* After months of grand bargain negotiations and yet another fruitless day on the Senate floor, Senate President Cullerton delivered a blistering denunciation of Gov. Rauner yesterday…
Senate President John Cullerton says his Democrats have gone as far as they can go in meeting Governor Bruce Rauner’s non-budget demands.
He says Rauner and his team “don’t know how to govern.”
“At some point in time, you have to just agree: ‘OK, let’s make a deal,’” Cullerton said. “And you have to understand the other side and understand how far they can go. And what’s at stake here is a disaster, after the next 20 days, if we don’t have any revenue.”
* More…
“These guys don’t know how to govern,” Cullerton told reporters after the shortened Senate session. “They haven’t had a lot of practice. At some point, you have to agree and you have to make a deal.”
* Another one…
“This isn’t the private sector where I can just go around and fire people if they don’t vote for something. I’ve got to convince them to vote for it. There’s principles involved in this thing. We have interest groups that are working against us,” said Cullerton, who has been in the legislature since 1979. “I understand this because I’ve done this a lot. But the governor doesn’t apparently.” […]
“If we send a weak package over to Mike Madigan, we know it’s going to come back weaker,” said Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington.
Cullerton, however, said there may not be much more room to cut a deal. “You can only go so far and have votes to pass these bills,” he said. “And we believe we have just about exhausted those efforts to compromise.”
* And Sun-Times political editor Scott Fornek wrote the best headline of the year above Tina Sfondeles’ story: “Cullerton puts self in Rauner’s shoes, then kicks him in pants”…
Minutes after Illinois Senate President John Cullerton said Democrats had “exhausted” efforts to compromise on reforms and accused Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration of not knowing how to govern, he walked into the governor’s office for a planned meeting.
It was a sign of the delicate and at times acrimonious nature of budget talks with just 21 days before the end of the legislative session.[…]
“We have made numerous changes to these bills than when they were filed, all going towards accommodating Republicans and the governor’s office but you can only go so far and still haves the votes to pass these bills,” Cullerton said. “And we believe that we’ve just about exhausted those efforts to compromise on the reforms.”
* Eleni Demertzis from the governor’s office responded to Cullerton…
The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right.
- Ron - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:24 am:
“The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right.”
- Saluki - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:25 am:
Governor Nero.
- Red Rider - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:26 am:
You can all go home, just let the comptroller pay the bills, no new ledgeslation. Wast of time and money.
- WhoKnew - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:29 am:
From the bottom of my ‘little right of center’ heart, thank you Mr. Cullerton!
- Arsenal - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:30 am:
Gotta give it to Cullerton on this exchange. Why?
1) When you’re explaining, you’re losing;
2) The Gov’s response acknowledges that they’re standing in the way of the deal.
- JS Mill - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:32 am:
=“The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right.”
Yep =
FYI- The governor is one of those “Springfield politicians” (what a dumb term they are turning)and he has been making deals for decades.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:34 am:
Arsenal - the Guv ain’t standing in the way of a deal, he is protecting taxpayers from a bad deal.
Don’t you feel safe?
- The Captain - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:34 am:
Rauner’s plan to use Cullerton to triangulate Madigan has been successfully thwarted by Rauner.
- RetiredStateEmployee - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:36 am:
“The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right.”
No, taxpayers and lobbyists get the deals they want. For example, the taxpayers voted for a governor who promised that he could balance the budget without additional revenue. That’s what they wanted. But they were fooled. The governor proved through the budgets he has introduced that he has no idea how to do it. Now there is an impasse because of what taxpayers want and the math that makes that impossible. Both sides are afraid that if the do the right thing, they will be punished by the taxpayers.
- T sowell - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:38 am:
” John Cullerton says his Democrats have gone as far as they can go”
sounds like a car salesperson, right before you are about to walk out of the dealership.
- Jocko - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:38 am:
Time to blame Cullerton and the reality he controls.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:39 am:
“These guys don’t know how to govern”
No sense of irony in these remarks from a leader who has been in Springfield since the 1970’s.
Illinois residents have the least faith in state government of any state in the union precisely because our long time leaders don’t know how to govern and spend taxpayer dollars wisely.
- Arsenal - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:39 am:
==Don’t you feel safe?==
Only when I read those things about how Rauner is the country’s most endangered incumbent, or whatever it is.
