You’re right Lucky, we’re so much better off under Rauner.

  12. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:51 am:

    ===Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?===

    This is a tasteless comment; even coming from you.

  13. - Shelby - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    I do not care about anyone’s tax return. I do not care about anyone’s income or claimable charity. It certainly does not indicate if he/she will fulfill their duties successfully.

  14. - PJ - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:53 am:


    He’s actually a full-time legislator, which means his recent salary has been subject to Daddy Rauner’s desire to pretend the legislature isn’t a co-equal branch of government and refuse to pay them.

    It seems like you’d rather be ruled by plutocrats who make part time hobbies out of writing laws we have to follow. May I suggest Saudi Arabia as a better destination? Their leaders split their time between autocracy and making billions on oil wealth.

  15. - Ihatepolitics - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:53 am:

    LP, you really are a troll aren’t you

  16. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    ===Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?===

    Why would we want a governor that touts the ignoring of the state constitution by encouraging the non-payment of another branch of the government, actually taking food out of legislators’ Families’ mouths to lower labor incomes and end collective bargaining?

    So you agree that Rauner should feel “good” hurting Sen. Biss’ family thru then-Comptroller Munger?

    Oh boy…

  17. - RNUG - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    == Invoking Simon is a nice touch, though I suppose that’s getting to a point of diminishing returns since Simon was last on a ballot, like, 25 years ago. ==

    Actually, Paul Simon is still relevant to the senior citizens who vote consistently. He is one of the very few Democrats that also appealed to GOP voters for his integrity.

  18. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    LP, aren’t you Raunerites supposed to keep your contempt for working families on the down-low, at least rhetorically?

    In 2015, the median household income in Illinois was $59K. By your standard, the great majority of Illinoisans are losers who don’t “make a decent living to support their families,” disqualifying them from public office.

    A blind man can see that attitude informs the Rauner gang’s actions. You’re just not supposed to talk about it, Einstein.

  19. - Red Rider - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:09 am:

    Looks like the state is missing out on taxes for holding checks.

  20. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    Can a family of 4 to buy a home in Evanston on a $54,000 salary?

    If the standard 1/3 of income can be allocated towards housing that is about $1,500 a month which would be a little higher than the property tax bill for most homes

    there is more to the Biss finances than are on the tax return.

    Is he a trust fund beneficiary?

    It is undeniable that legislators who pay virtually no income taxes do not hesitate to raise taxes on people who pay a lot of them

  21. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    LP has sunk to new levels here today, which is noteworthy.

  22. - Swiss Biss - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    Biss is a hypocrite. He supported Hillary and had been a moderate senator. He is not a progressive and was not for Bernie. He is a liar. I would love to see what type of contacts he had with various state entities over the years. Did he ever try to push state agencies to give contracts to his supporters???

  23. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    ===Can a family of 4 to buy a home in Evanston on a $54,000 salary?

    If the standard 1/3 of income can be allocated towards housing that is about $1,500 a month which would be a little higher than the property tax bill for most homes

    there is more to the Biss finances than are on the tax return.

    Is he a trust fund beneficiary?===

    What does any of this have to do with Biss’s ability to be an effective governor? Your personal biases are as glaring as they are repulsive.

  24. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:15 am:

    In Illinois, legislators are part time.

    Speaker Madigan is able to lead his party and also pull down a 7 figure income in his other part time job

  25. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    Since this is the new standard in transparency, will Senator Biss demand Speaker Madigan, Ed Burke, John Cullerton, Rahm Emmanuel and other wealthy leaders of the Democratic party release their tax returns too?

    or is he just concerned about Donald Trump?

    His outrage seems to be selective and highly partisan

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:20 am:


    Let’s start here…

    ===It is undeniable that legislators who pay virtually no income taxes do not hesitate to raise taxes on people who pay a lot of them===

    How do you measure “virtually no”? It appears Sen. Biss pays actual taxes… on income.

    If you like to discuss, the full tax returns, and where Biss needs to “pay more”, make that case. This drive-by is inheritly disingenuous to actual fact.


    ===Can a family of 4 to buy a home in Evanston on a $54,000 salary?===

    You want to question someone on their home purchases? Rauner owns 9 homes, taking 2 homeowner exceptions… until Rauner was caught doing that. Yikes.

    ===If the standard 1/3 of income can be allocated towards housing that is about $1,500 a month which would be a little higher than the property tax bill for most homes===

    Yeah, “standard”… so you don’t “know” how the house has its mortgage, if there is one, set up, or how the household finances are set up.

    If you would like, we can hold the RaunerS to the same scrutiny, with every dime of income accounted for, including investments, here in the US or in the Cayman Islands, for example…

    ===there is more to the Biss finances than are on the tax return.===

    I’m sure the RaunerS would love to disclose every dime, from every income source, from every business and investment, all over the world, including the hidden tax shelter ones still not exposed(?)

    “Please stop” - Every Rauner Campaign operative… right now.

