Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Local 150, other trade unions to endorse Pritzker today
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Local 150, other trade unions to endorse Pritzker today

Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

SCOOPLET — As we first reported Monday, J.B. Pritzker today will hold a news conference touting an endorsement from a series of trade unions. POLITICO has the first glimpse of a full list of the 14 groups backing him early in the game. Here they are: Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters, The Chicago District Council of Laborers’, Local 881 UFCW, Boilermakers Local 1, Bricklayers District Council, International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 2, Heat and Frost Insulators Local 17, Ironworkers Chicago District Council & Vicinity, Operating Engineers Local 150, Operating Engineers Local 399, Plasterers and Cement Masons Local 502, UA Plumbers Local 130, Roofers and Waterproofers Local 11, Sheet Metal Workers Local 73.

That’s no scooplet. As I told subscribers this morning, Local 150 of the Operating Engineers is a huge get for Pritzker. That local is the de facto leader of this state’s construction trade unions. It is heavily involved in Illinois politics and has plenty of money to play with.

And Kennedy’s helming of the Wolf Point construction project, done in conjunction with organized labor, should’ve given him a much better foothold with all those trade unions that are now backing Pritzker.

Big win for Pritzker, big loss for Kennedy.

* Meanwhile, Sen. Daniel Biss responded to JB Pritzker’s new TV ad last night at 7:41…

“His tag line should be ‘I can write big checks.’ Bragging about how you threw money at problems is not thinking big; it’s thinking like a billionaire. And it’s not a case for being a good governor. We already learned our lesson on this front with failed experiment Bruce Rauner.

“While JB Pritzker and Chris Kennedy are copying plays from the Bruce Rauner billionaire’s playbook, Daniel Biss is fighting for legislation today that would change the way campaigns are financed in this state — because, the fundamental problem in Springfield is that our government has been answering to the very rich, under both parties.

“The answer to Illinois’s problems isn’t going to come from billionaires or machine politicians. They’re the people at the root of our problems. It’s going to come from a movement of people ready to take their state back from money and the machine.”

The gloves are really coming off early.

* And Bob Daiber sat for a couple of interviews

Daiber says “people in Springfield” know he “knows the game.” He calls himself the “poor guy in the room.”

“I’m the guy that most people wish would go away, but it’s not going to happen,” Daiber said.

Daiber might lack the popularity and Camelot mystique of Kennedy, but he’s banking on his name recognition in Downstate Illinois to help him in the race — despite having a bit more than $37,000 on hand at the end of March. Daiber knows he’s up against millions in the race, but he says he’s making plans for the next few months and focusing on the issues. Among his plans is a June meeting with the AFL-CIO to try to gain its endorsement. He also plans to unveil detailed tax structure plans — in January.

“I stay focused on the issues. I look at the support that comes. The money will follow me,” Daiber said. “And that’s how I plan to stay in the race.”

I doubt if he’s known Downstate anywhere beyond Madison County. And considering the trade unions’ endorsement of Pritzker, he probably shouldn’t count on the Illinois AFL-CIO unless Pritzker stumbles really badly. And I do mean badly.

* Another

Q: Rauner has waged war on Democrats, saying they’re just interested in raising taxes and he’s guarding against it.

A: I think $1 billion of unpaid bills is pretty much evidence his plan isn’t working very well. His deficit has almost tripled since he’s been in office … The average person is saying: look, if you got to raise taxes, raise taxes. Let’s just get on with it and get a budget … Saying you’re a tax and spend Democrat? How about a tax and stabilize Democrat? Just to bring stability to the state. Let’s look at a progressive income tax system.”

I sure hope that $1 billion thing is a typo. It’s a whole lot more than that.


  1. - Ohhaimark - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:40 am:

    Err, here in Madison County he Mr. Daiber is still basically an unknown.

  2. - Red Ranger - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:42 am:

    Fairly childish and amateurish response from Biss. Say what you want about the other stuff, but helping get 1871 up and going was and continues to be a big deal for Chicago and the rest of the Midwest. Plus, can anyone name a major legislative accomplishment of Sen. Biss? Not a bill he introduced, but something major he proposed, a Gov signed, and now is impacting peoples lives. Maybe there is something, but its certainly not top of mind; IMHO.

