Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Apparently, I have to say this again: Stop it, governor
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Apparently, I have to say this again: Stop it, governor

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Let’s revisit my newspaper column

As we’ve all seen over the past several months, Gov. Bruce Rauner is adamantly refusing to provide any help whatsoever to Chicago, which is struggling mightily under the weight of years of fiscal misfeasance, until his Turnaround Agenda demands are met. A long-sought education funding reform bill, a 911 emergency call center fee, even a bill to allow the expedited sale of the Thompson Center have been hit with Rauner’s broad (and often false) brush of being a “Chicago bailout.”

* OK, now let’s take a look at these three issues one at a time. First, here’s the Chicago Tribune editorial board on the education funding reform bill that has passed both chambers

Let’s get something straight: It’s not a bailout. CPS is teetering on bankruptcy. It is borrowing to pay off borrowing and faces a structural deficit so alarming that none of the proposals in Springfield to overhaul the statewide formula would funnel enough money to bail out CPS. Not even close.

That said, this proposal would put CPS on steadier footing while closing the gap between wealthy and poor districts from Rockford to Cairo. It should not be summarily dismissed simply because CPS gets help. Let’s all acknowledge CPS serves the largest number of low-income children in this state.

Not exactly the neutral third-party validation I was hoping for last week, but it’ll do for now.

* OK, on to the 911 emergency call center legislation. Here’s Rep. Chad Hays’ (R-Catlin) take

“I came to the conclusion that my constituents weren’t that concerned with the amount that the people of Chicago paid and if Chicago legislators were comfortable with that amount, fine,” Hays said. “But what I was not willing to do was go home and tell my own constituents that when you dial 911 and on the other end of the line it says that this has been disconnected and people ask, ‘Why did this happen?’ I was totally uncomfortable with saying that the mayor of Chicago and the governor are in a wrestling match over something peripheral to your 911 service.”

And if it’s a “bailout,” it’s a self-imposed one because the Chicago City Council has to approve that new fee before it can be implemented.

* And here’s the Sun-Times editorial board on the Thompson Center sale

City Hall would be crazy to share control over what goes there. […]

Rauner also wanted the Legislature to grant him a say in what zoning changes would be allowed for any new development. This is necessary, the governor’s administration has argued, if he is to negotiate the best deal for the state, potentially bringing in an estimated $300 million.

Democrats did not yield to the governor last week, nor should they have. In this deal, the state is just another landlord. Zoning decisions are made by municipalities. And fees imposed for zoning changes are collected by the municipality for use by the municipality. City Hall expects to invest much of that money in more impoverished parts of town.

The governor should do what sellers do: Find a potential buyer and then negotiate with the city for whatever zoning changes the buyer might demand.

As I’ve also argued, this had nothing to do with a “bailout” and everything to do about control.

* Back to my newspaper column

But Rauner has a stronger public hand. His pledge to stop any and all Chicago bailouts fits right in with attitudes of this state’s “white flight” suburbanites and city-hating Downstaters.

If the governor was accurately describing the above legislation as “Chicago bailouts,” I’d let it go. But he’s obviously not, so somebody needs to point out that he’s using politically expedient dog whistle language.

And, please, don’t tell me this isn’t racially and geographically divisive rhetoric. I grew up in a rural Downstate area. I also covered Pate Philip’s tenure for many years. This ain’t rocket science. It’s old style politics at its worst and was used to fire up the rubes since long before I was born.

* And it’s not new to Rauner, either. From a column I wrote almost exactly one year ago today

Having spent much of my white male life downstate, I can vouch for the effectiveness of these attacks. Yes, some downstaters realize they’re being pandered to, but many still love it. Finally, they say, we have a governor who’s saying what we’ve been thinking. […]

Even so, deliberately creating this much division is flat-out wrong. Stop it.

