Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Reports: AFL-CIO could soon endorse Pritzker, who may be prepared to spend $70 million on the primary
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Reports: AFL-CIO could soon endorse Pritzker, who may be prepared to spend $70 million on the primary

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Natasha with the scoop

The Illinois AFL-CIO is preparing to endorse J.B. Pritzker for governor, three sources confirmed to POLITICO. It is a major coup for Pritzker, who formally joined the primary race just four-and-a-half weeks ago and is looking to coalesce Democratic support.

Two of the sources pegged the timing of the endorsement within the next month. It follows an all-out effort by Pritzker and supporters to secure the early labor commitment.

Last week, POLITICO first reported that 14 trade unions were lining up behind Pritzker. An endorsement by the AFL-CIO, which represents nearly 900,000 members and has 1,500 affiliates statewide, could present a considerable blow to opponent Chris Kennedy , who has said he hoped to fund his run through a combination of labor money and his own contributions. The sources said Democrats and labor groups who are eager to oust incumbent GOP Gov. Bruce Rauner from office are hoping to stave off a protracted, bruising Democratic primary.

Everybody thought back in December of 2001 that the Illinois AFL-CIO’s endorsement of Rod Blagojevich was early. If this nod does happen within the next month it would be without any precedent in a gubernatorial race.

* From Illinois AFL-CIO President Mike Carrigan…

“The Illinois AFL-CIO has made no decisions concerning endorsements in the Democratic Primary Election for Governor.

“While defeating Gov. Bruce Rauner – one of the most anti-worker governors in the country – is the top priority for 2018, the Illinois AFL-CIO has a process for vetting candidates that we are working through, including face-to-face meetings with candidates and issue surveys.

“Until there is widespread and significant support for one particular candidate across the diverse labor movement, we will continue to focus our work communicating with union households about Rauner’s attacks on union members and his destruction of the state by refusing to compromise on a budget solution.”

Despite this, it’s pretty obvious to everyone where this is headed.

* Things might get a little awkward for Kennedy tonight…

Chris Kennedy will give the keynote at the Irish-American Labor Council (IALC) annual James Connolly dinner. IALC is a committee of the AFL-CIO, committed to improving and promoting social and community welfare in Chicago. The IALC is comprised of international unions, district councils, local labor unions, and business organizations throughout the Chicagoland area. Chris will be honored at the event along with John Manley.

* And this is one reason why organized labor is pushing Pritzker

A source tells NBC 5 that Democrat JB Pritzker is spending $1.5 million for two weeks as his introductory TV ad called “Think Big” saturates TV markets across the state. As one Democratic strategist noted, “if he keeps this pace, he will spend $50 million on TV alone.”

That same source said the billionaire businessman has told others that “he’s prepared to spend $70 million on the primary alone.”

Compare that to 2014, when then-GOP candidate Bruce Rauner spent what was a record-breaking $65.3 million on his entire campaign – both the primary and the general elections.

Lots of unconfirmed rumors have Pritzker’s general election budget at $150 million. Whatever the case, it’s clear that Pritzker can fund himself, help out the rest of the ticket, and take the pressure off labor leaders to drain their unions’ bank accounts. Kennedy simply can’t make the same case.


  1. - Christopher - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    If JB does turn out to be the Democratic candidate for Governor, would it be conceivable or appropriate that he would invite Chris Kennedy to be his Lieutenant Governor? Both seem sincere in their desire to help Illinois, but Kennedy just doesn’t appear to be making as strong a case for himself as JB is.

  2. - Ratso Rizzo - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    JB is playing big bank take little bank with Rauner.

  3. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    ==if he keeps this pace==

    Which, of course, he won’t. Even Rauner went off the air once in a while.

  4. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    ==If JB does turn out to be the Democratic candidate for Governor, would it be conceivable or appropriate that he would invite Chris Kennedy to be his Lieutenant Governor?==

    Kennedy would have to drop out of the primary, but it seems unlikely that Pritzker would even ask. How does Kennedy help him?

  5. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    ===How does Kennedy help him? ===

    Have you seen the polling?