  3. - DuPage - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    The unions are going to support someone with the best chance of beating Rauner.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    Local 150 playing in the Democratic primary with defeating Rauner as the end game has my attention, insofar that the long game, and Kennedy’s own connection to Labor, and measuring who could bring what in helping themselves to defeat Rauner, in the end… this has my attention, and I’m quite interested, very interested actually, the melding of the end game of defeating Rauner and the messaging thru the primary will jive.

    This is huge for Pritzker, a setback of structural proportion for Kennedy.

    I’ll be watching.

  5. - Mittuns - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    Senator Biss: Please throw a few less bombs and start flexing the policy muscle that puts you currently in front on my list of candidates.

    This race is too important to say ad nauseam that Kennedy or Pritzker is the same as Vulture Capitalist Rauner.

  6. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:55 am:

    Unions shouldn’t endorse Billionaires. They look bought and used in cases like this. After what we’vs been through over the past few years, no one should trust rich politicians to care about working citizens to do what’s best.

    Biss looks naive and defensive. No one not supporting him currently is moved by his campaign financing ideas. Biss has to keep being the guy who isn’t the rich guy running, but instead is the competent guy running.

    We’re broke and credit-less. Rich guys don’t know how to get by with nothing. Our governor needs to be that guy who does know how to get out of a hole. Pritzker, Rauner and Kenbedy don’t know what it’s like to be us with a government in debt like we are.

    Biss does. That’s what he needs to focus on.

  7. - Lech W - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    Lip service from local 150. The days of union members voting in lockstep with the leadership are long gone. I have lots of friends in the mason/plumbing locals - not one of them voted HRC.

  8. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    Biss put his name on the big ads tying Rauner to Trump in ‘14 so he was helping and shows he’s willing to take arrows for others. JB has the money to fund all down ticket. So one guy has given and taken hits for others, the other guy can help fund everybody.
    What does Kennedy do for everyone?

  9. - Chicagonk - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    Kennedy has a chance if Biss drops out and endorses Kennedy. But I do not see Biss dropping out. Madigan is doing what he does, and that’s clearing out the field for Pritzker. I wouldn’t bet against Madigan, as much as I would rather have Kennedy win.

  10. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    Biss is flailing and it’s really destructive. It read pretty pathetic when he tweeted at a reporter the other day that they should not just cover Pritzker and Kennedy but pay attention to him too.

    Maybe someone can help me understand why Biss thinks attacking Pritzker and Kennedy is remotely a good strategy this early in the process? How will that help him distinguish himself from Pawar for the Bernie folks? Does he think that will help the Bernie folks forget he supported Hillary?

    Hey Senator, what will impress Dems is if you effectively take down Rauner. Nothing more. Nothing less. The D on D violence is just stupid, regardless of who its directed to.

  11. - T Sowell - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:08 am:

    Rauner has always wanted to isolate the Public employee unions as his target, while working with the private sector unions. Having local 150 endorse a fellow billionaire gives him an opening

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    ===Madigan is doing what he does, and that’s clearing out the field for Pritzker===

    How is this clearing the field? Asking.

    Thank you.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    It’s a great “get” for Pritzker. Kennedy lost me with his negative and misleading statements about marijuana legalization–how it’s not a budget panacea. No one said it would be.

  14. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:14 am:

    ===Kennedy has a chance if Biss drops out and endorses Kennedy===

    I kinda doubt that Biss’ support is transferable at this point. We’ll see. But Biss ain’t going anywhere at the moment.

  15. - The Captain - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:17 am:

    Most impressive thing for me is just how early this get is. I can’t remember labor moving this early before.

  16. - Chicagonk - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    OW - First Summers drops out. Now a number of large trade unions allied with Madigan endorse Pritzker. My guess is that the Black Caucus will be next in line. It certainly makes sense when you consider the preemptive oppo dump of JBs comments on Obama in 2012.

    All I’m saying is it’s not a secret that Madigan is backing Pritzker. And these are all coordinated moves to establish JB as the front-runner and the horse to bet on.

  17. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:19 am:

    At this very early date, Pritzker is the first Dem to go beyond the “testing the waters” threshold.