* From Ameya Pawar’s appearance on Rick Pearson’s “Sunday Spin” show

“He understands that there are divisions between Chicago and the rest of the state. There’ve always been. But he exploits that by saying things like Chicago teachers are virtually illiterate, or calling Chicago Public Schools prisons or referring to our schools using corporate terms like a bailout,” Pawar said.

“I mean, it is code words to prey on people’s fears about what they might think about Chicago. It’s embedded in race and class. What he does is racist. It is racist. There is no doubt about it, except he’s a lot less bombastic and nasty about it. But the code words are there,” he said.

The governor’s camp pushed back.

“The Rauners are proud to have personally supported Chicago schools and contributed substantial resources to improving education in the city for many years,” spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski said in a statement. “As governor, Bruce continues to work towards funding reform that is fair to the entire state.”

What a lame push-back.

Look, Rauner has accomplished some things on criminal justice reform (including signing the bail reform bill last week) that no racist would ever do. He’s for automatic voter registration, for crying out loud.

I think that Rauner is simply a very accomplished political opportunist who claims he’s for “the people” while employing all sorts of tactics to win the media cycle, including tactics used by racists and those who would divide this state for their own personal political gains.

But it does need to stop. No political gain justifies this crud.

*** UPDATE ***  Pawar is now coming right out and saying it…


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    “The Rauners are proud to have personally supported Chicago schools and contributed substantial resources to improving education in the city for many years”

    Yea, especially Payton.

    But to the post, this is disgusting on every conceivable level. If he wants to govern and for the State to succeed, he needs to stop. Sadly, I fear this is not a bug but a feature. He doesn’t want the state to succeed. So his vile divisiveness? Yea, expect it to continue.

  2. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    Why not mention the obvious path to a deal that the Tribune recommended and the leaders agreed to last June- pass statewide pension reform which would save 1 billion dollars a year and CPS gets the extra 215 million dollars for pensions.

    “As we’ve all seen over the past several months, Gov. Bruce Rauner is adamantly refusing to provide any help whatsoever to Chicago, which is struggling mightily under the weight of years of fiscal misfeasance, until his Turnaround Agenda demands are met.”

    This is a bit harsh, the Governor is asking for the GA to pass Senator Cullerton’s pension bill, not his own which would be much stronger.

    Since the cause of the weight of “fiscal malfeasance” is pensions isn’t it logical to first fix that problem before throwing more money at a broken and unaffordale system?

    Do you think pensions would be fixed if the 215 million dollars was not a precondition?

  3. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    ===Why not mention the obvious path===

    I did. On another post today. Keep up.

  4. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    You are asking Rauner to stop this crud? But we all know he won’t. What’s a soulless irresistible force gonna do?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:39 am:

    ===Do you think pensions would be fixed if the 215 million dollars was not a precondition?===

    With that logic, a precondition or nada…


    ===This is a bit harsh, the Governor is asking for the GA to pass Senator Cullerton’s pension bill, not his own which would be much stronger.

    Since the cause of the weight of “fiscal malfeasance” is pensions isn’t it logical to first fix that problem before throwing more money at a broken and unaffordale system===

    … means Rauner will personally own any deal that meets his preconditions and Rauner is solely responsible for no deal whatsoever that exist now, because, as you make clear, a need for a precondition is required.

    Rauner emotionally and purposely hurt Chicago students.

    You should be cheering.

    “The need to do this! A precondition. Otherwise, nothing”

    Then you should cheer the pain, the hurting of Chicago students. You set Rauner as the lone lever.

    Why aren’t you happy?

  6. - winners and losers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:41 am:

    The AP and the SJR yesterday had the best articles on Chicago and Senate Bill 1 (the Chicago Tribune editorial is more opinion than fact).

    SB 1 contains two kinds of PENSION provisions favorable to Chicago schools, plus giving Chicago all the extra money it previously received in the Block Grant.

    The Pension payment of $215 million, plus several hundred million for changes in how pension debt, plus $250 million from the former Block Grant
    equals $600 to $700 million that no other school district in Illinois will receive.