  6. - Christopher - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:16 am:

    How could Kennedy help Pritzer? Not that JB needs his help, but perhaps additional name recognition, appeal to the African-American community, and a united Democratic front against Rauner? How did having Evelyn Sanguietti on Rauner’s ticket help him?

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:18 am:

    ===Pritzker can fund himself, help out the rest of the ticket, and take the pressure off labor leaders to drain their unions’ bank accounts.===

    This is why the Rauner campaign is so fearful of JB and why they’re spending so much time attacking him.

  8. - Anon - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:25 am:

    JB is running one hell of a campaign. He’s had constant one on one meetings with elected officials from around the state and really doing the work necessary to lock down early support. It doesn’t surprise me that the AFLCIO will endorse him so early. JB has locked down the support of a large number of the most important elected officials in the eyes of the AFLCIO. JB is checking all the boxes and his campaign is humming along. GO JB!!

  9. - Grand Avenue - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    Where do they stand on the 4.95 v 4.99 debate?

  10. - City Zen - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:27 am:

    ==The Illinois AFL-CIO has made no decisions concerning endorsements in the Democratic Primary Election for Governor==

    Good to see union dark money taking a cautious approach.

  11. - Ok - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    I think it would be best for J.B. to tap Kennedy as a running mate.

  12. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    ===I think it would be best for J.B. to tap Kennedy as a running mate.===

    Meh… I think he needs a downstater… but I’m a downstater…. I really think he should he should ask Jehan Gordon-Booth to be LG. JB&JGB!

  13. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:37 am:

    ==Have you seen the polling?==

    I’m not sure how that’s responsive to what I said. I haven’t seen any polling of a Pritzker/Kennedy ticket, no. I’m sure it would help Pritzker in the primary, but only because it would dispatch his best-funded rival. But I don’t see how it helps him in the General. Indeed, it would seem to double-down on his vulnerabilities.

    I have seen polls of Pritzker v. Kennedy in the primary though. And in those, Kennnedy has no need to consider dropping out.

  14. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:37 am:

    I’d like July 10 in the “What day will Kennedy drop out?” pool.

  15. - northsider (the original) - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    Why would Kennedy want the Lt. Gov job?

  16. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    ==Not that JB needs his help, but perhaps additional name recognition, appeal to the African-American community, and a united Democratic front against Rauner?==

    I mean, if Pritzker’s the Democratic nominee, he’s gonna have all the name recognition he needs, especially if he gets there on the back of $70 million.

    Juicing turnout in the African American community is a must, but you might consider an African American for that.

    Democratic unity is also essential, but again, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

    And these pluses will have to be weighed against the liabilities that Kennedy would bring, which include doubling down on Pritzker’s problems and being kind of a gaffe machine.

  17. - Anon221 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    Christopher- “… a united Democratic front against Rauner.”

    And I would think you would get Independents and possibly Greens as well if JB and Kennedy teamed up. JB’s money is needed to keep Rauner in check at the “poker table”, and Kennedy’s cachet with a diversity of voters is needed to reinforce those principles of the Democratic party that are sorely lacking under Rauner’s slash and burn policies.

  18. - Ok - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:46 am:

    Kennedy would be a great Lt who could be gov after Pritzkers term.

  19. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    Rauner is all about leverage. How does he create leverage? In both the business and political worlds he uses money. His superior financial position is what gives him advantages/leverage. He won’t have that advantage/leverage with JB.

    Co-opt your opponent’s strength, right? By taking away Rauner’s financial advantage, all JB has to do is bad mouth MJM and Rauner is left with what to run on?

  20. - wordslinger - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:56 am:

    As many have noted, Pritzker eliminates Rauner’s biggest advantage, his bankroll.

    If he’s the nominee, he’ll have to figure out how to check Rauner’s next biggest advantage, which is the historically, relatively anemic Dem turnout in off-prez years.

    Madigan’s tenure as state party chair has been a complete failure on that front.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 11:58 am:

    If Pritzker can put $60, $70 million on a ground game…

    That’s the ball game. The other $80 million on ads and the ticket and the GA…


  22. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    ==If Pritzker can put $60, $70 million on a ground game…==

    At some point, there’s only so much pizza your canvassers can eat!

  23. - illinoised - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:09 pm:

    Pritzker is fighting fire with fire. Good!

