Question of the day
Tuesday, Jun 13, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Laura Washington…
There is no shortage of ambitious politicians angling to become the next governor of Illinois. Ten months before the March 2018 Democratic primary, the list of contestants still grows.
Last week, two more jumped into the already-crowded field: State Rep. Scott Drury of Highland Park, and Chicago activist Tio Hardiman, who challenged Gov. Pat Quinn in the 2014 primary.
The field also includes Evanston State Sen. Daniel Biss; Bob Daiber, a regional school superintendent from Madison County; two wealthy businessmen, Chris Kennedy and J.B. Pritzker; 47th Ward Ald. Ameya Pawar, and Skokie small business owner Alex Paterakis.
They are all eager to thwart Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s reelection plans.
Nine candidates, in all. All men. Where are the women?
In Illinois’ nearly 200 years, the governor’s office has been held exclusively by men.
Sure, women have made political strides in Illinois, occupying nearly every top job, from U.S. senator to attorney general to comptroller. Yet only two — Democrat Dawn Clark Netsch and Republican Judy Baar Topinka — have been nominated for governor by their parties.
* The Question: Do you think a woman may yet announce for governor? If so, who? If not, why not?
- Oneman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:25 pm:
No (sadly)
I think the Dem field is too big now as it would be hard for yet another entrant to get traction.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
I don’t think so. Only room for one Pritzker on one side. Can’t imagine a primary on the other. The stakes are pretty high, and most the great woman I know would spend their money more wisely.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
No. No credible woman would be foolhardy enough to jump into this scrum. Although it might take a woman to clean up the mess that the “men” have an will continue to make of this state.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:31 pm:
No. I think it’s too late to get in the race. Plus, the state is a mess. What woman in her right mind would want to be Governor after this guy?
- Echo The Bunnyman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:38 pm:
Women are to smart.. No way they would do something that crazy!
- Johnny Justice - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:40 pm:
If our fighting Comptroller, Susana Mendoza, jumped in, she’d probably win the primary based on her having the only female name, and the toughness she’s shown taking on the Gov. Based on her fights with the Gov., she’d win the general too!
- Bruce (No, not him) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
I’m thinking Diana Rauner. She’s a Democrat, isn’t she?
- Saluki - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:42 pm:
I thought we were supposed to be gender neutral these days. I never can keep up.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
I don’t think there will be a woman running this time, but, at this point, I would vote for Sheila Simon if it meant getting rid of Rauner. /s? That would be the second time in my life voting D for Governor.
Seriously, in 4 or 8 years after the current mess is on the path to being fixed, either Madigan or Mendoza could be viable candidates if they continue to hold office in the meantime.
- OurMagician - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
No, Mendoza is the only one who would have a chance right now and she’s picked her battle. At least we’ve had some Lt. Gov that have been women, Corrine Wood and someone else who slipped my mind, maybe her name was Sue.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
–I thought we were supposed to be gender neutral these days. I never can keep up.–
All sorts of things atrophy when you sit and watch Fox News all day.
To the question, no one comes to mind. Time’s a wasting if anyone is considering it.
- Bruce (No, not him) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:47 pm:
Oops, forgot (snark)
- ILGOV2018 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:49 pm:
I think state senator Linda Holmes should jump into the race. If pritzker would back her or have her as his running mate he could win she’s an advocate for labor she’s an advocate for the working men and women of Illinois and has a strong favorable rating in her District
- don the legend - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:49 pm:
Bruce (No, not him) beat me to it.
—I’m thinking Diana Rauner. She’s a Democrat, isn’t she?—
Ken Griffin could bankroll her and then no matter who won, Griff and Ruaner win. Shake and Bake!!
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:53 pm:
===Shake and Bake!!===
Um, that’s Hammer and Shake.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:56 pm:
I firmly believe that I could win 15 percent just by being the only female name on the ballot.
