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The never-ending campaign

Monday, Apr 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

The speculation at the Capitol held that if the state’s budget impasse continues through next year’s election, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner will campaign on the fact that he blocked Democrats from hiking taxes.

End the speculation. Cue the campaign.

In a fundraising letter sent to Republican supporters from the governor’s campaign, Rauner says: “Speaker Mike Madigan and the Springfield Democrats REFUSE TO FIX our state. Illinois taxpayers deserve a balanced budget WITHOUT any tax increases.”

That’s a sharp contrast to what the governor previously has said, including his acknowledgment that the state needs more revenue as well as spending cuts to achieve a balanced budget. (He’s not alone in that view — leading Democrats have said the same. The shortfall is just too big.) […]

“In the midst of the ongoing budget impasse in Springfield, I don’t normally have time to write personal letters like this but I urgently need to hear back from you ASAP,” Rauner said in the form letter addressed to “Dear Fellow Taxpayer” and marked “Personal & Confidential, Urgent Reply Requested, Please Respond in 7 Days.”



  1. - illinoised - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    One trick pony. One term governor.

  2. - TominChicago - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    Rauner is getting kind of Trumpy. I expect that we will soon see him denying that he ever said that the state needs new revenue.

  3. - Anonymous - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    Don’t normally have time to write letters? Too much spent trying on brand new flannel for campaign commercials? Or is all the tough negotiating he’s not doing wearing him out?

  4. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    To balance the budget without a tax increase, the state would have to cut billions in spending. Rauner has cut higher ed (and refused to pay Group Health costs). But these actions haven’t come close to balancing the budget. So the state’s backlog/deficit continues to grow.

    We’re two years in. Rauner has shown no desire to cut spending. If anything, the guy is spending like a drunken sailor. He’s on pace to triple the deficit in a little under two-and-a-half years. He’s about as fiscally responsible Blago, probably worse.

    So get outta here with this talk. Go be a cowboy on your ranch in Montana. You’re running this state into the ground.

  5. - Roman - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    The headline is telling. “Improbable.” Rauner’s credibility is waning even among his amen chorus at the Tribune.

  6. - Rogue Roni - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    So no budget until 2019. Gotcha

  7. - HistProf - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:42 am:

    Fool me once . . . .

    Finally the Republican bluff since Reagan has been called in D.C.: Show us great government that costs nothing in taxes. Surprice, surprise they don’t have a pair of deuces.

    But back in Illinois the bluff goes on once more. How can we force Rauner to show his hand by giving us his budget without revenue?

    How about the Dems do their constitutional duty by producing a budget and then launch impeachment against Rauner for failing to do his constitutional duty to submit a balanced budget?

    I know. Desperately unrealistic.

  8. - NoGifts - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:43 am:

    I wish he’d have sent me a letter because I would be happy to respond in 7 days and I guarantee he wouldn’t like what he heard.

  9. - Norseman - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    === One term governor. ===

    That’s what everyone said during Blago’s first term as well. Rauner has the money to inundate the media with ads blaming Madigan and pretending to be the bulwark against taxes. People still hate taxes and will be receptive.

    Dems have to up their game and present a compelling message. Expecting Rauner’s low approval rating makes him a easy target would be folly.

  10. - Anonin-ain't-easy - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:47 am:

    Dear fellow tax payers, allow me once again pretend I am one of you by sending out a letter written by experienced comm staffers with a message that is thoroughly tested by polling to make sure I retain your support.

    Now, I know you are starting to doubt me because I have made the situation in Illinois somehow even worse by acting just like the Speaker of the House and pretending I’m not. This is why I’m going to keep claiming to lower taxes and say the Democrats want to raise them, because I know you desperately want the believe that it’s true. It’s mutually assured denial, with both of us pretending I care about you and capable of doing anything because I keep saying the things you want to hear and I want to be reelected.

    Dictated but not written, Bruce Rauner

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    ===Speaker Mike Madigan and the Springfield Democrats REFUSE TO FIX our state. Illinois taxpayers deserve a balanced budget WITHOUT any tax increases.”===

    This is only true, if…

    Rauner shows his own Rauner Cuts to a point to find $7-9 billion…

    Rauner shows actual balanced budgets, something Rauner has been grossly incapable of showing any apt at the budgeting process…

    Math, as a science, is suspended in Illinois, allowing the laws of math to vanish where Revenue is now magically a want, not a flat out requirement to budgetary balancing.


    Since all three are impossible, Rauner continues to purposely stonewall a budget in hopes that damage can be completed… or…

    Democrats vote to first end prevailing wage and destroy collective bargaining in Illinois. Once Rauner gets to sigh the end of Labor, Rauner will allow Democrats to then make they’d cuts and their tax increase, for which Rauner will refuse to put Raunerite votes on, but Rauner will sign as “Democrat” initiatives, allowing Rauner to blame the end of Labor in Illinois, crippling cuts, and arguably the single largest permanent state tax increase in Illinois history… all on Democrats…

    … that or, again, continue the destruction of social service organizations and the dismantling of higher education… equally acceptable to Rauner, easily blamable on Democrats too.

    And we all wonder if this ISN’T a plan?

  12. - Ole' Nelson - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    “Dems have to up their game and present a compelling message.”

    This is what worries me! If they don’t get it together, we will suffer four more years of this phony Governor. Your average voter learns more about politics from 30 second TV ads, not reading Cap Fax.

