* From House Speaker Michael Madigan…
“We have stated unequivocally that a resolution to the governor’s budget crisis—which has resulted in eight credit downgrades and tripled the state’s debt—must be our top priority. Wherever we can compromise with the governor without hurting middle-class families, Democrats have worked to find common ground so we can get the governor to work with us and pass a balanced budget, but he has refused to do so. Per the governor’s request, House Democrats have voted to cut property taxes, reform workers’ compensation, make changes that will improve the business climate and level the playing field for small and medium-sized businesses, reform the state procurement code and sell the Thompson Center. With each attempt to meet Governor Rauner half way, we urged him to return to the table to negotiate a state budget. The governor refused.
“Since the adjournment of the spring session, Democrats have continued our work on the budget. At a budget hearing this month, legislators listened to mothers of children with developmental disabilities, including one woman whose son had to be institutionalized because the governor’s crisis has blocked access to in-home care. A survivor of sexual assault called on the governor to come back to the table and end the crisis. Those who spoke were in agreement: People’s lives are on the line, and it’s time to act. The governor responded by calling them ‘props’ and dismissing the entire hearing as a ‘sham.’ Casting aside those most directly affected by Governor Rauner’s budget crisis is no way to move forward.
“House Democrats will continue our work on the budget from Springfield, but as Governor Rauner has met each of our attempts to date with refusal, it’s clear that the onus is on the governor to show that he is finally serious about working in good faith to end the crisis he has manufactured.”
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:01 pm:
Could have stopped after the first paragraph.
- John Rawlss - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:02 pm:
This “hurt middle class families” stuff needs to stop. Nothing in the Gov’s agenda hurts middle class families. Mike Madigan has done more harm to the middle class in this state than any policy governor rauner has ever proposed.
- KAA-boom - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:02 pm:
“With each attempt to meet Governor Rauner half way,…”
Not even close.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:04 pm:
== “With each attempt to meet Governor Rauner half way,…”
Not even close. ==
True. In some cases, the D’s moved a lot more than halfway.
- Chairman McBroom - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:07 pm:
What an absurd statement. If Madigan refuses to give the Senate Dem proposal or the GOP proposal a vote without introducing his own budget, he and his caucus will be feeling the pain in 2018.
- The Captain - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:08 pm:
Good, well done and exactly the right response.
- Southern - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:09 pm:
== == “With each attempt to meet Governor Rauner half way,…”
Not even close. ==
True. In some cases, the D’s moved a lot more than halfway. ==
Perfect encapsulation of the non-productive posturing that puts us 715 days without a budget.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:09 pm:
Tone deaf, that MJM. Put your ear to the ground Mike and you may realize more people blame you than Rauner. Putting the hurt to Illinois since 1971.
- Fixer - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:09 pm:
I guess Raunerites feel Democrats should just now down and worship their god, same as them…
- sharkette - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:10 pm:
It’s amazing how most of the facts are not stated in Madigan’s response. Such as the agreed to meetings agenda was changed:
to starting with eliminating the grand bargain verbiage so each bill could go to the floor separately and pass individually.
Followed by workers comp reform, does not acually change the formula to assessing it, which was agreed to in the meetings, Along with fair school funding, agreed to by all, and that too the Dems brought for a vote totally changed to what was previously agreed to. Along with the agreed to pension piece also agreed to submitted to the Dems, and returned to the floor for a vote also not what was agreed to.
It’s is amazing he leaves out the remaining part of each sentence.
Which is we red-lined what we agreed to so we can now say we did what we were asked. Which is not at all what was compromised for and together by both parties.
Or maybe he just does not know since he has not bothered to participate..
Maybe to much work at his other job to cover,, right now.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:11 pm:
===”…it’s clear that the onus is on the governor to show that he is finally serious about working in good faith to end the crisis he has manufactured.”===
This would’ve been more impactful months and months and months ago… but Democrats flat out refused to engage in messaging Rauner has owned, and Drmocrats continue to cede the messaging field to Rauner, less statements like these, that are important and purposeful to explain their side…. but get eventually swamped by the vertical integration owning the messaging day.
These past two-plus years was lost in large part to being beaten, not by a better or stronger, or more honest message, but Rauner’s messaging wind just by showing up.
This is a really strong message, but… will it be heard?
