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*** UPDATED x1 - What Pritzker wants you to see *** What the Republicans want you to see

Wednesday, Jun 21, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A roundup from the Illinois Republican Party…

Positive Headlines for Rauner’s Speech
Democrats Come Across as Petty – Attacking Speech Intended to Unite Around Compromise

While Governor Bruce Rauner addressed the people of Illinois directly, pleading for compromise and unity amid an historic budget impasse, Democratic candidates for Governor and allies of Speaker Mike Madigan publicly refused to accept the Governor’s call.

Instead of agreeing that it’s time to reform our state to end the budget impasse, Democrats attacked a plea to work together.

To everyone outside the rotunda bubble, it was petty.

But Governor Rauner’s message reached Illinoisans across the state. Check out these positive headlines in response to the Governor’s message.

State Journal-Register: Rauner calls for unity ahead of special session
“Failure to act is not an option,” Rauner said in the speech that lasted a little over three minutes. “Failure to act may cause permanent damage to our state that will take years to overcome.”
Rauner called for lawmakers to support a Republican budget plan released last week that would set state spending at $36 billion a year for the next four years. Rauner called it a “compromise budget plan that I can sign, one that we all can support.”

ABC 7 Chicago: Governor Rauner gives address focused on unity, budget
From behind the podium set up in the historic Old State Capital building, Rauner tried to bring an end to the historic budget impasse that has crippled Illinois during the three years there has been no balanced budget.

Chicago Sun-Times: In speech, Rauner urges lawmakers to ‘do what is right’
In a televised speech, Gov. Bruce Rauner on Tuesday pushed for a “compromise” budget plan and implored lawmakers “to do what is right” and “act for the people” ahead of 10 days of a special session.

Chicago Tribune: Rauner calls for compromise in speech Democrats dismiss as empty rhetoric
“Our history reminds us of our state’s great capacity for change — and for our limitless potential when those elected by the people put the people’s interests ahead of all else,” Rauner said. “Right now, our state is in real crisis and the actions we take in the days ahead will determine how history remembers us.”

WTTW: Rauner Calls for Compromise Ahead of Special Session
As Illinois faces the unprecedented possibility of the third fiscal year in a row dawning without a budget in place and on the eve of a special session that’s lawmakers’ last chance to head off that harsh reality, Gov. Bruce Rauner gave a short – but highly publicized – speech.
“Right now, our state is in real crisis – and the actions we take in the days ahead will determine how history remembers us. We can all do better. We must all do better for the citizens of Illinois,” Rauner said Tuesday evening.

WCIA Springfield: Rauner urges ‘Capitol Compromise’
Standing on the second floor of the Old State Capitol, Rauner summoned the unifying powers of Abraham Lincoln, repeating the former president’s famous line, “a House divided against itself cannot stand.” Illinois remains deadlocked in the longest budget battle in state history.

WAND: Governor Rauner urging unity among state lawmakers
Governor Bruce Rauner appeared at the Old State Capitol in Springfield to urge lawmakers to put aside their differences and agree to state budget.
State lawmakers are being called back to Springfield starting Wednesday to participate in a special session, where Governor Rauner hopes a compromise on a state budget can be reached.

WQAD: Governor Rauner calling on lawmakers to come together on eve of special session
In the room where President Lincoln gave his ‘House Divided’ speech, Governor Bruce Rauner stood asking lawmakers to come together.

*** UPDATE ***  The Pritzker campaign has its own speech coverage summary which you can read by clicking here.


  1. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:28 am:

    Selective aren’t we.

  2. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:28 am:

    I like how he said (quoted from memory, so might be inexact) “if the situation continues it could hurt the state and take years to recover from.” Really? Where does he live? He doesn’t think the state has been severely damaged already? He doesn’t think we’re already in a situation that will take years to recover from? That statement makes him seem a little out of touch.

  3. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:29 am:

    Where is the Wall Street Journal review? Lol.

