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Mautino is no-show for state hearing

Thursday, Apr 20, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’d recommend that you read both of these stories from beginning to end because there’s too much to post here. Let’s start with the Times

For more than a year, the state elections board has sought records to show how former state Rep. Frank Mautino spent campaign money at a bank and gas station.

The answer on Thursday: The documents no longer exist.

During a two-hour hearing in Chicago, attorneys argued whether the Spring Valley Democrat’s spending of campaign money complied with state elections law. Mautino, now the state’s auditor general, was not present.

Mautino’s attorney, Sergio Acosta, contended the campaign treasurer followed state law as she read it. And when the committee dissolved in December 2015, the records “were not kept,” he said.

“She didn’t understand what was needed as part of reporting to the Board of Elections,” Acosta said during the hearing, which took place on the 14th floor of the downtown office building.

Attorney Jeffrey Schwab, however, pointed out state law required the campaign keep the last two years of records. In any case, he said, the expenditures violated the election code.

* News Tribune

At issue was whether or not these expenses were allowed under the election code, which requires campaign spending be for campaign purposes only. By filing campaign disclosures listing the bank or the service stations as the vendor, it was impossible to know who the ultimate recipient of those services was.

“There is no evidence that is provided that these charges were for legitimate campaign or governmental purposes,” Schwab said. “Even if it was, the election code prohibits the way that they did it.”

In response, Acosta said that the hearing was to determine if the committee was “willfully” withholding the documentation. Citing Manu’s deposition, the way the spending had been done since 1999 had been the way Manu thought it was supposed to be done: if the check was written Spring Valley City Bank, Manu thought that was to be the vendor.

Acosta also brought into evidence a letter from 2012 from the state board of elections regarding a time Manu had filed a report listing the names of individuals. Instead, she was to list where the money went to, the business.

He also entered into evidence campaign disclosure forms from Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville) and Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) who filed similar expenses in a similar way. Wehrli and Ives both called for Mautino to step down as auditor general last year while the campaign spending issues were being sorted out.

Acosta also brought from Manu’s testimony the fact that Mautino had two accounts at Happy’s, and she testified that she paid the campaign account out of campaign funds and Mautino’s personal account from his private funds. He said no one from the committee intentionally violated the law, saying at no point to the state board inform the campaign that it was filing its forms incorrectly.

“The board itself has been inconsistent, the campaign regulations are unclear, and certainly to the extent that any violation is found at the end of these proceedings … there can be no questions with respect to these many years of reporting that Ms. Manu submitted, she believed she was not violating the law at all,” Acosta said.

Again, go read them both all the way through.

…Adding… Press release…

At a hearing in Chicago today before the State Board of Elections, Illinois’ embattled Auditor General Frank Mautino continued his refusal to answer questions concerning campaign expenses that have sparked criminal investigations at the Federal and State levels. State Representatives Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) and Grant Wehrli (R-Naperville) attended this morning’s hearing, and stressed that Mautino’s decision today to “plead the Fifth Amendment” to again avoid providing answers must result in his removal from office.

“Members of the General Assembly gave Auditor General Mautino five chances last year to provide us answers to questions surrounding the state and federal investigations into his campaign finances. He refused. The State Board of Elections gave him two deadlines to produce the required information. He refused. Today, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment, again refusing to answer questions,” Rep. Wehrli said. “We cannot have someone serving as the taxpayers’ top financial watchdog who refuses over and over again to answer questions about serious, possibly criminal problems with his own finances. Auditor General Mautino must be removed from office.”

“Auditor General Mautino has had more than a year to answer questions related to the allegations against him, yet today he again refused to come clean. It is time for him to do the right thing for the people of Illinois and resign. If he won’t, then the General Assembly must act to remove him from office. We cannot afford to have the state’s top auditor continue in office under the cloud of state and federal investigations into his misconduct,” Rep. Ives said.

Representatives Wehrli is sponsoring House Joint Resolution 9 to remove Frank Mautino from the office of Auditor General. The resolution will require a three-fifths majority vote in both chambers of the General Assembly for approval.

“Unethical behavior is not a partisan issue. All elected officials in Illinois must be held to the highest standard regardless of party. If he won’t do the honorable thing and resign, then Auditor General Mautino must be removed. I will be pushing for a hearing on HJR9 when we return to Springfield next week,” Wehrli said.


