Unclear on the concept
Friday, May 12, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’m betting the audience wasn’t booing “the system” yesterday…
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner on Thursday was booed by Chicago State University students and their families during a commencement ceremony at the school, an outburst the governor called “negative feedback” while adding he’d “love to boo our system as well.”
The university has been among those hit hardest by the ongoing state budget fight between Rauner and Democrats. The two-year impasse has left Illinois’ public colleges and universities with diminished, infrequent state funding. About 400 Chicago State employees were laid off last year, which the school said was a consequence of the budget stalemate. […]
“When I was introduced and stood up to speak, there was clapping but there was also some negative feedback,” Rauner said. “And you know what, I share their frustration. This system is broken. I am totally with them. I’d love to boo our system as well. I’m not going to boo it, I’m going to change it. We’re going to make it right.”
- Anonymous - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:33 am:
He is very clear on the concept, but a master of deflection.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:34 am:
The only way Bruce Rauner would “boo too” is if Bruce Rauner sees himself as a failed governor. If that’s the case, then saying he (Bruce Rauner) would also boo makes sense.
- efudd - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:35 am:
Well, the inability to find fault with oneself/understand criticism from others is pretty much the hallmark of megalomania.
- PJ - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:36 am:
Waiting for the Tribune headline: “CSU students boo lack of legislative term limits, worker’s compensation reform in total agreement with Rauner”
- JS Mill - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:38 am:
=This system is broken. I am totally with them. I’d love to boo our system as well. I’m not going to boo it, I’m going to change it. We’re going to make it right.”=
Lol! No body is buying this line of malarchy!
- @misterjayem - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:38 am:
“This system is broken.”
Bruce Rauner has been Governor for more than two years.
– MrJM
- DeseDemDose - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:40 am:
Does this Governor ever tell the truth anywhere, anytime, anyplace, about anything?
- Not Rich - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:42 am:
this is just the beginning of BVR “wearing the jacket for the failed system”.. On election day in the voting booth the boos will turn into votes against the failed Governor
- Honeybear - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:43 am:
So yesterday I thought that he must have wanted this too happen. Why would he accept the offer to speak? I was incorrect. He doesn’t want to play himself off as a victim.
It is the Dunning Kruger effect. I’m sure of it.
- Yiddishcowboy - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:43 am:
Say what you want, spin it the way you want, Gov, but we all know that what happened at CSU really ticked you off deep down.
- Langhorne - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:43 am:
Good grief. Can you think of a clearer example of zero self awareness? And having no one around who can tell the boss this is a bad idea?
- Trapped in the 'burbs - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:44 am:
He is so out of touch with his standing in the state. After watching another in the seemingly unending Rauner commercials, I went to his web site. The site reiterates his goals to freeze property taxes, cap spending, pay down the debt and create term limits. What it doesn’t say is how he’d accomplish any of these things. Why should anybody believe that anything will change in his second term when he cannot articulate any specific plans to accomplish any of his goals. We all know that we have to cut spending and raise revenues. Maybe he should focus on governing for a while rather than campaigning.
- cdog - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:44 am:
The man has ooda-loops of steel in his mind.
Truly, it’s a bizarre thing to witness.
(steel, or more likely, some strange alchemy metal)
- RNUG - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:44 am:
That wasn’t a deflection; it was a full 180° U-turn. You may disagree with his agenda, but you have to admire his political skill to pivot on a dime and give you 9¢ change … all while sticking to his talking points.
- City Zen - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:45 am:
After paying a $35 commencement participation fee, attendees reserve the right to boo for whatever reason they please.
- City Zen - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:46 am:
==Can you think of a clearer example of zero self awareness?==
The attendees or Bruce?
- Anon - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:47 am:
CK - “they weren’t saying ‘booooooooo’, sir, they were saying ‘Bruuuuuuuuuuce.”
- Anonymous - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:47 am:
PJ-And waiting for Fox News to call them “thugs.”
- Anonymous - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:48 am:
I’m surprised he didn’t say they were booing because there weren’t enough/any GO BRUCE signs, WE LOVE OUR GOVERNOR signs. Actually, he has fun with this kind of stuff. Screw the media - and while I’m at it, screw my detractors. I’m a billionaire don’t you know
- DuPage - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:50 am:
Oh, yah, right! Of course! That’s it, it’s the system! The governor has nothing to do with it! /s
- AC - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:50 am:
I’m not surprised. A Governor who is convinced that Democratic legislators support his turnaround agenda also seems likely to believe CSU students were booing because Rauner hasn’t been able to put his reforms in place. Well, except for the “negative feedback”, those students were obviously controlled by Madigan.
- Blooms of Spring - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:51 am:
I thought of a clearer example. City Zen’s response.
- Ron - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:51 am:
Who cares?