    In 1995 Republicans gave Chicago the Educational Service Block Grant which froze the percentage of funds Chicago receives.

    So Chicago gets 54.4% of special ed Summer School, 48.4% of special ed Private school tuition, etc.

    Overall Chicago gets about TWICE the amount of money in the Block Grant as it should get (and twice as much as any other school district gets per the formulas).

    So SB 1 eliminated the Chicago Block Grant, BUT put all the extra money for Chicago into the Base Funding Minimum (the hold harmless).

  7. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    Wow, LP, another dazzling deflection from the subject at hand. Extra pudding cup for you today.

    Now, what about the governor’s old-timey racial dog-whistling? It ain’t subtle.

  8. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    ===that no other school district in Illinois will receive===

    You are kinda dense.

    All schools except Chicago receive about $4 billion in pension payments. Every year.

    The block grant is a replacement for categoricals.

  9. - slow down - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    The man has been willing to decimate the state’s social safety net for our most vulnerable in order to push his agenda. It’s hardly a giant leap to believe he’ll engage in dog whistles and coded racism if it suits his interests.

  10. - Tim T. - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    - winners and losers -

    You make some legit points. So do you support the “hold harmless” provision for every district except Chicago?

    I ask because that bill will be hard to pass.

  11. - Albany Park Patriot - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    Because he gave a small fraction of his wealth, what would amount to pocket change to normal people, he gets to demonize our city. That’s not right and I have to believe there are some Republicans understand that, too. If we are to have any hope.

  12. - winners and losers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:55 am:

    Rich - Please give me more credit than that.

    We have two entirely separate pension systems: Chicago Public Schools, and the rest of Illinois.
    They were funded in entirely different ways.

    You can argue that should change, but you cannot ignore the history of how we got here (and the 10 years that Mayor Daley decided to provide -0- contribution to the C

    All schools except Chicago receive about $4 billion in pension payments. Every year.

    The block grant is a replacement for categoricals.

  13. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:58 am:

    You can give to charity, believe it’s bad public policy to incarcerate non-violent drug offenders, and still be a racist.

    Let’s recall that Rauner’s primary reason for funding Education charities was to try to weaken the CTU, the most prominent black-led political organization in the state, and probably the Midwest.

    Let’s not forget that Rauner has lots of friends running for-profit companies that provide out-of-prison services; and that with its huge budget, cutting back at Corrections has to be part of any. Budget balancing act. Plus, its leverage with AFSCME.

    I am not suggesting Rauner is Archie Bunker. But being racist isn’t necessarily a full time occupation, either.

    At the end of the day, there is simply no disputing that Rauner’s attacks on “The Chicago Machine” and “Chicago bailout” that trace their way back through Reagans “welfare Queen” all the way to the early 1900’s, when it was Democrats who were alleging the GOP mayor Big Bill Thompson was trying to pack the voter rolls with African American voters to boost Hughes in his race against Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

  14. - Bothanspy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    Personally, I think that Rauner should have a say on zoning for JRTC. Can you imagine how many records they could store in that facility with the right contract??!??

  15. - Roman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    Pitting one segment of the state against another is a crutch for back-bench legislators. When a governor is decides to use it, it’s a sign of desperation.

  16. - Rod - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:11 am:

    I found the Tribune editorial cited by Rich to be interesting, Bruce Dold, has on numerous occasions gone off on CPS for its expenditures during his various interviews. In particular on CTU contracts approved by the CPS Board. I do not believe the additional funding for CPS contained in SB 1 will offset the losses CPS will experience in relation to its decline in students and revenue associated with that decline over even the next five years.

    Here is what the same Tribune wrote in an editorial on September 29, 2016:
    “Enrollment numbers play a big role in calculating the flow of state and federal education dollars to school districts. When students leave, or fail to materialize, school officials can’t wish away the repercussions. School districts are organic. They swell or shrink to fit student population. CPS must shrink, sooner rather than later.”

