* This is the question I asked all Democratic gubernatorial candidates early yesterday afternoon…
What are your candidate’s responses to the Republican “compromise” budget/reform proposal from yesterday and the governor’s special session announcement today?
They were given a hard deadline of 10 o’clock this morning. The responses are listed in the order they were received.
* JB Pritzker…
“Calling something a compromise doesn’t make it a compromise. A budget deal worked out between Republicans behind closed doors isn’t a great start. This is more of Bruce Rauner’s my way or the highway mentality as he moves the goal post and his only commitment is to his special interest agenda.
“Illinois will now spend $40,000 a day on a special legislative session because Rauner refused to negotiate a budget during regular session. The governor should come to the table and negotiate, but after 716 days of inaction, this is likely just another political stunt from Rauner to continue the blame game as Illinois families foot the bill.”
* Sen. Daniel Biss…
“As Bruce Rauner and Mike Madigan have proven over the last two years, simply being in Springfield isn’t enough. The Senate worked hard to pass a balanced budget earlier this year, while Rauner, Madigan, and the Republicans refused to do their jobs. And the current Republican “compromise” isn’t a compromise at all - it’s simply political cover to screw over Chicago school kids.
We’ve seen this before: political stunts that cost taxpayers money instead of actual governing. Sitting down face-to-face, hammering out details not press releases, making compromises, not tv ads is the leadership we need.”
* Rep. Scott Drury…
“Representative Drury is pleased the Governor and the General Assembly are coming around to embracing his idea of allowing pressure to build in order to arrive at a comprehensive budget. Had this been done in 2015, when Rep. Drury first pushed the idea, the pain caused to countless people as a result of the budget impasse could have been prevented. Unfortunately, Senator Biss and others kept using the “stopgap budget heroin” pushed by Speaker Madigan to make themselves feel better, while those around them suffered.
“As for the special session, Rep. Drury intends to invite Mr. Pritzker to be his honorary page-for-a-day. This assumes the Treasurer-Wannabe doesn’t have any phone calls scheduled with disgraced former Governor Blagojevich. Drury looks forward to learning whether Pritzker was subpoenaed by the Blagojevich grand jury back in 2008 and, if so, whether Pritzker intends to make public all documents he turned over in response. Drury also is anxious to learn whether Pritzker ever was considered a subject or target of any federal investigation related to the corrupt former governor. If it makes Pritzker more comfortable, Drury will record the conversations. After all, he is a former federal prosecutor.”
* Bob Daiber…
I do not support the proposed budget as it is presented for two reasons: 1) The property tax freeze will be disastrous to many school districts with no other additional state revenue. 2) The budget needs to include a funding component to help Chicago Public Schools. CPS is cash strapped just as many downstate districts.
This special session will be an additional cost to taxpayers. I believe the budget should have been finalized by May 31. The senate had passed a balanced budget that the Governor opposed. So, there is no other choice at this date but to have a special session so a budget deal can be made and the state moves forward.
* Chris Kennedy…
Here we are in the same place two weeks after session should’ve ended: Governor Rauner failing to pass a budget. Where were the Republicans weeks ago when the Democrats were negotiating? Democrats have compromised significantly, making a good faith effort to get a budget passed. They are making tough decisions because they know the worst thing we can do is continue operating without a budget. Credit rating agencies have given us a loud and clear warning. But for Governor Rauner, compromise isn’t good enough. He wants to destroy the Democratic party and he’s destroying our state in the process. The most basic part of the governor’s job is introducing and signing a budget. Every other governor in our state’s history has managed to do it. He hasn’t.
* Ameya Pawar…
Governor Rauner’s historic reign of destruction represents the consequences of electing out-of-touch billionaire businessmen with no legislative experience to political office. For 716 days, Bruce Rauner has failed the men, women and children of Illinois by refusing to do his job. No last minute sham “compromise” budget proposal or special-session announcement posturing will take a way from that.
I asked Tio Hardiman’s “campaign” for a response and never heard back.
* Related…
* Question 1: Marijuana legalization
* Question 2: Where would they cut?
* Question 3: Municipal bankruptcy
* Question 4: Campaign theme
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:06 am:
Drury and co should probably lay off the hard stuff until at least mid-afternoon. What a goofy response.
- winners and losers - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:07 am:
=The property tax freeze will be disastrous to many school districts with no other additional state revenue==
Is there any reward for a politician telling the truth?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:07 am:
I thought part of Drury’s claim to fame was his role in bringing down the corrupt former governor Blago. If so, wouldn’t he already know the answers to his questions about subpoenas and targets of investigations? or wasn’t he really part of that take down after all. Still, Drury’s over-heated rhetoric is incredibly entertaining.