  24. - Mama - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    What does Pritzker know about running a state government?

  25. - Amalia - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    the money issue is nothing new. way back in the ’80s I was told particular interests got their issue sway because their perceived members donated lots of money. with Pritzker it’s just more apparent. putting Chris Kennedy as Lt. Gov. would be a smart move. at least he’d have someone on there whose rationale for running has something to do with helping people.

  26. - AFFI Member - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Pritzker speak in March. I had never really given him much thought until then. I was impressed and truly believe he is the perfect duct tape remover.

  27. - A Jack - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    Well first Kennedy would have to stop attacking Pritzker over his money before he could be a running mate.

    Kennedy might want the Lt Gov job because he would helping Illinois and at the same time gaining political experience. The older generation of Kennedys took lower offices before they took center stage. The Lt Gov is a pretty quiet job and would help him get more comfortable with the press.

    I think the only problem may be egos, but the greater good is the state of Illinois.

  28. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    Wordslinger: if you’re also following national news, there may be tailwinds pushing Dem off-year voting in 2018.

  29. - Langhorne - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    Andy manar would be xlnt light guv. Downstater.
    Smart, articulate. Knows the innards of state govt.
    Not too much hair. Esp knowledgeable on education. If he is midterm, perfect.

  30. - Christopher - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==What does Pritzker know about running a state government?==
    After two years, What does Rauner know about running a state government?
    Mama, fixed it for you

    ==Kennedy might want the Lt Gov job because he would be helping Illinois and at the same time gaining experience . . . The Lt Gov job is a pretty quiet job and would help him get more comfortable with the press.==
    A Jack, exactly what I was trying to express!

  31. - Langhorne - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:41 pm:

    Beyond his name, what does kennedy really add? Experience on the U of I bd will save the state–then make your case. Tell us how to fix higher ed.

    He has not been impressive thus far. One or two gaffes, and the value of his name plummets.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===At some point, there’s only so much pizza your canvassers can eat!===

    - Arsenal -,

    Maybe gift cards?

    I’m kidding, kidding. I kid.

  33. - Fax Machine - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    His sister was the Lt Gov of Massachusetts - she’d probably tell him its not worth the boredom.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    ===His sister was the Lt Gov of Massachusetts - she’d probably tell him its not worth the boredom===

    1) LG of Maryland.

    2) LGs have different powers in different states. While Illinois has a “placeholder” duty as its role, Texas, for example, has their LG as the leader of the Senate wielding enormous power within the legislative and the executive in regards to policy and governing.

  35. - A Jack - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    In Illinois, Lt Gov is what you want to make it. Simon took on women’s issues. Kennedy could use the position to further advocate for feeding the poor.

    Or he could do nothing like the current Lt Gov. It’s all on how you want to use the position.

  36. - Rock Rosi - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    $70 mil is small fry for JB. Let him spend. Money is the hammer in politics.

  37. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:07 pm:

    Hey batter batter battery, hey batter batter batter batter swing batter he can’t hit (Kennedy), he can’t hit (Kennedy) and he can’t hit (Kennedy) su-wing batter

  38. - Red fish blue fish. - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:09 pm:

    Well I have to admit I am a bit surprised. I didn’t think it would be this easy to buy the nomination.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    - A Jack -

    Bob Kustra resigned to take a radio gig, then came back, Quinn had no LG for 2 years…

    Yeah, the LGs can do… “whatever”, but constitutional powers, like the LG has in Texas… not much there for an Illinois LG

  40. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    Kennedy is not going to be Pritzker’s LG. It makes no sense. Won’t help him in the general at all. And unless I missed it, he’s neither black, latino, downstate or female so what does he bring to the general?

  41. - Lakeview Dude - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    ==I really think he should he should ask Jehan Gordon-Booth to be LG. JB&JGB!==

    I’ve been thinking of her as being a good running mate pick too. African-American woman who happens to live Downstate, and has GA experience. JB&JGB seems to fit.

  42. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    Jehan Gordon-Booth is a great idea for Pritzker’s running mate, at least on paper.

