Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x4 - ILGOP doubles down - Pritzker says ILGOP “twisting” words - ILGOP accuses Pritzker of praising tax hike plan *** Dueling press releases
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*** UPDATED x4 - ILGOP doubles down - Pritzker says ILGOP “twisting” words - ILGOP accuses Pritzker of praising tax hike plan *** Dueling press releases

Friday, May 19, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Posted in order they were received. From the JB Pritzker campaign…

As the fiscal mess of Bruce Rauner’s own making continues to wreck the state’s economy, the Illinois business community and bondholders are turning their backs on him.

Yesterday, a group of the region’s largest employers came out in support of a budget that Rauner opposes. They cited “catastrophe” and “crisis” in their support of a plan that directly contradicts Rauner’s key priorities.

Bondholders are also responding to Rauner’s failed leadership and demanding higher yield for state debt, another Rauner expense that will fall on the backs of Illinois families. This comes after Moody’s warned months ago that our state is at a “do-or-die moment” due to Rauner’s historic budget impasse.

“It’s no surprise that the business community is turning their back on Bruce Rauner as he drives our state’s economy into the ground,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “We’re reaching 700 days without a budget and the Illinois business community and hardworking families across the state have had enough. Illinois deserves a governor who will pass a budget and get our state back on track. The business community knows that Bruce Rauner is not that governor.”


In a stunning display of partisanship, Democratic Rep. Robert Martwick – a supporter of billionaire J.B. Pritzker – announced yesterday that he would kill his own bill, HB 2517, that would crack down on the kind of vacancy fraud the billionaire is engaging in to wrongly slash his property tax burden.

After House Minority Leader Jim Durkin signed on to the Vacancy Fraud Act, Capitol Fax reports that Martwick issued a statement saying he would not call the bill, calling the bipartisan backing he received “political gamesmanship”.

Only a Madigan-Pritzker politician would attack bipartisanship.

But it’s clear why Martwick was for cracking down on property tax fraud before he was against it – he’s in Pritzker’s corner and doesn’t want to make Mike Madigan’s new financial muscle mad.

After all, Martwick is hosting a meet and greet with Pritzker days from now.

Click here for a link to Martwick’s June 6th meet and greet announcement.

Who do you think had the better release?

*** UPDATE 1 ***  The ILGOP responds to the Pritzker release…

After lying about his “uninhabitable” mansion property tax scam, J.B. Pritzker’s flailing campaign for Governor is trying to change the subject… by doubling down on his support for massive tax increases.

While Pritzker himself refuses to pay his fair share of taxes, he’s pushing for higher taxes on everyday Illinoisans.

First, Pritzker this week came out against a property tax freeze. On Tuesday, the Wednesday Journal of Oak Park reported that at a public forum, “Pritzker said that he opposed a property tax freeze”.

Then, Pritzker’s campaign issued a press release this morning praising a plan that includes taxing retirement income while excluding a property tax freeze.

That’s right, Pritzker’s campaign is praising a proposal that includes a plan to “Tax all federally taxable retirement income” (p. 14).

All of this comes after Pritzker began his campaign by announcing his support for a massive income tax hike behind closed doors to members of the Madigan machine.

Pritzker has now revealed he is for a retirement tax and against a property tax freeze.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Galia Slayen, communications director for JB Pritzker…

We’re praising business leaders for wising up to Bruce Rauner’s failed leadership. Like Illinois families across this state, they’re not willing to see our most vulnerable communities held hostage to Rauner’s destructive agenda. It’s laughable that the ILGOP is desperately twisting the words of a press release while their governor stumbles towards 700 days without a budget.

*** UPDATE 3 *** We may be at this all day. From the ILGOP…

Given the chance to directly reject a tax on retirement income, the Pritzker campaign tried to change the subject instead.

Pritzker keeps defending a plan to tax retirement income while refusing to freeze property taxes for the middle class.

J.B. Pritzker is an out-of-touch billionaire unwilling to pay his fair share of property taxes, but will hike taxes on everyone else. Illinoisans are seeing right through his scam.

*** UPDATE 4 *** E-mail…


My name is Dave Feller. I’m the President of the West Portage Park Neighbor’s Association (WPPNA) a local community group on the Northwest Side. I wanted to correct something that was posted on your blog today. On June 6th 2017, the WPPNA is hosting the FIRST of a series of Meet & Greets with all the candidates for Governor. Rep. Rob Martwick along with other area electeds are co-hosting the event in order to assist with outreach. This is NOT an endorsement session or a political event. As far as I know all the electeds listed on the flyer have not yet made an endorsement in the race.