  1. - Former IL Resident - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:15 pm:

    I actually watched a recording of the hearing and I don’t think either of these articles do a great job summing up what happened.

  2. - Former IL Resident - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    I’d love to get my hands on a copy of the deposition of his campaign treasurer which was referenced at length in today’s hearing. She apparently disclosed who had charging privileges at Happy’s Service station (Frank, his wife, daughter, son a couple of nieces/nephews, his secretary, campaign treasurer and her husband, kids and some nieces/nephews). We also got an insight into the issue of all the checks written out to the Spring Valley Bank for “campaign expenses”.

    I don’t know if he’ll be criminally charged, but the man has no business serving as the auditor general of Illinois.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:35 pm:

    It’s difficult to give Mr. Mautino the benefit of the doubt on the big picture, as a whole, package.

    It’s bleeding by a thousand cuts, or a thousand unusually logged transactions.

    Not showing up is not helping.

  4. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:40 pm:

    It’s common for state proceedings to be put on hold while the feds do their thing. It’s also common for attorneys to represent clients before the election board, especially when they’re not taking final action. And Acosta is right, state law does not require preservation of records for more than two years. Ives and Wherli make this look more like a political witch hunt.

  5. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:40 pm:

    If this guy had an R behind his name it would be front page news every week. Sad!

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===If this guy had an R behind his name it would be front page news every week. Sad!===


    I cite Aaron Schock.


  7. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan is predicting that Auditor General Frank Mautino will be “vindicated” following calls for Mautino’s removal due to a federal probe.

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a clock is right twice a day.

    You would think he would actually be on the right side of some issue but I guess not.

    And people wonder why Illinois residents have the least faith in their state government in the county.

    Really sad that only Republicans are outraged

  8. - Johnny Justice - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:55 pm:

    Facts are so complicated, it is hard to figure out what the man did wrong. Keep in mind these were not taxpayer funds, and apparently Mautino’s accusers are doing the same thing he did, whatever that is.

  9. - ste_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:59 pm:

    These are the types of things that give Rauner ammunition. His crew can link it all together.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:00 pm:

    ===Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan is predicting that Auditor General Frank Mautino will be “vindicated” following calls for Mautino’s removal due to a federal probe.===

    We’ll convict him, then we’ll try him!

    Mautino, up to now, is under federal investigation. No indictments yet.

    Some might resign and move forward towards defending themselves if need be. I guess Mautino isn’t that person.

    Right now the loyalty ANY one might have is that there has t been an indictment.

    If and when that comes, then we will all reasses this whole ridiculous that records are so poorly kept, simple questions seem too difficult.

  11. - Handle Bar Mustache - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:01 pm:

    ==These are the types of things that give Rauner ammunition. ==

    Didn’t Rauner join leaders in both parties in lauding Mautino’s appointment?

    I also recall many public well wishes from both sides for Mautino as he recovered from cancer surgery.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:06 pm:

    ===His crew can link it all together===

    How so?

    If Mautino is indicted, let’s say, for using campaign monies illegally or however the indictment may come down, it’s a local issue, as it was with Skoog and linking there.

    Statewide? The time and effort to educate Cairo to Rockford on Mautino? Kennedy, Pritzker, even Biss will have no linkage

    Long way to walk around the barn “Because… Madigan”

  13. - O'Reilly's Loofa - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:06 pm:

    Maybe Frank is off hiking the Appalachian trail?

  14. - Nickname - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:15 pm:

    When did we decide that invocation of your rights disqualifies you from holding an appointed office? Or that you should be forcibly removed from office when you’re accused of a crime? This is ridiculous. Thankfully we aren’t yet the totalitarian state that Ives and Wehrli so vehemently wish we were.

  15. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    @ Nickname,
    Mautino as an individual can use the protection afforded him under the 5th. The position he holds however, Auditor General, is supposed to be beyond reproach. Clearly the man doesn’t have the ethics to be Auditor General.

  16. - In 630 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    Every time I see him come up I shake my head that he was chosen over people with actual audit backgrounds.