  43. - A guy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    ==In Illinois, Lt Gov is what you want to make it. Simon took on women’s issues===

    You mean Paul Simon? Back during Ogilvie?

  44. - Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:15 pm:

    Bob Kustra was a good guy. Talk about dedication….I saw him at the State Fair once judging a bubble gum blowing contest. And he somehow convinced me he was really into the game, laughing, egging on contestants.

  45. - sulla - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    “If he’s the nominee, he’ll have to figure out how to check Rauner’s next biggest advantage, which is the historically, relatively anemic Dem turnout in off-prez years”

    If Pritzker holds on his position of legalizing marijuana, I think that alone will gin up (pun intended) some additional turnout - particularly among young dems.

    It always seemed to me that MJ legalization was a rainy-day move for the Democrats to play. I expect it to make its way into a number of state races prior to the 2020 redistricting. Democrats nationwide would be smart to pick it up and run with it.

  46. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:31 pm:

    Starting to look like Kennedy has no one’s support on this blog but the voters in Illinois. Take a few trips downstate with Kennedy and watch the grassroots enthusiasm for him that’s real and not manufactured. After advertising Kennedy as the keynoter, La Salle County experienced a record turnout for their dinner (from 250 to 600). I know some like to wrap this election up in May of the year before the election, but you would be wise to give the candidates more time on the trail.

  47. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    “- Red fish blue fish. - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 1:09 pm:

    Well I have to admit I am a bit surprised. I didn’t think it would be this easy to buy the nomination.”

    Look, I know you Kennedy/Biss guys are frustrated that your guys are getting zero traction. But you have to acknowledge Pritzker is doing as well as he is because he’s combined the money advantage with the best candidate and best campaign.

    Pritzker is connecting with people all over the state in a way nobody expected him to. That’s got everything to do with his personality and qualities as a candidate. You’re reading and hearing the same thing again and again. He’s a really nice guy, really approachable and he’s connecting with people which is the opposite of what we’ve heard about Kennedy. He’s wrapping these endorsements up early because he’s both the best candidate AND he’s got the huge checkbook.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 2:48 pm:

    - Downstate Dem -

    Sour grapes isn’t becoming or helping Kemnedy. Pritzker is running a much better operation and out-hustling Kennedy where Kennedy should be racking up support.

    At least you’re not saying counties vote, but dinner attendance versus the AFL-CIO possible nod… you’re not helping with drawing comparisons.

  49. - downstate dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 3:04 pm:

    “That’s the ball game.” That’s what you wrote, OW, about this primary and the potential new endorsements (we’ll see on June 6 if that happens).

    By traditional measurements in a normal year, yes you have a point about progress for Pritzker. But this election will be neither normal or predictable. We know Pritzker can buy up a huge campaign staff which will make things easier for them - that’s an advantage. Kennedy’s crew will have to be lean and nimble. My central point in all of this is not to express sour grapes, which is not my intention and for which I apologize - my central point is to say this rush to judgment is, well, just that - a rush to judgment and rush to wrap this election up in a bow. Lots of time left, lots of possibilities, lots of opportunities.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===That’s the ball game===

    Yep. The ball game is to be competitive, to show strength to win, and set up an argument to win.

    “That’s the ball game”

    Your overly-sensitive nerve isn’t helping you.

    Kennedy has time to make his arguments. So far your arguments, you make, aren’t the same arguments Pritzker IS making.

    ===…this rush to judgment is, well, just that - a rush to judgment and rush to wrap this election up in a bow. Lots of time left, lots of possibilities, lots of opportunities.===

    … which is if you’d actually READ… see and understand what’s being expressed you kerp yourself and Kennedy out of apologies and misunderstanding.

    Have a question, ask it.

    “That’s the ball game” - what good winning campaigns do.

    People Assets


  51. - Mama - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 3:39 pm:

    = Christopher - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 12:37 pm: =

    Christopher, I agree with you. Most educated people already know Rauner does not know how to govern. I’m trying to figure out if JB Pritzker understands how & why government works.

  52. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 3:55 pm:

    “Kennedy’s crew will have to be lean and nimble.”

    Yes, but as Willy has pointed out repeatedly, they’re not remotely nimble or effective. I don’t know what they’re doing. He’s basically invisible in the press at this point. Even when glaringly obvious opportunities present themselves, he’s late or nowhere to be seen.

