Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x4 - Rauner denies Cullerton claim - Cullerton: Special session is a “stunt” - Manar wants Rauner to call daily leaders meetings - Durkin said he opted out on his own *** Cullerton claims Rauner “pulled the plug” on meeting
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*** UPDATED x4 - Rauner denies Cullerton claim - Cullerton: Special session is a “stunt” - Manar wants Rauner to call daily leaders meetings - Durkin said he opted out on his own *** Cullerton claims Rauner “pulled the plug” on meeting

Friday, Jun 23, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President John Cullerton just told reporters that the four legislative leaders were supposed to meet today without the governor. Cullerton claimed all of them agreed to show up.

“The governor pulled the plug on that,” Cullerton said. “He told the Republicans not to go.”

Cullerton said he would “urge the governor to get serious about a compromise, and at minimum don’t prevent your Republican leaders from joining the negotiations.”

You can listen to his entire press conference by clicking here.

* Moments later, Speaker Madigan issued this statement…

“President Cullerton and I met earlier this morning to discuss a way to end the Rauner budget crisis. We were scheduled to meet together with Leaders Radogno and Durkin. We were deeply disappointed that both Republican leaders chose to cancel their participation in our meeting, rather than sit down with us and work to advance a balanced budget. It is difficult to move forward on a bipartisan budget when both Republican leaders refuse to meet.”

* But Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno’s office issued this statement…

“In deference to Leader Durkin, he needs the opportunity to negotiate with Speaker Madigan in the House chamber, just as Leader Radogno and the Senate President do in the Senate. We continue to focus on making progress toward a comprehensive solution. We hope we see progress in the House. Leader Radogno has always believed engagement from the House Speaker is what’s been missing all along.”

* And this is from House Republican Leader Jim Durkin…

“The focus on the budget is rightfully before the House. I believe the model initiated by the Senate leaders was positive and where we need to be. A four leaders meeting is premature in light of progress being made in the House.”

That’s fine and all, but the question I asked was “did the governor ask/tell the GOP leaders not to attend a meeting with Cullerton and Madigan?”

*** UPDATE 1 ***  In a follow up chat, Durkin’s spokesperson made it clear that Durkin chose to opt out of the meeting on his own.

Also, notice in Radogno’s release that she said she deferred to Durkin.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Statement provided on background from “a top GOP official”…

This is an absolute fabrication, an obvious attempt to create an alternative universe to deflect from doing nothing with seven days left to get a budget to the governor’s desk. Leader Durkin is meeting with Speaker Madigan now to negotiate on his compromise — perhaps the Democratic leaders are afraid that the Speaker is finally in the hot seat to do a deal or let the state collapse.

Let’s hope this isn’t the start of a March 1 repeat.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Press release…

Illinois will never lift itself out of the state budget crisis if the governor and legislative leaders can’t get in a room and talk to each other about their differences, Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) said Friday.

“Gov. Rauner has made it clear that he is the only one with the authority to convene meetings of the governor and the four legislative leaders. He has not called one since Dec. 6,” Manar said. “These five leaders who control the budget negotiations have not been in a room together in nearly 200 days. It’s no wonder we haven’t resolved the budget crisis.”

Manar called on Gov. Rauner to meet with the four leaders every day for the remaining days of the legislative session until a budget deal is complete. He added that the best place to start discussions is with the balanced budget and reform package the Senate already passed. Those bills all are in the House awaiting action.

Rauner called a 10-day special session of the General Assembly, which costs taxpayers roughly $48,000 per day. The special session began Wednesday and ends June 30, the final day of the current fiscal year.

“Gov. Rauner used his power to get lawmakers back to Springfield to work on a budget. With seven days left until June 30, the best way to finalize a budget now is to work with the balanced budget and reform package that the Senate passed and sent to the House in May,” Manar said. “I’m urging the governor convene leaders’ meetings – every day for as long as it takes for the next week – so that they can begin negotiations and together steer our state out of this mess.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** AP

Cullerton told reporters Friday that special sessions are a “political stunt” to offer the governor political cover. Cullerton says the budget the Democrat-controlled Senate approved draws on Rauner’s ideas.

*** UPDATE 4 *** Gov. Rauner was asked by reporters about Cullerton’s claim that he pulled Republicans out of the scheduled leaders’ meeting. “That’s not true,” Rauner said.

Leader Durkin then chimed in and said it was his idea not to attend the meeting, claiming he and Speaker Madigan have achieved a “break-through” on workers’ comp reform.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    I might believe the GOP excuses if, ya know, I wasn’t a sentient being who has seen this awful play before.

    Why would it be premature to have all four in the room? It’s eventually got to go back their chamber so we’re out of time. We can’t spend literally months working on Durkin/Madigan grand bargain. Let’s cut the crap and get this done people.

  2. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:51 pm:

    ===This is an absolute fabrication, an obvious attempt to create an alternative universe to deflect from doing nothing===

    More projection from the Governor’s office.

    The HGOPs have already laid down their marker, and it calls for the income tax to sunset and be tied to a temporary property tax freeze. Assuming the Democrats in the House go along with that (dumb) idea, then the Senate would have to vote on it too.