    I fully expect additional funding or not to CPS the Tribune editorial line in the future will call for a control board over CPS, similar to what was done for CPS in 1979 or what is being done currently in Puerto Rico with the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico authorized under federal legislation

  17. - PJ - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    That’s a good point, Bothanspy.

    Ideally we sell it to one of Bruce’s buddies, then turn around and lease 10 floors from them for paper storage to the tune of $50 million annually.

  18. - Markus - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:14 am:

    I’ll say it again too- If tax revenues were to be allocated based on the Counties in which they were generated, the whole “Chicago Bailout” discussion would take on a whole new perspective. Our current tax distribution could be considered a “Downstate Bailout”. Pitting downstate versus Chicago is popular and plays well but it is bad policy for the State as a whole.

  19. - Boone's is back - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:15 am:

    ===used to fire up the rubes===

    Lol I love anytime we get to see the word “rubes” used

  20. - Sue - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:18 am:

    Rich- you start with Chicago’s years of financial malfeasance- so why should the rest of us pay for their malfeasance?

  21. - AlfondGonz - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:31 am:


    I presume when you say “the rest of us,” you indicate that you live in a more rural area.

    Rural areas are often times more roads than homes.

    Rural areas have lots of roads that need lots of fixing, and not a lot of taxpayers paying taxes to pay for the repairs.

    So, Sue, if I’m up here in the City, paying taxes, why should I, and the other couple million taxpayers I call my neighbors, have to pay for your banged up country roads?

  22. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:37 am:

    It is about race. ILGOP has given up trying to find a way to win offices within Chicago, and blame their losses on race. As a state political party, there should have been far better messaging than what we’ve seen. If ILGOP wants to be a statewide political power, then they need to be aware how their arguments insult an important block of Illinoisans.

    ILGOP has allowed Rauner to demonize “unproductive” citizens. ILGOP has forgotten that citizenship isn’t bought like a wine club membership. Regardless of race, ILGOP must respect Illinoisans with differing opinions as their’s, if they wish to be an inclusive party.

    Rauner sets the tone. He is responsible for the disunity within Illinois. He is governor. It is time we demand that his neglect of Chicago, and his hostage-taking of our largest city end.

  23. - PJ - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    Exactly, Alfond.

    If you don’t want to use your downstate tax dollars to help poor kids of color go to school, fine. We’ll fund it with Chicago tax dollars. The trade off there is that all the tax money generated by Chicago and Chicago residents stays here. You country folks don’t get a dime of our money for your roads, your schools, or anything else.

    But that’s fine - I’m sure downstate Illinois generates sufficient tax revenue from all its booming industries to be self-sufficient. Right?

  24. - Phenomynous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    Downstate school districts get about a billion in pension subsidies, the other $3 billion go towards paying down the unfunded liability, which is a state obligation. But let’s not pretend that the $3 billion for the unfunded liability is being spent in school districts…it’s being paid to make up for the state’s irresponsibility when it comes to pension funding.

  25. - DeseDemDose - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    Rauner, Rauner, Rauner….ALL the Republican Politicians that Rauner,Uihlein, Griffin, and owns that are gleefully accepting his election help and money are also responsible for causing Illinois to go down the tubes.

  26. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    I’m getting tired of right wingers and Republicans attacking Chicago. The state is in terrible shape for different reasons, including Republicans not supporting a progressive income tax. They too used government services and paid low state income taxes all these years. I believe many of us share the blame and did nothing to prevent or mitigate today’s fiscal catastrophe.

  27. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:49 am:

    I am not blaming Downstate for the negative images Rauner has crafted against Chicago. I do not suggest that Rauner is sending out dog whistles to them either.

    What I’m seeing has been ILGOP writing off Chicago politically and as a result speak disrespectfully regarding Chicagoans, its importance to Illinois, ILGOP’S refusal to compromise with Chicago elected officials or ILGOP’S messaging.