  17. - ste_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:37 pm:

    ===How So?===
    -Madigan is on record saying he will be vindicated.
    -Democratic Party has given Mautino money
    -former Deputy Leader in the general assembly
    -Members of Democratic Party voted for him for auditor general
    If an indictment comes down, the ad writes itself

  18. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:38 pm:

    Maybe it would have been best for the Speaker to say Mr, Mautino is entitled to the presumption of innocence, encourage him to cooperate with the process so citizens can have faith in the integrity of their elected officials.

    That is essential to restoring citizens faith in state government instead of predicting vindication.

    The dog ate my records defense is keystone cops like. For that alone he is unfit to serve. Everyone he is investigating can make that claim

    It is beyond comical that the Inspector General is under investigation for expense account corruption. The Speaker should demand take an unpaid leave of absence while the matter is being litigated instead of predicting his innocence. Is he that tone deaf?

  19. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    ===Members of Democratic Party voted for him for auditor general===

    So did members of the Republican Party. Lots.

  20. - At 4:40 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    =Every time I see him come up I shake my head that he was chosen over people with actual audit backgrounds=

    Same here in 630.
    What happens when he audits the CMS garage? Will it be acceptable to spend $250,000 on maintenance for 2009 Ford Taurus?

    Illinois our sorry state.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:41 pm:

    Rauner is not running against Mautino or Madigan.

    Leslie Munger learned that. Up close and personal.

    Too much to walk around the barn, especially when Rauner closes Eastern Illinois University and Social Services continue to close… and Rauner is seen by suburban women as someone with an extreme social agenda with that veto…

    … but you keep on Mautino. Deputy Governor Munger thinks the Madigan angle statewide is genius, lol

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:44 pm:

    ===Maybe it would have been best for the Speaker to say Mr, Mautino is entitled to the presumption of innocence, encourage him to cooperate with the process so citizens can have faith in the integrity of their elected officials.===

    You can email that to Steve Brown, lol

    ===The Speaker should demand take an unpaid leave of absence while the matter is being litigated instead of predicting his innocence. Is he that tone deaf?===

    Grant Wehrli and Jeanne Ives ate the most liked or thoughtful people to governing to try to force that, but, sometimes you ride out the storms.

  23. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    You are missing the big picture Willy,

    Rauner is fighting against corrupt, career politicians who are more interested in feathering their own nests that solving Illinois problems.

    The fact that Speaker Madigan is actively supporting such behavior so brazenly is why the linkage will work and the Governor has 50 million dollars to get the word out.

    Way to much for the barn walkers to comprehend I guess. They think the politicians are doing such a swell job and everyone defending this lunacy will automatically get reelected.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    ===Rauner is fighting against corrupt, career politicians who are more interested in feathering their own nests that solving Illinois problems.===

    … and yet Mendoza won, and Munger lost.


    ===Speaker Madigan is actively supporting such behavior so brazenly is why the linkage will work and the Governor has 50 million dollars to get the word out.

    Way to much for the barn walkers to comprehend I guess. They think the politicians are doing such a swell job and everyone defending this lunacy will automatically get reelected.===

    And yet, Munger lost citing all these type of talking points, and Rauner himself is under water. Rauner.

    You keep thinking the Mautino situation is gold for Rauner. Lots to walk around the barn when Rauner dots under water with 58% disapproval

  25. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    Do you think the Presidential bump in turnout had anything to do with that? Mendoza stayed above the Mendoza line barely but trailed the Clinton vote substantially.

    Rauner approval in April of 2017 is completely irrelevant to the discussion about November 2018 as President Hillary will confirm.

  26. - stev_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:01 pm:

    -and yet Mendoza won, and Munger lost-
    By four points. Clinton won by 17
    -And yet, Munger lost citing all these type of talking points, and Rauner himself is under water. Rauner-
    You know who else is under water? Madigan.
    -Way to much for the barn walkers to comprehend I guess-
    Tell that to John Bradley, Kate Cloonen and Merry Marwig

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:04 pm:

    ===Do you think the Presidential bump in turnout had anything to do with that? Mendoza stayed above the Mendoza line barely but trailed the Clinton vote substantially===

    Mendoza still won, so there’s that.

    Munger, who doesn’t need a job, she told us, is now working for Rauner.

    Parse all you want. Munger lost.

