Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - Harris, Brown respond - Cullerton office responds - Biss responds *** A quick look at the GOP’s new plan, which Rauner supports
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*** UPDATED x3 - Harris, Brown respond - Cullerton office responds - Biss responds *** A quick look at the GOP’s new plan, which Rauner supports

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* An analysis of the new Republican budget/reform plan can be read by clicking here. No legislation has been filed as I write this. I’ll update with bill numbers when I get them. You can hear the entire GOP press conference by clicking here. The GOP press release is here.

* As expected, there was lots of hyperpartisanship on display at today’s Republican press conference to unveil their new budget and reform plan, which they said would be signed by Gov. Rauner if it was passed.

House GOP Leader Jim Durkin, for instance, said Speaker Madigan’s members should “no longer put up with Madigan’s my way or the highway” approach. He said if an agreement could not be reached by the end of June, it would all be on Madigan’s head.

Leader Durkin insisted that the Republicans would not settle for “reform light” and that the final plan must be in “substantial compliance” with the proposals set forth today. If the Democrats counter with something that is “significantly diluted,” he said he and the governor wouldn’t accept it.

Sen. Karen McConnaughay said that the two sides were “very close” on an agreement in the Senate, but that the bills the Senate actually passed “didn’t reflect what we had been negotiating.” McConnaughay said it was the Democrats who “walked away” from the talks.

Sen. Dale Righter insisted that the package presented today “are compromises,” claiming “We’re putting on paper what the Democratic majority said they needed in the meetings… So, we are already there.”

* But is this really a compromise? The Senate Democrats ultimately rejected a four-year property tax freeze, but the Republicans say their four-year freeze is a compromise from Rauner’s permanent freeze - except the governor has been saying for weeks that he wants a four-year freeze.

A local government consolidation bill has already passed, but the Republicans now say they want to allow voters to initiate referendums on their own to consolidate government. This is another demand from the governor’s office, which had quietly threatened to veto the previous consolidation bill. Rank and file Republicans promised they’d push for a trailer bill if he agreed to sign it, and this proposal is apparently that plan.

The education funding reform bill “compromise” seems mainly targeted at Chicago, reducing many of the gains CPS made with the Democrats’ bill.

And the term limits proposal expands the concept from the originally agreed (in the Senate) limit on legislative leaders to include all constitutional officers.

* The Republicans also want a “hard” spending cap of $36 billion over four years. The Senate Democrats’ bill spent over $37 billion.

The budget proposal would also cut revenue sharing to local governments (which would, remember, have their property taxes capped) and transit agencies.

Again, we don’t have a detailed analysis, so I can’t tell you much more besides what’s in the GOP analysis.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Sen. Daniel Biss…

“Today’s press conference was more of the same from Bruce Rauner and the politicians he controls. Our state and its people are suffering while Bruce Rauner, the well-connected and their millionaire friends will continue to be just fine. There aren’t enough slick talking points, fancy poster boards or campaign commercials to change that. Until Speaker Madigan and Bruce Rauner sit down with each other - face to face - and hammer out a compromise, our state will continue down a path towards bankruptcy.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Senate President Cullerton’s spokesman John Patterson via text…

Hmm. Kinda speaks for itself. I don’t think three-page press releases are what Illinois needs. I hope there is real legislative language coming to back this up, language that rank-and-file Republicans will support and that the governor is committed to signing. Bipartisan compromise is the only way out of this now that the May 31 deadline passed. But a Republicans-only press conference in mid June doesn’t exactly scream bipartisanship. Where’s this plan been hiding the last six months?

* From the Senate Republicans…

Sen. Brady will be filing the budget, and Sen. Barickman will be filing the school funding measure, this afternoon.

The reform components of the Capitol Compromise will be introduced in the House.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Greg Hinz

Rep. Greg Harris, D-Chicago, Madigan’s point person on budget items, was restrained.

“I’m glad they did it. I’m glad they just laid out their position,” he told me.

But without review, the plan at first glance seems to be based mostly on old proposals, Harris added. “There are some things in there that Democrats and Republicans could support. There are some things that our caucus has not supported in the past. The devil’s in the details. It will take some time (to review.)