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:11 pm:
“We have stated unequivocally that a resolution to the governor’s budget crisis…”, and with that phrase, Madigan handed Rauner his Carhartt.
Agree with RNUG that the first paragraph was all that was needed. The rest is just a repeat of Madigan’s statement from the other day. It means nothing to Rauner who has his fingers in his ears as he “Lah, Lah, Lahs”.
- EVanstonian - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:12 pm:
How has the Dem messaging not been “Thank you for finally coming to the table, we look forward to negotiating with you. We’ve had to pass things by ourselves for the last two years, we’re extremely happy to hear the GOP is willing to negotiate and compromise.”
Then, if they stop compromising and this turns out to be the farce we all expect it to be, you can call it a sham in two weeks and look like you actually wanted a budget.
The Speaker’s messaging is very weak.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:12 pm:
House Democrats will continue their work on the budget
D’s moved more than halfway?
They started hearings after the session ended
- northsider (the original) - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:12 pm:
This statement seems to be fact based.
Reality stings, but it’s where we are as opposed to the puffery of Governor Fantasy Island’s special session cruise.
- JoeMaddon - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:15 pm:
**They started hearings after the session ended**
Oh? Did you miss the budget hearings in May?
- Alternative Logic - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:16 pm:
—Nothing in the Gov’s agenda hurts middle class families. —
Unless your middle class family relies upon prevailing wages, not getting hurt at work, assistance with childcare while attempting to become a more “productive” member of society and/or transitioning out of prison, family members reliant upon meals on wheels, Lutheran Social Services, loans for college, DCFS oversight and/or the pulbic school system up through the university level.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:17 pm:
===They started hearings after the session ended===
… and Rauner started to visit people in staged events statewide…
Your point? lol
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:21 pm:
EVanstonian, that was actually the Cullerton response, which was quite good https://capitolfax.com/2017/06/15/rauner-calls-10-day-special-session/
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:28 pm:
There will not be a tax increase until the governor asks for one.
- Mama - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:31 pm:
Runer is working in good faith to make Illinois better? LOL!
Why did they wait until the Spring session was over???
- Mad again - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:34 pm:
Why does no one want a budget? Insane. Everyone is acting like a child and should be kicked out of office swiftly. Democrats that cow to Madigan should be the first to go.
- JPC - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:36 pm:
What alternative Logic said:
“—Nothing in the Gov’s agenda hurts middle class families. —
Unless your middle class family relies upon prevailing wages, not getting hurt at work, assistance with childcare while attempting to become a more “productive” member of society and/or transitioning out of prison, family members reliant upon meals on wheels, Lutheran Social Services, loans for college, DCFS oversight and/or the pulbic school system up through the university level. ”
The fact is, we’re in a crisis in part because people in their 30s-40s-50s, etc. had access to public goods on the promise of paying for them later. Their plan now to pay for them is to deny them to future generations. That’s not how it should work.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:39 pm:
MJM should just retire and let Lou Lang take over. There, solved it for you.
- Sideline Watcher - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:40 pm:
Mad Again..And what say you about the Republicans who won’t stand up to Rauner? He’s such a benevolent dictator that at least he gives millions of bucks right before he asks them to do something.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:43 pm:
Lou Lang said publicly there would be no budget for Rauner’s entire term
Hard to see how that would be an improvement over the Speaker’s “cooperative and professional” work on the budget with the Senate and the Governor.
On second thought it can’t be any worse
- just tired - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:46 pm:
Wish the speaker spoke more and in American. How does one respond to the GOP plan when they basically say
Here is our first and final offer now let’s negotiate.
The only concession is not a concession it is finally realizing cuts alone cannot fix the budget.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:52 pm:
===Lang said publicly there would be no budget for Rauner’s entire term
Hard to see how that would be an improvement over the Speaker’s “cooperative and professional” work on the budget with the Senate and the Governor.
On second thought it can’t be any worse===
As an Owl once hooted…
Who could be that Dem that doesn’t agree with what Madigan is saying here, can get Rauner passage of his agenda or even a budget, and would still not sell out core Democratic principals.
I’ll give you the rest of the afternoon to come up with that name… oh, and they have to get 60 votes to actually BE the Speaker too.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 1:57 pm:
As an Illinoisan, I can end this horrible problem with my vote. I do not live in Madigan’s district, but I will vote to end it by voting out the governor. That’s all I can do. So hearing the Governor blame Madigan is a nonsensical argument for 95% of Illinoisans. Waiting for Madigan to lose reelection is not an option. Only one guy gets statewide support and gubernatorial powers and it isn’t Madigan. I will not permit my vote to continue this disaster. Guess who loses?