- Sue - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:40 am:
The Senate President is known as a straight shooter. His frustration seems legitimate and not politics
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:42 am:
===The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right.===
It’s called democracy. There is give and take. Yes, some deals are bad. Some are good. Way better than living in a dictatorship, which what this statement seems to support; just let the governor decide everything, he knows what’s best. Seriously? These people are further from reality than even I suspected. If only the governor had actually read a newspaper before becoming governor.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:43 am:
The problem with Springfield politicians is that they’re willing to compromise so that everyone wins. The problem now is that we have a governor that’s demanding no compromise so that everyone loses. It’s why people and jobs are fleeing. It’s time to get it right by removing the politician demanding that everyone lose, making his inaction look like a win politically.
- AC - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:46 am:
I’m struggling with understanding the logic here. 30 in the Senate and 60 in the House will only agree to what the Governor views as “bad deals”. So, that’s the limit of Execute branch power, right? Without having a budget that can be passed in the House and the Senate, nothing makes it to the Governor for a signature. Also, why would a Senator or Representative vote for items that would go against their constituents? Democratic legislators aren’t going to help their reelection chances if they betray their biggest supporters, and many of Rauner’s reforms would do exactly that.
- Fixer - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:47 am:
For once, I’d like an actual statement from the governor’s office, not a sound bite.
But like my grandfather used to tell me, you get what you pay for. Seems apt with this governor.
- A Jack - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:54 am:
The largest taxpayers, the CEO’s who belong to the Civic Federation, as well as the largest state employers, would strongly disagree with you, Eleni.
- don the legend - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:55 am:
In any other time, Rauner would be laughed off the stage, run out on a rail, or fired in disgrace. He mocks civic duty and good governance. His deliberate actions are destroying Illinois and are immoral. His supporters are complicit. January 2019 is our only hope.
- IRLJ - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:58 am:
Problem is, Cullerton sounds whiny and defensive of the protocol long in place for getting things done. No doubt he’s sincerely frustrated, but to express it effectively he needs to openly and explicitly note that Rauner only wants a budget on Rauner’s terms.
- Norseman - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:58 am:
Who’s impersonating Sue.
- Ghost - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:02 am:
anyone care to ask the gove office how they are going to get it right without revenue or cuts? all the govs people refused to offer cuts; and the gov hasnt submitted a balanced budget.
The lack of a budget hurts the encumvent gov; so he must mot want re-elected…
- Winnin' - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:02 am:
Poor Brucie.
I listened to that press briefing…and NOT ONCE did a member of the illustrious media question Rauner’s motivation– which appears to be stringing this state along and NEVER have a budget.
And why should he, since a politically motivated judge has given him the opportunity to run the state without an appropriation. How destructive has that been? Talk about judicial overreach.
And, to his credit, Cullerton did not question Rauner’s motivations either.
- illinoised - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:03 am:
I suppose we can all eat cake while we wait for the king to lose his office. Maybe Governor Pritzker can save what is left of Illinois.
- @misterjayem - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:05 am:
“Rauner’s plan to use Cullerton to triangulate Madigan has been successfully thwarted by Rauner.”
And this is how you can be certain that Rauner never really wanted a budget deal.
– MrJM
- Ron - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:09 am:
Oh shoot, let’s just give the public employee unions everything they want. Illinois will implode quicker, which is good in the long run.
- Just pass the budget - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:11 am:
Ok Senate you tried to deal with the governor and he was unwilling to meet you half way. Send a letter to all agencies requesting their proposed cuts by end of next week then pass all the budget items the way you want them and none of the “reform” items. If the governor won’t govern than the legislature must.
force the governor to veto the budget again.
- DeseDemDose - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:11 am:
Cullerton vs. Raunerdogno
- Honeybear - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:20 am:
Ron …. You mean give people like honeybear , a public Union state employee everything I want? See it doesn’t make sense. My Union is just asking for a fair contract. You act as if we control Cullerton. Show your work. In the meantime I’ll show you my work.
Go to the DCEO webpage. Look at the EDGE grants
There’s my evidence of who controls ILGOP
Profit controls you
Business profits control you.
Families and the good people I live with control me and my actions
- Ron - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:21 am:
Honeybear, my family controls me as well.
- DeseDemDose - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Honeybear. Just the truth. Thank You
- Gruntled University Employee - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:26 am:
Raunerites, letting the perfect be the enemy of the good since 2015. Sheesh, this is pathetic.
- thunderspirit - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:26 am:
== And this is how you can be certain that Rauner never really wanted a budget deal. ==
Mic drop from MrJM. Spot on.
