“Everybody’s doing it”
Thursday, Jun 22, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Dispatch-Argus-QCOnline.com editorial…
The biggest key to breaking through the political fog shrouding the capital city is for our leaders to declare a moratorium on politics, then stick to it, no matter the temptation to score political points.
* But the Tribune editorial board thinks it’s all much ado about nothing…
Yes, Rauner’s television ads aimed at Madigan and Democrats are “campaigning.” And yes, it’s early.
But lots of pols are campaigning. Let’s not clutch our pearls, aghast.
Rauner’s Democratic opponents for the 2018 gubernatorial campaign so far are on the air, on the Web and at news conference podiums bashing Rauner. State Sen. Daniel Biss, D-Evanston, spent Tuesday at a campaign event touting his proposals for property tax reform. Then he put out a news release Tuesday night criticizing Rauner for campaigning too much.
During the last six months, including when lawmakers should have been in Springfield working on a budget, Madigan raised at least $122,314 for his campaign fund. During the first three months of the year, that fund spent more than $330,000 on office rent, cellphones, workers and meals. Madigan is … campaigning.
Senate President John Cullerton has raised at least $104,500, and hosted and attended several fundraisers. Between January and March 31, he spent at least $150,000 on campaign activity, according to his financial disclosure reports.
Not one mention of Rauner’s $70 million in contributions raised since December, or the bigtime money he’s given to the ILGOP and the House GOP.
People should sheath their swords and do their jobs. We shouldn’t be encouraging this nonsense.
- Perrid - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:43 am:
Or the fact that, as far as I can tell, when Rauner dropped $50 million into his campaign he basically started the race, from my perspective. Lit a fire under some people’s feet.
- Linus - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:45 am:
Aren’t the Tribbies acting a wee bit willfully ignorant of the Governor’s repeated assertions that he’s *not* campaigning on these statewide rambles that are paid for from his campaign fund?
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:48 am:
Why would they compare the Rauner operation? They love Bruce and Hate Madigan pretty simple.
- Roman - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:54 am:
Politics ain’t bean bag. Nothing inherently wrong with taking shots.
The problem is hypocrisy. Offering an olive branch with one hand while swinging a hammer with the other…that’s what I find offense — and ineffective.
- Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:54 am:
Traditional parent response to this thread title:
Would you jump off a bridge because everyone else did?
Please, somebody find the parents of all these folks.
- Lakeview Dude - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 11:56 am:
But all the cool kids are doing it!
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:02 pm:
We can’t cut political spending now. It’s the only job growth area in Illinois! /s
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:09 pm:
–Let’s not clutch our pearls, aghast.–
Anybody who would use this already obnoxious phrase is too tone-deaf to see campaigning in a crisis as a problem.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:10 pm:
===Not one mention of Rauner’s $70 million in contributions raised since December, or the bigtime money he’s given to the ILGOP and the House GOP.===
I’m sure they just ran out of space for that item. I mean, what other possible reason could there be for such a glaring omission?
- blue dog dem - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:38 pm:
RNUG. Second only to moving service industry.
- Moe Berg - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:48 pm:
Katrina McQueary was on Twitter last night bragging about writing this editorial. Such a sad person who once seemed to have so much potential. Now, she’s just a dependable shill incapable of independent thought.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 12:52 pm:
Maybe @StatehouseChick forgot to have editors look for that $70 million, or the Rauner ads, or…
When Kristen McQueary wished death and destruction so callously, she did say it was her editors fault, not hers, that she wanted so many people hurt.
Kristen McQueary is shallow. Her facts at times like this are shallow too(?)
- Dr. Bonners - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 1:48 pm:
madigan bought cubs, bulls, and white sox tickets for a grand total of 200k of this 330k hes supposed to be campaigning with according to the SBOE. Just saying.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
Kristen McQuuery is one reason I won’t read the Tribune.
- Winnin' - Thursday, Jun 22, 17 @ 5:04 pm:
The Tribune does not present an editorial viewpoint. They present an intellectually dishonest approach and serve as Rauner’s invisible hand, come hell or high water.
- Free Set of Steak Knives - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 8:10 am:
It is an intellectually dishonest editorial.
I am sure whomever wrote it, knew it at the time.
Rauner’s actions are steadily marching Illinois into oblivion.
Once again, the Tribune pages offer space for cheerleading human misery.
It’s for the greater good, Rauner and the Tribune tell us.
We are just squeezing a bunch of beasts, Radogno adds.
I welcome anyone from the Tribune editorial board to chime in here and offer some defense. Tell me how I am wrong, please.
- sal-says - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 8:54 am:
tronc is the Chicago version of Fox News.
- Annonin' - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 10:54 am:
Tribbies on edit board tend to defend all GovJunk behavior…maybe hopin’ for big ad buy.