Rich, our contact info is on the flyer. If the IL GOP would have bothered to reach out to us I would have answered any questions they had. But I guess it’s easier to try to score some cheap political points then it is to get at the truth.

Small wonder Rauner has drawn so much opposition with these type of people running his operation.

Thank You,

Dave Feller


  1. - AnonymousOne - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 9:53 am:

    =Illinois deserves a governor who will pass a budget and get our state back on track==

    Illinois deserves a governor period. I believe anyone off the street could do what this man has done for our state, which is passively watch it decay. Leadership? Anything there? Anywhere?

  2. - Anonymous - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    I know which release is more factual, but the ILGOP one will certainly get covered in the proft papers, so it may spread wider.

  3. - Skeptic - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 9:59 am:

    My political leanings aside, I give the nod to the JBP piece. It points directly at Rauner where as ILGOP has to go around the barn to tie the issue to Madigan.

  4. - unforced errors - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    The unforced errors continue for Pritzker. First, his “ally” Martwick puts out the release yesterday, giving the IL GOP an opening. Then, Pritzker endorses the Civic Committee’s plan - so now the IL GOP can whack for wanting to raise taxes on retirement income.

  5. - Real - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    The first press release is better. The second one is more GOP political games. Durkin could care less about that bill until the Pritzker story came out.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:01 am:

    On the substance of messaging and making the overall point for a narrative? Pritzker’s Crew is by far the better release.

    On the using of an opportunity to make a case of a pattern to watch and frame who someone is and could/will be? ILGOP by far was better. They used an opportunity (article vs. bill) far better and made a stronger case to connect dots than Pritzker’s Crew did.




    They were able to make a better case on the micro than Pritzker’s Crew did with a macro message. Today. Between the two

    I’m actually pretty impressed with both.

    This is Pritzker’s Crew showing, when they have “time” they’re exceptional.

    This is probably the best I’ve seen out of the ILGOP in a LONG time, like real long time.

    This is what I like to see/read.

    Good stuff.

  7. - PJ - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:03 am:

    As someone who as little as a year ago didn’t have to follow the daily grind of Illinois politics, I retain the perspective that this just doesn’t matter right now.

    Almost literally no one is paying attention to this, on either side. The 20% or so of Illinois residents who even realize we have a budget crisis are rightly focused on that and/or national politics.

    These people are shouting into a void occupied by a handful of political obsessives.

    I understand why the ILGOP feels like they have to rant and rave every time JB shifts in his seat, but until next summer the general public does not give a half of a damn.

  8. - Anonymous - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    =a stunning display of partisanship =

    IGOP pot meet kettle.

  9. - Anon0091 - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:20 am:

    Pritzker did. They nail Rauner for failing to do his job at this critical time. We have 12 days left. I expect they’ll be on this on a daily basis. And pointing out how Rauner’s base is abandoning him is really important.

  10. - Pundent - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:21 am:

    I have to give the nod to Pritzker. Why? Because the property tax argument is great if you’re a populist like Bliss. When you own 9 houses and clouted your kid into a school it rings a bit hollow (even if you occasionally wear Carhartt and drive a trash can van).

  11. - Lord of the Fries - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    JBs is better. The GOP reaches too often which lowers their credibility.

  12. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:23 am:

    “It’s no surprise that the business community is turning their back on Bruce Rauner as he drives our state’s economy into the ground,”


  13. - Tom - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:24 am:

    J.B. has the better release. The ILGOP says the same thing day in and day out. I gloss over their nonsense.

  14. - Fax Machine - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    I apologize for wrecking the site formatting with my anti-Martwick zeal.

  15. - Anonymous - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    Your question, who is best BSer? Depends on definition of ‘best’.

  16. - Responsa - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    I can’t help it. It amuses me. Democrats used the words “Billionaire Bruce Rauner anytime and every time they referred to him for any reason in an ad, speech, campaign stop or press release.

    So, I noted that cleverly prominent early in today’s ILGOP release was: “.. Rep. Robert Martwick – a supporter of billionaire J.B. Pritzker…”. I assume this will be part of an ongoing messaging trend.

    The battle of the bookend billionaires, baby!