    ===Rauner approval in April of 2017 is completely irrelevant to the discussion about November 2018 as President Hillary will confirm.===

    This is irrelevant then, since Munger lost when the proxy battle actually happened.

    Rauner will have to accomplish something, or hope EIU closes in December of 2018

  28. - Nickname - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:04 pm:

    @Big Muddy

    I’m gonna start out by doing something you probably aren’t expecting. I agree with you. If he is guilty of what he is being accused of, it is unquestionably unethical behavior which could warrant his removal from the office.

    Buuuuuuuut, we ain’t there yet. He hasn’t been convicted of anything. He hasn’t even been charged. The fifth amendment says you can’t be compelled to be a witness against yourself in a criminal case. It does not say that the invocation of this right is imputed as guilt or unethical behavior in any official capacity that the invoking party may hold.

    Also, my understanding is that none of this even tangentially relates to his tenure as Auditor General. There is no ethical cloud over the office. There are two trigger-happy reps that want someone else as Auditor General. Let’s wait for a verdict before we plan the execution.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    ===By four points. Clinton won by 17===

    Still call her Comptroller Mendoza, LOL

    Munger lost. You lose, you lose.

    ===You know who else is under water? Madigan===

    And yet, Munger attaching Mendoza to Madigan, statewide, wasn’t enough. lol

    ===Tell that to John Bradley, Kate Cloonen and Merry Marwig===

    I wrote…

    ===If Mautino is indicted, let’s say, for using campaign monies illegally or however the indictment may come down, it’s a local issue, as it was with Skoog and linking there.===

    Yeah, I made that point, keep up.

    I also made the point about local and statewide.

    Your Raunerbot talking points need calibrating.

    It’s fun actually, in less than a day you could to keep it tighter enough to hide better.

    Y’all are making it too easy to cull you from the herd.

    I hope you won’t get in too much trouble, lol

  30. - stev_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:23 pm:

    -it’s a local issue, as it was with Skoog and linking there-
    Right, cause if the Auditor General appointed by Mike Madigan is indicted, that won’t be seen in ads state wide. It clearly feeds into the notion of a corrupt Democratic Machine. Whats the Democrats counter message?

  31. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:24 pm:

    OW agreeing with the Muddy…mark this date in history folks!
    =There is no ethical cloud over the office=
    This is where I respectfully disagree. Mautino used his office (camp fund) for personal gain. In a big way according to todays hearing. Unethical indeed and that speaks to not only his character but to his application of those ethics in his new role. As they say “prior performance is indicative of future results.”

  32. - O'Reilly's Loofa - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    =Way to much for the barn walkers to comprehend I guess.=

    Those who always thought it was a bad idea to pick a popular politician over a qualified auditor are not “walking it around the barn”, or the service station for that matter.

    Even if innocent of any crime and made some extensive bookkeeping errors, it still speaks poorly of an auditor.

  33. - Nickname - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:34 pm:

    ==Mautino used his office (camp fund) for personal gain.==

    I am shocked, shocked to learn there’s gambling going on in here!

    But seriously, I’m glad we can agree on the basics. He is innocent until proven guilty, he does have the right to refuse to testify, and that right has no effect on his official capacity. Can you relay those to Wehrli and Ives? I don’t think they’ve made this breakthrough yet.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:35 pm:

    ===Right, cause if the Auditor General appointed by Mike Madigan is indicted, that won’t be seen in ads state wide. It clearly feeds into the notion of a corrupt Democratic Machine. Whats the Democrats counter message?===

    “Bruce Rauner fails”, #DoYourJob,

    Mendoza beating Munger is the Democrats’ blueprint.

    Statewide, Rauner himself facing the voters… Labor, Social Services, Democrats… Suburban women now… Rauner has alienated them all.

    - stev_with_a_v_en -, it’s adorbs you think Mautino will save Rauner from… Rauner

    We’ve leaked lots about you, abc you phony willful ignorance you tried. Now, well, now I know.

    Oh, lots of Republicans voted for Mautino too, you keep purposely forgetting that, lol

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:38 pm:

    AG Mautino cashed $69,000 in checks from his campaign fund in just 2014 and 2015. No receipts, takes 5th Amendment.

    Speaker has not retracted his prediction of total vindication. OW still defending the indefensible too!

