Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, May 12, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* My aunt passed away last week. Janet Bollheimer was my mom’s older sister. Her wake is tonight, so that’s why I’m shutting the blog down a little earlier than usual.
Phyllis Hostmeyer posted this on Aunt Janet’s tribute page. Everyone called her Jan, but I always called her Janet for some reason…
I owe so so much to Jan. I had to drop out of college when I was 19 and dreamed of returning one day. I didn’t see any way possible for that to happen. I met Jan at a KC extension class at Central and within minutes she had me pegged. Soon she had everything lined up for me to return to college. She registered me full time at KC, introduced me to the financial aid people, lined up day care for my daughters, and I was on my way to an Associate’s Degree. But Jan did’t stop there. She then introduced me to Dr. Woods at McKendree who found me a full scholarship to finish my Bachelor’s Degree. I became a teacher and sometimes I still work as an adjunct for KC. I am a published author and have had opportunities to travel around the world providing professional development for teachers. None of this would have happened had it not been for Jan’s support, guidance, and positive attitude. She believed in me and encouraged me when no one else did. I can think of few people in this world that I admire more than I admired Jan. She has been a huge blessing to our community. My prayers are with the many loved ones she leaves behind.
She was always so active, so energetic, so positive, so fun. Even when she was sick, she powered through. Everyone looked up to her, but she never looked down on anybody. If you click here you’ll see a House resolution passed when she finally retired after 43 years as an educator and an advocate.
I don’t really feel like posting a song today.