Democrats must tell Rauner supporters that Rauner raised their taxes while delivering worse government. They need to stop it with their sad tales of woe that Democrats have experienced. “hurting middle class families” is not clear enough. Tell Rauner supporters how much they lost and will continue to lose because of Rauner’s methods of poor governing.
Tell Rauner supporters the truth: Rauner wasted their tax money pursuing policies that would never make up the losses they’ve suffered because of Rauner’s failure and mismanagement.
- EVanstonian - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
Thanks Rich! Missed that one, just saw the statement from Cullerton’s office from yesterday about “we’ll take a look.”
Still, its from the wrong half of the assembly. We’re not two years in the midst of a Blame Cullerton campaign. If the Speaker’s messaging was more Hey happy to see you (he doesn’t even have to mean it!) I think he’d get more results from playing the victim card when Rauner eventually goes to pull the rug out.
Another commenter pointed out the Charlie Brown-Lucy-Football thing happening here. Nobody hated Charlie Brown, or wanted Charlie Brown’s show to be term-limited, when he played the (in this case willing) dupe.
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:03 pm:
One word for Republicans contemplating a Raunerite conversion…. Kansas.
- illinoised - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:05 pm:
What Vanilla Man said. I live in a town full of people who voted for Rauner, and a fair amount of them say they were duped, will vote for his Dem opponent the next time.
- Signal and Noise - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:08 pm:
“Nothing in the Gov’s agenda hurts middle class families”
Except for all that stuff about workers comp, trying to break the backs of labor unions, refusing to accept a living wage. Nope, Gov. Carhart loves him some workin families.
- JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:13 pm:
==Nothing in the Gov’s agenda hurts middle class families.==
I’m middle class. We’re still getting bills from the hospital from when my daughter was born July 2015. That hurts our ability to plan. My wife and I both work for universities. His attacks on unions, pensions, and the schools themselves all hurt us. He wants to change prevailing wage. THat would hurt the middle class. Right-to-work, same thing. Worker’s compensation causation would hurt the middle class. on and on
- Winnin' - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:14 pm:
So Madigan should have added a P.S. addressed to Rauner, Durkin’ and the IPI:
“For every one of those flyers and robo calls you sent out attacking House Democrat members, you’re going to need to find a GOP member to vote “yes”.
- JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:16 pm:
==Lou Lang said publicly there would be no budget for Rauner’s entire term
Hard to see how that would be an improvement==
Now you’re starting to understand how absurd the obsessive focus on Madigan is.
- Winnin' - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:16 pm:
Waiting for the Tribune editorial criticizing Rauner’s payoff to Republican members.
- Deft Wing - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:28 pm:
Oh yeah that really rolls off the tongue that statement right there. LOL!
- AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:29 pm:
Anyone who thinks this is a bad messaging has, I’m afraid, been lost to the world of 140 characters or less.
- Geesh - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:38 pm:
Kudos to VanillaMan @1:57. Eloquently verbalized my feelings. I voted for Rauner and expected results but have seen my state suffer. Are we better off now or have the potential to be better off by the end of his first term? No. I’m not going to make that mistake again. Speaker Madigan’s bloodthirsty tactics to maintain his power rather than doing the right thing is also cancerous for the state, but I guess we don’t have a cure for that particular cancer as yet.
- NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:40 pm:
No one can just admit they are at fault here. IF they don’t get a budget then everyone needs to get gone and be quick about it. We definitely need a 3rd party that will focus on the budget.
- EVanstonian - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 2:55 pm:
AlfondoGonz, I think this is bad messaging because it’s not encouraging a budget solution. Worst thing that could happen to Gov Rauner’s re-elect would be that he owns a bad budget. Can’t blame people for something he has to sign; can’t call yourself a leader if someone else forced you to do something.
The messaging for two and a half years has been “we’re protecting the middle class” and yet since 2008 fewer folks (especially the young or female or minority voters that his party relies on for votes) identify as middle class.
