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Republican congressional delegation recommends McCarter for Kenya amabassador

Thursday, May 11, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been hearing he’s wanted this for a while now, but I didn’t know if he could pull it off. Looks like he’s a small step closer…

Current Illinois State Senator and International Director of Each One Feed One, Kyle McCarter has been recommended for appointment as U.S. Ambassador to Kenya.

Republican members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation delivered a letter to President Donald Trump May 11th recommending Sen. McCarter.

“I’m honored and humbled to have the unanimous recommendation of our Republican Congressional Delegation to serve the United States of America in this new role.” McCarter said. “Our country has a long friendship with Kenya that began soon after the country won its independence in late 1963, and my family’s personal friendship goes back over 30 years. If President Trump selects me for this role, I would be honored to serve,” McCarter said.

The letter from the Illinois Republican Members of Congress notes Senator McCarter’s long history of working in Kenya, including founding the Each One Feed One International charity in Tharaka, Kenya.

“Through his work in Kenya, he has experience negotiating with tribal chiefs and other dignitaries, along with logistical and other administrative experience working with the Kenyan government. Additionally, he has experience working with USAID and other organizations, including Compassion International within Kenya to provide health care for over 3,000 Kenyan children.”

Senator McCarter and his wife, Victoria have worked in Kenya for over 30 years. Each One Feed One International’s efforts in Kenya include an elementary school for children K-8 and assistance for hundreds of abandoned, abused and orphaned children. The charity also provides a medical clinic with comprehensive health care and support to those suffering from HIV and malaria. Additionally, the clinic provides baby immunizations and well-baby education, and treats as many as 18,000 patients a year.

The Illinois Congressmen wrote that McCarter would ensure U.S. taxpayer dollars are well-spent in the country, and he will bring accountability to the aid program benefiting Kenyans.

“…his experience on the ground in Kenya has provided him heightened insight into the governmental operations and other political, economic, and social realities of both Kenya and the larger region of East Africa. He has outlined specific ideas for reforms of USAID spending, including curtailing waste, fraud, and abuse within the program,” the letter stated.

The letter from the Illinois Republican Congressional Delegation was presented to the White House on May 11th. The Ambassador post requires a Presidential nomination as well as U.S. Senate confirmation.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:00 pm:

    ===Senator McCarter and his wife, Victoria have worked in Kenya for over 30 years. Each One Feed One International’s efforts in Kenya include an elementary school for children K-8 and assistance for hundreds of abandoned, abused and orphaned children. The charity also provides a medical clinic with comprehensive health care and support to those suffering from HIV and malaria. Additionally, the clinic provides baby immunizations and well-baby education, and treats as many as 18,000 patients a year.===

    This is really something that seems to be a fit that can benefit the people of Kenya and the people of America will have someone in that role that has both counties’ interest.

    I’m rooting for Sen. McCarter and hope this can play out with a new title for Kyle… Ambassador

  2. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:20 pm:

    It’s a win-win for Illinois as McCarter is one of the biggest Raunerites out there.

  3. - Glengarry - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:23 pm:

    This guy is a mouthbreather without a cold. Our issues with Somalia requires a better ambassador.

  4. - T Sowell - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:35 pm:

    This guy has served humanity by volunteering to help those less well off and he lost his kid to a Heroin overdose . Please let’s just let him enjoy the honor of being a potential ambassador. It will reflect well on the state of Illinois

  5. - Red fish blue fish - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:37 pm:

    Kenya is a strategic partner in the war on terror not to mention its prominence with in the continent. While I love to see fellow citizens of IL succeed, the position is too important for McCarter. Tanzania would be one thing, but Kenya, along with Nigeria and South Africa, plays a key role in our interests for the region.

  6. - wordslinger - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:37 pm:

    Since Trump told us for years that Obama was born in Kenya, I’m assuming that he’s a shoe-in.

  7. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:41 pm:

    ===T Sowell - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:35 pm:

    This guy has served humanity by volunteering to help those less well off and he lost his kid to a Heroin overdose . Please let’s just let him enjoy the honor of being a potential ambassador. It will reflect well on the state of Illinois===

    Yeah, he’s swell. That’s why he voted against extra funding for drug addiction programs (after his daughter’s tragedy!). I say bon voyage and good riddance!

  8. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:43 pm:

    This is a strategic move to keep Kyle McCarter from coming back and running for Congress. He’s not a Raunerite remember those Chicago ads against him and Rauner endorsing Shimkus. All the GOP will be happy when he stops making their life miserable.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:45 pm:

    - Ratso Rizzo -

    Your empathy for the McCarter family is noted.

    If anything, this moving forward with the Republican delegation is a well deserved and thoughtful recognition of the McCarters and I look at this without much cynicism as I usually do, do in large part to the McCarter family’s story here and the selflessness.

  10. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:45 pm:

    He’s to the right of Raunerites…which is even worse. Please, confirm him quickly and get him out of the GA.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:48 pm:

    ===Please, confirm him quickly and get him out of the GA.===

    We ha s no idea who may replace McCarter. The person could be far worse, Raunerite or not.

