* This says so much about what we’ve been through the past 2+ years…
* From the story…
Gov. Bruce Rauner’s education adviser, Beth Purvis, said the governor supports 90 percent of the education funding reform bill that was passed by the legislature this spring, but would still veto it because it is too generous to Chicago Public Schools.
A key proponent of the bill, state Sen. Andy Manar, D-Bunker Hill, fired back at the governor’s office, saying, “Most rational people would take 90 percent and call it a win.”
Lawmakers filed a motion last week that will delay Senate Bill 1 from being formally transmitted to Rauner for his signature or veto, in hopes that tensions will eventually die down.
In an interview with The State Journal-Register last week, Purvis said she views the extension as allowing for “continued conversations” that can produce legislation the governor could support.
One major sticking point for Rauner, she said, is that the bill funnels $215 million into the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund this year, in addition to a $250 million block grant the Chicago school system receives.
Except the governor has said he could support that $215 million in exchange for pension reforms.
* Tribune…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has some political advice for Gov. Bruce Rauner: When you like 90 percent of a proposal, take yes for an answer. […]
Emanuel, who has burnished a deal-making reputation during his decades in government, suggested the school funding formula bill is close enough to what Rauner wants that the governor should sign it into law.
“Now look. I would like to get 100 percent all the time. I got three aldermen here. None of us get 100 percent of what we’re seeking. Ninety percent in public policy is a victory, and yet the governor is still issuing a veto threat when it meets the needs of the children of the state of Illinois 100 percent,” the mayor said.
Later, Emanuel contended “you cannot make perfection the enemy of progress. It explains why we don’t have a budget.”
*** UPDATE 1 *** Pritzker campaign…
Bruce Rauner is showing his true colors by planning to veto an education bill that he mostly supports. After talking up the issue for years and even convening his own task force, Rauner is cowardly abandoning the bill to make a political statement.
This is the epitome of failed leadership: getting 90% of the job done and still refusing to compromise. It’s clear that Bruce Rauner will never step up to the plate and lead our state. Real leadership is negotiating and compromising for the future of our state and our children — something Bruce Rauner refuses to do.
Rauner’s strategy is clear: it’s my way or the highway.
While Illinois has the least equitable school funding system in the country, Bruce Rauner is failing to solve the problem. And, under Rauner’s failed leadership, Illinois is breaking national records for not passing a budget for 713 days. Despite this fact and the incredible pain he is inflicting across the state, Rauner continues to put himself and his special interest allies above Illinois schoolchildren.
“While Bruce Rauner can try and bankrupt our state, he cannot bankrupt our people,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “Rauner almost reached a compromise, but instead of doing what’s right, he cowardly retreated the moment he didn’t get his way. That’s not how compromise works. No one should be in government unless they truly care about our state and our families. Unlike Rauner, JB invests in people and in our communities. It’s abundantly clear that Rauner will always put politics above the people of our state.”
*** UPDATE 2 *** Biss campaign…
“This is yet another example of Bruce Rauner protecting his rich friends rather than fully funding schools in Chicago and hundreds of other low-income districts across Illinois — the same low-income districts that are hurt by our corrupt property tax racket. As governor I will fully fund all schools to give all kids the education they deserve, starting by making the millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share.”
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:15 am:
I’m always hesitant to believe single headlines like this mean much (if nothing else, no persuadable voter even knows who Purvis is), but Dems and neutral-to-liberal media have certainly jumped on it.
- Mr. Ennui - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:17 am:
To be honest, I’ve become so accustomed to Rauner rejecting everything that I barely noticed that headline.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:18 am:
Beyond reason.
Unless squeeze the beast is the actual plan. Which it obviously is.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:20 am:
Rauner’s intense hatred of unions is destroying Illinois. It’s like he’s Captain Ahab and a union is his Moby Dick. He’s wiping out our public school system because of his extreme political views.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:21 am:
Dr. Purvis ain’t helpin’, lol
To the Post…
When you get & acknowledge, thru your hand-picked “School Czar”, you’re getting 90% of what you want & STILL that’s not good enough… what does that say about Rauner, the man.