    Losing Chicago for generations has turned ILGOP into a political party unable to celebrate what is good in our largest city. Rauner has only doubled down on ILGOP’S anti-Chicago loser-speak.

    As a conservative Chicagoan, I’m repeatedly embarrassed by the pathetic whining towards our Chicago neighbors and the ugly garbage spoken about them.

    ILGOP must start speaking like champions, or continue in the minority.

  28. - Steve - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:13 pm:

    I still don’t understand this, politically speaking. The guy won in 2014, by a pretty slim margin. Sure, he didn’t get that many votes from the city but he did get some. Actually, I’d argue he benefited more from chicagoans leaving their boxes blank when asked to choose between he and Quinn. But here he is, running for reelection after three straight years of bashing the city, its citizens, leadership, schools, teachers, union employees (not just CTU, but trades as well), pension systems, tourism industry and everything in between. What does this gain him as far as reelection goes?

    Were there thousands of folks downstate or in the suburbs who voted for Quinn, that now support him because of anti-city sentiment? Did he leave a bunch of conservative votes on the table somewhere, by being too Chicago friendly? I just don’t see it, but maybe I’m missing something. Can someone explain to me what benefit, vote-wise, that this brings him in 2018?

  29. - Muscular - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:19 pm:

    This is the old Democrat tactic of calling a Republican a racist because he is principled. Bruce Rauner is a fiscal conservative and is simply demanding basic financial reforms before he supports a tax increase and additional funds as governor.

  30. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    ===Bruce Rauner is a fiscal conservative===

    That has to be the most inadvertently hilarious and provably false comment ever posted here.

  31. - winners and losers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    Steve: Who can get into the mind of Bruce Rauner, but -

    (1) Most people do not follow things political, and Rauner has enough money to fool a lot of people through folksy ads, expensive extreme targeting of voters (as the Trump campaign did), and pay for staff and political types all over the State of Illinois.

    (2) Rauner can push a topic like a property tax freeze to great advantage in every part of Illinois.

    (3) Who knows who the Dems will nominate? Probably only Pritzker can match his money, but he has all kinds of personal and professional liabilities.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    ===This is the old Democrat tactic…===

    Using another dog whistle to explain away the original dog whistle isn’t a good way to explain away either whistle…

  33. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    A progressive income tax was near even brought up for a vote during the 12 years of total control of state government by Democrats

    Not just Republican oppose it obviously.

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===A progressive income tax===

    And that has to do with what? Get back on topic or you’re gonna wind up in auto-moderation again. Final warning.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===A progressive income tax was near even brought up for a vote during the 12 years of total control of state government by Democrats.===

    According to you, - Lucky Pierre -, and Mike Ditka, cowards and losers live in the past.

    I’ll let you choose if you’re a coward or a loser.

  36. - Winnin' - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    Now students, it just so happens that our governor does not seem to be a very nice man. In fact, he seems to be a very mean man.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    ===why the attorney general wants the payments to state workers stopped? What is the long game here?===

    State workers not paid is a bridge Rauner won’t cross.

    Forcing the point that state workers, without a budget, getting paid is illegal, that might put significant pressure on all sides to get a deal, especially a governor that has agency heads he appointed not getting paid now, let alone his own Staff and Crew.

    Lots more state workers rely on Executive oversight then the Legislative which has fewer employees.

    It’s about leverage against all to get a deal.

  38. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Muscular, which “Democrat” here called Rauner a “racist?” Pointing out cynical, opportunitistic racial dog whistling is not the same thing.

    Please highlight examples of Rauner’s fiscal conservatism — numbers and data — and his proposed “financial reforms.”

    You obviously see things others do not. Or, you just type random words.

  39. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:51 pm:

    “This is the old Democrat tactic of calling a Republican a racist because he is principled.”

