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Question of the day

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an e-mail…

Rich, turnout for my stair caucus has been a bit light, would you mind posting this on the blog? I will share the link wide and far…

Every Wednesday in May the Stair Caucus will be meeting at 7:30AM!

As we all know May in Springfield can be stressful and we will be spending a lot time here. Let’s climb some stairs together every week to vent some steam and sweat! It doesn’t matter if you are in good shape or just a shape. Beginners are welcome, honestly I get winded after just a few flights myself.

For this Wednesday May 24 at 7:30AM, we will meet at the ground floor stair case at the South end of the Stratton Building. As a bipartisan caucus, every week we will switch sides.

Legislators that sweat together, work together…

Representative Allen Skillicorn

Years ago, a buddy of mine told me he’d lost 25 pounds by simply taking the stairs at the Statehouse and the Stratton. He insisted he made no diet adjustments and did no other exercise.

* I asked Skillicorn if he had some pics…

The best I have is the pic after I lost 28lbs earlier this session. So far I’ve lost about 35lbs since December.

* The “after” pic…

* Skillicorn last December…

* The Question: What’s the most effective thing you’ve done to lose weight?


  1. - Ohhaimark - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:00 pm:

    Most effective? Probably go to the gym and not follow fad-diets. Only drink on the weekends (it’s harder than you think).

  2. - illinoised - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    Got sick with stomach issues. Diagnosed with GERD, Barrett’s Esophagus, IBS, hiatal hernia, and sluggish gallbladder. Lost twenty pounds and kept it off because I had to drastically alter my diet to avoid getting sick. I still eat a lot but no fried foods, beef, chocolate, or fatty foods.

  3. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    ===What’s the most effective thing you’ve done to lose weight?===

    Regulating my sleep. Getting the necessary sleep and actual sleep time.

    It works, surprisingly so.

  4. - perry noya - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    I gave up on counting calories and concentrated on cutting back on sugar and processed foods.

  5. - Eddy - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    Quit eating horseshoes when in Springpatch

  6. - realkewlio - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    Meal prepping, cycle classes, resistance training, and drinking at least 72 oz of water a day (probably the hardest piece for most folks).

  7. - SOIL M - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    This question makes it really hard to resist all the old jokes about divorce.
    The most effective thing i found was portion control

  8. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:05 pm:

    I cut back on food dramatically. I only ate when I was feeling hunger, not “feeling empty”. I didn’t eat breakfast until I was hungry. I drank black coffee which curbed hunger until lunch. I stopped eating combo meals, just had a single burger. No fries. I ate chicken, broiled.

    No bread.
    No sugar.
    No carbs.
    I eat meat and devour every vegetable, but potatoes and rice.

    I weigh 35 pounds less, and have kept it off since 2005.

  9. - Anon - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:07 pm:

    Eating at home and smaller portions

  10. - Curl of the Burl - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:07 pm:

    I quit eating desserts and sweets late at night and I darn near completely cut out soda. It has made a huge difference. Weight training while eating poorly is a bad idea.

  11. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:09 pm:

    Whenever VanillaWife wanted to lose pregnancy weight, she ate what I did, and it worked every time. After time. After time. After time.

    Call me Rich!

  12. - AC - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    Cutting carbohydrates has been very effective for me, lost over 20 pounds. It’s astounding how much added sugar is in everything, including beef jerky. After a few weeks of my own cooking, eating mostly meat and fresh vegetables, I went to a fast food restaurant and couldn’t believe how sweet the fries and hamburger buns were, it didn’t even taste good. Going out to eat is a problem, not because there aren’t any low carb options, but because​ few of them are very good. It’s like they figure people who want healthy food don’t want any garlic, spices or pepper, but instead want everything to be bland.

  13. - A guy - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    I got the flu.

  14. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    Drink lots of water, a pot of black coffee, very lo carb, intermittent fasting, 30 minutes of moderate walking, 10 minutes of various muscle stretch– every day. It’s easy.

  15. - JohnnyPyleDriver - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    no soda

  16. - Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    Mostly steamed veggies, fresh fruit and limited lean meats (5oz/ day) 175 minutes / week of vigorous exercise on the treadmill, completely eliminated table salt and cut down to 1500mg of sodium / day. Lost 50 pounds (210 to 160) in 8 months.

  17. - Demoralized - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    I lost 10 pounds simply by stopping drinking soda. I then started a regiment of simply walking on the treadmill daily for a few months to build up stamina. The remainder of the 50 pounds I lost was by going to the gym a couple of times a week and eating less of what I was eating before. Didn’t really change my diet a whole lot, just ate less.