    He’s the only one of those yakking about it that I’m virtually certain will actually file for the race.

    Still keeping eyes peeled for a black candidate, a female candidate, and that guy who’s been running for statewide office with mixed results since the 1980s.

  18. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    “The strong will do as they will and the weak will suffer what they must”. Melian Dialogue

    In the Real Politik Macheavellian world we live in Strength is just about all. Merit is nearly meaningless (Going Public, Gecan)
    In another world I might ( still hasn’t accounted for SB1 in my opinion) be for Biss. Although I’ve also had it with wonky theorists who live life in their heads. SB1 may have made mathematical sense but it was going to economically hurt a lot of people. Biss has not accounted for that in my opinion.

    Pritzker has the monetary firepower to hole Rauner below the water line and send him to the bottom. Kennedy can’t get his gun crews to complete a broadside. 150 was correct to hoist colors for Pritzker. Labor is united as never before. Some will hold off on raising colors but make no mistake. This is strategic. The battle line has already formed beyond the horizon. 150 is usually one of the first into a fight.

  19. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    “===Madigan is doing what he does, and that’s clearing out the field for Pritzker===

    How is this clearing the field? Asking.”

    Precisely right. There is no field clearing. What’s happening here is pretty obvious to anyone paying attention. Kennedy is radically under-performing expectations with things like the DuPage Dems dinner episode and just not impressing people he meets. As Rich reported this morning, Pritzker is impressing people in unexpected ways. So he’s over-performing.

    If Kennedy had Pritzker’s money but had campaigned the way he has, he would still be losing people at a rapid clip. Kennedy’s problem is that Pritzker is a way better candidate. Oh yea, and there’s his money.

  20. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    ===and that guy who’s been running for statewide office with mixed results since the 1980s.===

    Roland Burris…?

  21. - Gooner - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:25 am:

    I have yet to take sides, but I do consistently like Biss’s responses to Rauner, Kennedy and J.B.

    Pointing out that they are three of a kind hits home against all three.

  22. - OneMan - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    The gloves are really coming off early.


  23. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:27 am:


    But he seems to be increasingly angry. That can be a problem. I need a little optimism.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    ===First Summers drops out.===

    Madigan did that? Hmm.

    ===All I’m saying is it’s not a secret that Madigan is backing Pritzker. And these are all coordinated moves to establish JB as the front-runner and the horse to bet on.===

    How are all these moves coordinated by Madigan.

    That’s what I am asking, including Summers?

    What exactly are you basing this on?

  25. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    LOL, Ducky, the other one.

  26. - A guy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:30 am:

    The battle lines are getting a bit clearer now. 150 is raising the ante to narrow the field. A bit risky this early. The rank and file might still have an affinity for Kennedy or one of the other guys.

    Kennedy has stacked up some assurances from some important Ward organizations with a lot of foot soldier support. Primaries lend themselves to organization as much as money. Don’t misunderstand…enough money is still important, but if this early wager by 150 doesn’t have the effect it intends, this will turn into a brutal primary. I think it’s headed that way.

  27. - walker - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:31 am:

    A good chance Madigan is for Pritzker, but 150 always goes their own way.

  28. - A guy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    The 3 “Thousandaires” just need to hang around long enough to dilute the pool. Those 3 look like they have staying power and enough access to money to be on the stages. All 3 seem to possess better skills than the Country Club guys in debates and communication.

    Kennedy is actually helping the Thousandaires immensely right this minute.

  29. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    Lol Word, I think he’s re-reading the federal court monitor’s hiring report, trying to find a way of spinning it as “creating jobs” or something. I still have a soft spot in my heart (and possibly my brain) for the guy personally, but I hope that report puts the final nail in the coffin of his political career.

  30. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    That seals it for me. Old Blue just endorsed Kennedy. Think anyone other than Downstate Dem cares?

  31. - Redraider - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    While it is a big endorsement for Pritzker, Local 150 of the Operating Engineers is hardly looked upon as the leader of Private Trades. Many in the Private Sector have long taken note of the Operators propensity to support Republicans in the Legislature.

  32. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    Chicagonk, contrary to your desperate narrative of Madigan controlling everything including Labor, let me state to you.

