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Drury announces for governor

Tuesday, Jun 6, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Touting his independence from Democratic Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, Democratic north suburban state Rep. Scott Drury on Tuesday announced a bid for the party’s nomination for governor.

In a press release, Drury noted that several candidates have declared their candidacies but that Drury sees the contest as a two-way race: Those with “demonstrated loyalties to the Madigan machine” versus him.

“I like those odds,” Drury is quoted as saying in the release.

* The full press release…


Highwood, Illinois – This morning, Scott Drury officially announced he is running for governor. “For too long, Illinois has been defined by public corruption and a lack of honesty,” said Drury. “I am running for governor to bring honest change to Illinois and return Illinois government to its rightful owner – the public.”

According to Drury, Illinois’ brightest days are ahead of it. People are yearning to break from Illinois’ past and elect leaders who will be their voice. As governor, Drury will rebuild the foundation of trust between government and the public that has crumbled in the Madigan era and, more recently, under Bruce Rauner. With this strong foundation in place, Illinois can construct its promising future.

Drury is widely recognized as the most independent Democrat in the Illinois General Assembly. In January, Drury became the first Democrat in three decades not to vote for Mike Madigan for Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives. Drury attributes his independence to his unique background. Unlike many Illinois politicians, Drury was not “next in line” when he first ran for office. Prior to running, Drury was an Assistant U.S. Attorney where he successfully prosecuted corrupt public officials and worked to rid neighborhoods of illegal guns, among other things.

Drury is not concerned about other candidates who have claimed to be the independent Democrat in the race. “Imitation is the greatest form of flattery,” quipped Drury. “I can assure you that when I took the bold step of not voting for Madigan, none of those candidates called to thank me or ask how they could help the effort to return Illinois government to the people.”

As for the amount of money likely to be spent in the race, Drury acknowledged that he has not inherited billions of dollars. According to Drury, money cannot buy character or judgment. “While my colleagues at the U.S. Attorney’s Office and I were fighting to rid Illinois of public corruption, the current presumptive frontrunner was cozying up to corrupt Governor Blagojevich for an appointment,” said Drury. “That type of small thinking is the polar opposite of what Illinois needs right now.”

While many people have declared their intention to seek the Democratic nomination for governor, Drury sees it as essentially a two-way race: those with demonstrated loyalties to the Madigan Machine versus him – the only candidate with a proven record of standing up to Illinois’ most powerful politicians and giving a voice to the people. “I like those odds,” said Drury.

* He also has a video…

* From his Facebook page

For far too long, politicians in Springfield like Bruce Rauner and Mike Madigan have hijacked Illinois government to serve their own interests, not yours. Today, I am launching my campaign for Governor of Illinois so the people of our state have a candidate with a proven track record of fighting corruption and standing up against a gridlocked system to advocate for the people.

A check of the State Board of Elections website shows no paperwork filed. Drury hasn’t reported raising much cash lately, either.


  1. - Linus - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:00 am:

    If he’s not going to dress up like a Hell’s Angel or lumberjack, I’ve got no time for him.

  2. - Roman - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:00 am:

    Suddenly, the anti-Madigan lane in the Dem primary has become crowded.

  3. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    He can kiss that Madigan engraved desk clock off permanently

  4. - TopHatMonocle - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    I hereby suggest Ken Dunkin as his Lt. Governor.

  5. - LiberalInQC - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    I’m just surprised 40 seconds went by in the ad before he mentioned that he’s a former federal prosecutor.

  6. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:05 am:

    He’s probably the third choice of most people who prioritize opposition to Madigan, which ain’t gonna be a big constituency in a Democratic Primary, anyway, so good luck to him.

  7. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:07 am:

    Um, yeah. Good luck with that.

  8. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:08 am:

    I’ve heard he’s a former Federal prosecutor.

    And I’ve heard he’s the least liked member of the ILGA.

    Gettin’ crowded out there. Have fun on the trail.

  9. - Fax Machine - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:09 am:

    I want to see an 8 candidate poll to get the real state of the race.


  10. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:10 am:

    ===Prior to running, Drury was an Assistant U.S. Attorney where he successfully prosecuted corrupt public officials and worked to rid neighborhoods of illegal guns, among other things.===

    I didn’t know that about him. He should mention it more.

  11. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:10 am:


  12. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:13 am:

    One moment he gets a primary opponent in his House district, the next he’s running for a higher office. Coincidence?

  13. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    Hope he picks Jack Franks as his running mate, they could run on a ticket of “hey we love ourselves you should love us too.”

  14. - Redraider - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    He might be a good law and order candidate. Wasn’t he a former Federal Prosecutor?