- Roman - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:09 am:
== “Stop-gap budget heroin” ==
You’re trying to hard, Rep Drury.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:09 am:
Sorry got cut off above, MJ must be clouding his U C Berkley brain.
- Seats - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:09 am:
I didn’t think it was possible but if it came down to Drury or Rauner. I’d pick Rauner. Drury is such a weasel.
- Anonymiss - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:10 am:
That Drury response takes you on an amazing emotional journey. You start reading and think, whoa, heroin. That’s quite the compari … wait, WTF is this next part?!
- Anonymiss - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:13 am:
If Drury’s statement hadn’t been written in complete sentences, I might say it was downright Trumpian. Sad!
- the 647 - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:16 am:
Did you ask Alex Paterakis’ campaign for a response?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:17 am:
===”…Drury also is anxious to learn whether Pritzker ever was considered a subject or target of any federal investigation related to the corrupt former governor. If it makes Pritzker more comfortable, Drury will record the conversations. After all, he is a former federal prosecutor.”===
As a former federal prosecutor, which part is Mr. Drury alluding to as being off-putting…
… the negligence of other federal prosecutors in finding no reason before the leaking to publicly air the tapes, level charges, or call Mr. Pritzker to the stand during trial… or…
…as a former federal prosecutor, his overt concern that the leak happened, on its own point, at all.
Lots to unpack that kinda-sorta makes Mr. Drury less of a serious person, a former federal prosecutor, who is concerned.
Of all the charges leveled against Rod, his brother, and others, and the years of investigating, and months of actual trial… you’d think Mr. Drury would question, as a former federal prosecutor, why no mention of this occurred during all that indicting, trying, and convicting of Rod Blagojevich.
- annonin' - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:21 am:
1 N
4 P or absent
Drury even manage to evade whether he plans to attend.
BTW there could be a media coma goin’ around ChumpieChapin Rose gave speech on the “compromise” but no one reported if he is Y or N. Maybe editors cut for space
- Scott Cross for President - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:27 am:
Drury never once used the word “Rauner.” Never once laid partial responsibility with the Governor. Instead, Drury’s statement reads as if it was written by Dan Proft and forwarded to Drury to submit.
Looks like the Illinois Opportunity Project is running Ken Dunkin v.2.0
- Deft Wing - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:30 am:
All of the answers to all of the questions put to this crew proves none are qualified, and serious candidates.
That said, Drury upped his obnoxious game a notch (who knew THAT was possible) and will likely provide the only interesting aspects to this primary.
- AlfondoGonz - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:33 am:
Drury is gonna overdose on the “heroin” metaphor one of these days.
- Just Observing - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:40 am:
Wow, Drury’s response is so silly.
- Hit Em With the Hein - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:40 am:
Geez o pete!
40k a day for a special session that one body refuses to vote on a new bill because they already did it. Only people making money off this are the hotels/restaurants in town and the printing shops making the IL GOPs fancy poster boards for press conferences.
- A Jack - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:41 am:
Was Drury’s response to question one: “It’s illegal?” Because you have to either be stoned to write that or stoned to read that response to question 5. Please Drury, go back to crying about your clock.
- Annonin' - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:42 am:
Speakin’ of questions can someone call over to the Lottery and get some facts on the Powerball cutoff…looks like IL Lottery sought the cut off
- Evanstonian - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:46 am:
Pretty good response from Biss. Though I’d be lying if I siad I didn’t get a nice laugh outta Drury’s, which I think was the point. The closing line was definitely meant to get a rise out people here.
- DuPage Saint - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:48 am:
Drury’s response was absolutely outstanding. I hope he never drops out and is included in any and all debates
Think about this: Dennis Rodman in North Korea negotiating on nuclear weapons and will report back to President Trump. If that can happen why can’t we have Governor Drury? He was a federal prosecutor you know.
- Christopher - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:48 am:
Drury: “We have met the enemy and they are Rauner AND Pritzker” (And judging by Drury’s team’s response, maybe Pritzker more than Rauner!)
- Curl of the Burl - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:48 am:
Drury’s reply was awesome. Yes - it was silly. It was meant to be silly and tongue-in-cheek. I know tensions are high around here but levity is not a bad thing.
