Unclear on the concept
Friday, Jun 16, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * From a Quad Cities TV station report on the special session…
That’s one weird budget. Also, nowhere in the story is any mention made that the governor is supporting a plan that includes an increase in income taxes and a new service tax. …Adding… To be clear, this goofiness is on the TV station, and not on the governor’s office. Rauner never said any such thing.
- RNUG - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:16 pm:
And every story needs to ask exactly what state budget savings are achieved by freezing local property taxes?
- Emily Miller - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:17 pm:
==The governor says he supports a Republican budget that calls for term limits and a four-year property tax freeze.==
That is not a budget.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:20 pm:
If the Rauner Superstars can show me in any accounting terms, and budgetary definition, any specific governmental budgetary language that is found specifically in accounting or budgets…
This is just embarrassingly phony, and dishonest to report as part of anything “budget”
- Gruntled University Employee - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:20 pm:
And so the goal post moving begins.
- JPC - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:20 pm:
An earlier post tells us that many can’t distinguish between property taxes and income taxes. Rauner has hammered on this all week. Does this mean there will be no budget?
- East Central Illinois - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:20 pm:
Property taxes in no way go to help fund a state budget. A freeze on property taxes will only hurt the local governing bodies that rely on local property taxes.
- Joe M - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:27 pm:
My guess is that a large percentage of Illinois citizens don’t even realize that not a penny of property taxes go to the State. Yet Rauner loves to feed off of everyone’s dislike of property taxes and purposefully tie it into State budget — to the point of holding the State budget hostage over property tax freezes and the like. Oh, and also, according to Rauner “job creators get excited about term limits” It sounds like that Quad Cities TV station (and many other Illinois news outfits) are buying Rauner’s game plan hook, line and sinker.
- MOON - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:28 pm:
The freezing of property taxes could actually cost the State more.
If the local school districts cannot collect enough Real estate taxes they will turn to the State for more money, requesting they fulfill their obligation to support education.
- Christopher - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:28 pm:
Very poor, unquestioning reporting by the TV station.
- Tommydanger - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:30 pm:
My Northern Star puts such ‘professional’ media to shame.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 2:47 pm:
To Rich’s “Adding… ”
When a narrative is taken by the laziness of a media outlet, it makes me wish that coverage of all things “Illinois state politics” was more thoughtful and researched.
It isn’t the Superstars fault. No snark.
- Atsuishin - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:01 pm:
Rung, rich Miller, Oswego willy etc, people are really scared to death of property taxes. That’s why these stories are framed this way. My mother just to told me she would have no budget than see her property tax go up again. She is losing sleep over how to keep the home. This is really important to understand. Illinois is not some low tax paradise. people are struggling. Many will need to leave if something doesn’t give.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:10 pm:
===That’s why these stories are framed this way.===
The story, pertaining to budgets and term limits and property taxes is disingenuous to any type of process that could be considered budgeting.
If there was a budgetary measurable, we’d know it.
Some here are homeowners, some have parents in a similar situation. No one is cold to that reality, but being real to what is going on doesn’t mean anyone is cold or callous to the issue(s) or doesn’t have similar personal issues going in as well.
- JPC - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:14 pm:
The point is that Rauner et al. (for starters) are not doing anything to clarify the relation of property taxes to the state (and to everything else). The fact is they have little direct relation to the budget.
I bet you’ll find few here who would disagree with the view that they’re stupidly regressive. But Illinois has chosen to be this way. The flat tax makes it hard to get taxes where the money is (income). The money has to come from somewhere.
One more point: the pension crisis which is driving this insanity is the result of people living high on low taxes in the past (not now). That teacher in the 50s,60s,70s, etc. wasn’t free. That road wasn’t free. That university education you go for the cost of a summer job (try that now) wasn’t free. That bill has come due. And it’s a moral abomination to deny those same opportunities to kids nowadays just because you don’t want to pay your bill. Sure we can figure out smarter ways to do and we should. But obfuscation to the end of scoring a few cheap points has clearly won us nothing but more and more stupid debt.
- Skirmisher - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:22 pm:
JPC- Best post I have seen this week. It is time to pony up, folks.
- RNUG - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
- Atsuishin - @ 3:01 pm:
Believe me, I understand people’s feelings on property taxes. I just wrote out checks on 3 houses (didn’t plan to own 3 at the moment).
But people need to understand the relationship to a low state income tax resulting minimal State funding of schools and the subsequent high local property taxes. If you want lower property taxes, then you will need to have higher State income taxes and higher State contributions to school districts. That is just simple math.
Instead of the irrelevant turnaround agenda items that don’t have a fiscal impact on a state budget, there should be substantive discussions on a increased school funding / property tax reduction swap. And there should be a discussion on the best way to raise state revenue: either a higher flat income tax or putting a progressive income tax constitutional amendment on the 2018 ballot with a temporary flat tax increase so the State can survive until the voters decide.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 3:32 pm:
This TV reporter clearly has the makings of being a national cable “news” star.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 16, 17 @ 5:34 pm:
Boo Hoo
We simply cannot depend upon media coverage, or Rauner wouldn’t have gotten elected.
Honestly, who wastes their time getting news from TV or newspapers anyway, besides my grandma?
Billboards exposing Rauner’s SECRET TAX HIKES! would be more effective. Democrats - quit the pity party and victim whining - Raunerites DON’T CARE about others, except themselves. TELL Raunerites how their governor wasted their tax monies on waste.
Don’t depend upon the lame-stream media.