  17. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:16 am:

    - Fax Machine -

    Google “shorter url”

    It will shorten addresses.

  18. - The Captain - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    You can always tell when a political attack is written by somebody young/inexperienced because rather than a focused narrative it’s usually a kitchen-sink airing of grievances. That “response” press release from the ILGOP was all over the place.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    Dear “Pritzker Crew”

    Again, prepared and scheduled messaging and ads, you guys are exceptional.

    Really “grasping” this whole “the campaign is happening right now, you need better quick response Comm” is a glaring point of y’all lacking.

    As a Crew, you will get your lunch handed to you, daily, until you realize that Rauner’s Crew is on 24/7/365

    Do better, or realize you may get lapped and will be chasing like Dillard, Rutherford, Brady, and Quinn… and could face their fates too.

    Do. Better.


  20. - So tired of political hacks - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:31 am:

    All PB has to say is unfortunately taxes will have to be raised because the failed governor has left this state 14.5 billion in debt.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    ===That “response” press release from the ILGOP was all over the place.===

    Not really.

    It’s a framing of the mansion, the legislation, the current issue Pritzker’s Crew is trying to just ignore, then the irony of the sponsor of the bill and an event with Pritzker.

    In the micro, it’s the best they’ve done in quite sometime.

  22. - Anon0091 - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:35 am:

    Willy, you’re giving me whiplash. Above you called the Pritzker crew “exceptional” when they have time. And in the same thread you slap them and ask them to “Do. Better.” I’m confused.

    As for the GOP response, they claim the Pritzker press release praised the plan from the Civic committee. But it didn’t. Anywhere. So no, they didn’t praise a tax on retirement income. Anywhere. the GOP is just lying again. Shocking. They’re the Baghdad Bob of Illinois politics.

  23. - A Jack - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    They need to keep hitting Rauner with the Chicago Civic Commitee report. It’s the state’s largest employers saying that Rauner’s agenda is wrecking the state.

    If all the ILGOP has is the property tax issue, they don’t have much of anything.

  24. - Responsa - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    Reading is fundamental, Anon0091. 2 scenarios–2 different verdicts.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    - Anon0091 -

    It’s not too difficult.

    When Pritzker Crew plans, they are exceptional. They can work an idea or ad and message really well

    The rapid response and responding to easily seen oppo hits coming, they lack. They let things fester, they have Ahern wondering aloud on Twitter “Where is JB and a response”, they are chasing the Rauner rapid response and had Pat Brady win the day on a hit they shoulda had a response ready in the can and a hit back TO Rauner.

    A Comm Crew isn’t only about the easy planned and paced messaging. It’s also about rapid response and being ready for hits.

    They need to be better at the latter.


  26. - Pundent - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    For Pritzker and any other Democrat the issue is very simple. Don’t allow Rauner to deflect and distract from his failures. It’s the game that he worked to perfection in the race against Quinn. Bruce Rauner failed is your offense, defense, and strategy when a time-out is called. And to the extent that you do offer up unpopular proposals, remind us that it’s a direct consequence of having to fix Rauner’s failure.

    Anytime that Rauner can control the narrative he wins because he’s very good at messaging. He’s yet to show any ability to defend his actions and decisions when he’s forced to play defense.

  27. - So tired of political hacks - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    Hmmm, raising taxes on retirement income or slashing 400 million from Medicare reducing benifits.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 11:48 am:

    To Update 2,

    That’s pretty solid stuff, simple, and trying to bring it all back to their own argument and original point.

    Keep in mind, thus response is Pritzker’s Crew chasing. It’s good, but they need to be continually on a more rapid and pointed attack mode when they can.

    They ARE the challengers.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    To Update 3 and - Anon0091 -,

    Rauner’s Crew continues to make Pritzker’s Crew chase.

    They need to get ahead of things like this or this type of back and forth, all day, is making Rauner’s Crew decide the terms of the argument, thus taking away the Pritzker arguement entirely.

    It’s this type of rapid deflection and attacking that made Rauner teflon through aggressiveness.

    Growing pains for Pritzker’s Comm Shop.

    Do better.

  30. - Real - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 12:37 pm:


    The thing is Pritzker and other dems have to realize they are dealing with snakes and cons with Rauner. Whenever you see a Rauner or ILGOP press release its always full of venom and poison.