Thompson, Edgar, Ryan… even Rod… and Quinn…
A governor gets NINETY percent of the wants… you take that win and declare victory.
If the goal is governing.
Rauner’s goal is Agenda, not Governing. Two plus years tells me so.
A pathetic governor bent on destruction never wants 90% but everything burned down to get 100%
That savvy Dr. Purvis, flippantly, decides to undercut the political reality and outright embarrass her boss, Bruce Rauner
I’ve also thought this…
Dr. Purvis is so coldly callous that people matter very little to her too… that mocking Rauner getting 90% of his wants isn’t good enough… because… like Diana Rauner… like Bruce Rauner… Doctor Beth Purvis really cares nothing outside of an agenda…
… at least 90% of the time….
But that’s me flippantly saying 90%… right? Exactly right.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:21 am:
Vetoing a bill he finds 90 percent agreeable means he’s not going to sign anything he perceives interferes with his planned destruction of the state.
- Chicago 20 - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:23 am:
- “If each of us commits to serious negotiations based on mutual respect for our co-equal branches of government, there’s not a doubt in my mind we can come together to pass a balanced budget alongside reforms,” Rauner said. “If we work together, Illinois can be both compassionate and competitive.”
Or not.
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:25 am:
Where is Lucky Pierre saying this is Madigan’s fault?
- AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:29 am:
He’ll be here in 5.
- Epic - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:30 am:
This is a good example of the paradox of Rauner. He always wants to side with the popular opinion of the issue, but he also refuses to give his perceived enemies any type of win or assistance. Which is why we are getting the classic Rauner, “oh I totally support this but we need to do just one more thing before I can sign it” then in the background he will try to kill the bill and turn people against it.
The infuriating fact is that some people are going to believe his “Chicago bailout” story thanks to his years spent cultivating the down states hate of Chicago.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:36 am:
===Purvis said she views the extension as allowing for “continued conversations” that can produce legislation the governor could support.===
Superstars don’t negotiate. They have “continued conversations” until they get what they want. Try to keep up people. We are dealing with a Superstar here, not a mere bureaucrat.
Wake me when Manar passes a bill that screws CPS out of everything. Until then, let’s all just listen to the nice violin music playing over there by the big fire.
- Linus - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:40 am:
The next headline could very well be, “Rauner likes 97.8% of state budget passed by legislature–but will veto.”
I wish I were kidding.
- OurMagician - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:43 am:
What if all the money were going to Payton Prep? Would that make it more appealing Bruce?
- Coach - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:44 am:
Yes some famous people once said that to make this country great it takes compromise, compromise, and compromise! The famous people would be our founding fathers! Looks like the Governor needs a history lesson!
- Johnnie F. - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:49 am:
Just what exactly does Rauner support concerning education? So far all I can see is that he supports some element of early childhood so maybe his wife can have a “charity topic” for counrty club luncheons and boast about her advocacy for “the children”. All other aspects of public education are being held hostage will the hopes of destruction.
- Union thug - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:53 am:
How many still believe he bargins in good faith?
- @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:53 am:
Because it’s couched in business/economic terms, people twist themselves into knots looking for a logical rationale for his destructive behavior.
But if Rauner’s rigid fanaticism was the product of a religious belief, most of us would very quickly recognize it for what it is.
– MrJM
- Rod - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:59 am:
Governor Rauner I suspect finds the CPS funding component of SB 1 a convenient way to veto SB 1 because of its overall costs regardless of the additional cost relating to CPS. He can count well enough to know the existing income taxes and other taxes are over the 10 year period of funding increases imbedded in SB 1 are not sufficient and it cold drive additional tax increases. As usual Senator Manar prefers not to discuss the money needed to fund SB 1, let surprise the voters later. Political duplicity is nothing new for both Republicans and Democrats.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:59 am:
== When you get & acknowledge, thru your hand-picked “School Czar”, you’re getting 90% of what you want & STILL that’s not good enough… what does that say about Rauner, the man.==
It says Rauner believes HE bought the State and can do whatever HE wants with it.