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:51 am:
No, I don’t have to admire it. When a person shurks their responsibilities and blames others all day everyday, it is not an admirable quality, no matter how many times he has to tell the lies.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:52 am:
“‘There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.” –Eldridge Cleaver
“Aw, nuts.” — Beaver Cleaver
“I’d love to boo our system as well. I’m not going to boo it, I’m going to change it. We’re going to make it right.” — Beaver Rauner
- Anon221 - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:53 am:
RNUG, I’m think he would instead give you the penny instead telling you that you can get 9% interest if you invest in Illinois GO bonds while he pockets the 9 cents;)
- Gone, but not forgotten - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:55 am:
I don’t understand why this school would ask Rauner (or any Republican) to speak at commencement. Why not Madigan, the real wonderful leader?
- Joe M - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:55 am:
Slippery Bruce should be his nickname. Would you buy a used car from that guy?
- AC - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:55 am:
==Who cares?==
You care enough to ask the question.
- Anon221 - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:56 am:
Look at it this way, Rauner got another costume for his closet (cap and gown).
He was just as deer-in-the-headlights as De Vos was when she “stood up” for students. I just hope those who booed turn out to vote, too. Otherwise it was an empty gesture.
- Cubs in '16 - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:56 am:
“And you know what, I share their frustration.”
You know what Governor? You and the student body are frustrated for two completely different reasons. And you know what? Nobody believes they weren’t booing YOU. And you know what? This is getting really old.
- gdubya - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:56 am:
All I can say is those students better come out and actually vote this time around if they want a “change”. They stayed home in 2014.
- PJ - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:56 am:
It’s disheartening that I’m almost surprised he really didn’t go for “Madigan and the college graduates he controls”.
I wouldn’t even have batted an eye.
- Linus - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:56 am:
DUDE: You ARE the system. See: 2014 general election results.
You break it, you buy it. Or, in your case–you buy it, then you break it.
However you want to word it: It’s yours. Defend the last two years at your peril. Or work to change it, for your benefit and everyone’s.
The choice is entirely yours.
- wordslinger - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:57 am:
Who are you going to believe, Rauner or your lying eyes?
Did the booing get play on Downstate TV? I’m sure the Superstars would be pleased if it did.
- Louis Capricious - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:57 am:
=== Does this Governor ever tell the truth anywhere, anytime, anyplace, about anything? ===
Only when it’s incidental.
The operating principle is never concede error under any circumstances. If he happens to tell the truth in the course of following that principle, so be it.
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 9:59 am:
===What it doesn’t say is how he’d accomplish any of these things===
Um, does any campaign ever explain this?
Don’t be silly.
- AC - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:02 am:
==Um, does any campaign ever explain this?
I couldn’t agree more, and that makes me profoundly depressed.
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:07 am:
===makes me profoundly depressed===
Should candidates really say what specific strategies they’ll use to pass a bill? That seems odd.
- commprof - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:12 am:
Thank you efudd - “the inability to find fault with oneself/understand criticism from others is pretty much the hallmark of megalomania.”
In reality however, who really expects politicians to take responsibility for the crises they may create? Trump? No. Rauner? No. Madigan? No ….ad nauseam.
Truly transformative leaders understand that to err is human.
The next round of elections is on the horizon, let us [not Ruaner’s “WE”] fix IL by choosing progressive leadership! Wow, now wouldn’t that be great!
- Hobson's Choice - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:16 am:
Rauner’s remarks were disconnected from reality.
Chicago State University is a financial basket case. It was in dire circumstances (CSU was heavily dependent on state dollars like no other campus and has virtually zero endowed funds despite being 150 years old) before Rauner took office and the financial impasse has made a dire set of circumstances borderline impossible. Enrollment is cratered (under 3,250 — some university!) and the political hacks masquerading as academics have looted the place for ages. The only ray of hope is that Rauner has replaced many of the stooges that Quinn enabled at CSU.
The big question is not only can CSU be saved, but is it viable enough to warrant continued operations? If it is existence is solely to function as money laundering operation, the answer is “NO.”
- Now What? - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:18 am:
What is this, the Onion?
“Nixon marches with protesters, agrees that war in Vietnam is bad.”
- W Flag - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:22 am:
Chicago State University has had four presidents in the past two years (two of which were interim presidents). That ought to be a red flag. Wayne Watson mismanaged and exploited the university for nearly six years and deserves much of the blame. He was repeatedly sued and cost the university millions.
- Arsenal - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:25 am:
==Should candidates really say what specific strategies they’ll use to pass a bill?==
Obviously not, if only because they can’t possibly know. If some committee head loses his seat or retires between now and the beginning of the 2019 session, that completely changes your strategy.
