* Here we go again…
House Speaker Michael J. Madigan will give workers injured on the job an opportunity to tell legislators how Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposed changes to the workers’ compensation system will directly impact them at a committee of the whole hearing Thursday.
“The governor and his allies are determined to institute changes to workers’ compensation, but they have no desire to hear from the middle-class workers who will actually be impacted by their changes No one plans to be injured on the job, but every day workers are seriously hurt or even permanently disabled on the job through no fault of their own.” Madigan said. “Democrats have put legislation on the governor’s desk that will help employers cope with workers’ compensation insurance costs, without hurting middle-class families. As the governor insists on further changes, we owe it to the people directly affected by these changes to give them a seat at the table and a voice in the discussion, not just to hear from the corporate CEOs whispering in Governor Rauner’s ear.”
Madigan will call all members of the House to a committee of the whole hearing on Thursday, June 22 to discuss the governor’s workers’ compensation changes with workers previously injured on the job, and with medical professionals.
Democrats have already passed House Bill 2525, which will help ensure Illinois businesses see the benefits of reform by requiring insurance companies to pass savings on to local employers. The measure also takes steps to crack down on fraud and abuse, and includes additional measures to reduce costs without jeopardizing the health or economic security of workers.
On Friday, June 23, Madigan will convene another committee of the whole to discuss the governor’s proposed property tax freeze with local government officials and educators. Both hearings will convene at 2 p.m. in the House chamber.
He’s obviously not keen on either idea.
…Adding… Agreed…
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:43 pm:
He’s more interested in a Puppet Show. He’s the only leader now not to offer a budget. And, this is what we get?
Even the perpetually sleepy folks will have to see through this. But, will they? Ugh.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:46 pm:
Durkin might be off on his whole math thingy…
Durkin has 51, (52 with Drury)… he needs 19 more.
Durkin might be better thinking that way.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:47 pm:
- Texas Red - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:47 pm:
IL is the laughing stock of the nation and all MJM offers is protection to his dues paying base..”middle-class workers “… “without hurting middle-class families”…”we owe it to the people directly affected by these changes”
- Deft Wing - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:52 pm:
For Madigan & the House Dems … same as it ever was.
They don’t care if the whole state burns to the ground.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:56 pm:
Yep, workers comp costs must be reduced, Illinois is hemorrahging manufacturing jobs while our neighbor are gaining them. But Madigan will host a sham show of BS.
- Real - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:57 pm:
Rather than Madigan being keen on an idea it sounds like the middle-class worker nor the local government is keen on those ideas either.
- Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:58 pm:
As someone still learning, the committees of the whole seem like a good idea on the surface. Legislators should hear from regular folks about how proposed legislation has/will affect them. Many legislators are out of touch.
However, I assume the purpose of these meetings would be to potentially change the minds of some legislators in how they vote. Both sides are so entrenched at this point that I don’t think testimonials are going to sway anyone.
- northsider (the original) - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 2:58 pm:
Worker’s comp was originally sponsored in the 1920’s by the Illinois Manufacturer’s Association as a way of avoiding employee lawsuits.
Hey, if they don’t like it anymore maybe we should scrap it and allow tort suits against employers.
- DuPage - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:08 pm:
The budget negotiations should not include unrelated “Rauner Turnaround Agenda” items. That is where Rauner started his hostage taking, and those items should be voted on separately.
- Three-Finger Brown - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:10 pm:
I’m not a Madigan hater, but when Rauner accuses him of using these people as props, is he wrong? I don’t think a state with 13 million residents is going to base a multi-billion dollar decision on testimony from a handful of people.
- Ron - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:34 pm:
“I don’t think a state with 13 million residents is going to base a multi-billion dollar decision on testimony from a handful of people.”
If Madigan has his way, that’s exactly what will happen.
- jimk849 - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:38 pm:
If Rauner said these are sham hearings, it must be true.
- cdog - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:38 pm:
This whole exercise wreaks of incompetence, emotional abuse, and the using-humans-as-shields ideology.
btw, if the House Dem passed HB2525 work comp bill has decent components, what is Rauner/GOP holding out for to be included?
Where’s the beef?
- cdog - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
On property tax COH hearing, if you want to save your local gov tax districts from the heat, get the school levies reduced on the property tax bills.
Incompetence and malpractice. The deal is there to be had.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 3:50 pm:
If Rauner said these are sham hearings, it must be true.==
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 4:00 pm:
Maybe he mistook the call for unity to be a call for a Committee of the Whole.
- JTF - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 7:19 pm:
When Rauner focuses exclusively on non-budget issues, you can’t cry foul when Madigan does it. Rauner brought these issues front and center as priorities ABOVE the budget.
- Joe - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 7:34 pm:
What will it take to get our Dems in the House to break with their corrupt, ” burn the house down ” leader MJM? He should not be allowed to use the house committee of the whole to do this.
- Been There - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 7:40 pm:
===I believe these are what @GovRauner called “sham” hearings — seems clear why, if it isn’t in any way going to LEAD TO A BUDGET. =====
Maybe if Goldberg showed up to testify and explained how these Rauner’s “reforms” lead to a budget. He is the one demanding them.
- downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 7:54 pm:
If these are sham hearings, what are Rauner’s TV spots? The actual truth?
I don’t consider any hearings on local government property tax freezes to be “sham”
It’s none of Rauner’s business what goes on at the local government level, (where most taxes were voted in or increased by local residents) when he can’t even begin to talk about what is happening to the state….
- Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 8:08 pm:
Downstate. Keep up property tax escalation. Service taxes. Sin tax. Increase income tax. Let the exodus continue. Or do you believe people only leave Illinois because of the weather?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:47 am:
Worker’s comp is not a “non budget issue”
Government is on the hook for some of the highest worker’s comp premiums in America