Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Durkin appoints non-budget negotiators in response to Madigan offer
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Durkin appoints non-budget negotiators in response to Madigan offer

Thursday, May 11, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a letter sent today to Speaker Madigan from House GOP Leader Jim Durkin

Dear Speaker Madigan:

I appreciate your recognition of the fact that the impasse is hurting the people of Illinois, and agree that enacting a state budget is the top priority of the Illinois General Assembly. I would add that any approved budget must be balanced and extend a full year, putting Illinois in a much better long term financial position.

As I have said time and time again, the House Republican caucus is willing to work with Democrats, but both sides must respect each other’s priorities. An article in the Chicago Tribune today points out that 44 percent of the jobless people in Illinois have completely quit looking for a job, which is 11 percent higher than the national average of 33 percent. That number is unacceptable. Illinois can and must do better through pension reform, property tax relief and the enactment of reforms to encourage economic development and job creation.

On March 24, I introduced a comprehensive pension reform proposal, HB 4027, and offered 26 votes, which is our pro-rata share of votes, to support a structured roll call on this important issue. On Tuesday, Leader Barbara Flynn Currie introduced identical legislation to HB 4027. I am not concerned over who gets the credit, but ask you to commit to providing the necessary 34 votes from your caucus to get the bill passed and over to the Senate.

Past experience has shown House Democrats use working groups to slow the process and eventually walk away from the negotiating table. However, in a good faith effort I am prepared to appoint Representatives Patti Bellock, Dan Brady, Tom Demmer and Norine Hammond to work with your appointees and the Governor on important issues like pension reform, property tax relief and job growth.

We request in advance the specific proposals the House Democrats would like to discuss.


Jim Durkin
House Republican Leader


  1. - Henry Francis - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    Well at least for all those folks who say Durkin’s caucus is never for anything, he has made it clear on several occasions now that his caucus will be pro rata.

  2. - Earnest - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:22 pm:

    >and offered 26 votes, which is our pro-rata share of votes

    It’s legislation he considers important, but will only put the minimum number of votes on it that he feels he has to?

    I’d like to see it come to a vote just for the spectacle of Rauner’s House members not voting the same way on something.

    Good on him for appointing people to negotiate and fair point on Madigan’s history of using working groups.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===We request in advance the specific proposals the House Democrats would like to discuss.===

    Didn’t the Speaker say he wanted to discuss “Rauner” items.

    Ok, now that “that” is cleared up…

  4. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    –I appreciate your recognition of the fact that the impasse is hurting the people of Illinois, and agree that enacting a state budget is the top priority of the Illinois General Assembly.–

    Maybe it’s a top priority for the General Assembly, not so much for your paymaster. He’s been very clear he has other priorities that take precedent.

    To quote a ludicrous “poll” of 100 people is self-parody.

  5. - The Captain - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:25 pm:

    Honestly, these two press releases are probably the most progress to come out of the House this session. There are some good legislators in both groups, can’t be any worse than what we’ve had, which isn’t the same thing as saying I’m optimistic.

  6. - Arsenal - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    ==That number is unacceptable. Illinois can and must do better through pension reform==

    So we’re going to convince people to start looking for work again by making the jobs crappier?

  7. - Longsummer - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:31 pm:

    “We see the GB2 is dead. So now we will join your groups, Mr Speaker.”
    Durkin and Radogno, if this was a leftist idelaougue do you think MJM and cullerton wouldn’t have rammed budgets down his/her throats by now? Now the entire House and Senate are full of mushrooms I guess, when you count the Republican mushrooms. End this Durkin and Radogno, cut this guy loose!!!

  8. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:40 pm:

    @Arsenal. Agree! Rauner firmly agrees that labor costs need to be reduced. Lots of low salaried jobs is what he’s after. There’s going to be a lot more low paying jobs if Rauner gets a second term and a Raunerite party majority in the Legislature.
    If Rauner is reelected but the Democrats hold on to their majority we have 4 more years of the stalemate to look forward to.

