No guts, no glory
Thursday, Jun 8, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From David W. Tretter, president of the Federation of Independent Illinois Colleges and Universities and a leader of the Illinois Coalition to Invest in Higher Education…
Until the trend in funding for higher education is reversed, the promise of a better Illinois is an illusion. A state without a plan is a state with a very dim future.
* From a “Call to action” sent to University of Illinois alumni from President Tim Killeen…
We are going into another fiscal year with no state budget, and University of Illinois supporters have stepped up to ask how they can directly express their concerns to elected officials in Springfield, including one who pointed to the power that the University community holds as advocates. “Please, keep in mind that you have a network the size of which rivals a small army,” he wrote, alluding to our 80,000 students, 25,000 employees and 700,000 alumni around the world.
Our global network also has an outlet to let their voices be heard—through Illinois Connection, a grassroots advocacy organization that has grown to more than 15,000 members since it was founded by the University of Illinois Alumni Association.
By visiting the Illinois Connection website, you will be linked to contact information for the governor and your local legislators, allowing you to share your stories about what the University of Illinois means to you and its key role in driving progress for our state. For state and University employees, it is best practice to use your personal phone or email and to contact elected officials outside working hours or during scheduled breaks.
We encourage you to join our chorus, urging approval of state budgets to fund our public universities for both fiscal 2016 and 2017. Your voices matter. You are voters, not just advocates, and each of you can speak first-hand to the value of higher education—the difference it has made in your life and how it fosters the 21st century workforce and discovery that will move Illinois forward.
Notice anything missing in both pieces? Not a single mention about the need for more state revenue and/or big cuts in spending for other governmental programs. They want more money, they just don’t have the guts to say what that really means.
I understand their reticence. It’s not easy standing up in favor of a tax hike or huge cuts to somebody else. But it’s even more difficult to vote in the General Assembly for tax hikes/cuts when some of the prime beneficiaries of that increased available revenue are too afraid to give legislators even a tiny bit of political cover.
Get in the game or stay on the sidelines.
- Mr. K. - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 10:58 am:
Cripes. If Kansas can do it — and they just did a couple days ago — we can, too.
All it takes is the GOP rank-and-file to say: enough is enough. Let’s compromise — and fix it.
(And then lets try to be a bit more rational when we go to the polls and vote. We don’t need Brownbacks. We don’t need Rauners. And we certainly don’t need Trumps.)
- JPC - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:04 am:
Don’t agree, Rich. This is a case where the conclusion people draw on their own will be better than the one you derive for them explicitly.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:06 am:
Same problem you stated a week or so ago Rich with the school Superintendents. Only one, now granted he’s the President of the association, said a tax hike was needed. Until all of these organizations come together and say there has to be a tax increase or a graduated tax the Gov and the IPI’s, No tax budget, will win the day everyday.
- NoGifts - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:14 am:
I heard an Kansas representative quoted “We should have gotten off of this crazy-train a long time ago.” I concur.
- hockey fan - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:16 am:
Disagree Rich. Taxes, cuts, balancing budgets that’s what the officials are elected to do. Pass a budget. sign a budget. do your jobs
The higher education people are simply talking about the damage done. It’s not their job to demand tax increases.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:19 am:
When did Tretter get elected to the General Assembly? Why does he, or any other advocate, need to endorse a particular solution? What if Tretter believed the state could increase spending on higher education by spending less on healthcare? Maybe Illinois could sell off state parks? It’s not the job of interest group advocates to recommend how best to fund priorities, that’s why the men and women in the GA get the big bucks.
And really, does anyone think a groundswell of calls to raise taxes from “special interest lobbyists” would sway the Governor? As if.
Plus, for every special interest group that calls for a tax hike, IMA, the Chamber, IPI and others can find a business owner to oppose it.
Tretter’s point, I think, is that if we value higher education in Illinois, we should invest in it. If we don’t value it, we’ll allow our system to continue to decline.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 11:28 am:
===does anyone think a groundswell of calls to raise taxes from “special interest lobbyists” would sway the Governor?===
My point is, telling your alumni to call and demand a “budget” does zero. Having them call to demand a tax hike would be huge.
- illinoised - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 12:00 pm:
I agree with Rich. Where I live, I do not understand why the titular head of the underfunded public university does not move beyond “we need a budget” to “a tax hike is needed.” Our state rep and senator have done nothing to help our university except make broad statements about needing a better business climate or systemic change before a budget agreement. Translation: We are holding you hostage over non-budget items and we will see you go out of business if that is what it takes to please Rauner.
- anon2 - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
=== But it’s even more difficult to vote in the General Assembly for tax hikes/cuts when some of the prime beneficiaries of that increased available revenue are too afraid to give legislators even a tiny bit of political cover. ===
They won’t ask for what they know they need. Then they criticize their legislators for not voting for what they need. That allows the no-nothings to prevail with their nonsense about Illinois having “a spending problem, not a revenue problem.”
- My New Handle - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 12:29 pm:
It is not Tretter’s or Killeen’s jobs to have guts. It is their job to keep their board members happy and looking apolitical. If their board chairs came out favoring tax increases, then that is the story they would tell.
- Responsa - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 12:32 pm:
Most still in-state alums are well aware of the situation and no matter how much they value their degree and college experience they are way beyond hearing their current university administration or any umbrella organization “telling” them what to do. Also, these same universities are constantly trolling for donations or to be “included in your estate plan”. Finally, Alums living out of state or out of country do not have and should not have any influence on raising taxes in IL.
It’s all just more blah blah blah.
- Because I Said So.... - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
The university board of trustees are appointed by the Governor. He now has most boards controlled by his appointees. I don’t think any president’s are going to make a statement like that without board approval.
- X-prof - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 4:25 pm:
Stringent ethics laws forbid all IL university employees, including President Killeen, from taking political stances while on duty or in their official university capacity. While advocating for adequate funding is well within his job description, taking a stance on how that funding should be generated is likely forbidden.
Perhaps this question will appear in our next online ethics training exercise.
- sal-says - Thursday, Jun 8, 17 @ 4:40 pm:
Really reaching today, eh, Rich. If #Unfit4IlGov actually started doing HIS job & got HIS budget done, most of the rest of this spew & crap would end. Raunner’s continuing damage & destruction to IL is unconscionable. Focus.