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:24 pm:

    No carbs and a hour a day 5 days a week on stationary bike or a elliptical

  19. - Come on Man! - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    Avoid managing campaigns./s

    For real though, making a fitness and healthy eating a priority. This last cycle got a gym membership that had gyms in the districts I was working. At the end of the night instead of crushing beers with staff or eating pizza I went to the gym.

    Also, Beachbody’s insanity workout is amazing too.

  20. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:51 pm:

    Dont drink your calories.

    Your abs can be found in the kitchen.

    And walk more.

  21. - Flip357 - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    I stopped drinking soda in 2008, coffee in 2010 (was drinking up to two pots/day).

    Lost 10 pounds that stayed off. First two weeks of no soda, then coffee were the WORST, but the sugar and caffeine were not having strong effects on my body due to my tolerance levels. It took more coffee or energy drinks to achieve the same effect.

    Soda and coffee returned to my diet, as special treats. I am much more sensitive to both sugar and caffeine which has its advantages. The added bonus is that my sleep is so much better too.

  22. - StoopBoy - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:54 pm:

    Bariatric surgery. I could lose 30 pounds through diet and exercise alone, but then my appetite came raging back and it was nearly impossible to lose any more. With bariatric surgery, diet, and exercise, I’ve lost about 90 pounds. I still need willpower, but now I actually see long-term results. One of the best decisions of my life.

  23. - Responsa - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:54 pm:


    ==Going out to eat is a problem, not because there aren’t any low carb options, but because​ few of them are very good.==

    Pro tip: Seven locations in the Chicago area– try Walker Brothers Bacon Lovers special. Features 7 slices of very thick bacon and 3 eggs. Tell them to keep the pancakes/toast. Lo Carb, delicious, filling, and available any hour of the day or night.

  24. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 1:55 pm:

    Counting calories. Seriously - I think it is impossible for anyone to track their food and not lose weight (if they need to lose weight) - like democracy, thinness dies in the shadows!

  25. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:03 pm:

    Oreos. Oreos. Oreos. If you quit eating them you will lose dozens of pounds. I highly recommend this diet to everyone

  26. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:20 pm:

    First and foremost- quit drinking beer, which is the only alcohol I drank. That feat made the others easier - portion control and more exercise. I lost nearly 70 lbs - lost one compulsion and gained another. Now back to my proper weight of 175

  27. - archiesmom - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:24 pm:

    My flippant answer is West Nile virus, which I had four years ago. Dropped 40 pounds due to the incidental anorexia. I gained about half of that back, and have slowly peeled it off by through cutting way back on alcohol and decreasing portion sizes. Less beef, more chicken and fish, and lots more Fresh veggies and fruit.

  28. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    1. Training for half marathon several years ago–got to have a goal.
    2. Having jaw surgery after college so my teeth were wired shut for 6 weeks. Lost 25 pounds on a liquid diet. Obviously not an option for most people but a bonus to the discomfort.

  29. - Wylie Coyote - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    Simple. They closed the Rathskeller.

  30. - Mason born - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    Joined the Marines. Lost 40lbs put 20 in lean muscle back on.

  31. - State Worker - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    I stopped eating so many carbs, more veggies, nuts, salads. I can still enjoy my Miller Lites because they are low in carbs! I lost about 30 lbs 2.5 years ago and have kept it off. I will now eat ice cream or cake or such on weekends but the rest of the week I stick to very low carbs. It works better than anything else I tried, at least it works for me! OH, and walking more!

  32. - Downstate - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:53 pm:

    Cut out bread for lunch and dinner.
    If you must eat fast food, only order off the dollar menu. (That’s one hamburger, not multiple ones)
    No soda - only water and tea.

    Still have alcohol and ice cream.

  33. - cracked screen - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    Sautee a handful of kale, onions, and mushrooms in a pan with chicken broth, and cook a packet of ramen noodles (without the flavor packet!). When the noodles are ready, throw them in the pan with everything else for 2-3 minutes to cook everything a little more.

    This is very healthy, filling, and tasty and literally costs approximately $1.15 per meal.

    Replacing the after-work burritos or cheeseburgers with this meal was an absolute game changer.

    Oh, and get rid of pop. Easiest way for me was to replace it with carbonated water. You get the satisfying feel of carbonation without all the other junk.