  9. - Yeah - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    Governor transparency wanted closed door private governmental meetings so an unpopular agenda could be discussed on how Madigan and cullertons caucuses should stab their supporters in the back. Having the approp and budget committees meet in in public is not a vultures style.

  10. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    @anonymous Going to be no jobs @ any pay when all companies move out of state .. and you can pay that property tax increase them too since you still have a job here, or do you then?

  11. - Arsenal - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 4:51 pm:

    ==Going to be no jobs @ any pay when all companies move out of state==

    False binary is false.

  12. - Juvenal - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:05 pm:

    Dear “Leader” Durkin:

    Why is it you cannot get more than 26 members of your own caucus to vote for legislation that you drafted and sponsored?


    This is your governor’s bill.

    Every House Republican needs to be a Yes vote.

    Democrats will come up with the other 9.

    With respect,


  13. - VanillaMan - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:12 pm:

    ILGOP loves Malthusians.

    “People are moving out of Illinois, so we’ve better take benefits away from someone.”

    It cost more to get a UHaul in Chicago than Dallas so we’ve better smash and kill our unions!”

  14. - GetOverIt - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    “Pro rata share” of votes….at least he can count.

  15. - Fixer - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:16 pm:

    In lieu of what I actually want to say regarding this message from ILGOP, I’ll just say this: get SOMETHING done, folks. Our state is slowing sinking into the abyss while you all argue semantics. Grow up.

  16. - CrispyCritter - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:20 pm:

    So here’s our demands or NO budget. We are compromising.

  17. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:22 pm:

    Aren’t the Dems supposed to be negotiating with the Superstars?

    Because if Rauner doesn’t go along, Durkin can only deliver a pro rata share of bupkis.

  18. - CrispyCritter - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 5:58 pm:

    Fixer - It is like someone sinking in quicksand, and the bystanders argue over throwing the person a rope or a long stick; in the meantime the person goes under; and they argue over whose fault it was.

  19. - cdog - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 6:23 pm:

    How do reasonable and bipartisan pension reforms, slowing down the highest property taxes in the nation, and relieving employers from felonious fake-causation lawsuits cause people to lose jobs?

    These things, if done responsibly, will be good for Illinois.

    (Btw, I wouldnt give Rauner credit for any of it. He’s had his chance and blew it. This will be accomplished in the trenches by real people. Not posers.

  20. - Total failure - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 6:42 pm:

    The Governor has failed. No question. How about he try. But he isn’t going to. He is a 1 term governor.

  21. - Lech W - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 6:43 pm:

    Harmon said the Dems will not abide the property tax freeze, MJM subsequently appoints his slow walk surrogates. And somehow it is the GOP that is the problem ???

  22. - GOP Extremist - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 6:57 pm:


    Leader Durkin and the legislators he controls.

  23. - peon - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:03 pm:

    How did we let the bar get this low ?

    We don’t expect strategic investments or a future economic vision for the state. We don’t expect innovative state legislation. We don’t even expect a basic budget anymore.

    The bar is now apparently who writes the most sophomoric snarky letter.

  24. - walker - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:23 pm:

    Bellock is a caring, smart, problem-solver. Hope something good happens.

  25. - JS Mill - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:50 pm:

    =How do reasonable and bipartisan pension reforms, slowing down the highest property taxes in the nation,=

    Change to the pension (Tier 1) isn’t going to happen (ILSC) and isn’t even needed. As you know, the debt (money diverted to do lots of other stuff) is the real issue and can only be resolved by paying the debt.

    Not for nothing but Illinois is not the highest property tax state in the nation, we are 2nd ( :-) )

    More interesting to me is the difference between states in property tax. Given the huge variations within Illinois, it would be interesting to know the gap between the high and the low states. It may or may not be what you think.

  26. - JTF - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:09 pm:

    He just couldn’t help himself with a completely unhelpful statement. Terrible. Take a lap, Durkin.

  27. - Rabid - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 2:56 am:

    Separating the non budget turnaround agenda from the budget as its own entity, smart thinking

  28. - I Just don't this guy - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 8:18 am:

    why is it that every thing non-leader Durkin says or types sound and read so condescending, to me

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