  4. - Tony - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    “To everyone outside the rotunda bubble, it was petty.”
    Please don’t speak for me Illinois Republican Party until you actually do your job and represent me. That speech was another embarrassment. If you had actually asked for opinions you would know that.

  5. - Archiesmom - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    No question, Rauner won the media war, which is exactly what he wanted. Mission accomplished. Now he can look like the good guy, and when things fall apart he can say he did his best. And if they don’t, He can portray himself as the great uniter.

  6. - JPC - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:34 am:

    It’s always interesting to see what they think you think.

  7. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:35 am:

    That was the point of the exercise, to generate the predictable straight heds and ledes for use in future spots.

    Easy to do.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    Rauner wins, yet again.

    It was genius to fit it into a 6pm newscast and looking at the headlines, especially the “accidentally” more helpful Chicago Tribune, how was this stunt not a flat-out success?

    For the Rauner Word Jumble to be effective, you need 3 key elements;

    1) Short time frame, but long enough to articulate the Jumble

    2) A reason and issue to use the Jumble to make the Jumble seem thoughtful

    3) No interruptions by press or protestors

    Check. Check. Check.

    The only way this sours is if a candidate decides to take that 5 min video on Facebook and really take it to task in :30 second or 1 minute ads that make that 3 minute and 15 seconds not the win it is today.

    Rauner claims he’s a helpless bystander… as he uses the bully pulpit in a most effective and direct way to get what his campaign for 2018 needed, a phony image of a compromiser, with video and headlines to prop up and hold that phony image in place.

    It was genius. Rauner won the framing of the next 9 days.

    Can Rauner win come 9 days from now too… that’s the double play Rauner needs to turn.

  9. - NoGifts - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    Oh, here’s the quote from the link to the complete speech “Failure to act may cause permanent damage to our state that will take years to overcome.” He doesn’t think we were at that point last year?

  10. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    OW is right. JBP needs to run short ads calling out Rauner’s attempt to portray himself as a compromiser point by point.

  11. - Biker - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    Starting to remember how he won the first time. This seems like he was doing a proxy vote on how friendly press coverage would be. Turns out, very friendly. A civil bankruptcy.

  12. - DeseDemDose - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    I was surprised Rauner didn’t have on his stovepipe hat,fake beard and a Abe Lincoln costume on when he appeared from the shadows.

  13. - Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    Headlines will not solve our State’s issues. Headlines like these may give a political win, but it is a kick-the-can win only. The two minutes of lurking in the corner before last night’s speech says more than any lede could. If that had been broadcast, I wonder what the headlines would have been then.

  14. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    Yes, he won the media cycle. And he also won with the average citizen who doesn’t pay attention to politics and the details. And, cynically, the media outlets aren’t going to fact check him, because they may a lot of money from his ads.

    Rauner’s campaign is living proof that lies, repeated long enough and loud enough, become “facts”. His eventual opponent will have to spend time and fortune to “re-educate” the voting public.

    I suspect this era of Illinois politics will be rich fodder for quite a few political science dissertations on the use of media.

  15. - Joliet Gram - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:06 am:

    Lots of bricks being thrown at our Governor but no solutions being offered by all of you ‘throwers’. Pay attention: what happened in GA 6 last night should be a sign of what PEOPLE want and expect: compromise and a willingness to work together for those of us to choose to live in IL. Taking the message to the people OUTSIDE of Springfield, the voters, was the right thing to do. Voters across the nation are sick and tired of the hyper-partisan wrangling, the poking of fingers at the other side, the vitriolic language and the lack of progress in solving the problems of everyday people. The world does not begin and end in Springfield. Get over yourselves and understand that real people, voters, are showing their disdain for political gamesmanship while our State is the laughing stock of the nation. Work WITH the Governor. What a novel idea! Stop the ‘my way or the highway’ mentality that has brought us to this point. The VOTERS will be watching and listening and yes, VOTING next year. Bet on it.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:10 am:

    - Joliet Gram -

    Why can’t Rauner find 71 and 36?

    Explain that, then you can chastise where everyone is wrong but the Governor.