  27. - Collinsville Kevin - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:21 am:

    Biss must have a genius for a tax accountant.

  28. - Cubs in '16 - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    ===His outrage seems to be selective and highly partisan===

    “Accordingly, today, my wife and I are releasing our tax returns for the last five years. We also pledge to release next year’s returns before the primary election, and we are calling on all other Democratic candidates for governor to do the same. If we are calling upon President Trump and Governor Rauner to do so, Illinois voters should expect nothing less from any Democratic candidate for governor.”

    Reading is fundamental LP.

  29. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    **Biss must have a genius for a tax accountant.**

    Uh… why? Look at his tax returns. What, exactly, is genius about his tax returns?

    **Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?**

    Let me correct that for you:

    Why would we want a Governor who thinks it is okay to force legislators into a position where they can’t earn a decent living to support his or her family?

  30. - Fixer - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    Why am I not surprised to see LP/Yaffe Lite touting the “poor people shouldn’t be legislators” line?

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:25 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    We’re talking about Governor.

    Please keep up.

    So you think Rauner hiding his monies overseas, and not disclosing where every dime came from is good?

    Got it, thanks.

    Oh… that part-time Legislstor bit… they still weren’t paid, those legislators, so there’s that.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    ===Biss must have a genius for a tax accountant.===

    Really, how so?

    To say that, you must see something that seems odd.

    Show us, you seem to know…

  33. - Pundent - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:32 am:

    ===Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?===

    Why would we want a governor who only shows empathy to multi-millionaires?

  34. - Demoralized - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    ==Why would we want a Governor who can’t earn a decent living to support his family?==

    I cannot believe you said that. What an arrogant and snobbish thing to say. And, you are aware aren’t you that he wasn’t getting a regular paycheck. Your income for the year would tend to be lower if you weren’t getting paid wouldn’t it genius.

  35. - Springfieldish - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:51 am:

    “He supported Hillary and had been a moderate senator. He is not a progressive and was not for Bernie.”

    Good Lord! Since when has supporting the Independent who glommed-on to all the organizing work the Democratic Party did in ‘06, ‘08 and ‘10 become the litmus test for being a progressive?

    Other than the “progressive” craziness, ‘Swiss Biss’ pretty much defined a successful gubernatorial candidate of the Democratic Party by the above quoted complaints.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:51 am:

    Reading is fundamental, why is he letting powerful democrats who earn 7 figure incomes in their other part time job off the hook for releasing tax returns?

    Why is Senator Biss not working full time, like almost every legislator and Illinois resident?

    The point is he pays virtually no income taxes -$581 in 2012, so he has no problem raising taxes.

    He has not displayed any interest in increasing private sector jobs in Illinois, just raising taxes of which he pays virtually none

  37. - Thoughts Matter - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    I want this tax return for 2016 placed in front of Rauner, Munger, Mendoza, and published everywhere. Everyone that participated in saying our legislators deserved not to be paid for months. I want them to have to look at this legislators’ kids and fess up to aiding and abetting their situation last summer, fall and winter.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 11:31 am:

    ===Reading is fundamental===

    It is. We’re talking about the Office of Governor.

    Your blatent ignorance thinking that dragging other offices in does not negate the Rauner truths of a lack of full disclosure and your attempts to “shame” Sen. Biss with 1) “lower income”, 2) “taxing Democrat” 3) Ignoring Rauner’s income stream secrecy.

    ===Why is Senator Biss not working full time, like almost every legislator and Illinois resident?===

    “almost every” - cite the numbers please. “Almost every” is a majority. Indeed, words matter.

    ===The point is he pays virtually no income taxes -$581 in 2012, so he has no problem raising taxes.===

    You say his income is “low”, you point to “paying lower taxes”

    You think Biss should pay MORE taxes off the “lower taxes” you mock?

    You think taxes should be higher for people who make “less”?


    ===He has not displayed any interest in increasing private sector jobs in Illinois, just raising taxes of which he pays virtually none===


    “Sen. Biss! Pay more taxes off your low income I mock. Vote to destroy labor as Rauner wants, end prevailing wage the way Rauner demands… then vote to raise taxes to pay for Rauner’s grossly unbalanced, phony, sham budgets!”

    You have undercut yourself here 7 ways to Sunday, lol

  39. - Cassandra - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    I’m with LP here. I live in Oak Park, supposedly somewhat cheaper than Evanston, and no way could we sustain ourselves on Biss’ income as reported. I too wondered if there was some family money in the background. Nothing wrong with it if there is, but it’s important to note that the tax return wouldn’t necessarily reflect that, or gifts from a relative. It’s America. Nothing to do with the evil mogul. It’s the US tax system, one that perseveres, despite the enormous inequities within. Because most of us citizens support it, it would seem.

  40. - Demoralized - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    ==Why is Senator Biss not working full time, like almost every legislator and Illinois resident?==

    What is wrong with you? I looked at his tax returns. He makes a modest income each year. My parents probably made about the same total income when I was a kid and never once did I feel like our family wasn’t being supported. You seem to have a disdain for people who don’t make a certain amount of money.