    Pre Rauner Madigan was enemy number 1 to AFSCME
    Because of SB1

    With Rauner, the enemy of my enemy is my friend

    You might remember my comments in years past where I feared at certain points Madigan would sell us down the river.

    The everything Madigans fault narrative

    Will be swamped with the Pritzker funding dominance to say

    Rauner failed
    Rauner lied

    And labor will bring that message
    Door in Illinois

  33. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    Carol Moseley-Braun, by chance?

  34. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:50 am:

    Rauner has given billionaires a bad name, but still again, Pritzker could up his game and make connections with the common folk that Rauner could only hope for. And bragging you are poor doesn’t really float my boat either - on that criterion nearly everyone would qualify as a candidate

  35. - JS Mill - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:51 am:

    =With Rauner, the enemy of my enemy is my friend=

    That pretty much sums up my stance. Perfectly.

  36. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    I have worked with 150 on several campaigns. Many of their members are Republican and gun owners. Not sure how their union is going to convince them to vote for a liberal anti-gun candidate. Not saying they can’t but I’m not sure how they do it.

  37. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 10:53 am:

    DuPage Bard - What does Kennedy do for everyone? In the last week, his appearances downstate have generated large, enthusiastic crowds. As I’ve mentioned, Friday night in Joliet, Saturday night in Utica where 600 turned out to hear Kennedy and waited in line an hour for pictures afterward. Largest crowd in modern county party history. Caseyville, St. Clair County, last Monday, Steamfitters hall packed to see and hear Kennedy. So what Kennedy has proven is an ability to generate enthusiasm on the campaign trail in areas Dems need to win. Blue Dog Dem - thanks. You know I care - ha ha. OK, bring it on.

  38. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    ==Plus, can anyone name a major legislative accomplishment of Sen. Biss?==

    SB1? Though I guess he won’t talk about that until AFSCME’s support is entirely off the table. :)

  39. - Kan_Man - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    I see 2010 similarities as in;

    Bob Daiber is Bob Schillerstrom -Both didn’t make it long and will never get traction out of their own areas.

    Kennedy is to Andy McKenna - Washed up businessmen with huge family ties. Both are terrible at the pulpit

    Biss is to Kirk Dillard- Entertaining for a while but start to get on your nerves pretty quick.

    Ameya Pawar is to Adam Anjikekfisi- Will never get their names correct and will try to morph this into something else

    Jim Ryan is to Pat Quinn. I’m still waiting him to announce an exploratory comm.

    This leaves a weak link between Proft and Pritzker. Strong backing but tons and tons of baggage. They are both usually the most likable and smart guys in the room but still a tough sell.

    Missing is Bill Brady who won the Primary.

  40. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    Honey. I thought we were looking forward to the crushing of the unions?.seriously, union membership has been crushed in this state despite The Dems owning the legislative branch forever. The operators don’t give a darn about you. They just want transportation dollars and that lockbox. Me, Trump has done more for the steel and aluminum markets in three months than Obama did in 8 years. These union laws are all fine and dandy, but if you don’t have a market for your product, then its just lip service. You know I am no Rauner fan, his anti-union rhetoric is over the top. Now if he sticks to a message that he is tough negotiator, most people get that. Keep up the energy. If you get Pritzkers ear, tell him to lay low on gun issues. There are thousands of union households that vote guns over livelihood.

  41. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    ==Madigan is doing what he does, and that’s clearing out the field for Pritzker.==

    This seems less like Madigan pulling some strings and more like the Trades picking a candidate who can help them out the most. They’re not going to have to give Pritzker as much money as they would the other candidates, and I think they seem him as an easier sell to their members than a Kennedy and a North Shore math professor.

  42. - ste_with_a_v_en - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    Has anyone seen the HBO documentary Meet the Donors: Does Money Talk? J.B. is interviewed. Worth a watch before clips are put out by opponents.

  43. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    Rauner fooled 2/5 union households once.
    It will not be repeated
    Rauner is right to work
    Rauner moved to destroy PLA’s
    Rauner attacked prevailing wage

    Guys the trades and correctional afscmes
    Are off the chain rabid at Rauner

    Look as much as Rauner wants to divide labor along political lines, I stand along side my Republican brothers and sisters of labor. We’re united in our understanding that
    Rauner lied
    Rauner failed

    But rauners greatest achievement?
    Uniting all Labo

  44. - Rocky Rosi - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    People seeking resources will always endorse a person or plan that has money behind it.