    This is the old Jim Crow tactic of dressing up racist behavior and tactics in a pretext of ‘principle’, e.g. “It can’t be racist if it’s pro-states’ rights!!1!”

    – MrJM

  40. - Flabby - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:08 pm:

    =Bruce Rauner is a fiscal conservative= as to:
    * A mixer orange juice and gasoline make a refreshing summer cocktail.
    * The Taliban are left-wing feminists.
    * Iraqi oil paid for the war.
    * Illinois pays its bills promptly.
    * The sun is cold.
    Feel free to provide some help as I’m trying to think of a punch line to Muscular’s beefy set-up .

  41. - So tired of political hacks - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    Albert Einstein

    Until the people of Illinois quit pointing fingers at each other and realize this is an Illinois taxpayer problem, not just a republican/democrat or a Chicago/downstate problem we are doomed on the same path. I believe the Ruanerites that put him in office thought they were voting for change, all they got is the same old double down rhetoric. “cut taxes”. Regardless if you like dems or not it is their fault because they refused to raise enough income to pay for the state expenses. But the republicans and taxpayers all knew it. (i.e. You have welched off the services of Illinois long enought it’s time to pay the piper) The taxes are going to be increased and the longer we go without compromise the higher they will have to go. 14.5 billion and counting.

  42. - Former Hillrod - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:07 pm:


    How about Pink Floyd is actively planning their next world concert tour.

  43. - Flabby - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:16 pm:

    FH - Now we’re talkin’

  44. - anon2 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    ===Bruce Rauner is a fiscal conservative===

    Fiscal conservativism means a commitment to pay your bills on time and to live within your means. No one could look at the Rauner record and reasonably claim he meets that definition.

  45. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    == pass statewide pension reform which would save 1 billion dollars a year … ==

    Exactly how, in dollars and cents, does this save $1B a year over the current Tier 2 plan?

  46. - desperate - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    Pawar not getting traction so he clearly hopes saying inflammatory things will generate attention for him.

  47. - Ginhouse Tommy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    With respect, nice try Rich in trying the get the man in charge to listen but I”m fraid you’re wasting your breath. Regretfully he is doing his best Sgt Schultz imitation as in I see NOTHING, NOTHING.

  48. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    To the update:

    Whether or not you agree with that statement it’s good political messaging. Give the appearance that Raunerites are indirectly supporting racism by association. Make Rauner a pariah to Republicans as he’s made Madigan to the Dems.

  49. - Fonzie - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:05 pm:

    And the first candidate over the shark is Ameya Pawar.

  50. - Molly Maguire - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:07 pm:

    Very well stated, Rich. I appreciate the honesty, and I feel the same way as a white male Central IL native.

  51. - JB13 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:11 pm:

    – Until the people of Illinois quit pointing fingers at each other and realize this is an Illinois taxpayer problem… –

    And there’s the crux of the divide: Many of Illinois’ taxpayers (who don’t also draw a paycheck from a taxpayer-supported institution, or ‘know somebody who knows somebody who somebody sent’) are rather skittish to agree to this statement - and justifiably so. Why is it only a “taxpayer” problem? That implies the only solution is to raise taxes. And… enter Bruce Rauner, defender of the taxpayers, stage right. Until everyone in Illinois understands this is *their* problem, no matter what they believe they were promised, or what past politicians have done, we are never going to come together to fix this. Everyone needs to share in the pain, equally. Everyone gets an equal bite of the crap sandwich. It’s not pretty, or comfortable, but that’s the only way forward.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:17 pm:

    ===…no matter what they believe they were promised, or what past politicians have done, we are never going to come together to fix this.===


    “…no matter what they believe they were promised,…”

    That pesky constitution rears its ugly head. You do know how that all works right?

    It’s thoughts like yours, that’s why there’s a conditional clause.

    “… or what past politicians have done, we are never going to come together to fix this.”

    … Constitutionally.


  53. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:39 pm:

    – Regretfully he is doing his best Sgt Schultz imitation as in I see NOTHING, NOTHING.–

    That’s “I see nuthin, nuthin.”