    Oh, and did you see his A1s? He’s not raising real money. So what is he doing other than attending family events where he gets to hob-knob with Barack Obama and celebrities?

  53. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 4:39 pm:

    Try again, Ron. According to the BLS CPI-U calculator, from 1970 (the year of the pension protection clause) thru 2016, annual inflation has been 4.02%, which is, guess what? more than the 3% AAI, and over a 47 year run that includes periods of both low and high inflation.

  54. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    Anon0091 You’re not paying attention. Kennedy’s downstate swings are generating big crowds - generating crowds of people who are driving through blinding rain in the case of La Salle County - because they want to be part of history - according to press reports - not me. According to press reports, that’s what’s been happening in Madison and St. Clair Counties, as well. To win - Democrats will need someone at the top of the ticket who can inspire voters who are turned off by the party. Kennedy is proving, so far, to be great at that.

  55. - Hieronymus - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 4:54 pm:

    Sorry - my last post was supposed to go under “fun with numbers”.

  56. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 4:55 pm:

    Kennedy is connecting better with average voters, Pritzker is connecting better with insiders. That, in a nutshell, is the race for governor in the Democratic Party so far. On the outside, Biss is throwing out policy ideas more aggressively than others along with Pawer. OW - I understand your points about progress, machine, organization, endorsements. All matter and all help and your ongoing counsel is appreciated even if I may not be able to take my mask off and thank you in person ha ha

  57. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    Downstate Dem, you’re the one not paying attention. That Dems are showing up for a handful of events in big numbers downstate is interesting but not particularly meaningful. It’s curiosity for a guy named Kennedy.

    But what happens after they show up and meet him? Are they wowed? Are they saying, “yea, that’s our guy!” From what I’ve heard again and again, the answer is not so much. Instead they’ve largely been underwhelmed. And he’s pulling stunts like blowing off his speaking slot at the DuPage Dems dinner which is alienating activists. That’s why he’s losing these endorsements so quickly - so far he and his gang can’t seem to shoot straight. And that’s the point Willy and I keep making to you.

  58. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:02 pm:

    ==According to press reports, that’s what’s been happening in Madison and St. Clair Counties, as well.==

    …and then St. Clair County Dems go and endorse someone else.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:03 pm:

    ===Pritzker is connecting better with insiders.===

    Then don’t cite any more endorsements. Don’t point to them, don’t tout them.

    They are from insiders. Think, then type.

    ===All matter and all help and your ongoing counsel is appreciated even if I may not be able to take my mask off and thank you in person===

    There’s really no way to take this but in a snarky tone.

    I guess… I don’t think you’d have to fear us discussing this in person.

  60. - downstate dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:04 pm:

    Anon0091 - My sources tell me a different story. In St. Clair County, a couple hundred steamfitters and electeds showed up and stayed a long time to talk to chris and loved his American Dream speech. In La Salle County, 600 showed and Chris stayed two hours after to meet everyone who wanted a picture. In Joliet, for the building trades dinner it was the same. Those are the most recent examples.

  61. - downstate dem - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:08 pm:

    Naaaaa, ow, you’re taking it wrong …

  62. - Arsenal - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:13 pm:

    == My sources tell me a different story. ==

    Such is the problem with anecdotal evidence.

  63. - Veil of Ignorance - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 5:30 pm:

    I think the sooner the Dem field is down to one candidate, the sooner Rauner can fully unload his resources on one target. Dems should realize you’re picking your fighter to challenge for the belt and some are choosing without even seeing a real sparring session. You can have the most expensive coaches and best training team, but in the end it’s up to one person to handle the pressure and have the answers. You sure we know who will perform best then? Money wasn’t why Clinton lost to Trump and it’s not why Quinn lost to Rauner. Let’s have a real primary and test these guys (so far).

  64. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 6:17 pm:

    ===you’re taking it wrong …===

    Probably not. I’d just let it be. Thanks.

  65. - Bigfoot - Wednesday, May 10, 17 @ 8:07 pm:

    Poshard lt Gov. Either one Kennedy or JB …game over..

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