  13. - wordslinger - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:51 am:

    The huckster tone makes it sound like he’s running for Nigerian prince.

  14. - Jocko - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:51 am:

    “Illinois taxpayers deserve a balanced budget…”

    Does putting an astronomically high number next to the words “working together on a Grand Bargain” count?

  15. - Earnest - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 9:54 am:

    >Illinois taxpayers deserve a balanced budget WITHOUT any tax increases

    I didn’t think that was actually possible. I’m tempted to vote for this candidate just to see how they plan to do it in their first budget address.

  16. - oldman - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    Ok, now tell us all how you’re going to fix everything without a revenue increase. That would make for an interesting ad.

  17. - Honeybear - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    The Perfidy that keeps on hurting.

    It’s not going to be long before the small business community has had enough and joins social services and higher Ed.

  18. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    Webster’s just called. Their updated dictionary has Rauner’s picture next to the word DISINGENUOUS.

  19. - 37B - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    One question Governor: Without additional revenue how do you pay off the $13B in debt?

  20. - Mike Cirrioncione - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    “Nobody knew governin’ could be so complicated.”

  21. - cdog - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    The guy that popped $50M in his campaign account needs to hear back from the fundraiser letter targets within 7 days?

    This guy is shameless, and there are a lot of suckers out there.

  22. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    ENOUGH of this nonsense. Rauner continues to drive us further in the hole and he does not have a plan. I think he finds this be a game and doesn’t get that their are real costs and real people hurting. I say it’s time for one more costume change. He needs to put on his cowboy hat, his shiny boots and ride away.

  23. - Flynn's mom - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    He has me so angry that I’m missplelling….I meant there not their.

  24. - Nick Name - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    “In the midst of travelin’ around the state (not) campaignin’, I don’t normally have time to write personal letters like this.”

    Fixed it for you.

  25. - Cassandra - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    Assuming he plans to run again, would it help or hurt to capitulate that is, agree to a tax increase without his desired business improvements or a property tax freeze. OK, I give up isn’t much of a campaign message. Wouldn’t choose me or a big tax increase be a more effective message. Is it clear that the majority of likely voters favor an income tax increase. Where is the polling on that?
    Going for no compromise is not risk-free for the Democrats either.

  26. - CCP Hostage - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    To use Honeybear’s word, I think the public is wising up to the perfidy, or maybe it’s wishful thinking. Every last voter knows Rauner’s been the governor for the last two years and they know there’s no budget. I don’t think there’s too much longer before the “helpless Governor” act wears thin.

  27. - CrazyHorse - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    =One question Governor: Without additional revenue how do you pay off the $13B in debt?=

    Term Limits


  28. - Skeptic - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:39 am:

    That’s funny…there’s a former Governor who shall not be named who claimed that his ouster was only because he wouldn’t allow a tax increase. “Mark my words,” he said. “There’s a tax increase coming.” It’s like deja vu all over again.

  29. - anon2 - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:44 am:

    === Illinois taxpayers deserve a balanced budget WITHOUT any tax increases. ===

    The Civic Federation laid out what it would take to balance the budget without a revenue enhancement. Since that is now Rauner’s position, he should be held accountable for the draconian cuts that would be necessary. In addition, editors know this is a fantasy. They should treat his position with the critical coverage it deserves.

  30. - PublicServant - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    And the Republican answer is: Additional revenue to close the gap will occur through “growth”. Saying so allows them to ask for your vote now in support of “growth” that they say will occur if I could just get my trickle-down agenda passed…then voila! Increased revenues. Trust me, vote for me and my agenda items now, and the growth will occur … “in the future”…Key echo machine.

  31. - Annonin' - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    ya really need to post the envelope for all the rubes to see

  32. - formerpro - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 11:57 am:

    Surely Republican businessmen like Rauner were once acquainted with the rules of arithmetic. But when they get elected to office, they either forget what they knew or decide the path to re-election is to pander to those who want the good stuff from government but don’t want to pay for it.

  33. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    Also, Rauner’s FY2018 proposed budget CALLED FOR A TAX INCREASE!!!!!

  34. - Winnin' - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Rauner lies. That is all.

  35. - illinoised - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 12:58 pm:

    I disagree, Norseman, I talk with people everyday who say they realized their vote for Rauner was wrong. He is a one term governor.

  36. - deGroot is shameless - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 1:17 pm:

    the governor now flips more than the Jesse White Tumblers.

    With the new flip that he is against new revenue he has no excuse for not submitting a balance budget request. Thenhold up was deciding on amount of revenue increase

  37. - WhoKnew - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 2:55 pm:

    Let be clear.
    He WAS for new revenue, before he was against it!

    Sounds about normal.

  38. - JDuc - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 3:38 pm:

    This guy may actually win the election in ‘18. None of the Dem candidates are all that exciting and Blago beat Judy and his numbers weren’t very good either…..

  39. - Rod - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 3:47 pm:

    Well there can be no negotiations at all with out some tax revenue on the table and the governor just told his funders, besides himself of course, there would be no tax increases on the table. I mean even Laurence Msall the President of the Civic Federation who was Senior Advisor for Economic Development for Illinois Governor George Ryan has publicly said Illinois has to raise taxes in order be solvent. Mr. Msall is not Ralph Martire who believes Illinois can absorb numerous tax increases with flinching, Msall is a classical Republican who seems high taxation as a drain on the economy.

  40. - Rabid - Monday, Apr 24, 17 @ 5:34 pm:

    Mission accomplished, no budget no taxes

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