    It’s not like the Senate Raunerites have independent thinkers swinging from the rafters, I hear Sen. McCann meets with his independent thinkers in telephone booths. It’s best there, there’s only room for one so McCann isn’t too lonely in a bigger room

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:49 pm:

    “We have no idea”

  13. - Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:50 pm:

    ===- Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:45 pm:

    - Ratso Rizzo -

    Your empathy for the McCarter family is noted.===

    I have much empathy for any suffering family… but not for people who vote against drug programs that could save lives—especially when one of his kids passes away from drug addiction. You wanna sugar coat it and wish him well? Great. I’m more concerned about the kids who could’ve suffered the same fate because he voted against drug funding.

  14. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:51 pm:

    Anonymous at 7:50 was me

  15. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:54 pm:

    With much respect, OW, not sure you can get much worse than a Bible thumping to-the-right-of-Raunerites conservative.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:57 pm:

    We’ve already established, twice, the McCarter family in the issue, and yet, as you claim empathy, you still require someone to vote a certain way, your way, even though he may have walked a different path specific to that issue?

    That’s some empathy you have there.

    There are 59 members in the chamber, find 30, and in this extremely narrow instance, if you think you’re showing empathy by focusing on one member with that history, that’s not making a case. Attacking him here, that’s not good form. He is/was a no. That’s it.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 7:58 pm:

    ===With much respect, OW, not sure you can get much worse than a Bible thumping to-the-right-of-Raunerites conservative.===

    I’ll take that challenge, lol.

    “Stay tuned”

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 8:05 pm:

    - Ratso Rizzo -

    And understand, with great respect to your points, my take as well…

    There are a few things I’m more than willing to give very wide berth to legislators and elected/appointed officials.

    Family history directly related to a narrow specific issue, very wide berth. Like, let it alone, wide berth.

    Again, respectfully.

  19. - Ratso Rizzo - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 8:10 pm:

    Whatever his reservations were about voting against the bill, I don’t think I’ve heard the complaint that the government is putting too much money into drug addiction rehab programs—in fact, it’s almost universally the opposite. So, while his charity work in Kenya is commendable, his voting record for the welfare of the citizens of Illinois is not. And I’m not just talking about the $60 million in funding. He is also prone to verbiose Twitter rants. I still say good riddance…and not because I think he’s qualified to be an ambassador.

  20. - Been There - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 9:33 pm:

    Wow. While I don’t think I have ever been on the same side of his issues that is a pretty impressive run of being a good person. Not sure if that qualifies for the job but sometimes some legislators talk a lot about what it means to be a good person but their actions don’t follow.

  21. - Glengarry - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 9:41 pm:

    Kyle, shouldn’t be allowed outside without supervision.

  22. - Lynn S. - Thursday, May 11, 17 @ 10:43 pm:

    Well, it’d be a great way to get rid of him, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea to inflict him on Africa. Isn’t there an overseas charity that would be willing to hire him?

  23. - Southside Markie - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:20 am:

    I’m sicken by these comments to the point of being nauseated. How many of you have been to Africa, let alone East Africa. I’m a hard core liberal Democrat. And the issues that divide the legislator and myself in Illinois are about as relevant to Kenya as issues having to do with the Moon. What the hell is the matter with you people? Has partisanship gotten to be so bad that you can’t applaud a person who wants to move himself and his family half away around the world to an impoverished place to try to do some good. Like I said, I’m a Democrat and I’m rooting for him.

  24. - Southside Markie - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:23 am:

    And yes, I’ve been to East Africa. I am the adopted father of two children from there. And anyplace there would make the worst place in Illinois look like Valhalla.

  25. - Southside Markie - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:31 am:

    Thank you “Not It.” Hey folks on here. Get a clue. People don’t move to Kenya for the fine dining in elegant surroundings.

  26. - Ratso Rizzo - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:54 am:

    The fact that McCarter has done good things in Kenya and may be a good thing for Kenya doesn’t change the fact that he IS a hyper-partisan muckraker to the right of Raunerites. Nobody is belittling his desire to go to Kenya (at least I’m not). I wish him Godspeed…for the people of Kenya and hopefully for the people of Illinois. Nobody gets a free pass when you’re a super-partisan—just read his twitter rants.

  27. - Hit Em With the Hein - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 8:43 am:

    Where can we contribute to the plane ticket?

  28. - VanillaMan - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 8:44 am:

    your postings here are an embarrassment to anyone working towards a better world.

    Politics does not trump compassion.

    GNow go away.

  29. - SAP - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 8:50 am:

    I had no idea that McCarter had done all this good work in Kenya. My respect to a guy that I have not been particularly fond of. For those of you who cannot wait to kick him to the curb, he self-imposed term limits on his Senate service (and actually looks like he will follow through) and is headed out the door regardless of this Kenya appointment.

  30. - Shamrockery - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 8:57 am:

    This is exactly the sort of background we need for an ambassador to, well, any country - it gives him an independent perspective based on his own involvement with the poorest people there. That’s good insurance against him being misled by the official spin from that country’s government.

    Which is not to diminish the good that he has done there…

  31. - Highland Il - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    Well played Shimkus folks. Avoid another primary.

    Also, McCarter supported Rauner bigly but was thrown under the bus against Shimkus.

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