Somewhat more negative was Madigan spokesman Steve Brown: “Most of these ideas have been considered by the House in the past. I’m not sure whether any of it is a compromise.”

Neither Brown nor Harris would say when the House might vote on a budget, either the one that’s already cleared the Senate or one of their own.


  1. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    This is another example of Rauner having no idea how state government works and how governing is supposed to work.

  2. - Harvest76 - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    Is it titled the “Pretend Minority Status Isn’t a Real Thing Act”? Because the way Durkin talks, he doesn’t recognize that he is not in a position to make demands on substance or process.

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    This 11th hour “take-it-or-leave-it” package seems to have omitted any reference to an income tax hike. Which HGOP is going to sponsor that, and how high will the Republicans raise it?

    This is the same horrible package that’s been repeatedly rejected, not just by the Democrats, but by local government leaders across the state. It’s not a serious plan and represents no real compromise.

  4. - Maverick - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    Well that’s not going anywhere. So they want a term limit on all constitutional offices now. Let’s see in a Blue State let’s give the R’s a chance at also winning by upset every 8 years. WRONG as my uncle Bernie use to say!!!

  5. - unspun - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    This is a retread of the same stale proposals (except where it’s more extreme than before). It’s not about policy with Rauner, it’s about political cover for the ending fiscal year and his 3rd year of failure.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:26 pm:

    At first blush, with hyper-partisan Raunerism dripping off the frame…

    … this is Rauner using that $850,000 towards “Gibe me cover against ‘Bruce Rauner fails’ by hatching a plan, make the pitch seem overtly pointed and negative, and make sure ‘because… Madigan!’ is front and center.”

    Not bad for $850,000.

    You get sham ideas, you get blame of Madigan first, you even get the phony rationale of Rauner blowing up both Grand Bargains, I mean, if owned two whole caucuses to confer you from “Skyhook, in reverse”, this is $850,000 well spent.

    The tone alone… without using a passed Grand Bargain as absolute honest leverage against Madigan… this is hollow to the honesty of governing, but it sure does try to help Rauner with “because… Madigan!”.

    It’s embarrassing.

  7. - Because I said so.... - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    Not only does this not address new revenues, it also fails to mention funding to social services and higher ed that have been starved the past two years. Is the plan to kick them both to the curb like he has been doing?
    “Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda”.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:29 pm:



    ===Leader Durkin insisted that the Republicans would not settle for “reform light” and that the final plan must be in “substantial compliance” with the proposals set forth today.====

    Yeah, this is how willing partners get 60/30 or now needed 71/36.

    Goldberg would call this a sham proposal just on that language, lol

  9. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    so the Dems need to go publicly ask all the GOP mayors on the tecord if they support the tevenue tesuctions and property tax freezes.

  10. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===The Republicans also want a “hard” spending cap of $36 billion over four years. The Senate Democrats’ bill spent over $37 billion.===

    The governor’s own budget proposal spent $37 billion, and he didn’t even have the courage to include the tax hike he needed to balance it…he waited for the Senate to do that.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    ===Not only does this not address new revenues, it also fails to mention funding to social services and higher ed that have been starved the past two years.===

    This is the Durkin Plan; the Raunerism Plan…

    Destroying higher ed and social services are working so well, why fully fund either?

    We have Raunerite members in both chambers refusing to stand up for their universities.

    I can’t see Raunerites wanting social services or higher ed as any sort of priority for Raunerite caucus members.

    That’s real.

  12. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    OK, I see what they did with the income tax. They said they’ll “accept” the “Democrat-passed” (sic) revenue bill (SB9). Lol, thanks for the added insult, nice touch.

    But since they also want to change the effective date and add a sunset provision, my sense is that the HGOPs will need to put all 47 members onto a new bill that raises the income tax.

    Compromise? Not. Even. Close.

  13. - ILPundit - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    Repeat it with me:

    He. Does. Not. Want. A. Budget.

    Figure it out folks

  14. - Dude - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    Okay… now that there are proposals from both sides on the table, let’s see if they can close the gaps and get something passed without one of the big heads blowing it up.

  15. - dqaef - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    show me the MOU.