  45. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    Kan_Man … Hoping the Kennedy Campaign gets more video out to show some of his very strong speaking lately … A few nights ago in La Salle County his passionate speech resulted in a standing ovation from 600 in attendance (record crowd). Kennedy’s speech was very good - and hope you’ll see some video of this soon.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    - Downstate Dem -

    Kennedy needs to show significant support that results where Kennedy should be strong, and where Pritzker isn’t out-maneuvering the Kenedy Crew.

    What is it if a candidate gets a standing ovation after a speech… if that same candidate loses the muscle and monies of organized labor.

    At least, as of yet, the Kennedy Crew hasn’t wholly dismissed labor endorsements, not unlike the dismissing of political and elected official endorsements, so I guess there is a learning going in there, lol

  47. - PJDT - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:00 pm:

    In the Democratic primary, I understand that these candidates have personal ambitions, but for the good of the state, it would be nice if the primary could be more like an audition for the job of beating Rauner next fall and taking over in January 2019.

    If our candidates tear each other up in the primary, we could end up with another 4 years without a budget, and looking up to Sam Brownback’s Kansas as a something to aspire to.

  48. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:06 pm:

    **This seems less like Madigan pulling some strings and more like the Trades picking a candidate who can help them out the most.**

    LOL - Madigan is directly involved in most/all of these. He is actively supporting Pritzker behind the scenes. And actively “encouraging” Labor to support Pritzker, and support him early.

  49. - Conn Smythe - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    @Red Ranger: Daniel carried Secured Choice, effectively creating a public defined contribution. Pretty much checks every box you lay out.

  50. - City Zen - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    Biss has an easy win here: Merely point out the lack of diversity in labor union leadership. Where are the women and minority leaders? Is this a true representation of working families?

  51. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    Wow City Zen, you guys are crazy scared of Pritzker. That was a really comical attack. diversity… Good one.s/

  52. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:41 pm:

    Senator Biss,

    The answers to Illinois problems are not going to come from far left progressives who pay virtually no income taxes playing class warfare and demonizing those successful Illinois people from both parties that do pay the taxes and employ our citizens.

    How does the far left class warfare rhetoric and policies play out in other countries? Not too well if you seen the news lately from France or Venezuela

  53. - City Zen - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    Honeybear - I happen to think diversity not only in the workplace but in leadership is important. It’s something my wife and I have worked hard for in the corporate world.

    If you don’t think these unions’ inability to foster and grow leadership positions for even one woman is noteworthy, then you’re out of touch.

  54. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    Check out LP, back with a new big-word-salad from the home office in Macedonia!

    Biss was the big brain behind the SB1 pension grab. He’s not your hero?

    Could you fill us in on the income level elite superstars like yourself consider qualifying to participate in public affairs?

  55. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:08 pm:

    City Zen, try looking at other unions Afscme CTU etc, maybe look at local level. You see a lot more diversity. Yes trades have an issue with that but I have lots of union sisters that are trades in my social network. But yes trades have a problem. But let’s now look at diversity in the corporate c suite. Yeah, you want to keep playin’?

  56. - Honeybear - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    No War but Class War Lucky Pierre

    Yeah that’s cute. After trump totally used class warfare?
    Trash can van
    Carhardt jacket
    duct tape
    Dropin’ G’s

    I literally cannot stop laughing.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:25 pm:

    If this endorsement gets, if Pritzker wins the Primary, a 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 union households for Rauner from 2 in 5 households and gins up labor turnout, then this will be a big boost.

    We’ll see.

  58. - City Zen - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    Honeybear - I’m addressing the post’s labor unions. Put aside zero presence of women in leadership positions…where are the African American men?! Makes me wonder when the women and minority tradespeople are and if their presence in the trades in advocated for. Pretty important considering this is am great way to get into solid middle class.

    I agree, corporate America has a ways to go, but I’ve reported to a good amount of female CXO’s in my lifetime spanning different departments. Trade union leadership looks straight outta 1950.