  15. - phocion - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    Siphons votes from Kennedy, Biss, Pawar. Drury is helping to the pro-Madigan candidate win the primary. If he stays in, that is. Whether he stays in the race or not, if Drury has a campaign focused on bashing Madigan and JP Pritzker, could be a plus for Rauner in the long run.

  16. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    As someone who would likely vote for a turnip over Bruce Rauner, this is an interesting hypothetical. I stress that it is a hypothetical only, because, I mean, c’mon. But, if the ticket is Rauner v. Drury, what do I do?

  17. - Rocky Rosi - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    Maybe I should run too?

  18. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:23 am:

    Drury’s a loon and cannot win. That said, his was THE best intro. video. By far.

    The only question is, can he cause any disruption in the Dem primary? I’m saying no, but … he was a former prosecutor, so he has that going for him. ;)

  19. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    ==Siphons votes from Kennedy, Biss, Pawar. Drury is helping to the pro-Madigan candidate win the primary.==

    This is a legitimate concern, yes, unless he just craps all over everyone for six months and doesn’t file.

    It’ll be interesting to see where his A1s come from.

  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:34 am:

    ===he was a former prosecutor===

    That’s a former FEDERAL prosecutor, bub. And don’t you forget it!


  21. - Highland IL - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:35 am:

    Daiber is still the only candidate from Southern Illinois. If he picks up any amount in Chicago & Suburbs, he may be in the mix.

    I guess Lt. Gov. choices could negate this if chosen properly.

  22. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:35 am:

    Unpopular person intends to win popularity contest by aiming attacks within, outcome predictable.

  23. - PJ - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    First the run for speaker, now governor.

    Once he finishes up his two terms as president of the United States in 2028, I wonder if the UN will elect him secretary-general.

  24. - James Knell - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:38 am:

    I’ll be surprised if he ever polls over 5%.

  25. - Roman - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    Actually thought the Raunerites would have tried to lure Drury into an independent General Election run. Not that it’s too late for that to still happen.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:46 am:

    ===Drury has a campaign focused on bashing Madigan and JP Pritzker, could be a plus for Rauner in the long run.===

    100% correct

    Rauner has the means and the manpower to prop up Drury, muddy the water, test messaging, heck let “Drury be Drury”

    Over/under… Number of GA Members endorsing Drury…

    The “number” is one. Seriously, one, so you need two for the “over” or “zero” for the under…

    Good thing I had a doctor’s appointment today, I need to make sure I can handle ridiculousness like Drury for Governor, “health-wise”

  27. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:48 am:

    This dude looks like he wants to be the highest profiled unemployed person in Illinois. Scott! Turn back! Before it is too late!!!

  28. - Empty Chair - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:50 am:

    This should pave the way for Bob Morgan to be the next State Rep from that district.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:50 am:

    Also… still reminds me of Tom Cross floating the idea of running statewide… to then find out he went too far and has to run statewide… coming back to the House wasn’t an option.

  30. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    Let’s see who actually files.

  31. - Telly - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 11:56 am:

    At least three Dem candidates now in the field running against Madigan in the primary.

    Will there be any Republican candidates running against Rauner?

    Paging Jim Sweeney.

  32. - Signal and Noise - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:17 pm:

    I like his strategy of having no money and talking down to people.

  33. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    Meh…not a serious candidate. At best he’s a stalking horse for Kennedy trying to cut into North Shore votes for Pritzker/Biss.

  34. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    In a way…he’s like the Joe Walsh of the Democratic Party.

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    First Democrat in 30 years to not vote for Madigan for Speaker of the House.

    Every member of the GA should be asked why they continue to vote for the Speaker given his ice cold approval rating.

    Rauner controlling all of the votes on the right and Madigan controlling all of the votes on the left. It’s not a democracy anymore.

    Who can argue with that?

    We are going to change the perception of Illinois so it is a state we are proud of. Is anyone proud of Illinois?

    I am not surprised that the insiders who benefit from the status quo hate this guy.

    Plenty of leaders and reps are insufferably arrogant so it can’t be just that.

    That ad would poll well in the unlikely event he had enough money to run it.

    The question is why would democratic special interests give this guy a nickel? They love the Speaker

  36. - Alexander Paterakis - Your friendly neighborhood Candidate - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:38 pm:


  37. - PJ - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    Lucky -

    They hate him because he makes absolutely no effort to build ties or actually pass bills. He’s standoffish with members of both parties, and consistently prioritizes grandstanding over doing anything productive for the state or his constituents.

  38. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 12:51 pm:

    ==Rauner has the means and the manpower to prop up Drury, muddy the water, test messaging, heck let “Drury be Drury”==

    That’s why the A1s will be very interesting. In the cloistered world of a Democratic primary, with 2 candidates with plenty of money, he’ll have to launder any Rauner-connected funds very carefully.