  16. - Shake - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Rauner’s GOP Doesn’t Have A Clue? This Is Sad For ILLINOIS?

  17. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    The ole’ motto “If you gotta do something, don’t do nothing, and make it look like something..

  18. - unspun - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    For anyone that is out there blaming Dems or their leaders for no budget, please watch this press conference. The reason we have no budget is that Rauner and the 2 caucuses that he owns (72% of GOP funds come from him) won’t vote on a budget until their demands are met.
    It’s right here on color TV. “We won’t vote for a budget unless…”

  19. - Franklin Delano Bluth - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    Biss response leaves a lot to be desired…. These people complain about all the power Madigan and Rauner have yet want Madigan and Rauner to sit down together and “hammer this thing out”.

    Obviously both Madigan and Rauner will be the largest factors in getting a budget deal done; but this weird fascination/fantasy of those two just sitting in a room and coming up with a budget is so hackneyed that it almost makes me physically ill. It’s going to take everyone in the GA and the Governor’s office to get this thing done.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:46 pm:

    To an Update,

    ===Bipartisan compromise is the only way out of this now that the May 31 deadline passed. But a Republicans-only press conference in mid June doesn’t exactly scream bipartisanship.===

    This is why Patterson doesn’t need a Word Jumble.

    Yikes is that really good. Like, embarrassing for Raunerites, good.

    “…a Republicans-only press conference in mid June doesn’t exactly scream bipartisanship.”


  21. - winners and losers - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    47th Ward: Yes, the Senate income tax increase, limited to 4 years, with a 4 year property tax increase (all effective July 1, instead of retroactive to January 1), plus the other taxes in SB 9.

    Freeze spending for 4 years?

    Appropriate $250 million (instead of the $350 million promised) to fund SB 1? (Of course it would take $800 million a year INCREASE for 10 years to really fund SB 1 PLUS Billions more to build the schools and classrooms to reduce class size as stated in one of the 27 elements of SB 1.)

  22. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:49 pm:

    ===plus the other taxes in SB 9.===

    They’ll need a new bill to do all of that. I think Jeanne Ives would be a great sponsor of that legislation too.

  23. - Ginhhouse Tommy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    Sounds like this budget proposal would really put local govts. in a bind. If you want details wait till RNUG posts. He’s great on picking apart the fine print.

  24. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    Waiting on Madigan’s proposal. Let’s all collectively hold our breath.

  25. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    The GOP bill MIGHT make it through the Senate more or less intact, but there WILL be changes in the House.

    I expect Rauner is running this set of bills just show he is “reasonable”. It’s all for show for the campaign. If he really wanted a budget, he would have grabbed the House D one and ran with it.

  26. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    Substantial Compromise- if all 47 members of the House GOP Caucus won’t vote for it I’m betting Speaker doesn’t move it. If you change the bill at all it has to come back for concurrence. Means Cullerton can hold until all 22 members in the Senate GOP vote for it.
    So to get this right Rauner is going to have to put all 69 members of the GOP on a tax increase, as well as every Mayor being upset with revenue loss and a school funding formula that no way has numbers ready before voting on?
    Going into an election year? I’ll believe it when I see it.

  27. - GOP Extremist - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    Rather than pointing fingers and holding sham press conferences, career politicians like Leader Durkin who helped create Illinois’ fiscal nightmare should no longer put up with Rauner’s my way or face a well funded primary approach and work to pass a bipartisan balanced budget.

  28. - Fixer - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    Another Raunerite press conference, another move of the goal posts.

    I’m glad the Senate minority leader wasn’t a part of this. She’s at least been willing to try to compromise and make something work. This is just embarrassing to the actual republican politicians in the GA.

  29. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 12:58 pm:

    == If you want details wait till RNUG posts. He’s great on picking apart the fine print. ==

    Thanks, but I’m not planning on digging into it. Got other things I have to do today.

  30. - Worried PhD Student - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:00 pm:

    Getting into a doctorate program at SIU was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. But, now, I can’t stop crying. I worry all the time. My advisor says that my department is doing okay, but I can’t stop worrying that SIU will close and I’ll be nowhere. My advisor is the only person who really gave me a chance, no other university will. Then, I’ll never be able to get a full-time job with a living wage.

