Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Pritzker campaign responds *** Dueling press releases
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*** UPDATED x1 - Pritzker campaign responds *** Dueling press releases

Monday, Jun 26, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Posted in the order they were received. Pritzker campaign…

Pritzker Campaign Launches New Digital Ads Holding Bruce Rauner Accountable on Health Care

Bruce Rauner Has No Plan for Health Care Bill Jeopardizing Coverage For Millions of Illinoisans

Chicago, IL – Today, the JB for Governor campaign launched new digital ads holding Bruce Rauner accountable for his failure to respond to the GOP health care bill. The ad campaign will run banner ads on local online publications throughout the state.

The bill introduced by Senate Republicans will be nothing short of devastating for Illinois families. It jeopardizes health care coverage for millions of Illinoisans, automatically terminates Medicaid coverage for 650,000 low-income Illinoisans by 2021, and could cost the state $40 billion over 10 years. Premiums could skyrocket across the board, with seniors bearing the brunt of the increased costs.

Despite the devastating impact this will have on our families, Bruce Rauner has yet to produce a plan to mitigate its impacts on the people he is supposed to represent. The new digital ads aim to hold Bruce Rauner accountable for failing to protect Illinoisans from this damaging legislation.

“This health care legislation will jeopardize coverage for millions of Illinoisans, financially devastate our families, and cost people their lives. There is no excuse for Bruce Rauner failing to produce a plan,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “This is a time for courage and leadership in Springfield to guide our state through the crisis this legislation will deliver to our doorstep. Instead Bruce Rauner is telling Illinoisans they will have to go it alone as Donald Trump’s agenda devastates our state. Rauner’s silence is cowardly and his failure to act will do long term damage to Illinois families.”

* From the ILGOP…

Pritzker and Madigan Sync Up Talking Points – Again!
Use Liberal Dog Whistles to Attack Reform

J.B. Pritzker and Mike Madigan are syncing up their talking points yet again.

Both oppose efforts to reform Illinois – but refuse to actually explain why outside of name calling.

Just yesterday, Madigan called Republican efforts to get lasting property tax relief an “extreme right-wing agenda.”

Likewise, J.B. Pritzker regularly refers to good government reforms like term limits, fair maps, and property tax relief as a “right wing Koch brother agenda.”

Here’s a question for Madigan, Pritzker, and the other candidates for Governor who oppose reform – what about helping the middle class is extreme?

What about an honest political system that works for the people, not the politicians, is extreme?

Democrats need to stop the liberal dog whistles and provide real solutions for Illinois.

A massive tax increase with no reform just won’t cut it.

Who won?

*** UPDATE ***  Galia Slayen of the Pritzker campaign…

“After two and a half years as governor, Bruce Rauner is still unable to articulate how his turnaround agenda will help the middle class. That’s because this agenda has always been about shaking the foundation of working class families as he uses them as leverage to achieve his personal, special interest agenda. Workers’ compensation reform that funnels more money into insurance company coffers isn’t real reform and undermining collective bargaining is an attack on working families. Illinois GOP arguing that these proposals help middle class Illinoisans is as much a joke as Bruce Rauner’s failed leadership. The fact that Rauner cannot seem to focus on the task at hand — passing a budget — further proves that he is incapable of providing the leadership our state needs. Focus, Bruce, focus.”

I like the “focus” stuff at the end.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:46 am:

    The health care/Medicaid issue is HUGE and Rauner is increasingly getting called out on playing duck and cover. Responding to that by continuing to play duck and cover, and using their standard construction of a noun, a verb and Mike Madigan, is wearing thin.

    Advantage: Pritzker

  2. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    Using the term “right-wing” attached to anything only brings to mind Hillary Clinton as First Lady and the “vast right-wing conspiracy” quote. Strongly suggest the Dems stay away from that term, however much they want to use it. It doesn’t work. Pritzker’s is a quality message but gets the “schoolyard” treatment by the ILGOP. That is the fight that will ultimately have to be won.

  3. - My New Handle - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:50 am:

    They both win with their bases, but beyond that it’s a draw.

  4. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    Rauner’s trolls are just beginning to figure out that PRITZKER has the means to do to Gov. Junk what he has done to Democrats for the past three years — smear and defame. Before it’s over this if going to be epic.

  5. - Rabid - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:52 am:

    If your fightin for the middle class, only the middle class should have their property taxes frozen, poindexter

  6. - Harry - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:54 am:

    They both won, each appealing to their own base and contributors.

    The rest of us lost.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 9:57 am:

    Way too wordy for a media drop. Highlight the dot points, a quote, and refer to either the script and/or the theme within the rollout. Pritzker’s Crew continues to think words are the way. They have a media drop, let it breathe first, give it the highlights, a quote and run the play.

    The ILGOP is continually using the Rauner Word Jumble with their OWN dog whistles to keep Rauner’s 35% favorable and they chose not to move beyond keeping that Raunerite base happy.

    Rauner has 58% disapprove.

    ===A massive tax increase with no reform just won’t cut it.===

    … when Rauner signs the Rauner Tax, how will this help? The fear is voters “this is what we got for arguably one of the single largest tax increase in the state’s history?”

    The message is to win the day, not the long term growing off the base.

    Who won?

    The ads can always salvage the rollout, if done well.