The days of Madigan messaging working in Northbrook or Naperville are almost over due to Rauner’s constant campaigning against the man as an institution. Time to change the game, smile, and set a new political trap. I advocate for one that asks two questions after thanking the GOP for coming: one, where have you been, two, what took you so long?
- Lance Mannion - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 3:03 pm:
It’s the epitome of bad messaging.
“Great job, Brownie!”
- W Flag - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 3:17 pm:
How are middle class families faring under the property tax assessments racket, Mister Speaker.
Even the Sun-Times editorial board delivered a hit against the assessments which favor the wealthy and penalize the poor. That’s like Pravda going against the Kremlin.
Get your members in line and pass a budget.
- Rico - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 3:36 pm:
Just plain laugheable. Yeah. We got here in two years
- JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
==Just plain laugheable. Yeah. We got here in two years==
We didn’t entirely get in this mess in two years, but it’s absolutely undeniable it’s gotten worse under the “leadership” of Governor Rauner. 8 credit downgrades, a tripling of our backlog of bills, and the cratering of social service providers and universities speak for themselves
- Ron - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 3:49 pm:
The state pensions are simply crowding out other spending. This is what has to happen. If it means less services, so be it.
- cgo75 - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 4:02 pm:
The press releases on both sides need to stop. Quit trying to make the case through the media and actually hammer out the details in meetings and continue to hammer until something comes to fruition. Anything other than that signals that neither side is serious about a budget.
- JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
==The press releases on both sides need to stop. Quit trying to make the case through the media and actually hammer out the details in meetings and continue to hammer until something comes to fruition.==
They did this less than 3 months ago and then Rauner told all his lemmings to vote no on the bargain struck
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 4:06 pm:
Rauner didn’t tell us that his reforms were dependent upon forcing Madigan out of office, electing ILGOP into the majority, sacrificing our credit, running up our bills towards $20 Billion, forcing our community organizations into bankruptsy, having judges step in to run our state, not propose a balanced budget - ever, starving Chicago, shut down our infastructure - did he?
Rauner told us that he could work with Springfield, didn’t he? He could run Illinois government efficiently, right? Take “the arrows” and not fingerpoint, right?
What’s the matter with you people who want to blame a speaker, you have had no control over the past two generations? What’s the point of doing that? He was a known condition of being a governor before Rauner ever told us how great he’d make Illinois, right? Rauner didn’t think Madigan would be around?
Rauner failed. He knew what he was gettingn into. He lied to us to get elected. I don’t vote for Madigan, but I can end this misery by voting one of these guys out. Rauner couldn’t be a part of a team even when he got 90%!
- Ron - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 4:39 pm:
Lol at Madigan. He and decades of IL pols have ruined Illinois.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 5:53 pm:
I agree with VanillaMan. Democrats have to use “judo” tactics–use the so-called strengths of their opponents against them. Rauner is supposed to be a conservative, but he’s responsible for massive increases in debt, and in his short time has likely caused more fiscal and human damage than any governor.
I’d like to see Quinn make a public presence and say a simple phrase: “I was a much better governor than Bruce Rauner.” As the old saying goes, the proof is in the pudding.
Today I am full of trite adages. But, as they say, if the shoe fits…
- Cardsfan - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 7:41 pm:
VanillMan-can you join the Pritzker messaging team? You are spot on!
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 15, 17 @ 8:55 pm:
“But, but…Madigan!”
You remember 2014? I remember 2014.
I remember Bruce Rauner saying over and over “Pat Quinn failed.”
Illinois was in a bad spot, and it was because of the governor. Governors are responsible. Governors…own.
Now, after 2 1/2 years, this governor is responsible. He may want to blame Madigan, it is probably his only option. But he won’t be successful. Rauner 2014 told us Rauner 2018 was responsible.
“if you think illinois is better off than it was four years ago, with our universities closing, college students fleeing, $24 billion in unpaid bills, you should vote for Bruce Rauner. But if you think we deserve a brighter future for our children, if we want someone who is going to stand up for a balanced budget and is willing to stand up to Donald Trump, I am asking for your vote in November.”
- Southern Wind - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:12 am:
Madigan will continue to hold legislative power until he either retires, passes away, or gets defeated in a general election and loses this reliably blue state for the Democrats.
Madigan has stayed in power because he is effective at holding power. There, I said it. Perhaps other leaders in his position would have ended up losing IL for the Democrats. In a way…you have to respect his ability to play the game and hold power.