  31. - Perrid - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    “House GOP Leader Jim Durkin, for instance, said Speaker Madigan’s members should “no longer put up with Madigan’s my way or the highway” approach.”

    Pot, meet kettle. And also, I like Cullerton’s snark at the end there.

  32. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:06 pm:

    If it starts or continues a conversation toward resolution, it’s a step in the right direction. Over the next couple of days we’ll see how big of a step it is. Now that each side has gotten it’s licks in.

  33. - sonny chiss - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:08 pm:

    “accepts Democrat passed revenue bill”….Hilarious. Translation - “we want the tax increase just as much as you do, the only thing we want more is for you to take the blame for it.

  34. - My button is broke... - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:15 pm:

    To the property tax freeze, between the taxes paid in 2015 and 2016, school districts received a $419 million increase. Assuming the increase is average (it was a 2.3% increase), is the GA willing to increase education funding by $419 million EACH year to make up for the property tax freeze?

  35. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:15 pm:

    1. Rauner will have to identity the additional billion dollars in cuts from his original spending plan. That plan already counted phony savings from pensions and procurement.
    2. The budget trades avoiding the immediate collapse of the state in return for creating conditions that will cripple local governments. Die now or die later.
    3. Term limits on Constitutional Officers is an idea I support. But I want it argued on its merits, not as part of a hostage negotiation.
    4. Like others, this seems more for political cover than a serious attempt to get a budget.

  36. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    ===If it starts or continues a conversation toward resolution===

    The time for this counter-proposal was in March, after the Cullerton-Radogno plan was torpedoed. How long was Rauner planning to wait to put his plan down on paper?

    No, this isn’t an attempt to move the conversation closer to a resolution. This is an exercise is blame-shifting and CYA. And it’s pathetically transparent.

  37. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    Like all negotiations nothing is final till you get both sides to sign off. sun-setting the tax increase and the property tax freeze after four years is a nice compromise. Illinois needs fiscal discipline and this will help. Your move MJM

  38. - Lech W - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:24 pm:

    - My button is broke…

    “To the property tax freeze, between the taxes paid in 2015 and 2016, school districts received a $419 million increase. Assuming the increase is average (it was a 2.3% increase), is the GA willing to increase education funding by $419 million EACH year to make up for the property tax freeze?”

    The School districts will have to do something they have not been asked to do until now - find ways to live within their means for 4 years.

  39. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:29 pm:

    I’m kinda surprised we got this far into June before the finger pointing and blame shifting began in earnest.

  40. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    All of these plans have “fake” savings in them. Any budget that relies on savings from pensions or group insurance is out of balance right off the bat. And freezing property taxes AND cutting local government revenue is just going to create another crisis at the local government level. Are we trying to see how many entities we can get bond ratings lowered for?

  41. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    ==sun-setting the tax increase and the property tax freeze after four years is a nice compromise==

    A sunset is what helped us get to this point in the first place. If you’re going to pass a tax increase pass it and be done with it. No sunsets. That only creates another crisis in 4 years.

  42. - Is this what that check bought Rauner - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    @jim durkin, do you own a mirror? The democrats should ” no longer put up with madigan’s my way or the highway”. sir you are a Hypocrite. In one breath you say madigan is bad because it must be madigan’s way then you say the governor’s way is the only way.

    We all know you are bought and paid for( see the A-1s), your opinion on any subject is irrelevant and your credibility is zero.

  43. - REALLY - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    After receiving a very large check the GOP comes out with a proposal that is exactly what the governor wants?

    That’s not compromise that is politics to try and knock the stink off and push the blame

  44. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    Governor Rauner pretending to do something? Wow, those internal polling numbers must be really bad….

  45. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    They claim to be about a billion apart on taxes and spending. That’s nothing,

    So why not square that and pass a budget?

    It’s a “budget impasse,” right? Passing a budget is the most important thing, correct?

    So do the most important thing. If you’re sincere.

  46. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:46 pm:

    - What was Leader Radogno?

    - Why does Leader Durkin say the Dems need to stop following Madigan’s “my way or the highway,” only to then turnaround and say that the Dems need to get on board with the Rauner/Durkin “my way or the highway” plan?