    And what’s with the disdain for part-time work (though I don’t accept the premise that he doesn’t work full time)? Are we now judging people for working part time?

    What is wrong with you?

  41. - Deft Wing - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 11:50 am:

    Doing a Bernie 2.0 is great, I guess, for the D primary, but Lucky’s right. Biss’ lack of taxpaying will bite him in the political arce. Easy tags like, “Biss wants YOU to pay more taxes, but how much, exactly, does Politician Biss pay? Peanuts. Tell professional tax raisers like Biss ‘No’ to raising more taxes on working families … especially when Biss doesn’t pay his fair share.”

    Fair? Nope. But that’s politics.

  42. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    Tax returns are always interesting reading. It is silly to think they are a meaningful predictor of anything. Also for state constitutional office and federal constitutional office the requirements are in those charters and state law cannot change the requirements and there is no requirement to show tax returns. I always thought be more beneficial to see returns of a politician who became rich on job. Alderman Burke Mike Madigan Rich Daley

  43. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:04 pm:

    ===“Biss wants YOU to pay more taxes, but how much, exactly, does Politician Biss pay? Peanuts. Tell professional tax raisers like Biss ‘No’ to raising more taxes on working families … especially when Biss doesn’t pay his fair share.”===

    “Bruce Rauner is hiding something. His money. Like Billionaires do, Bruce Rauner stashed away millions in tax havens like the (”X”) and then won’t even show where is $100 million income really comes from. Families are struggling, paying their fair share, and Bruce Rauner still won’t show how he earns his money? What is Bruce hiding?”

    … in 2018, with Trump in the White House, here in Illinois…

    … if Biss is the Nominee.

  44. - walker - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:15 pm:

    Senator Biss is working full time as a legislator because he is trying to do his level best to fix the state and serve its residents. Many of the best, most productive legislators do. I worked a full 360 days a year at it, including talking to constituents of course, and earned less than a third of my previous private sector salary. Do you somehow find that lacking?

  45. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:17 pm:

    You know the strategy of the Right is to drive wedge issues on; Race, Rights & Taxes.

  46. - Hamilton - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    If financed right, $8400 in gross income from the rental property (purchased for $85k in ‘05) is a decent return.

  47. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    Maybe it’s just me but isn’t the Senator exactly what the State of Illinois needs; someone who has found a way to support a family of 4 in a modest North Shore house on family income of no more than $70,000 in his best year? The man’s a genius.

  48. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:58 pm:

    Watching LP flail about in terror of an Evanston math teacher is pretty priceless.

  49. - Arsenal - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 12:59 pm:

    ==Biss’ lack of taxpaying will bite him in the political arce.==

    Probably not, since his plan would raise his own taxes.

  50. - wordslinger - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 1:08 pm:

    LP, as the governor’s most brilliant flack/ hack, what does The Boss think is the qualifying income to be a decent provider for your family and a gubernatorial candidate?

    You opened the can of worms by yourself, genius, eat ‘em up.

  51. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 2:13 pm:

    Rauner is not a billionaire OW, Pritzker is reverse skyhook

    everyone knows the leaders run everything in the legislature and they only work part time and at least one of them is able to make 7 figures in his other job

    Other legislators and congressmen even teach part time. Others drive for Uber and attend grad school

    Why does Senator Biss only work the part time? Will he work full time as Governor?

  52. - Keyrock - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 2:16 pm:

    Rauner is only a 1/2 or 2/3 billionaire? That matters?

  53. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 2:22 pm:

    **Other legislators and congressmen even teach part time. Others drive for Uber and attend grad school**

    And others do their legislative job full-time and more. Sen. Biss is one of if not THE hardest working legislators in Springfield.

    And he has obviously figured out to make that work with his family’s needs. So I’m not sure what your ridiculous point actually is.

    That Biss should spend less time working as a legislator and find more income elsewhere, just because you say so?

  54. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    ===Pritzker is reverse skyhook===

    I don think this means what you think this means, lol.

    ===Rauner is not a billionaire===

    If Rauner would like to prove he’s not after clearing $140 million last year, that’s fine…

    ===they only work part time and at least one of them is able to make 7 figures in his other job===

    … but you said, “almost every” member, so that’s not true, or…

    ===Other legislators and congressmen even teach part time. Others drive for Uber and attend grad school===

    They aren’t running for governor.

    Further, Rauner made over $140 million NOT working…

    ===Will he work full time as Governor?===

    Wonder how that will play; sitting governor clearing, arguably $300 million in 4 years of being the “volunteer” governor?

    That’s the narrative.

    You really want to have an income discussion with Rauner making over $140 million in one year, while volunteering full time as governor?


  55. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    I think Lucky has been listening to Walsh’s radio show too much.

  56. - 37B - Friday, Apr 14, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    Not sure what’s wrong with me today but Anonymous 12:48 was me.

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