  36. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:45 pm:

    === OW still defending the indefensible too!===

    That’s a blatent lie…

    I wrote…

    ===Mautino, up to now, is under federal investigation. No indictments yet.

    Some might resign and move forward towards defending themselves if need be. I guess Mautino isn’t that person.

    Right now the loyalty ANY one might have is that there has t been an indictment.

    If and when that comes, then we will all reasses this whole ridiculous that records are so poorly kept, simple questions seem too difficult===

    Where is that defending the “indefensible”?

    The politics of Rauner trying to make this all about Madigan, I learned that Conptroller Mendoza, running an awful campaign and being aided by democrats and labor beat “Because… Madigan”

    And Rauner wasn’t even on the ballot, lol

  37. - stev_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:47 pm:

    -Mendoza beating Munger is the Democrats’ blueprint-
    Different electorate. As was said earlier “Rauner will be tough to beat.”
    I never said it would save him. But it hurts Democrats if it happens. And this election is still over a year from now.
    “Mendoza’s underperforming is a big red flag, the HDems need to look at their underperforming as that red flag of Mendoza as bad as it is, and not dismiss the macro too.”

  38. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:50 pm:

    Just reread that it was Nickname that agreed with me, not OW. Thought it was too good to be true… :)

  39. - Sue - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:51 pm:

    Why is Madigan protecting this guy. It’s truly a mystery. Acosta is no election attorney but instead is a heavy weight white collar criminal layer. Where in the name of God is the USA?

  40. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:51 pm:

    Oswego Willy calling the investigation ridiculous and minimizing the serious nature of the charges is the same as defending him

    We’ll convict him, then we’ll try him!

    Mautino, up to now, is under federal investigation. No indictments yet.

    Some might resign and move forward towards defending themselves if need be. I guess Mautino isn’t that person.

    Right now the loyalty ANY one might have is that there has t been an indictment.

    If and when that comes, then we will all reasses this whole ridiculous that records are so poorly kept, simple questions seem too difficult.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:53 pm:

    ===Different electorate. As was said earlier “Rauner will be tough to beat.”===

    So losing a statewide proxy war is an “up day”

    Are you even trying? lol

    ===“Mendoza’s underperforming is a big red flag, the HDems need to look at their underperforming as that red flag of Mendoza as bad as it is, and not dismiss the macro too.”===


    And this time, Rauner’s own name will be in the ballot.

    How will Rauner run away from… Rauner?

    Yeah, you’re no “babe in the woods”

    Why you pretended to be one, still do in honesty, is a head scratcher, LOL

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:56 pm:

    ===If and when that comes, then we will all reasses this whole ridiculous that records are so poorly kept, simple questions seem too difficult.===


    That Mautino was so awful and his ridiculous excuses will either be seen as indictable or just possibly unethical.

    Good try, thou…

  43. - Big Muddy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 6:01 pm:

    OW’s role here is to pivot everything to Rauner. A thread about Mautino pleading the 5th has become =How will Rauner run away from… Rauner?= Ugh.

    Mautino and todays events surrounding him are EXACTLY why people hate politics and politicians. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that our auditor general has some serious flaws both ethically and legally.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 6:09 pm:

    ===role here is to pivot everything to Rauner. A thread about Mautino pleading the 5th has become =How will Rauner run away from… Rauner?= Ugh.===

    Aw, that’s cute.

    Ya must’ve missed how this was pivoted towards first making it about Madigan, then helping Rauner.

    I didn’t change the subject, if guy could read, you would’ve seen that.

    Swing and a miss…

  45. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 6:42 pm:

    No other response but It Is IL. How is our AUDITOR GENERAL still employed & being paid by IL taxpayers?

    IL: The State that’s a national disgrace. Led by our unfit for governor. Destroying IL one day at a time.

    Looks more and more like we have the state version of the DC kakistocracy. What is happening in IL and America?

  46. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 7:30 pm:

    Mautino should resign.

  47. - foster brooks - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 7:42 pm:

    big pension payday coming for frank

  48. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 8:33 pm:

    Totally enabled by the Speaker rewarding a long time ally and enabling a huge pension spike because he has a new job.

    Career politician who benefits from insider deals inflating their own pay and pension under ethical cloud while confidence in state government craters.