- Curl of the Burl - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:59 am:
Then he should do an AV instead of a full veto. Quinn’s “rewrite to do right” was a goofy slogan but at least he took the time to attempt to make a purposeful change (that he believed needed to happen).
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:01 am:
Most every former Governor would have been elated to get 90% of what they wanted.
- winners and losers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:05 am:
==As usual Senator Manar prefers not to discuss the money needed to fund SB 1, let surprise the voters later. Political duplicity is nothing new for both Republicans and Democrats==
Senate Bill 1 is the result of the Rauner Commission, where Beth Purvis wrapped Andy Manar and Will Davis around her little finger.
Rauner/Purvis have almost completely beaten the Democrats, why not try for the other 10 percent?
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:06 am:
Quinn’s “rewrite to do right” That was Blago.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:09 am:
The governor’s behavior is only puzzling when you look at it through the lens of “governing.”
His real motivation is busting the unions and making the state subservient and indebted to bondholders - when viewed that way, it all makes perfect sense.
- the girl as no name - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:10 am:
@winners and losers
you are spot on once again.
- Chicago Guy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:15 am:
A friend ask me last night why the state was in such a mess. I commented that while Madigan was not blameless, the fundamental issue is Rauner does not know how to negotiate. He was 100% his way. What I don’t understand is in the business world he must have made concessions to get deals done. Why isn’t he making concessions as Governor?
- Curl of the Burl - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:21 am:
Skeptic - you are correct. It has been long enough that I must have blurred those lines.
- WhoKnew - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:23 am:
Forgive my naïveté governor , but isn’t the Line Item veto for the 10% you don’t like in a Bill?
- Fixer - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:24 am:
Chicago Guy, I’m guessing it has something to do with his vulture mentality. Pick the carcass of a company clean of everything usable after he bought it and then sell off the remaining bits to the highest bidder.
- Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:28 am:
If Rauner wanted to govern, he could take a lesson from Reagan who said:
“If you got seventy-five or eighty percent of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later, and that’s what I told these radical conservatives who never got used to it.”
But increasingly I fear this is not a bug but a feature. Rauner does not want to govern and does not want our state to succeed. It’s a disturbing prospect.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:30 am:
===the Line Item veto for the 10% you don’t like===
That’s for appropriations.
He has amendatory veto power on substantive bills, however.
But, really, even then it’s hard to justify using an AV over 10 percent. Take the win.
- walker - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 10:59 am:
If Rauner actually wanted an agreement, he would state clearly what language would move him to sign it, since he acknowledges it’s so close.
I took this veto promise as final confirmation that Rauner does not want a budget agreement at this time.
- Steve Rogers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:06 am:
The headline is only one offensive part. The picture of Purvis smiling is insulting to anyone in Illinois with a stake in school funding reform (i.e, everyone). I realize it’s a stock photo, but to pair that headline with that picture just makes her look like she doesn’t care about this subject.
- Chucktownian - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:15 am:
I’m so glad I only have to worry about this for less than three more weeks. Illinois it’s been great knowing you but it’s time to go. Your politicians at the top don’t care about anything but their own petty egos. Illinois gave us a preview of Trumpland a couple of years early.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:17 am:
===The picture of Purvis smiling is insulting to anyone in Illinois with a stake in school funding reform===
Not as insulting as her made-up title and the fact that she’s being overpaid from the Dept. of Human Services budget.
Has anyone seen James Meeks lately? Whatever happened to him?
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:48 am:
== What I don’t understand is in the business world he must have made concessions to get deals done. ==
Rauner bought, ordered, and sold. He didn’t negotiate. He trying to us that business model for government and it doesn’t work.
