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Drury on the trail

Monday, May 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Our very own Joan of Arc

Also toying with throwing his hat into the ring [for governor] is Lake County lawmaker Scott Drury of Highwood. If the 58th District representative takes the gubernatorial plunge, he can expect Madigan to ignore him about like the Trump administration ignores climate change. […]

It was also a lesson to the former U.S. attorney and his fellow lawmakers to find out what happens when a Democrat crosses cold-hearted Madigan’s iron rule in the House: Drury is now what only can be considered akin to an exiled member of the old Soviet Politburo. Instead of being sent to Siberia, he has to toil in Springfield with little serious committee assignments.

At one time, the third-term House member — who represents portions of Highland Park, Deerfield, Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Lincolnshire and North Chicago — was vice-chairman of a House Judiciary Criminal committee, sat on the House Personnel and Pensions committee and a third education panel. No more. He was bounced from all three posts by Madigan.

Ironically, it was master-redistricting mapmaker Madigan who drew the boundaries to a friendly Democratic leaning district which led to Drury’s election. On that count, Drury, if he runs for re-election to the House instead of for governor, can expect a challenger scoured up by Madigan.

Um, Drury is still on the Personnel and Pensions Committee. He sits on the Judiciary Civil Committee. He also sits on the Charter School Policy Committee, the Government Transparency Committee, the Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT Committee and the Domestic Relations Law and Commercial Law subcommittees.

That ain’t horrible considering he didn’t vote for either Madigan or Madigan’s rules.

Also, I doubt that Madigan will have any fingerprints on any primary challenger Drury might face if he runs for reelection. Madigan won’t want to make a martyr out of the guy. If Drury does get a challenger, it’ll probably be an independent-minded soccer mom type with no immediately discernible ties to the House Speaker.

* Anyway, despite describing himself on his campaign site as “one of the most reported on legislators in the General Assembly,” he hasn’t ginned up much publicity for his possible gubernatorial bid beyond some columnists and editorial writers who despise Madigan. He did speak to the college Democrats over the weekend, but his remarks apparently wound up on the cutting room floor.

And despite announcing a few weeks ago that he was exploring a bid for governor, he hasn’t filed any paperwork with the State Board of Elections to create a committee or alter his current committee. And he’s only reported one contribution for a grand since that announcement.

* But Drury did talk about property taxes and school funding at a local event

During Drury’s presentation he said the state has a constitutional mandate to fund public education but provides only 25 percent, with 10 percent coming from the federal government and the rest from local property taxes. The national average is 43 percent. He said distribution is also inequitable between wealthier and poorer school districts.

“The districts with the greatest amount of poverty get the least amount of money,” Drury said. “On average, the state’s school districts with the greatest number of low-income students receive 20 percent less funding than wealthier districts. That’s really crazy.” […]

Though Drury did not comment on the suggestion of litigation, he said the funding issue can be solved if legislators will talk to each other to find common ground and forget about party labels. He said there is agreement on the value of education.

“If you educate a kid you give them opportunities to succeed,” Drury said. “The (General) Assembly is a diverse group but they have all benefited from education. They come from all walks of life. There is no need to argue about that. We need to find the funding to educate our kids.”

Drury said the problem comes when they start talking about other programs that must be cut to fund education or raising revenue through taxes or fees. He said the cost of not funding education is real too.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    ===If Drury does get a challenger, it’ll probably be an independent-minded soccer mom type with no immediately discernible ties to the House Speaker.===

    By happenstance, lol

    That’s just solid stuff there…

    Don Quixote had windmills, Drury has those windmills tilting with the bloviating and Martyr-dum- that is the Drury existence, that ironically Dury touts as the most covered Legislstor, but is truly the least liked member under the Dome, with the personality that relishes both titles.

  2. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:20 pm:

    ===the former U.S. attorney===

    Huh, who knew? He should try to highlight that more.

  3. - Just Observing - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:30 pm:

    FYI… As someone in the comments of the article pointed out, the Trib attributes this column to Charles Selle but put Dan Moran as the byline.

  4. - Just Observing - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:32 pm:

    Also, can we limit the “former U.S. Attorney” jokes already. Every other comment on a Drury post is that. The joke is old already. And no, I’m not Scott Drury.

  5. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    –The former US Attorney–

    The former ASSISTANT US Attorney…

  6. - for real - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 2:44 pm:

    Scott Drury’s biggest problem is Scott Drury. If you’ve ever had to talk to him about a bill or found yourself on the other side of an issue he cares about you know his arrogance outweighs his charm. He legitimately believes he’s the smartest person in every room and everyone in Springfield must be corrupt because they don’t always side with him.

    It might not be possible, but he would likely be worse than Rauner.

  7. - winners and losers - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 3:32 pm:

    Why does no one report that the maximum amount of General State Aid to poor schools has been frozen for 9 years (since 2008).

    If rich schools get a flat amount of $218 per student, poor ones over $4,000 per student in GSA with the CURRENT formulas, putting more money into the current formulas by raising the maximum amount (called the foundation level) would solve most of the problems of the poor school districts.

  8. - 312 - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 3:42 pm:

    Back in the old days when I was in staff, we used to call these guys the ones that ‘read their own press releases and believed them.’

  9. - Red Ranger - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 3:52 pm:

    Madigan is too smart to take out Drury, its way more effort than its worth. He has no friends or clout in Springfield. The most attention he gets is a couple columns a year from John Kass that barely anyone reads or cares about. He’s completely harmless. He would be dangerous if he had the ability to lead a movement against Madigan and raise a bunch of money to do such; his arrogance, hubris and poor fundraising skills mean he’ll never accomplish that. Plus, Madigan trying to take him out could turn him into the hero/martyr he thinks he is. Its just not worth the effort.

  10. - 'Goose - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 4:11 pm:

    Red Ranger, poor fundraising skills? Before Drury announced he was exploring a run for governor he had more money In his campaign account than all but five or six fellow Democratic State Reps, all who’ve been elected officials considerably longer than him. Hubris and arrogance are subjectively judged, but by what objective measure is Drury a poor fundraiser?

  11. - Deft Wing - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 4:17 pm:

    This is fabulous! More Scott Drury to the rescue, please.

  12. - wordslinger - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    Did Charles Selle or Dan Moran write the column? The troncs don’t seem to be sure.

  13. - My New Handle - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 5:24 pm:

    “Soccer mom type”?? Exactly what is the definition of that?

  14. - TKMH - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 5:58 pm:

    Manar really must’ve cut a deal for Lt Gov. with someone - the viable field is looking incredibly top-heavy with northern Illinois candidates.

    A downstate Dem would have a strong chance if the Cook County vote fractured into 20 pieces.

  15. - Morty - Monday, May 1, 17 @ 6:19 pm:

    ‘Also, can we limit the “former U.S. Attorney” jokes already. Every other comment on a Drury post is that. The joke is old already. And no, I’m not Scott Drury.’

    Only when he does. Fair is fair…

    ‘Scott”. /s

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