    - Why are Rauner/Durkin moving the goal posts (again), this time on the spending number?

  47. - Bad memory - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    Is my memory bad or didn’t the senate have hearing with each department director and GOMB director and ask for the budget cuts each agency planned to make? And the governor’s staff provided nothing

  48. - Chicagonk - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    Let’s get it done. Even if the budget has fake savings built in, it sure beats the current situation. Considering the initial positions Rauner took, I think that the Dems can look at this proposal as a win.

  49. - up2now - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    If you want to know how all of this ends, I think these lyrics from the Crosby, Stills and Nash song “Wooden Ships” might be instructive:
    “I can see by your coat, my friend/
    You’re from the other side/
    There’s just one thing I got to know/
    Can you tell me please, who won?”

  50. - Michelle Flaherty - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:24 pm:

    Is the ILGOP now going to target Republicans for backing a massive tax hike?

  51. - jj471 - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    I’m a Republican and didn’t vote for Rauner. GOP press conference just reinforced why.

  52. - Dick Butka - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    - Bad memory - You are correct! They called everyone and not one of Rauner’s agency heads could name a cut.

    But what does it matter? The GOPers are printin’ their campaign mail headlines now talkin’ about cuttin’ spendin’.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    ===The [University of Illinois] has lost more than $750 million in state funding over the last two years, UI President Tim Killeen noted during his annual meeting with the faculty Monday.

    “That’s three-quarters of a billion dollars. That’s a lot,” Killeen told a couple of faculty members lamenting cuts in their units. “We are under huge stress, and Rome is burning around us. These are not normal times.”===

    That was November, 2016.

    Killeen - “Rome is burning!”

    - Piece of Work - … “Everything is great!”

    I know, - Piece of Work -, “you know”… “YOU know”…

    Hmm. I trust Killeen.

  54. - jj471 - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 3:21 pm:

    Maybe the gov could dump some of his campaign cash he donating and put into grf so we can pay bills.

  55. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 3:36 pm:

    =Killeen - “Rome is burning!”

    - Piece of Work - … “Everything is great!”

    I know, - Piece of Work -, “you know”… “YOU know”…

    Hmm. I trust Killeen. =

    Just blasted my screen with the water I was drinking when I read that one.


  56. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 3:46 pm:

    - J S Mill -

    Sorry about that.

    Losing, at the time, 6 months ago, $750 million, and thinking everything is great… So, I’m sorry.

  57. - The Real Just Me - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 3:51 pm:

    I don’t get it. What is Leader Durkin threatening to do if he does not get “substantial compliance”? Shut down the government?

  58. - JAH - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 4:05 pm:

    At least they will have something to do (kill) when the Governor foolishly calls them back for Special Session
    6-20 thru 6-30

  59. - GOP voter - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    If this is what Rauner and the GOP runs on, I’m not voting. How demoralizing.

  60. - Biscuit Head - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 4:28 pm:

    “I’m a Republican and didn’t vote for Rauner. GOP press conference just reinforced why.”
    “If this is what Rauner and the GOP runs on, I’m not voting. How demoralizing.”

    I thought I was a Republican. I even voted for Rauner but his act kept me from voting for Trump. After seeing what the Republicans do when they get in office (Gov, US Congress, US President) I’ve decided I’m not a Republican after all.

    I’m not a Democrat I don’t think but I damn sure will be voting for every one I can for the foreseeable future.

  61. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Declare the governor’s proposal “unbalanced.”

    Argue they need to show where they would cut the governor’s spending by $1 billion, and how they plan to plug the remaining $3.5 billion spending gap.

    More phony pension savings?

    More “Workin’ on it”?

  62. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Wednesday, Jun 14, 17 @ 4:53 pm:

    It still appears as though 90 percent of what he wants is not good enough for Bruce Rauner and the lawmakers he controls.

    Democrats should not make a counter offer. They should not even treat this as a serious proposal. Serious compromises are not made via press conference.

    This event was nothing more than an effort to divert blame from Governor Rauner for killing the Grand Bargain when the schools fail to open this fall and the villagers break out their pitchforks and torches.

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