  31. - Fixer - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 12:40 pm:

    To update 3- ILGOP still has nothing of substance, so instead they push on this. The party of no accompliments strikes again.

  32. - Say What? - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 12:43 pm:

    The fiscal mess of Bruce Rauner’s own making??? Really J.B.??? Can anyone seriously claim that Illinois was financially sound prior to 2015?

    Like the twelve years of Blagojevich/Quinn did not precede Rauner’s stormy first term…

  33. - So tired of political hacks - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    Yup 3.5 billion unpaid bills June 2015, 14.5 billion under Rauner I make Madigan look like a saint!

  34. - Anonymous - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:00 pm:

    How can JB say Rauner created this mess. This mess belongs Mike M., John C. and all the Democratic and Republican governors before Bruce R. To solve this problem we need more revenue, but there should be now more revenue until we solve the problems that got us in to this mess. Problem is Mike and John want no part of that as they will then lose their clout in Sporingfield and the unions and the voters that supported Mike/John will pull back their support.

  35. - Dandy Edward - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    Meant no more tax increases until we fix the problems that got us in this mess. JB blame Mike and John and all the governors before Bruce R.

  36. - Pundent - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:05 pm:

    =How can JB say Rauner created this mess.=. Simple. Rauner was elected to fix this mess. He made it worse. That’s his track record. He owns it.

  37. - So tired of political hacks - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:09 pm:

    =anonymous =
    Keep drinking the kook aid there is no aspect of this state better off now than when Rauner took office it’s worse and he didn’t care how much the tax payers of this state will pay as long as he gets what he wants.

  38. - Chicagonk - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:18 pm:

    Like I said yesterday, Martwick made a mistake in going after Durkin’s support of his bill and the ILGOP response shows why.

  39. - Winnin' - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    What does the do-nothing GOP do to justify its existence — besides flailing? Send out press releases. It’s what they’re best at.

  40. - Watto - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    Mind tricks don’t work on me

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    - Dandy Edward -, et al “before Rauner”

    Welp, before Rauner, we never had state universities writing letters they “plan” in staying open. Rauner did that.

    We never had governors have their budget directors refuse to cite a single budget cut when directly questioned. Rauner did that.

    We never had a governor say that not having a budget which would lead to “short term pain”… for a 1.4% or $500+ million windfall with billions needed to “fix” things, say that was a “long term gain”. Rauner did that.

    No governor arbitrarily made statements about wedge issues that hurt people as a good plan then do it and say they deserve an A for purposely hurting people to destroy a political party. Rauner did that.

    By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off with Rauner as governor. There’s that too.

  42. - Sugar Daddy MJM - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    I mean how much more blatant does it get when Martwick, a Cook County Democratic apparatchik and obviously a Madigan loyalist, suddenly pulls a sensible bill from consideration as soon as it might politically damage the “anointed one” JB Pritzker?. Is there anyone who can honestly say this doesn’t have Madigan written all over it? It is clear that the Dem party leaders are pushing their chips fully into Pritzker’s corner. God help the real progressive in IL who got screwed by Clinton and now are gonna get screwed by Madigan once again.

  43. - City Zen - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 2:02 pm:

    ==That’s right, Pritzker’s campaign is praising a proposal that includes a plan to “Tax all federally taxable retirement income”==

    He’s got my vote!

    I’ve been to one of JB’s roadshows. He continually said he was progressive. If he’s truly progressive, any income tax hike will include taxing retirement income.

  44. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 2:03 pm:

    ===suddenly pulls a sensible bill from consideration ===


    The bill was languishing in Rules Committee.

  45. - wordslinger - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 2:13 pm:

    The Rauner pristine “workshop” spot was on twice during the Channel 7 news at the tavern last night.

    Was ridicule from blue-collar workers the hoped-for reaction? The comments were wildly hilarious and unsuitable for delicate daisies.

  46. - don the legend - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    All these Rauner supporters are one trick ponies. Blame who came before them. My mother never let me get away with blaming someone else when the current catastrophe was mine!

    This current mess of no submitted balance budgets, 14 billion in
    unpaid bills, social services collapsing and higher education unfunded are Rauner’s doing, no one else’s. He takes the blame.

  47. - Say What? - Friday, May 19, 17 @ 3:37 pm:

    Seriously, J.B., get it together man. You are running one of the weirdest campaigns since Scott Lee Cohen left his pawn shop and jumped into the Lieutenant Governor’s race.

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