    Ergo, therefore, ipso facto ALL FOUR LEADERS AND THE GOVERNOR should be at the table. It’s not like the House can solve this by themselves, or did all of the Republicans in Springfield flunk 7th grade civics?

    Sorry for shouting, but all of the blame-shifting, goal post moving, obfuscation and out right deception is making me angry.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:51 pm:

    All that would make sense to this..

    … had Rauner not blown up Leader Radogno’s compromise.

    Now I need to “believe” it’s important for Leader Durkin to work with Speaker Madigan, like Leader Radogno did, so Rauner can undercut Leader Durkin this time?


    Rauner doesn’t want a deal.

    It’s ine obstacle after another, flanked with phony radio interviews, partisan “daily updates”, disingenuous school funding “attempts, no GOP sponsored revenue bill for Rauner’s budget bills…

    … and Dems let Rauner own the messaging.

    At least Peesident Cullerton called out the Rauner’s sham here. That’s a good start.

  4. - cdog - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:52 pm:

    We should be thankful that the Speaker is the truthful one. /s

    I hope that the media picks up on these contradictory positions coming from Madigan.

    Cut a deal, big boy.

  5. - ILPundit - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    Calling Special Session, and then trying to avoid leadership meetings to negotiate is a bad look, and not politically sustainable. There is no coherent explanation for blocking these meetings.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    ===“In deference to Leader Durkin, he needs the opportunity to negotiate with Speaker Madigan in the House chamber, just as Leader Radogno and the Senate President do in the Senate…”===

    How. Did. This. Work. Out.


    This is the “tell”.

  7. - Stuff Happens - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:54 pm:

    “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

  8. - Jocko - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:57 pm:

    ==…both Republican leaders chose to cancel their participation in our meeting==

    Not to shoot down your “top GOP official”, but Jim admitted he cancelled, Christine simply blathered on about “progress”.

  9. - Responsa - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    If you start out the day essentially trusting none of them or what they say you are closest to reality. Harsh but true.

  10. - 360 Degree Turnaround - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 1:59 pm:

    If it is fabrication, then why didn’t you go to meeting? Looks very bad.

  11. - Linus - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    OODA loops & ALEC. All. Day. Long.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    ===Democratic leaders are afraid that the Speaker is finally in the hot seat to do a deal or let the state collapse.===


    ===“In deference to Leader Durkin, he needs the opportunity to negotiate with Speaker Madigan in the House chamber, just as Leader Radogno and the Senate President do in the Senate…”===

    I’ve seen this movie before.

    I’m the end, Rauner blows up the deal, really not allowing any compromise, but, like in all sequels, the twist will be Rauner blowing it up and spending $5 million on ads saying Madigan blew it up, (Cullerton isn’t Madigan, amirite? lol), and counting on the typical “no response” by Dems.

    I’d say I was cynical, but sequels with a twist have a formula too.

  13. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    Children. They’re acting like freakin’ children. As 47 said, sit down and negotiate. Together. NOW. You’re out of time.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===…perhaps the Democratic leaders are afraid that the Speaker is finally in the hot seat to do a deal or let the state collapse.===

    Put a Raunerite sponsored Rauner Tax bill out there, then this is true.

    Then… this would be… true.

  15. - Tommydanger - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    Any time spent talking means less time talking to the press complaining that the other side doesn’t want to talk.

    What is the downside of getting together and talking?

  16. - jade me not - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    The Governor should make a public statement encouraging the legislative leaders to meet. That would clear this up.

  17. - Saluki - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:20 pm:

    Ooda loops. Should be a cereal with rauner on the front of the box.

  18. - zatoichi - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:22 pm:

    They could not take 15 minutes to be in the same room to have a common statement about working together? Seeing it is special session time and the available chamber photos are jam packed with members, I can see how they are simply too busy to squeeze a meeting into their heavy schedule.

    Please stop the posturing.

  19. - Texas Red - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:26 pm:

    So much happens behind the scenes we may never know what really happened with this meeting . But we can clearly see MJM’s statement and his words speak volumes, and none of it spells cooperation…”the Rauner budget crisis.”

  20. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:28 pm:

    I say this as a die hard democrat. The Speaker is for once on the hot seat. No longer can he deflect. No longer can the Speaker create a false alternative. The seat the Speaker is in will only heat up more. What’s the Speakers tolerance for some burned buns?

  21. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:37 pm:

    Who cares who canceled the meeting, it was canceled. Madigan, Cullerton, Durkin, Radogno, and Rauner should stop blaming everyone else and find a solution.

  22. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    ===So much happens behind the scenes we may never know what really happened with this meeting===

    Read the update, Tex. We know exactly what happened. Durkin said he made so much progress meeting one-on-one with Madigan yesterday that he didn’t want to meet with Radogno or Cullerton today. He wants Madigan all to himself, apparently.

    Meanwhile, there’s no rush or urgency on Durkin’s part. I mean, they still have seven more days to fritter away.