    He will surely be vindicated says Speaker Madigan. No wonder he is afraid to address the media

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 8:38 pm:

    ===Totally enabled by the Speaker rewarding a long time ally and enabling a huge pension spike because he has a new job.===

    … and yet Republicans also voted for Mautino too.

  50. - justacitizen - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 8:40 pm:

    A few thoughts: (1)I can’t imagine the morale at the auditor general’s office. This office requires documentation for everything from state agencies they audit.(2)Echo several commenters that other candidates had better professional qualifications than Mautino-unfortunatly in IL politics trumps qualifications. (3)I hope the delays aren’t all about retirement benefit qualifications-that would be wrong.

  51. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 8:51 pm:

    ==big pension payday coming for frank==

    The reporter promoting that message actually took the time to call up the pension folks a few months ago. Turns out, no big bump, the Rauner appointee was in error last Spring. Oops!

  52. - Former IL Resident - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 8:58 pm:

    ==Turns out, no big bump==

    I’d still consider a 26% increase a big bump, but ymmv…

  53. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 9:03 pm:

    ==”The committee has money. It could hire lawyers, as they obviously have,” Schwab said, referring to Acosta and his colleague, Tony Jacob, who work for Hinshaw & Culbertson, one of Chicago’s top law firms.==

    Actually, the campaign committee filed its final report on 1/30/15. So, there is no committee any more and no money.

    One of the interesting aspects of this episode is that through many campaigns, no one questioned the filings. One would assume that the very tough campaign of 2014 must have had some significant opposition research; voters in the district were getting several mailers a day in October. Yet, no accusations were made until 2016 after the committee had disbanded, closed its accounts, and presumably destroyed most of its records, and at which point Mautino would not be able to tap campaign funds or accept donations to pay attorneys. At that point, it became very difficult for the committee to update anything.

    Why is Mautino silent? What, exactly, could he say or do that would satisfy Wherli or Ives?

  54. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 9:14 pm:

    Serve a few years as auditor general after a legislative career.

    Receive a $19,000 annual bump with in your already substantial pension with a 3 percent cola for potentially 30+ years.

    No wonder why the legislature won’t pass pension reform to end the gravey train. They would rather have every area of
    government struggle than end this. Public Servants is a bit backwards

  55. - justacitizen - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 9:58 pm:

    Another $20,000/yr. for delay is still significant-and wrong.

  56. - Former IL Resident - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 7:52 am:

    ==Why is Mautino silent?==

    You’re not really this naive, are you Pot?

  57. - Demoralized - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 7:55 am:

    ==No wonder why the legislature won’t pass pension reform ==

    They already did a few years back. It’s called Tier II. I’ll support your argument about GA pensions. I don’t think legislators should receive a pension just for being a legislator. But don’t claim there has been no pension reform because, as usual, you’re wrong.

  58. - Demoralized - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:00 am:

    Mautino isn’t guilty of anything yet. That process is going to play out. But, I do think that an investigation such as this compromises his ability to serve in a role such as the Auditor General. I’m not sure if it’s allowed but perhaps a leave of absence is warranted in this case. He’s in a tough spot.

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:46 am:

    ==Yet, no accusations were made until 2016 after the committee had disbanded, closed its accounts, and presumably destroyed most of its records==

    Actually, Frank (or his campaign treasurer) was required to keep two years worth of records even after the committee was dissolved. If you’d watched the hearing yesterday, you’d realize that the expenditures at issue in the current BOE proceeding are only those incurred in 2014-15 (the two years prior to the filing of the complaint against Mautino, which occurred in early 2016).

  60. - Former IL Resident - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:49 am:

    And further to my post above (I’m the Anonymous @ 8:46 am), Mautino failed to update his reports for those two years (14-15) and I believe his lawyer said in the hearing yesterday that he has no further documentation wrt those years.

  61. - incredulous - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:42 pm:

    Patty Muano’s deposition can be found at Edgar County Watchdogs.

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Legislature's COGFA predicts lower revenues than governor's budget office
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Some session stuff
* A look at law enforcement concerns about Karina's Law
* A month later, ICE still won’t reveal who it arrested in Chicago
* What Is A Credit Union?
* Caption contest!
* It’s just a bill
* Open thread
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Live coverage
* Yesterday's stories

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