- Been There - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:57 pm:
Cheri Bustos already took herself out of the race. I think she would have had a shot. She would clean up downstate. And even though her gun stance would be a problem in Cook where a huge chunk of the dem primary vote is, she would still grab a lot of the women vote. I imagine she could raise some money from downstate labor and her out of state connections.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:59 pm:
Do I think a woman may yet announce…
The logical usual suspects have not geared up in a thoughtful way they would. Those I have in mind woulda been already overtly moving towards announcing, woulda been seriously fundraising, and woulda geared up with the selling points being “working for the lone female candidate” and “built a coalition outside what other candidates already have”.
There are very talented and capable candidates that are women that could be our governor, and that on both sides of the aisle.
I just don’t see any making this leap right now.
- Come on Man! - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
No, we have a better chance of getting a boy named Sue.
I think the Pritzker family is pretty large donors to Emily’s list and would make things awkward. The power house female candidates have all backed out and any other woman would need some support from them.
- Grand Avenue - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:09 pm:
I don’t blame women like Susana Mendoza, Cheri Bustos or Robin Kelly for not wanting to give up running for re-election just to join a crowded primary without party support.
- @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:28 pm:
“Do you think a woman may yet announce for governor? If so, who? If not, why not?”
No. Because it’s already too late for anyone who doesn’t have big name recognition and Lisa and Michelle have both said no thanks.
– MrJM
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:32 pm:
Michelle? Good lord, hasn’t that woman been through enough?
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:42 pm:
In my opinion, the only woman capable of taking on Rauner and and repairing the damage he’s caused this state is Toni Preckwinkle. But, she said no a long time ago.
- lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:50 pm:
No, not only because it’s late in the game, but because they saw what happened in the last presidential race.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:53 pm:
–No, not only because it’s late in the game, but because they saw what happened in the last presidential race.–
Clinton winning the state by 16 points, outpolling Trump by 860,000 votes?
That’s a negative in your world?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 4:55 pm:
I don’t see a woman announcing, but I do see a woman on the Democratic side for Lt. Gov. I am guessing every Democrat has a woman (or women) with whom they are discussing the slot.
- Truth - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:00 pm:
Really wish Robin Kelly would run, even though she’s in a safe seat, she could easily win in this field.
She’s also awesome.
- DuPage - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:19 pm:
Don’t know of any women that has enough money to counter Rauner.
- blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 5:44 pm:
I nominate Mrs. blue dog. Her bite is bigger than her bark.
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:35 pm:
Do you think a woman may yet announce for governor? NO
Why? To many cooks ruin the sauce. I’m sure a woman will be chosen to be the Lt Gov.
The real question in my mind is: Are all of the extra candidates (the ones with no money) being paid to run in order to divide the votes to keep J.B. Pritzker from winning?
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:40 pm:
Mama — I can answer that question for you. No, they are not.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 7:45 pm:
I nominate Ms. Honeybear. Do I hear a second? Any discussion? Hearing none. All in favor say Aye. Any opposed had better keep quiet.
- Gooner - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 8:51 pm:
The one woman who could most shake things up is the one who will never run.
Christine Radogno would make a dynamic candidate. Even against Rauner’s money, she could run an insurgent based race and likely would get strong cross-over support. If she entered the race, I honestly think she could win both the primary and the general. I typically vote for Democrats (it is the nature of IL) but she ran against Pritzker or Kennedy I would be undecided leaning GOP.
Unfortunately, while she’s shown flashes of independence, I just can’t see it happening.
On the Democratic side, I don’t see any candidates that would be a noticeable step up from what really looks like a very weak field. Kelly Cassidy would make it interesting but it is probably four years too early for her.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:12 pm:
No. The Sun Times answered the question why with the photo.
- Gruntled University Employee - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 8:53 am:
No. Why, because most women lack the over bloated ego it requires to want to inherit this mess.
- SmallTown - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 9:24 am:
I agree with Oneman. There are too many candidates already and if a woman were to be nominated, she’d need to be very well recognized throughout the entire state and have a long political career to even get noticed.
- Cook County Commoner - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 9:33 am:
No. The rules of the sea mandate that women be among the first to disembark a sinking vessel so they watch those who destroyed it go down with it.
- Franklin Delano Bluth - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 10:16 am:
==I thought we were supposed to be gender neutral these days. I never can keep up.==
Was this supposed to be clever? If so, it failed miserably.