  59. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:31 pm:

    You can’t be seen as anti-gun and expect better than 2 out 5 for support. Just sayin….

  60. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:34 pm:

    ===You can’t be seen as anti-gun and expect better than 2 out 5 for support.===

    That will indeed be a challenge.

    ===reported to a good amount of female CXO’s in my lifetime spanning different departments. Trade union leadership looks straight outta 1950.===

    I dunno if you wanna go “CEOs care more about working people than Labor Unions”

    That might not be the best… angle.

  61. - X-prof - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:37 pm:

    LP *** class warfare ***

    Ha. Rauner’s total state + local tax rate (income + sales + property) is about 3.8%. Most IL taxpayers pay about 10%, except low-income taxpayers who pay upwards of 13%. Tell me again who’s waging class warfare.

  62. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:38 pm:

    If I am not mistaken., Biss voted no on Grand Bargain pension reform that did not pass

    Real profile in courage

  63. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    ==LOL - Madigan is directly involved in most/all of these.==

    Your evidence is persuasive.

    ==Merely point out the lack of diversity in labor union leadership.==

    Terrible idea for a Democratic primary.

  64. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    “…Local 150 of the Operating Engineers is a huge get for Pritzker. That local is the de facto leader of this state’s construction trade unions. It is heavily involved in Illinois politics and has plenty of money to play with.”

    Maybe that money can explain why former 150 lobbyist Todd Vandermyde still has a job in Springfield as NRA lobbyist, after his former boss William Dugan was convicted of federal labor charges by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in 2010?

    Secretary of State business records show Vandermyde is no longer the registered lobbyist for 150 in 2011, after Dugan was convicted. NRA members are still waiting for Vandermyde’s (supposed) boss Chris Cox at NRA-ILA to request his FBI file and do a perfunctory background check of his associations since NRA hired him as a contract lobbyist circa 2000.

    Rep. Brandon Phelps appears to be benefiting from his close association with “former” 150 lobbyist Vandermyde, 150 gives him money too. Seems like a long way from 150 HQ in Countryside down to Saline County in Little Egypt.

  65. - City Zen - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:54 pm:

    ==I dunno if you wanna go “CEOs care more about working people than Labor Unions” That might not be the best… angle.==

    True, but only slightly worse than the old white men in charge angle.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    ===but only slightly worse than the old white men in charge angle.===

    “Slightly worse”?

    People are marching in the streets by the thousands against CEOs, oven yet to hear of marchers by the thousands all over the country marching about Labor Leadership.

  67. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 2:19 pm:

    I doubt if the former chair of GTCR wants to revisit the issue of diversity in private sector leadership.

    His answers of “we weren’t finding the folks, there weren’t any” wasn’t actually superstar material.

  68. - DeseDemDose - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 2:40 pm:

    Honey Bear! Love It. “Rauner Failed, Rauner Lied.” Keepin’ it simple.

  69. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 2:46 pm:

    ==oven yet to hear of marchers by the thousands all over the country marching about Labor Leadership==

    I suppose the argument would be that the kind of people who don’t like labor union leadership aren’t the kind that march? All I can tell you is that the people who are fed up with labor unions are definitely out there, but those votes aren’t available to Democrats anyway.

  70. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 2:54 pm:

    ===…but those votes aren’t available to Democrats anyway.===

    That’s really the crux;

    Gin up turnout for Labor, as anti-Labor voters you just won’t flip.

    The 2 in 5 Union Housholds voting Rauner to 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 and ginning up that turnout is the sweet spot, not flipping the anti-Labor crowd.

  71. - Gooner - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    Anon 1:48,

    Maybe Todd still has a job because he’s very good at what he does.

    He’s been an effective advocate for unions (including high quality efforts against Right To Work For Less) as well as for the ILNRA.

    Just tossing ideas out there.

  72. - Daniel Plainview - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 4:31 pm:

    - not one of them voted HRC. -

    Trump hasn’t tried to force RTW on them yet either.

  73. - Power House Prowler - Wednesday, May 3, 17 @ 9:22 pm:

    The building trades are not as diverse as they could be. But, no vo tech high school classes. Everyone telling their children they must go to college. It is a big commitment to be a elected union officer.

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