Kennedy is unclear on the numbers
Friday, Jun 9, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Chris Kennedy on WBEZ this week…
“The state as a result is shrinking, but it’s becoming wealthier at the same time. We got smaller last year, but our average income went up like 10 percent. [Gov. Rauner] is creating an environment, only the rich survive. It’s like gentrification in the city, but it’s statewide. We’re pushing the poor and the disabled, the very people that benefit from agencies like DCFS, out of our state, and I think it’s part of a larger plot.”
* This is total personal income earned in Illinois…
Using U.S. Census data, Pew found total inflation-adjusted personal income in Illinois grew an average of just 0.8 percent between fourth-quarter 2007 and fourth-quarter 2016. Illinois gained a bit in the latest year, up 1 percent, but the institute emphasizes that over the decade as a whole, Illinois was tied for dead last with Nevada, with total income growth rising only half as fast as in the nation as a whole.
Much of the slow gain in personal income is due to population loss, as reported here and elsewhere.
* And here we have per capita income growth from the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis…
In 2016, Illinois had a per capita personal income (PCPI) of $52,098. This PCPI ranked 14th in the United States and was 105 percent of the national average, $49,571. The 2016 PCPI reflected an increase of 3.4 percent from 2015. The 2015-2016 national change was 2.9 percent.
All emphasis added.
- Three-Finger Brown - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:05 am:
The guy means well, but you have to ask yourself: if his last name was Smith or Jones, would he stand any chance whatsoever?
Pritzker isn’t the perfect candidate but he’s at least demonstrated a working knowledge of the issues.
- Kelly Anne - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:06 am:
Chris has alternative facts.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:10 am:
===if his last name was Smith or Jones, would he stand any chance whatsoever===
When Edward M Kennedy ran for President Kennedy’s open seat, his opponent said this…
“If his name was Edward Moore (Ted Kennedy’s middle name) and not Edward Kennedy… would he…”
Edward Moore Kennedy won.
Here’s the lesson; Dorm room wishes, thoughts, observations rarely lead to logical real end games.
Go after the merits. That’s where the argument is.
- City Zen - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:11 am:
Perusing my school districts’ teacher contracts over those 10 years…average income is up waaaay over 10%. Who’s pushing whom?
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:12 am:
Being “unclear” is very small potatoes compared to Rauner’s constant lying on matters big and small.
- thechampaignlife - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:14 am:
The Census data is inflation-adjusted. Perhaps he was referring to unadjusted.
More problematic is that he is claiming a 10% increase in a single year, presumably 2016 versus 2015. That is a HUGE claim. And I am not sure where he would source that data from since the most recent in Census QuickFacts is 2015.
- Ghost - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:22 am:
Rauners plan to fix income growth is to cut middle class salaries of State workers and put middle class small buisness vendors out of buisness.
- jeffinginChicago - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:28 am:
Edward Moore thrown out of Harvard in 1950 for cheating. He had a friend try to take a Spanish test for him. Signs up for the Army to avoid the draft. Only serves 2 years and gets out early during the Korean War.
Readmitted to Harvard barely passes. Goes to the Virginia Law School because he isnt qualified for Harvard. Faculty has to have a vote to let him in because he has already clearly violated their code of ethics.
In 1962 he runs for his brothers vacant seat and wins. at age of 30
Issues had nothing to do with it.
- Seats - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:28 am:
I’ve wondered to myself before if there is a (sick) hope that their are some state leaders right now who are trying to scare/force our citizens in most need of help out of the state of Illinois.
Illinois is losing people out of state at record highs, but has their ever been a statistic that shows what the median income level of people leaving the state is?
I’m aware the states people are moving to tend to be some of the highest cost of livings though, so perhaps its not just our “poor” that our leaving.
- Three-Finger Brown - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:32 am:
That’s a fair point re: Ted, though I somehow doubt that he made as many unforced errors during his campaign. I wasn’t alive then, but I’m basing my guess on the older Ted I remember. He had his problems of course, but a lack of gravitas or policy chops were not among them.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:34 am:
Let’s move on from Ted Kennedy, please. Thanks.
- not good - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:39 am:
===Illinois is losing people out of state at record highs, but has their ever been a statistic that shows what the median income level of people leaving the state is?===
The IRS is able to provide data on adjusted gross income, and it looks bad for Illinois.
“As of tax year 2014, the most recent year of data, the average income of people leaving the state was $77,000, while the average income of people entering the state was $57,000. This income differential of $20,000 between out-migrants and in-migrants is the worst in the United States.”
- Deft Wing - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:40 am:
Chris Kennedy has proved he’s a bad candidate on the politics and the policy. He literally has no idea what he is saying … heck, he even messes up easy platitudes.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:43 am:
To bring this back (sorry) to the Post,
When candidates choose to use “like” as in… ===…our average income went up like 10 percent.===, it’s watering down, back-handedly, to something wanted to be taken as a fact, but refusing to own the numeric place AS the fact…
“like 23%”, “like half”, “like 10%”…
Numbers are numbers, math is math.
Now throw in that the numbers 10% and 0.8% and how they ain’t mirroring each other, Kennedy needs to tighten up facts, and especially numeric facts.
- Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:48 am:
These type of comments from CK are why he was so successful being the head of the U of I Board of Trustees.
Yes, the above is sarcasm
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 10:50 am:
===These type of comments from CK are why he was so successful being the head of the U of I Board of Trustees===
Rauner is probably pushing $1 billion owed to the U of I system in funding.
So there’s that too.
- Cassandra - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:06 am:
Does he live in one of the leafy green suburbs north of the city? Up there, it probably feels like only the rich survive, because nobody else can afford to live there. A few section of the city, same thing, to be fair.
- tberry - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:11 am:
Whether the income growth is .8, 2.9, or 3.4% it is dwarfed by a proposed income tax hike of 32%. Anyone else see a problem with this?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:13 am:
===Whether the income growth is .8, 2.9, or 3.4% it is dwarfed by a proposed income tax hike of 32%. Anyone else see a problem with this?===
… and neither side has proposed a budget that does not have additional revenue as anything other than a required element to balance those budgets.
You do know how math… works… right?
- Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:13 am:
Thanks Willy. I just knew you would respond to my post after a long hiatus.
Only took 2 minutes. But, we are talking about Kennedy, Not Rauner. Pay attention
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:15 am:
===But, we are talking about Kennedy, Not Rauner. Pay attention===
… and yet your U of I comment had nothing to do with the Post, so I took you to task for your own willful ignorance.
Next time, read what you wrote, then realize what you said.
- Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:46 am:
Since Kennedy had an integral role with the flagship university and did a lousy job and struggled in his leadership capacity, it is very relevant.
Do you just spout stuff because you are bored? If you can’t see it was a relevant comment, that is a you problem my friend.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 11:51 am:
- Piece of Work -
This Post is about income, and measuring it, accurately or not by Chris Kennedy.
Maybe you need a longer break to work on reading comprehension.
===If you can’t see it was a relevant comment, that is a you problem…===
Measuring income as it relates to the state and the citizens… U of I…
I know, you’ve been to UIUC more than any human ever, been to more places, know more about everything, more that President Killeen… “You Know!”
… and yet this Post has nothing about what U of I or its other schools outside UIUC.
- Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 1:24 pm:
I dub Oswego Willy the new Piece of Work. You can concoct any message posted in any of these threads to try and fit the OW narrative. Good grief man.
Kennedy spouted off incorrect information and didn’t even realize that it could be possibly be wrong. Lack of self awareness, a blunder, which he seems to make frequently. So no, my post wasn’t about income, my post was about someone running for guv, sticking his foot in his mouth.
Do you know see that I was relating his ongoing mismanagement of a campaign and his mismanagement of his tenure at the U of I? Again, if you can’t, I cannot help you.
Killeen knows a thousand times more about the U of I than I will ever know. Additionally, I know a lot more about the U of I than you.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 1:30 pm:
===Additionally, I know a lot more about the U of I than you.===
“I know! I know!”
You’re that person at the bar you buy that drink so they stop yelling at the Tee-Vee…
If Killeen knows more than you, and you think Killeen isn’t right that the U of I system isn’t burning down, you think, all is fine… how do you reticule that?
Oh I know… You know what you mean… lol
Funny, your…
===These type of comments from CK are why he was so successful being the head of the U of I Board of Trustees.
Yes, the above is sarcasm===
What part was sarcasm? You’re connecting a drive by or that you know there’s no connection at all, so I’ll call it sarcasm just in case. lol.
I know, you know all of it. You’ve done it all, been there more, seen more… and question Killeen… but Killeen now knows more than you.
Whew, that’s a lot. You may need fresh air, lol
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 1:38 pm:
Sometimes bad facts find their way into speeches. What is worrisome is that Chris Kennedy did not realize the numbers made no sense.
- Piece of Work - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 2:09 pm:
Willy, you may want to read CK’s response in the other post on Rich’s blog on his visit to DePaul. His rambling is indicative of what kind of guy he is. Now, I know you will try and say that response isn’t related to the U of I, or income, or the Blue Demons basketball program or whatever is floating around in your mind.
It is indicative of the type leader he is.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 2:30 pm:
–It’s indicative of the type of leader he is.–
Not everyone can triple the backlog of bills, wreck higher ed and social services, short k-12 a billion, and drive the state to junk status in just two years.
Takes a special kind of fiscal conservative businessman.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 9, 17 @ 2:33 pm:
===…you may want to read CK’s response in the other post on Rich’s blog on his visit to DePaul===
Since I’ve commented on that post your ignorance to that is noted.
I know, “you know” better…
===know you will try and say that response isn’t related to the U of I, or income, or the Blue Demons basketball program or whatever is floating around in your mind.
It is indicative of the type leader he is.===
The complete and utter ignorance of your drive by, which I pointed out, isn’t changed by this ridiculousness.
You’re also the person that thinks a billion dollar less to the U of I system is nothing compared to Kennedy… Because… lol.., “you know”
Read what I wrote, the fact I did t say anything about DePaul basketball speaks even more to your simple-minded thoughts and drive by ridiculousness.