- Just Observing - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 10:54 am:
=== Drury’s reply was awesome. Yes - it was silly. It was meant to be silly and tongue-in-cheek. I know tensions are high around here but levity is not a bad thing. ===
Levity and tongue-in-cheek’ness is not the issue, it’s that it wasn’t even done in a smart, clever way — it was just stupid and clumsy and totally off-point. If he’s gonna try to be clever in his response, 1). Actually be clever; 2). Actually attempt to answer the question at the same time.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:03 am:
Rep. Drury, writing in the third-person omniscient.
Rep. Drury obviously is quite impressed with Rep. Drury.
Rep. Drury will get plenty of support from the Rauner gang funders and propaganda team all through the primary.
- DeseDemDose - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:06 am:
Drury just sounds nuts.
- DeseDemDose - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:07 am:
Bruce Rauner is a failure. Winner.
- Soccermom - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:09 am:
There is no way to compromise with Governor All-or-Nothin’. Because it’s all for him, and nothin’ for the people of Illinois.
- 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:10 am:
Was Drury’s response written in crayon?
He’s really extending himself in service of Governor Rauner’s agenda. I wonder what his reward will be?
- Louis G Atsaves - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:10 am:
The only one to answer Rich’s question was Daiber. At least he displayed a touch of leadership.
The rest of them were all Stopgap Budget Heroin as pushed by Madigan. (?) Drury deserves an award for that one come December!
- NoGifts - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:13 am:
“NOGifts believes it is very strange to speak of oneself in the third person. NoGifts invites Mr. Drury stop that nonsense.”
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:28 am:
“Stopgap budget heroin” is an unfortunately dim-witted metaphor that adds nothing to the conversation except to trivialize in a juvenile manner our deadly serious national opioid crisis.
If you wish to wax literary, gang, give it another try. Less Frat Boy, more Superstar.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:50 am:
*Question 1: Marijuana legalization -Yes, immediately
* Question 2: Where would they cut? -Yes, jobs and benefits, programs need to be eliminated too. And freeze budgets.
* Question 3: Municipal bankruptcy Yes, immediately
- Jack Kemp - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:51 am:
Chris Kennedy looks as though he made need a lesson in civics. Perhaps the gentleman from Oswego can help him out.
Which budget shall the Governor sign, Mr. Kennedy? Shall he use his magic wand instead of a pen?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 11:58 am:
===Perhaps the gentleman from Oswego can help him out.===
When I hear from the Kennedy Crew… in any fashion… you’ll be the 7th or 8th to know… maybe 9th, if it’s a weekend.
===Which budget shall the Governor sign, Mr. Kennedy? Shall he use his magic wand instead of a pen?===
This is confusing. Which budgets and/or proposed budgets are you citing that Kennedy may or may not be missing?
- Redraider - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 12:23 pm:
I had no idea that Drury was a Federal Prosecutor. Learn something new every day
- Jack Kemp - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
Until the General Assembly puts one on his desk, Rauner can’t sign a budget. So lest he say “abracadabra” and one appears, I think Kennedy might be pinning the blame on the wrong branch of government.
I don’t mind being so low in the pecking order, by the way. I’ll already know when Kennedy calls, because his next press release will say “Govenor’s own, they always do.”
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 12:33 pm:
===I think Kennedy might be pinning the blame on the wrong branch of government===
As of this comment, the lone holdout for a budgetary solution is the House Dems
As of this comment, President Cullerton feels, unless the GOP has a GOP sponsored revenue bill to add to their own plan, he is unmoved on the GOP’s attempt.
===…because his next press release will say “Govenor’s own, they always do.”===
1) You remember it, so that’s part of working a strategy, and …
2) Candidate Rauner won with that strategy. You are opposed to winning strategies? Hmm.
Do me a personal favor, for me, please… don’t hold your breath on the call. Don’t do that. Thank you.
- Echo The Bunnyman - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 1:02 pm:
Bob Daiber is my guy now. Honest answer.I want more of him please. Too bad he’s not a billionaire….
- James - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 1:17 pm:
I predict Drury doesn’t file as a Democrat. He’ll wait to be a 3rd party or independent anti-Madigan spoiler and will run in the general election. He’s Rauner’s ace in the hole.
- Downstate Illinois - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
I’m beginning to warm up toward Drury.
- Trapped in the 'burbs - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:05 pm:
How many times can a guy swing and miss before being sent down to the majors. Former Federal prosecutor Drury is desperate to become relevant but comes off as merely desperate. Scott, in case you want some honest feedback, you continue to embarrass yourself. But keep running so besides being a former prosecutor, you can also be a former candidate for governor. You are a true missed opportunity and there will be comeback.
- Ron - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:54 pm:
Drury might be able to win me over. Otherwise I’ll stick with Rauner.