- Winnin' - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:31 am:
Let’s just assume that Cullerton was wrong and that Rauner doesn’t know how to govern.
If he really does know how to govern, then either:
A. He won’t govern
B. He is governin’ this way on purpose.
None of these things is good for Illinois.
- Winnin' - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:33 am:
Darned auto-spelll…
Let’s just assume that Cullerton was wrong and that Rauner DOES know how to govern.
- PDJT - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:36 am:
@ Eleni Demertzis: “people and jobs are fleeing” Illinois because an incompetent governor can’t put the interests of the state ahead of the uber-wealthy people who sent him to gut union rights and all worker pay and benefits in general.
- El Conquistador - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 12:00 pm:
“How to fail and alienate people” by Brucey
- Dave Dahl - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 12:22 pm:
==I listened to that press briefing…and NOT ONCE did a member of the illustrious media question Rauner’s motivation– which appears to be stringing this state along and NEVER have a budget.==
I heard someone say to Cullerton that, according to Cullerton, Rauner keeps changing the terms or giving non-specific terms, we’ve been at this for two years, and one would wonder what the game really is here - does Rauner want a solution or does he just want to continue the crisis, and that Rauner’s commercials make it look as if someone else has been guv for two years.
Cullerton pointed to the “grand bargain” line in the latest budget.
- Ron - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 12:51 pm:
“- PDJT - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 11:36 am:
@ Eleni Demertzis: “people and jobs are fleeing” Illinois because an incompetent governor can’t put the interests of the state ahead of the uber-wealthy people who sent him to gut union rights and all worker pay and benefits in general.”
I’m a worker and Rauner is standing up for my pay check.
- Fixer - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 12:58 pm:
Ron, please explain what “outrageous” depends the union has. I’m curious, since it seems to me most of what was most recently release by AFSCME looked like a lot of concessions and middle ground.
- wordslinger - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 12:58 pm:
Rauner knows what he’s doing. He’s squeezin’ the beast the best he can within the constraints of court orders and a Dem majority.
It’s silly to think that he’s incompetent or stupid. You don’t run up a projected $19B operating deficit for a “turnaround agenda” that he claims will net $500M a year in new revenue.
The real objectives are to severely reduce the state role in higher ed and social services, while simultaneously running up so much GRF debt that they can’t ever be restored to their former levels.
That strategy is working very well. He just can’t be honest about it.
- JLR - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 1:01 pm:
Let me state again, as I did 2 years ago. There will be no budget for 4 years. Rauner will bankrupt Illinois. That is this billion dollar Governor’s sole purpose.
He believes this has to happen to destroy the Democrat Party and the Unions.
Otherwise he would have agreed to a compromise. The Democrats have more than stated agreements on property tax freeze and other key issues.
Rauner doesn’t want any agreement, period.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 1:15 pm:
===I heard someone say to Cullerton===
So did I. It was Dave Dahl. Excellent question as always.
- Ahoy! - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 1:23 pm:
I would agree with Cullerton that Rauner does not know how to govern, but I think it’s very obvious that neither do the House or Senate. They know how to draw really good maps, run elections and make bad financial decisions though. Maybe they are all just in the wrong industry.
- tobias846 - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 3:11 pm:
I like Cullerton, but I wish he would knock off these public freakouts.
- Ron - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:12 pm:
Cullerton is ok for an Illinois Dem. But he bugs me. I live near him and he not friendly.
- Mama - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 6:28 pm:
==”I heard someone say to Cullerton that, according to Cullerton, Rauner keeps changing the terms or giving non-specific terms, we’ve been at this for two years, and one would wonder what the game really is here - does Rauner want a solution or does he just want to continue the crisis”==
The game is Rauner wants to continue the crisis to destroy the Dems, the unions & state government. He does not appear to care about anything else.
- MPA from UIS - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:20 pm:
@ Eleni Demertzis “The problem with Springfield politicians is they have been cutting bad deals for taxpayers for decades”
This statement right here shows you either a. understand nothing about the democratic process of governing or b. the “taxpayers” you are referring are the 1%ers.
Perhaps it is time for the Superstars to take an Intro to Public Admin class.
- Rabid - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 5:32 am:
Eleni put down the Kool-Aid, jobs leaving? Your boss is bragging about jobs at flex-o-gate. If your for the tax payer, is the other side for the non taxpayer, children and elderly