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Question of the day

Thursday, Apr 20, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Bruce Rauner’s campaign released a bunch of new videos today…

* Real Reform in Peoria

* Real Reform in Rock Island

* Real Reform in Robinson

* Real Reform in East Alton

* Bruce visits Champaign

* Real Reform in Chicago

* Real Reform in Bloomingdale

* Real Reform in Quincy

* Real Reform in Rockford

* Real Reform in Springfield

* The Question: Pick a couple to watch. How did you rate them?


  1. - Grand Avenue - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:30 pm:

    All are better than the absolute embarrassment JB Pritzker put out about Ron Johnson

  2. - LakeviewJ - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    Inspiring to see him greet such a diverse group of tourists at Lou Mitchell’s.

  3. - anon2 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    So the campaign released the videos, yet Rauner claims he’s not campaigning.

  4. - Lech W - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:39 pm:

    Very well done. While he may not be able to push through his agenda, he sure has the 40 second sound bite down !

  5. - JS Mill - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    On facts- F

    On spitting out tired empty bullet points- A+

    Energy- D

    Quality- C

    Illinois is growing economically at about the same rate as the states around us. That is probably a low bar.

    To grow our way out of this mess the growth rate would have to be in the 20% plus range. Never. Happen.

    The real answers are far more complex than a 30 second ad with 3 second bullet points.

    But apparently (at least by evidence from the latest elections) voters love vague, unexplained, bland, it won’t cost you nothin’ type answers so here we are. He says he is open to revenue but campaigns on no tax increases.

  6. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:51 pm:

    “Real Reform in Chicago”

    Only white people?

    Subtle, Bruce. Real subtle.

    – MrJM

  7. - Joe M - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    They make him look good. However, the Democrats could also easily use these for commercials by dubbing over what Rauner says - with images and statistics and quotes from others that make Rauner look bad by pointing out the destruction Rauner has caused and also pointing out his unfulfilled promises. So he may well be providing the Democrats with all kids of content for their commercials.

  8. - LizPhairTax - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    Great videos! I can’t wait until this guy gets into office and shakes things up!

  9. - Reality Check - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    I watched the first three.

    Rauner seemed tired and weak in the Peoria one.

    The video gave zero indication who the old guy was who got most of the screen time in the Rock Island one.

    The audience was weirdly flat and unresponsive in the Robinson one, Rauner distant and not connecting.

    Not a single person of color in any of these.

    Audio quality is poor throughout.

    No text on screen in any of them, and since 90% of web video is watched without sound, they’re nearly worthless.

    Given these weaknesses, not sure the point of releasing them.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:02 pm:

    Can we stand another 4 years of Bruce?

  11. - Flynn's mom - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    A big fat F!
    you don’t usually have a lot of g’s dropped in Chicago. Chicago is far more diverse than portrayed in his little Lou Mitchell’s clip.
    Does any besides me think that Bruce spends a lot of time in bars and restaurants? When does he have time to do the little mundane job of governin’??

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    I picked the Champaign video.

    In 45 seconds, Rauner touts UIUC in 30+ seconds, and yet, the whole U of I system is owed over $800 million, but Rauner says the UIUC is world class, waves to invest in the economic engine of UIUC, and bring better and continue to have quality faculty and staff.

    Blatent Rauner falsehoods.

    “And you know what… ”

    No governor you know what, you are completely destroying Illinois higher education, and you think no one is noticing.

  13. - Eamus Catuli - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    Kind of weak, I think. As reality check mentioned above the audio was poor. There wasn’t any sort of clear direction or message in the videos I watched. Very muddled. I was pretty unimpressed. Governor’s people usually do better than this.

  14. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    ===Democrats could also easily use these for commercials by dubbing over what Rauner says===

    “Could” being the operative word. Time’s a wastin’…

  15. - SKI - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:14 pm:

    Where is Rauner’s ‘Real Reform In Venice’ and Real Reform In East St. Louis’ videos?

  16. - Reality Check - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:16 pm:

    In the Quincy video, Rauner says the budget in his first year increased education spending by $750 million. This would have been 2015, for FY 16, when Rauner signed the schools budget but vetoed everything else. News reports at the time characterize at $244 million increase. So what’s the rationale for the $750 million increase he claims?

  17. - WTF - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    I watched Springfield and Chicago.

    Number of non caucasians: 0

    The extended soundbite that closes the Springfield video, with his back to the camera, was odd. Why such a low budget production in terms of camera (they should have two) and sound?

  18. - Henry Francis - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:19 pm:

    He is saying the exact same stuff he said 4 years ago when he started campaigning. Nothing is different.