  54. - Cubs 2016 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:24 pm:

    why can’t the legislature give him what he wants so we can just move on?

  55. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:28 pm:

    ===why can’t the legislature give him what he wants so we can just move on?===

    … ‘cept that Rauner wants total Labor obliteration, unconstitutional pension reform, lower taxes and destruction of social services, less The Ounce…

    What part of total capitulation, less the 60 and 30 needier to make that possible is foreign for you to understand?

    There’s nothing governmentally redeeming about just giving Rauner “everything”

    Heck, 90% of a win isn’t good enough for Rauner in a compromise.

    What does that tell you?

  56. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:52 pm:

    I simply detest the cheap use of the racist term. It makes my blood boil.

  57. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:00 pm:

    –I simply detest the cheap use of the racist term.–

    What are you referring to, in this context?

  58. - James Knell - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:15 pm:

    == Chicago teachers are virtually illiterate ==

    I know two Chicago public school teachers both have Master’s Degrees in Physics. One is on her way to a PhD. Both are smarter than Rauner and better people too.

  59. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:28 pm:

    You don’t know that the pension reform is unconstitutional

    You don’t even know if you 60 votes because it has not been called

    You know for sure you have 30 and the Governor’s signature

    The fact that it passed the Senate only to be ignored in the House is par for the course

    Chicagoans homeowners and renters should be outraged at the inaction of the House when the open their Fall property tax bills

  60. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:35 pm:

    ===You don’t know that the pension reform is unconstitutional===

    I see - RNUG - as a really good sounding board…

    ===You don’t even know if you 60 votes because it has not been called===

    … and yet, Rauner and allies couldn’t get 60 on the stairs to embarrass Madigan. So there’s that.

    ==The fact that it passed the Senate only to be ignored in the House is par for the course===

    Then why didn’t Rauner work with Cullerton and allow Leader Radogno to help pass the Grand Bargain(s) to triangulate Madigan. Another time you make no sense.

    ===Chicagoans homeowners and renters should be outraged at the inaction of the House when the open their Fall property tax bills===

    … or Rauner’s three homeowner exemptions, or Rauner clouting his denied Winnetka-living daughter over a worthy Chicago student…

    Rauner is not a friend of Chicago or Chicago students, the largest benefactor of property taxes.

  61. - So tired of political hacks - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:37 pm:

    Hmmm, nice try LP but I don’t think the senate package got republican support, they all voted no or present. So you think that now magically the house republicans will vote yes after Rauner pulled all the senate votes out.?

  62. - So tired of political hacks - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:48 pm:

    Sorry 16 of 22 voted for the bill , with 15 dems still not overwhelming. Consensus from republican.

  63. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:55 pm:

    Word. You know I have zero use for this governor. But when people disagree politically, how can anyone know what is in another persons heart? I live in southern Illinois. I can show you racism. But until this governor comes out and says he hates a particular race or religion, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I am not asking for your blessing or understanding, just telling you how I feel.

  64. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 7:01 pm:

    BD, you’re choosing not to read the original post or the comments. No one’s called Rauner a racist, just that he is engaging in old-timey Illinois racial and geographical division for political gain.

    He’s an opportunist.

  65. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 7:08 pm:

    Word. When someone headlines a tweet, “you are a racist, and here’s why”. I know I am from a different generation, but this this is the race card. Pure and simple.

  66. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 7:10 pm:

    Pardon, I didn’t see the update. Mea culpa.

  67. - blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 7:14 pm:

    No problem. Its hot.

  68. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:27 pm:

    Is it Nov 2018 yet hope we can survive till then

  69. - battery reconditioning - Wednesday, Jun 28, 17 @ 8:53 am:

    The Best Way to Have a Absolutely Free Laptop Computer Battery Excellent informative article on batteries. It was short. I found out that you can re-condition any battery. I found it

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