That being said, Rauner’s term is half over and he’s no closer to getting his policies in place than on day 1, and there’s no indication he’s going to change policies. So, what’s he going to do that makes it work in 2019 that he hasn’t done now?
- AC - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:34 am:
==Should candidates really say what specific strategies they’ll use to pass a bill? That seems odd.==
I wouldn’t need to hear specifics, but I’d certainly like to hear realistic strategies for implementing public policies instead of the commonplace goals and objectives from people running for office. Without a plan, or some generalized overview of how they plan to implement their ideals, it has little more meaning to me than when beauty pageant contestants saying they want world peace.
- Ron - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:38 am:
Hobson is spot on.
- Harvest76 - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:43 am:
When I heard that clip this morning, I screamed at my car radio. I either need a vacation or a new governor.
- Responsa - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:46 am:
Maintaining civility in certain situations used to be a thing. Commencement ceremonies, which are traditionally held not for purposes of headlines, disruption and making political statements, but rather as an occasion for families to celebrate specific students’ specific academic achievements used to be one of those times when civility was expected.
What the boo-ers actually accomplished (or thought they were accomplishing) beyond ruining their own graduation and making poor CSU even less sympathetic to the general public is hard to see.
- allknowingmasterofracoondom - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:47 am:
CSU is a total mess and has been for years. They should be booing themselves, not the governor. And then they should close it down.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 10:53 am:
Governors put their names on buildings, governors don’t board up state universities by starving them of full funding.
- Ed Higher - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:02 am:
Did CSU’s admin make a bad situation worse? Yes. But calls to shut it down overlook the fact that students who go there still need it. Please, put yourself in their shoes.
- Ron - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:08 am:
The students at CSU would do themselves a favor by going to a different school.
- Chicago 20 - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:12 am:
Rauner is simply playing to his base.
Rauner getting booed at Chicago State University only reinforces his underlying right-wing message.
This is exactly why DeVos showed up at Bethune-Cookman to elicit the same reaction.
- Demoralized - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:13 am:
You can have a debate about the structure of the university system in Illinois but that debate should not be had by shoving the universities underwater financially and then seeing who floats to the top.
- VanillaMan - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:17 am:
Rauner is a persistent rascal who wants everyone to know that he cannot be insulted by people he sees as beneath him.
Caring about what others think is a sign of weakness to persistent rascals.
Rauner sees himself as our “bwana”.
- Ratso Rizzo - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 11:42 am:
I’m sure that the fact that CSU has a student body comprised of more than 85% African Americans has nothing to do with the negative comments about the university /s
- Lurker - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 12:02 pm:
“I’d boo the broken system too” is EXACTLY something the old Stephen Colbert character used to say.
- 47th Ward - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 12:14 pm:
Betsy DeVos got a similar reception at Bethune-Cookman. I suspect both she and Rauner knew enough to expect that kind of welcome for those particular schools. That is why they chose to speak at those particular schools.
And the audience gave them exactly what they came for.
- RNUG - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 12:18 pm:
== And the audience gave them exactly what they came for. ==
Yep. Film clips that will show up in targeted campaign ads.
- Huh? - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 12:40 pm:
1.4% was trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
Too bad he was senseless to the adverse impacts of his actions on the crowd.
- efudd - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 12:42 pm:
To some of the commenters, I want to make sure I have this right.
Your guy gets booed at a college commencement ceremony, not some protest/march buy a bunch of liberal commies, but by recent college graduates, and you take this as a badge of honor?
The party of Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, and Dole really is extinct.
- Party of Cheney - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
The Governor says that he’d “love to boo our system as well.”
I hope people realize the sitting Governor is the chief executive of “our system”.
- Anonymous - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 1:58 pm:
Rauner recited platitudes about salvaging Chicago State yesterday.
At what point does someone bite the bullet and say that it is time to close Chicago State University?
Being a state university does not guarantee CSU perpetual existence at taxpayer expense. If the enrollment continues to decline, what is the minimum number of students are needed to maintain the university?
If CSU is such trouble and has laid off 400 employees, why does the university still sponsor a varsity basketball team that competes across the USA?
- Responsa - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 2:10 pm:
==why does the university still sponsor a varsity basketball team that competes across the USA?==
Duh, keeping hopes alive for a future NBA star alum someday.
- City Zen - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 3:40 pm:
==If CSU is such trouble and has laid off 400 employees, why does the university still sponsor a varsity basketball team that competes across the USA?==
The real crime is that it competes in the Western Athletic Conference, requiring road trips as far as Seattle. Their closest conf rival is located in KC.
- SweetLou - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 3:58 pm:
“I was saying Boooooo-ruce…”
- CapnCrunch - Friday, May 12, 17 @ 4:15 pm:
“The real crime is that it competes in the Western Athletic Conference, requiring road trips as far as Seattle.”
Honolulu. But I think the league subsidies that trip.