    The ILGOP did what they think they need to do, which is keep that 35% “happy”

    It’s a wash, but only until I see the Ads

  8. - OkComputer - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    Am I missing the dog whistle? What even is a liberal dog whistle?

  9. - A guy - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:02 am:

    Sleep won. Both are tired, wordy blahness.

  10. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    Pritzker lost this one. Calling for a plan to offset the effects of a proposal that will not get through the Senate in its current form is ridiculous.

    Democrats need to explain that property tax freeze =municipal and school spending freeze. Then say how that can hurt people and communities.

  11. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:12 am:

    “Calling for a plan to offset the effects of a proposal that will not get through the Senate in its current form is ridiculous.”

    Why is it ridiculous to ask the governor to weigh in on how the plan would affect Illinois. Other governors of both parties have done just that. The reason is simple, it could affect hundreds of thousands of his residents. Doesn’t he have an obligation to weigh in?

  12. - cdog - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    Pritzker panders, “Premiums could skyrocket across the board.”

    Where has this dude been? My middle-class family can’t afford bs-bronze-for-two, at $18K per w/ >$7k deductible. The prize is I get to pay the protection money to have access to the racket’s secret prices.

    Democrats sure know how to pander to non-producers and that will not provide a good conclusion to the matter. If the wanted to really win, they would widen their target audience, and get a little bit more real.

    (Think about the health care equation. It seems insurance companies are on one side all by themselves, not to be touched. The other side — government/taxpayer support $, employer premium $, self-employed premium $, minimizing provider exp $. Its a heck of a racket. Kunstler wrote a good piece on this, last week, “Rain Dance.”)

    GOP wins this round and should keep calling out the liberal purple-dog whistles.

  13. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    Oh, and if you think this plan has no chance to pass I’d argue that you’re kidding yourself. So much of the GOP self-flagellation at the moment is all for show. They’ll mostly line up. And if it passes the Senate, the House could easily just vote for the Senate bill and then it’s off to the president’s desk.

  14. - @MisterJayEm - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    “Am I missing the dog whistle? What even is a liberal dog whistle?”

    They appear to think that using the phrase ‘right-wing’ is a dog whistle — but that’s not what ‘dog whistle’ means.

    – MrJM

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:16 am:

    ===Calling for a plan to offset the effects of a proposal that will not get through the Senate in its current form is ridiculous===

    That is the slight of hand.

    It’s the politics. Or, at least it should be the politics right now, as you correctly point out, nothing is getting thru right now, today, as is, so put enough policy into the smattering of politics, it really works.

    Why I’m not too keen on the length, that also has a great deal to do with where healthcare legislation is in the process of getting finally done.

    Ding Rauner on silence, make it about the “awful” and Rauner not protecting Illinois, use the Durbin for points for Illinois to wrap it all in a package.

    The Pritzker Crew is on the right path here, they have the idea, let’s see the ads now.

  16. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:22 am:

    Pritzker won.

    Pritzker is focused on outcome, how it affects voters.

    Rauner is focused on process.

    No one cares where Pritzker gets his talking post s from, boys.

    But the fact that you are complaining about Prirzker’s message is a good sign he hit the bullseye.

  17. - Anon 7 - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    I’m a Republican, but I’ve grown pretty tired of Rauner and all the brinkmanship. Nevertheless, that IL GOP press release is it. Rauner will sink or swim with that message. It’s short and to the point and people get it. If Rauner wins in 2018, he’ll be put over the top not by voters who support him, but by those who opposed Democrats running the state from top to bottom.

  18. - Responsa - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:01 am:

    The candidates need to stay away from overwrought messaging. Healthcare was a mess before Obamacare. It got better for some and worse for others as Obamacare developed and then the exchanges started to implode and rates started to skyrocket– contrary to promises that had been made. Whether it will be better or worse for a greater number of Americans when a new law shakes out (however it shakes out) only time will tell. But the status quo is affordable and unsustainable. In addition doctors are leaving Medicaid patient practice in droves.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:03 am:

    To the Update,

    That is quality work right there.

    No mumbo-jumbo word jumble, boxing Rauner in where the Pritzker campaign sees its opening, then topping it off with “focus Bruce” is just top shelf work.

    The “Focus, Bruce, Focus” would be a great negative ad campaign, including Bruce telling a reporter to focus.

    I can’t wait for the Rauner Word Jumble response… lol

  20. - Curl of the Burl - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:04 am:

    Pritzker’s press person has been “slayen” it.


  21. - JS Mill - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:55 am:

    =Illinois GOP arguing that these proposals help middle class Illinoisans is as much a joke as Bruce Rauner’s failed leadership.=

    Stick with this because it is true and it hits him where it hurts.

  22. - JS Mill - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:57 am:

    BTW- this is off topic but has anyone noticed @Grant Wherli? This guy is a constant twitter troll- picking up where Sandack left off before the unfortunate (clears throat) “incident”.

    What a child-somebody tell him to maybe propose something besides the Bro-quarium style comments.

  23. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 11:59 am:

    “Am I missing the dog whistle? What even is a liberal dog whistle?”

    A liberal dog whistle blows a tone that is a little flat, is in to the left of the correct frequency. Whereas a conservative dog whistle blows a little sharp, as in to the right of the correct frequency.

  24. - DeseDemDose - Monday, Jun 26, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    Koch brothers and Rauner are focused on themselves.

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