  17. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:15 am:

    Yes, it was good campaign material. However, it did nothing in terms of getting a budget. The GOP definitely didn’t take a poll to see what their party actually thought.

    Joliet- how about the Governor work with the legislature? How about him stopping ‘his way or the highway’ mentality too? How about the PEOPLE educating themselves on the real financial numbers before they vote rather than listening to the commercials that Rauners PAC is already running.

  18. - Ron - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:28 am:


  19. - cover - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    = OW,
    Gerrymandering =

    You really think that Rauner could have 60% of the legislature on his side in a state that Hillary Clinton won by a wide margin?

  20. - Mama - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    The news and newspapers should give both sides of the story.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:35 am:

    If Rauner wins, Rauner signs off on any map sent to him.

    That’s the system now.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:37 am:

    Side point: hate it when pols say “Failure is not an option”. Sure it is, look at Illinois. Or “Quiting is not an option”. Sure it is, you just call it “spending more time with my family”, etc. etc… As soon as I hear that BS phrase, I turn off.

  23. - Hamlet's Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:39 am:


    If Rauner wins, the judiciary will draw the map because he won’t sign what Madigan sends and Madigan won’t send anything Rauner would sign.

  24. - Hamlet's Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    In New York, congressional districts are drawn by the state legislature subject to veto by the governor.

    Twice now (following the 2000 Census and the 2010 Census) this process failed to produce a map and the maps were drawn by a federal judge.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    - Hamlet’s Ghost -

    I think there’s a coin flip somewhere in there(?)

    In reality, Rauner will, 100%, leverage a signed map for concessions against Labor.

    That’s the ball game… for Labor

  26. - BBG Watch - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:45 am:

    - what PEOPLE want -
    Seriously? You think the whole state WANTS this disaster? He’s a “nutcase” just like Trump!

  27. - Hamlet's Ghost - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:46 am:

    Point taken

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:46 am:

    ===…congressional districts…===

    I was never talking about Congressional Districts.

    With respect.

  29. - Mama - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:47 am:

    The hidden message behind his speech tells the Dems he will not compromise.

    Term limits & freezing local taxes does not help the state nor does it help the taxpayers.

    I feel his whole game is about busting IL’s state & local unions & to get rid of Speaker Madigan.

  30. - Joe M - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:49 am:

    ==“Right now, our state is in real crisis. And the actions we take in the days ahead will determine how history remembers us,” Rauner said.==

    Assuming that eventually there is a budget, will history remember it as the Rauner tax hike, the Democrat’s tax hike, or just as an Illinois tax hike? That seems to project as a key component of this history Rauner is talking about.

  31. - Liberty - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    What’s the latest poll say? Most eople dont buy it.

  32. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 11:07 am:

    I saw it.
    Last night I saw Captain Rauner tell us from the bottom of a filled darkened fish bowl that we’re wet, but not yet drowned.

    “Failure to act may cause permanent damage…”, said the sumerged governor, who seemed to have been unable to hide his ghoulish empty grin at our funeral.

    Creeptastic. Crepe-hangers shouldn’t grin.

  33. - Boone's is back - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 11:10 am:

    Wow- that’s what I call winning the news cycle. That’s pretty pathetic that these outlets served this up on a platter. How about a little context into the impasse that the Gov was mostly responsible for creating?

  34. - justpeachy - Wednesday, Jun 21, 17 @ 11:47 am:

    I guess I am in the minority on this one…I don’t see this as such a “win” for the governor. The newspapers and TV stations have a financial interest in supporting the governor since he buys ads and such so I don’t put much stock in their opinions. The average citizen may not be as politically astute as those in the “rotunda bubble” but they aren’t stupid either. His lurking in the shadows, pacing in the dark, phony smile while he expresses phony concern only add up to bad theatrics. Actions speak louder than words and I believe most Illinoisans saw through the BS that the governor was shoveling last night. They know he has never been our governor, he only continues to run for governor. Apparently Governor Rauner has found governing to be much harder than campaigning.

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