  34. - Six Degrees of Separtion - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 2:59 pm:

    Restaurant food is harder to control what/how much you eat than home cooked. We were out at Buffalo Wild Wings last night and there were some menu items that were approaching 3000 calories, and a generous portion were between 1000 and 2000. I ordered a salad with chicken and ate half of it. 3 or 4 days a week, I try to limit myself to 1200 or less calories per day, and go to the gym 3 or 4 days a week too. I haven’t lost a lot over the last 5 years but look and feel 100% better. If I did more of the exercise and calorie counting, I’m sure I’d lose a lot more. When I exercise, I try to do lifting stuff that will keep my metabolism going long after I’ve left the gym. Aerobic exercise tends to only burn calories off when you’re doing it, without lasting effect.

  35. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    No soda - drink water.
    Limit alcohol consumption (mostly stay out of restaurants, bars; eat at home - no fun, but it’s easier - go out once a week)
    No orange juice - drink water.
    Stay way from bread, pasta, and sweets.
    No breakfast. Light lunch. Eat lots of chicken, a few potatoes, and vegetables for dinner.
    60 - 90 minutes a day on elliptical trainer.
    I lost 25 pounds. And I’m short - so that’s a lot.

  36. - me - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:07 pm:

    Speed. LOL

  37. - wordslinger - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:07 pm:

    Poverty worked for me.

    There is a time in your life when you can survive and function on a diet of beer, cigarettes and weed, (my time at the lovely Cordoba Apartments on South Grand and South Fifth come to mind) but you do start to get lightheaded after a year or so.

  38. - Harvest76 - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:07 pm:

    Soda. 2 12 oz sodas a day is about 30 extra lbs of calories a year.

  39. - Low-level bureaucrat - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:52 pm:

    I run every morning before work - 3 to 6 miles but usually 4. Gets your metabolism going first thing and it is a pleasant run from the Capitol to Washington Park. I do it in sun, rain and snow. Usually the best part of my day.

  40. - Christopher - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 3:59 pm:

    I wrote down everything I was eating or drinking. It gave me tremendous guilty if I wrote something bad there. And I cut out Mountain Dew and junk food from 7-11, cut down on the portions and tried to, overall, eat healthier (fruits, brown rice, etc). The first month I lost 8 pounds and in the last month I lost another 6. But lots more to go LOL

  41. - California Guy - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    Carb cycling to cut down weight and preserve muscle. Follow push-pull-legs bodybuilding routine. Avoid sodium, processed food, alcohol ( beer especially), and sugar.

  42. - OldIllini - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    My wife suffers from hyperthyroidism and lost 80 pounds. My 20 year old son went from 354 to 230 over 24 months with calorie counting and a personal trainer 3 times a week. I lost weight twice on Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig but it came right back.

  43. - nobody - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    Ate less and exercised more.

  44. - cdog - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 6:08 pm:

    Try to eat when only truly hungry. Usually one decent meal per day, nuts and smoothies otherwise (fruit/spinach or veg smoothies spiced with garlic, hot pepper, or ginger)
    Only eat until satisfied, not completely gut-busting full.
    Try to keep alcohol calories to a minimum. (1 beer 3x wk)

    Need to build a little muscle strength, but weight is in a good zone.

  45. - cdog - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 6:10 pm:

    Another effective thing for me…. I say “no thank you” to a lot of food that’s offered.

  46. - FLEA - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 6:35 pm:

    had nothing else to do but worry about our sorry state and it melted off

  47. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 7:06 pm:

    Gastric sleeve. Lost 80lbs and kept it off over a year. All bloodwork now normal. No longer diabetic. Best decision Ive made.

  48. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 7:10 pm:

    Wow. It appears everyone who reads CapFax is a skinny Minnie.

  49. - Losing It - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 8:00 pm:

    Breakfast, lunch or dinner, whenever I want a filling meal, I fix lots of veg, mostly stir-fried, on top of the aptly named Miracle Rice. The prep notes customers share with one another are essential however.

    Whenever I eat this meal, I don’t feel deprived, which helps me stay the course.

    Also important to find a healthy snack that is your own Personal Bliss. For me, it is half an apple, cored and filled with a few teaspoons of almond butter.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  50. - cdog - Tuesday, May 23, 17 @ 8:14 pm:

    My sister is doing this online program through her husband’s health insurance. She’s lost a pound/wk since starting it and is thrilled with how powerful she feels about making the right changes.

    Looks like it runs $400 after the discount code, if a person doesn’t work for a Fortune 500 co.

  51. - blue dog dem - Wednesday, May 24, 17 @ 4:31 am:

    Rich, please no more dietary questions. I went to bed feeling pretty bad about my lack of self control.

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