- blue dog dem - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:57 am:
I don’t give a darn about CPS. What I do care about, is the free spending governor who keeps telling us he is raising K-12 spending. Stop the madness. Everyone, including my grandchildren must pay for the sins of the state.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 12:08 pm:
==He trying to use that business model for government and it doesn’t work.==
Appears to be working for the governor, who doesn’t want it to work.
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:02 pm:
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 9:20 am: “He’s wiping out our public school system because of his extreme political views.”
VM, I feel Rauner is wiping out all public school system because he wants all schools turned over to the private sector. Rauner does not want to pay property taxes for any school his child does not attend.
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
What does Jim Meeks, ISBE’s chairman of the board, think about this education funding reform bill?
- Rauners Carhart Costume - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:09 pm:
I wonder why we still do not have a budget after 700+ days.
Pritzker camp, please capitalize on this. If Rauner won’t sign a deal where he gets 90% of what he wants, will he ever sign a budget? How do we know if he gets 51% that he won’t veto?
- W Flag - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:18 pm:
Memo to Bruce and “Melvin” Purvis from Mick and Keith:
You can’t always get what you want!
Take the 90% and deal for the remainder in the future.
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:41 pm:
Rich, where did Beth Purvis come from before she became IL’s education czar? What did she accomplish there?
- Mama - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:43 pm:
Rich, as always, you wrote a good article or education, etc..
- Sue - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 1:57 pm:
Why pick on Purvis- she is perhaps the most qualified person in Rauners cabinet- she has a Phd in education- was on the faculty at Circle and Northwestelrn and ran a large charter school consortium- the decision to veto is Made by the Governor not from someone who took a pay cut to try and improve the school system
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:08 pm:
===Why pick on Purvis…===
1) She chose to speak and respond as she did. No one forced her to do so.
2) Purvis’ role and position seems unorthodox in the chain of leadership within both Education and Cabinet Level positions that existed before her own appointment, in a title yet to be framed beyond that title, ambiguous to responsibilities within or inherit to this new position, that allegedly were not being covered by others before the job’s creation.
3) Giving insight that may draw an unfavorable light to her boss or the adminstration should be scrutinized, and questioned, and her created role in the administration automatically brings scrutiny, not unlike any other appointee that speaks, especially in the framing of administration framing and/or possible movements, exactly like her fellow appointees would too.
- winners and losers - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:31 pm:
==someone who took a pay cut==
$250,000 a year Beth Purvis took a pay cut? How much was the Charter School paying her?
Oswego Willy makes the relevant points.
Purvis earned every penny of her State pay as Chair of the Rauner Commission which resulted in SB 1 as passed by the House and Senate.
Now when she is out in public alternately defending and criticizing SB 1, she deserves scrutiny, not sympathy.
- don the legend - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 2:56 pm:
I thought Purvis worked for Human Services. Silly me!
- Rabid - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:16 pm:
Stellar intelligence from governor’s superstar mouthpiece
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 3:37 pm:
–Why pick on Purvis- she is perhaps the most qualified person in Rauners cabinet—
Really? What department do you run as a contract employee at DHS?
What does the State Superintendent of Education do — also at $250K? Collect milk money?
Two of everythin’ — Rauner must be buildin’ an ark in that pristine workshop. Just a streamlinin’ fiscal conservative gettin’ rid of waste, fraud and abuse.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 6:19 pm:
== Two of everythin’ ==
You know, if we had a independent GA and a actual budget, abuses like this could be explicitly non-appropriated.
Maybe that’s Rauner doesn’t want a budget … he wants the waste and duplication to continue
- Johnny Justice - Tuesday, Jun 13, 17 @ 11:09 pm:
If you get 90% of what you want in a bill and you are a rational Governor, you either 1) sign the bill; or 2) amendatorily veto the bill, removing the part you don’t like. Rauner acts like he doesn’t know how to use his amendatory veto powers. Sad!
- facts are stubborn things - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 6:51 am:
problems are solved in moderation and not the extreme. There are three co equal branches of government. For a republican Gov. to get 90% of what he wants with a democratic legislature is as good as it probably gets.