Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » State GOP uses stopgap to tie Pritzker to Madigan, tax hikes
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State GOP uses stopgap to tie Pritzker to Madigan, tax hikes

Wednesday, Apr 19, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller


Mike Madigan publicly professed his desire to raise the income tax back to 5% with no reforms, and House Democrats, under Madigan’s leadership, are now trying to pass a stopgap spending plan to force a massive tax hike without any reforms to fix Illinois and grow jobs.

On Monday, J.B. Pritzker signaled again that he supports Madigan’s borrow-spend-and-tax agenda.

Pritzker previously admitted behind closed doors that he wants to increase the income tax to at least 5 percent, and when asked by WCIA about his comments Monday, Pritzker “wouldn’t answer.”

Watch here.

But Pritzker did admit to favoring Madigan’s stopgap spending plan – an effort to force a massive tax increase with no reforms.

Then, Pritzker repeated his Madigan talking points, proclaiming that reforms demanded by the people – term limits, a property tax freeze, and pro-growth policies – are “misguided.”

It’s clear Pritzker will do everything he can to help Mike Madigan and raise taxes without reforms.

A stopgap wouldn’t force a massive tax hike. The House proposal would merely use money that’s currently gathering dust in state accounts to keep some social service providers and universities alive while the budget deal drags on.

But they are right that Pritzker put himself on the “wrong” side of public opinion on some pretty popular things like term limits and a property tax freeze.


  1. - GOPgal - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    What’s the point of this? Most of these IL GOP videos don’t even get 500 views. It’s just a tiny choir preaching to itself. Or an echo chamber. Choose your metaphor.

    State GOP is doing absolutely nothing to help its sugar daddy overcome his real problem, i.e. voters can clearly see Rauner’s not doing the job they elected him to do.

  2. - Rabid - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 10:44 am:

    JB standing up for voter suppression and shorting locals is wrong because the majority says so and wants the Edsel

  3. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    No daylight between JB and the most unpopular politician in Illinois. 50 million in ads will write themselves.

  4. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:07 am:

    This is weak, wait WEAK. Republicans are frightened of Pritzker, and your Madigan talking points aren’t going to work here. Your guy has no record to run on, and he is going to have to live with it. As I would say to my own kids, quit blaming others.

  5. - cdog - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    Just returned from TN and going to file this short report.

    Property taxes on a $200,000 house, in a loverly retirement community with great amenities, are……wait for it…..$1000 per year. Yep.

    Didn’t see any potholes and felt safe. Just there for a family visit. We haven’t given up on Illinois, yet.

  6. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    All JB needs to do is recruit some Hollywood celebrities to make his pitch for him

    That sort of grass roots energy always works

  7. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    “No daylight between JB and the most unpopular politician in Illinois. 50 million in ads will write themselves.”

    And No daylight between Rauner failing to have budget for two years.

  8. - Rocky Rosi - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:29 am:

    High paid young D.C. political consultants that ever lived in IL and not in touch with the reality of working class families “might” be giving him bad advice. He must be carful not to become Hillary 2.0

  9. - Rocky Rosi - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:34 am:

    “ever” should be never. Sorry for the typo guys!

  10. - TwoFeetThick - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Property taxes on a $200,000 house, in a loverly retirement community with great amenities, are……wait for it…..$1000 per year. Yep.===

    State income tax rate in TN: 5%. Property taxes ate high in Illinois because state taxes are too low. The money has to come from somewhere, unless we all want to live in Mississippi.

  11. - Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    The real issue is what strategy will be more effective. Tying Pritzker to Madigan or tying Rauner to Rauner.

  12. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 1:12 pm:

    ==What’s the point of this?==

    They’ve got the money to burn. If one of these things ever goes viral, it’ll validate the investment, and you never really know what goes viral, so you just keep trying.

    And in the meantime, Republican ad-makers get paid, so.

  13. - City Zen - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    =State income tax rate in TN: 5%==

    Tennessee only taxes dividend income at 6%.

  14. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    TwoFeetThick, TN does not have a state income tax on salaries and wages and a flat 6% on passive income like dividends from stocks and bonds.

  15. - Dave in Chicago - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 2:11 pm:

    “TN does not have a state income tax on salaries and wages and a flat 6% on passive income like dividends from stocks and bonds.”

    And the first $1250 is exempt.

  16. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    “- Pundent - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    The real issue is what strategy will be more effective. Tying Pritzker to Madigan or tying Rauner to Rauner.”

    Brilliant! And thus the big problem for Rauner - ultimately he can attack everyone else but he can’t defend his record. They know it which is why they’re a one note chorus. It reminds me of the scene in “Being John Malkovitch” when he’s inside himself and every word out of his mouth is Malkovitch. Same with the GOP. Madigan? Madigan, Madigan!

  17. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    This just in –

    Rauner caught on camera behind closed doors praising the leadership of Madigan, Cullerton, Quinn and Daley.

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 4:11 pm:

    Old news Word, this circulated years ago.

    passing Mc Cormick Place reform was a huge win. Why do Dems only stand up to labor when they have total control of state government?

    Since Rauner was elected, when labor tells them to jump they all grab their pogo sticks

    Some scoop

  19. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 4:17 pm:

    LP, I have no doubt that you have trouble seeing irony, hypocrisy, or just about anything from the viewpoint of your preferred position, as your chosen handle indicates.

  20. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 6:18 pm:

    When you can’t debate the facts, your stock and trade is ad hominem attacks like huckleberry etc. Real witty. Solves nothing

    The name is satire.

    The Mc Cormick Place deal was a huge win. Bipartisan, labor, business all working together to make Illinois Trade shows competitive.

    Tourism, Hotels, restaurants all benefitted. A huge multiplier for our economy. Seen any pro business proposals from democrats since?

    Seen any backbone from Dems since on CPS, pensions, workers comp, government consolidation, local control, property tax freezes?

    Of course not, there is Republican Governor who must not get a win for his 4 years in office and then replaced by a Madigan puppet.

  21. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 6:22 pm:

    –The name is satire.–

    How so? Who or what is the subject of the satire?

  22. - peon - Wednesday, Apr 19, 17 @ 11:19 pm:

    Will “a noun, a verb, and “Madigan”" work from now to Nov 2018 ? (with apologies to Giuliani).

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