    Except that he won the Guv office, and “By nearly every measure, the state is worse off since Rauner took office.”

    So something has to change, right? Either the Guv needs to change tactics, or we need to change who is Guv.

    I don’t see how trotting out the same talking points for over 4 years can overcome his dismal record as Guv.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:20 pm:

    Ok, I watch the Quincy one…

    Not once is there honesty to a budget.

    Rauner signed a K-12 appropriation. Rauner never signed a budget in its totality.

    When will Democrats realize… Rauner’s falsehoods have no responses by Democrats with the reach Rauner has to spread his phoniness.

    I’m puzzled. Rauner is in full campaign mode, and still no organized Democratic Party responses to this silliness.

    Rauner, winning again.

  20. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:23 pm:

    No comments allowed on videos… Nice.

  21. - IllinoisBoi - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:39 pm:

    Dangnabit, Rauner is sowin’ dropped g’s all over the state, like a famer plantin’ seeds.

  22. - Responsa - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:44 pm:

    Didn’t watch them all, but I thought the Champaign U of I one was pretty good. It’s hard to fault the messaging. It felt candid and true. People living in the Champaign-Urbana area and alums of all ages across the state are pretty proud of the flagship school and its reputation nationally and internationally. B.

    Rockford vid was short and sweet and rural-centric. Quote: “God didn’t make Republicans or Democrats” The many people in our state who do not live, eat, breathe, and sleep politics are sick to death of partisan nastiness and bluster and they still really do relate to and want to believe in a message of unity for the greater good– even though it is probably a futile hope in this sorry state. B+.

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 3:51 pm:

    Watched Peoria, Champaign and Robinson. Had family at the Robinson event. They said there were more people to protest than attended the event. Weak for a sitting Governor with nothin’ to show for two plus years of Shakin’.

  24. - Anon221 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:02 pm:

    These are what Team Rauner wanted pizza for??? I look at these as fodder for the Dems come true campaignin’ time. Just because you have a camera and a “non”-campaign event doesn’t mean you have an actual message. Simple fact-checking will negate most of what was said. And most of what was said, was the same old tired (non)campaign rhetoric.

  25. - Way South of I-80 - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:04 pm:

    Watched Champaign. Agree it’s pretty good - but I don’t think anyone will buy it. Pretty sure the college town folks know exactly why higher education is not getting paid and know exactly where the blame lies - with the Governor himself and his non-budget turnaround agenda items like term limits, etc.

  26. - Anonymous - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    The clips were flat and uninspiring. The clips also seem to target one group of voters. Not sure why the democrats need to respond to this, as it is pretty clear these videos are for the base. Democrats can save their money for now and let Rauner continue to dig his hole deeper.

  27. - Puzzled - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    No reform south of the Metro-East area? Guess we got lucky.

  28. - A guy - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    All of the videos are well done. On target. Objectives met. That particular team knows how to craft a high impact, short video, with energy and enthusiasm. 1000x as many people will see these compared to how many attend these things. Every one of them is well produced. I thought they’d be the same. They let each place have it’s own theme. Well done.

  29. - Shake - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:09 pm:

    Rauner Is All About Lies.. Everytime I See Him He’s Lying.. Gets Old..

  30. - Paul - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 5:33 pm:

    So he tours IL not campaigning, and uses video from his tour for campaigning. Which means the tour was campaigning. Do those people realize they are in a campaign video? Never did I hear the audience applause? Just a strange set of videos.

  31. - peon - Thursday, Apr 20, 17 @ 10:43 pm:

    Sticks to non-specific talking points like superglue. But would this hold up in a campaign with other candidates running counterattacks ? Almost no-one is better off than Jan 2015.

  32. - Milkman - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 12:13 am:

    How about governor presents real budget in Springfield?

  33. - Rabid - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 2:16 am:

    Unreal phony reform that don’t amount to a hill of beans

  34. - Fool On The Hill - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:15 am:

    Watched Champaign. I agree with the points made by Reality Check. People who live in these communities, like Champaign, know that the lack of a budget is hurting the whole town. This video only touts the university that the Governor is hurting and doesn’t address why he is doing it. As a result, it won’t change any minds or convince anyone to vote for him and it doesn’t soften his image. So, it fails for lack of a purpose.

  35. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:45 am:

    Hmmm…. same clothes, same story line, nothing new other than Illinois is in more difficult straights than before Bruce took office.

    Why are the comments on the video’s closed? Bruce are you afraid of something?

  36. - Anonymous - Friday, Apr 21, 17 @ 8:46 am:

    Tired story line… Bruce had 4 years to do something other than jaw jack.

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