    And if he just never files many A1s, well, then, it doesn’t really matter in the first place.

  39. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    Oh Scott - and this is from maybe the only commenter on Capitol Fax who LIKES you!

    PJ - funny, he has no problems getting reelected. They hate him in-part because of his ego, and in-part because what he says is often the uncomfortable truth. When these legislators apologize to the kids who they kept out of U of I and other students all those years so they could dole out scholarships, just for starts, then I’ll listen to them carp about Drury.

    As for the race - I dunno. I could see him making some sharp debate points and then if Rauner ran those in ads… Absent any “Rauner effect,” I think his district would be evenly split between JB and Kennedy - this might take a few votes from the latter. In a tight race, maybe makes a difference.

  40. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    “They hate him because he makes absolutely no effort to build ties or pass bills. He’s standoffish with members of both parties, and consistently prioritizes grandstanding over doing anything productive for the state or his constituents.”

    But they love Speaker Madigan who does exactly the same thing.

    What efforts has Speaker Madigan made to reach out to House Republicans, any Governor or Senate Democrats?

  41. - A. Ham - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    He won’t actually run - he will file for his district and get re-elected to the House.

    The anti-Madigan lane is the right one for the general but it is impossible to properly calibrate that message to win a primary over it (except in certain House/Senate districts but certainly not statewide).

    To his credit, he really is authentically anti-Madigan (unlike any other candidate, probably even Pawar) but his personality is so nuclear bad that it doesn’t matter. Really too bad.

    I think that whomever wins the dem primary should pick a moderate republican as his running mate. People will really get behind someone that is actually taking a major symbolic step to break the gridlock there. Shouldn’t be hard to find a willing participant.

  42. - Anon Nice - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:11 pm:

    [October 2018]
    “We need to shake things up–and that means taking on the Madigan machine. Now, I may be a Democrat, but as a patriot and a former federal prosecutor, my duty is to the truth. The truth is there’s only one candidate who will take on Mike Madigan. That’s why I’m endorsing Bruce Rauner for Governor.”

    *and the national headlines follow*

  43. - A. Ham - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:17 pm:

    “That’s why I’m endorsing Bruce Rauner for Governor.”

    0% chance

  44. - Dick Butka - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    -Lucky Pierre-

    Are you literally Bruce Rauner?

    Something about this portion of your remarks really rubs me the wrong way, and it’s the same thing that rubs me the wrong way about your Supreme Leader’s administration:

    ==Every member of the GA should be asked why they continue to vote for the Speaker given his ice cold approval rating.==

    No concern for the fact that it’s grandstanding, bad policy, and meaningless. People should vote against Madigan because he’s unpopular. Same with the unfunded mandate that is a property tax freeze, right? Get it done because it’s popular.

    Haven’t we all learned not to do things just because they poll well?

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    ===What efforts has Speaker Madigan made to reach out to House Republicans, any Governor or Senate Democrats===

    This is an utterly useless statement, given Rauner had every opportunity to box in Madigan with the Grand Bargain, to test out your “silliness” as it exists now, but Rauner, twice, blew up the Grand Bargain, undercut Leader Radogno, and Rauner himself made clear he, Rauner, decides when compromise happens.

    Had Rauner allowed the Grand Baragins, either one, to pass, you’d have an argument.

    You have no argument.

    This is the first time today you are being reminded of Rauner refusing to paint Madigan in a corner by purposely blowing up bargains.

  46. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    ===but certainly not statewide===

    Fact not in evidence.

  47. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    Why would it be bad policy for a democrat in either chamber to explain why they defend the Speaker who two years in a row made zero effort at compromise on a budget, Republican in the House, the supermajority in the Senate or the Governor?

    You all criticize the Governor for being stubborn for the past 2 and half year but excuse the Speaker’s entire career of doing the exact same thing.

    OW are you a crossing guard or perhaps a second grade teacher? You sure sound like one

  48. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    ===But, if the ticket is Rauner v. Drury, what do I do?===

    Write-in the turnip.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    ===Why would it be bad policy for a democrat in either chamber to explain why they defend the Speaker who two years in a row made zero effort at compromise on a budget, Republican in the House, the supermajority in the Senate or the Governor===

    Why are Raunerites in the House voting against Higher Ed when they have those universities in their districts?

    Why did Rauner force Raunerites to not vote for K-12 funding, then Rauner signed the appropriation anyway?

    “Why would it be bad policy for a democrat in either chamber to explain why they defend the Speaker who two years in a row made zero effort at compromise on a budget, Republican in the House, the supermajority in the Senate or the Governor”

    You can’t trust Bruce Rauner.

    Ask Leader Radogno about trust with Rauner too.