  23. - Rogue roni - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    To the update. Then what’s the point. Send them home and have $40k on the special session

  24. - Robert the Bruce - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    Cullerton and Radogno are the most reasonable of the bunch.

    Any meeting without them doesn’t stand much chance of ending in a deal….and Rauner knows this; hence the cancellation.

  25. - CubsFan - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    “My fault, you’re fault, nobody’s fault” pass a budget for crying out loud!!!!!!!!

  26. - Pacman - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    Just read a story that the Michigan Senate just passed a 56.7 billion dollar budget and its headed to the Governor’s desk for signature three months before their new fiscal year starts. I realize that their legislature and Governors office are Republican controlled, but how refreshing to read, think I will reread the article, it brings back fond memories of when Illinois used to pass budgets.

  27. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:03 pm:

    How can they work out a deal if they don’t meet with each other? Believe me, in my life I have been to a lot of fruitless meetings that produce nothing of substance. Sometimes, though, there is a breakthrough. But there won’t be a breakthrough if people don’t talk.

  28. - AnonymousOne - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:05 pm:

    Shouldn’t the governor’s voice be loud and clear and full of encouragement for any and all meetings to come to agreement, whatever it takes? Isn’t that what leadership does?

  29. - Rod - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:08 pm:

    Anonymous at 2:28 I don’t see Speaker Madigan in any hot seat at all. If the Speaker is opposed to additional budget cuts beyond what President Cullerton and his caucus have already agreed to, which I believe he is since at least some House Democrats disagree with the spending limits established by SB 6, then the Republicans have played into his hands. That is ok with me to be honest, because SB 6 is a Republican bill being supported by Cullerton in order to save many basic institutions in the State, President Cullerton misunderstands that Governor Rauner believes like Steve Bannon that what he calls the “administrative state” and other Republicans have called the nanny State must be uprooted and destroyed. That project will continue with or without an approved budget, it’s what Governor Rauner is all about.

    Mr. reasonable Cullerton really doesn’t understand the Republican revolution that has taken place, there is no longer a consensus between many Republicans and Democrats that a social welfare state must exist. The level of social welfare supports is no longer the area of dispute, it’s the entire function and conception of the state as it has existed since FDR that is up for discussion from the Republican perspective.

  30. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:13 pm:

    Pacman. Michigan doesn’t have MJM

  31. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:22 pm:

    How come no one has a quote from the governor where he states specifically what income tax rate he will support? Is it 4%? 3.75%, 4.99%?

    How can it be June 23 and no one has heard the Governor say exactly how high he wants to raise taxes?

    Did I miss his statement on that? Because I’ve been paying a lot of attention to this, but there’s a chance I missed that one. I’ve heard Madigan say he’d start at 5% and negotiate up or down from there. I’ve seen SB9 that Cullerton and the SDEMs passed that puts the rate at 4.9%.

    How come no one can cite the Republican number? How long do they plan to wait to tell the public how much money they need to pay for their spending?

    It really looks to me like only one side is negotiating. Only one side has put any cards on the table. How long can the Republicans wait to get in the game?

  32. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:25 pm:


    You have succinctly described the root cause of why I am no longer a Republican. Thank you!

  33. - red raider - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:38 pm:

    Not one single day of Governin’ and every single day campaignin’. He talks about unity when ordering them back into session and then inundates their constituents with daily mailers attacking them back in the districts. The special session was designed as nothing ore than another campaign commercial designed to make it look like he is trying to Govern. Nothing could be further from the truth. Shameful

  34. - whetstone - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 3:45 pm:

    ==The seat the Speaker is in will only heat up more. What’s the Speakers tolerance for some burned buns?==

    I don’t disagree that Madigan *should* have a lot of pressure on him, but does he? He’ll get re-elected; spreading the blame to enough Ds is hard, having voters take it out on the governor is easy. Ball’s in his court, but unfortunately I’m not sure if it hurts him too bad to punt it.

  35. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 4:00 pm:

    Update X4, HUH???? “Leader Durkin then chimed in and said it was his idea not to attend the meeting, claiming he and Speaker Madigan have achieved a “break-through” on workers’ comp reform.”

    So let me get this straight. You achieved a break through on workers’ comp but you didn’t want to share it with the Senate???? Dude, you’re makin’ no sense…which means you’re not being straight about this.

  36. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    I am gonna stay focused on the positive: dueling says the progress is HUUUGE.

  37. - Dr. Bronners - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 5:06 pm:

    This is all a replay of the Senates grand bargain fiasco. Rauner wants Durkin and Madigan to meet alone to create a “he said, no, he said” mess when the negotiations when they fall apart, like we all know they will. Madigan/Cullerton saw it from a mile away and now they trap has blown up in everyones faces.

  38. - DuPage Bard - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 6:24 pm:

    Leader Durkin chimed in………… It was me not him I swear.

    Durkin: Thanks for the check dad.
    Rauner: Best $850k I ever spent.

  39. - Rabid - Friday, Jun 23, 17 @ 6:44 pm:

    Thats what I call unity,skip a meeting so the two of you can be together

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