    The deal was in the Senate.

    The past 2 years, Raunerites, editorials, “here”, the plan was triangulation of Madigan. Why won’t Rauner prove your ridiculousness and triangulate Madigan to prove your point?

    I’ve also said Durkin could be the most important person under the Dome months and months ago. Why won’t Durkin work for compromise outside Rauner, like Leader Radogno did?

    ===You all criticize the Governor for being stubborn for the past 2 and half year but excuse the Speaker’s entire career of doing the exact same thing.===

    … and yet it’s Rauner refusing to get a Grand Bargain.

    Madigan has gotten budgets to governor’s signatures. Rauner doesn’t want a budget until he gets his “with” attached.

    Ok, then Rauner needs 71 and 36 to get those “with”s

    Rauner ain’t helpless.

    ===…are you a crossing guard or perhaps a second grade teacher? You sure sound like one===

    Are you disparaging teachers… and crossing guards who look out for our children’s safety… Or…

  50. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:55 pm:

    === I think that whomever wins the dem primary should pick a moderate republican as his running mate. ===

    That’s not how this works. Gov/Lt. Gov get nominated as a team, you’ll know each candidate’s running mate at the time petitions are circulated.

  51. - Illinois O'Malley - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    That Lucky guy sure is a trip….babbles on and on about everybody except for the leader of this state, yep, the guy who 3 years into his job is unable to present a balanced budget that is mandated by the constitution.

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    “Scott Drury: For the People (even though i don’t really like people that much.)”

  53. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 2:33 pm:

    Is this another hotel mogul?

  54. - George - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    Scott Drury–the Ted Cruz of Illinois.

  55. - scott aster - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 3:08 pm:

    RICH I met this guy at a 4th of July festivities in Highwood a few years back.His handshake is weak and he is not a very good talker. He can’t even work a small crowd of maybe 100…..just talked to 2 old vets.

  56. - A guy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 3:18 pm:

    How did this announcement get made without trumpets?

    I mean…really.

    Seriously; some media will promote this guy. The question is how many? That’s a great mitigating force to heavy cash.

  57. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    That photo of him standing with Governor Rauner on Day 1 will surely not help him in the Democratic primary.

  58. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    OW, I hope your Drury t-shirt is clean. Could see a bit of use!

  59. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 4:26 pm:

    ===I hope your Drury t-shirt is clean. Could see a bit of use!===

    I gave it to Rich.

    Hopefully, if he files, I’ll have another made and go to Drury rallies and sell them.

  60. - Morty - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:06 pm:

    Lucky- “OW are you a crossing guard or perhaps a second grade teacher? You sure sound like one”

    And with those two sentences you expose the inherent ignorance and bile of every post you make.

    To paraphrase Benston-Quayle, I have worked many years with second grade teachers- you sir, are no second grade teacher

  61. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:12 pm:

    ===I have worked many years with second grade teachers- you sir, are no second grade teacher.===

    I’m not a second grade teacher.

    They have an incredibly tough job, thankless often, and teaching is a calling for many.

    I’m embarrassed for scribd grade teachers being compared to ME.

    They deserve much better. Period.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:13 pm:


    See, I can’t even spell!

  63. - Morty - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:20 pm:

    “They have an incredibly tough job, thankless often, and teaching is a calling for many.”

    For real. I’ve spent my career working with high school students…it’s not even in the same league.

    You ever see a parent struggling to get a 5-6 year old to not act out in public?

    Yeah, now multiply that 25 or so times!

    Now teach them the foundations of reading writing and math.

    Elementary school teachers are amonst the most underappreciated workers in America

    But don’t beat yourself up too much OW- I’m sure you’d be better at it than Lucky

  64. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:22 pm:

    ===But don’t beat yourself up too much OW- I’m sure you’d be better at it than Lucky===

    I appreciate your confidence in me, but I know, being a professional educator, I wouldn’t make the grade.

  65. - Morty - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 7:25 pm:

    Me either. it’d play out like that old Arnold movie Kindergarten Cop- except I would’t make it to lunch time.

  66. - DuPage Bard - Tuesday, Jun 6, 17 @ 8:29 pm:

    Scott is his own enemy. BTW the first Democrat to vote against the Speaker for leadership was Mike “sue’em two times” Noland. He was the first to go against Speaker for the Chair of the Dem Party. Considering the GOP plays that Madigan controls the whole party looks like Noland took a lead that took you 3 terms to get the courage to vote Present.
    So which Rauner friend does Scott end up working for after he beats up on Pritzker and others for a while?

  67. - JImbo - Wednesday, Jun 7, 17 @ 5:55 am:

    As a former federal prosecutor, he’s made the decision to run for governor.

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