*** UPDATED x1 *** After day of hope, rancor returns to Statehouse
Saturday, Jul 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller * There’s a typo in this release. The bill is HB 1811, not SB 1811. It’s the revamped 911 emergency services bill that was passed on Thursday, sent to the governor today, vetoed by agreement today and then promptly overridden with huge bipartisan super-majorities. You’d never know there was an agreement by reading this, however…
* Notice his last lines about the budget impasse. Things are not going well. It started with this…
* Republicans, however, said at a press conference today that it’s the Democrats who are holding things up…
*** UPDATE *** Some Senate Democrats will hold a press conference later today to talk about the new demands from the Republicans. There were three demands related to education, I’m told. One was additional K-12 mandate relief. Another was an exemption from the procurement code for the K-12 PARCC testing program. And the third was a $1.5 billion school voucher plan, which may wind up as a limited pilot program. The Senate Democrats I’ve talked to say there have been problems in negotiations, but nothing huge that can’t be dealt with. For instance, they rejected several items yesterday during negotiations and the Republicans came back late last night with the same demands. Stay tuned.
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
Did not listen to or attend their press conference. Did anyone ask Barickman and Demmer if they are a yes on revenue? SB 9?
- Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:31 pm:
===…massive tax hike…===
The Rauner Tax will be one of the largest income tax increases in Illinois history, signed by Rauner. That’ll be fun.
===…abuse on Illinois taxpayers…===
Squeezing social services and higher education is what then, Rauner Word Jumble programmers?
===Today the majority failed taxpayers…===
Dear Republican legislators, Rauner disowned you, lol
===…shakedown taxpayers…===
That’s the Rauner Word Jumble, working hard by ignoring the agreed to actions.
Trust is indeed tough to find(?)
=== They appear to be using the same strategy in the current budget impasse.===
When Rauner signs that budget… how will Raunerites explain that? lol
- Annonin' - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:33 pm:
Anyone else notice “NewDemands” Demmer voted “no” on the budget amendment — sincerest evidence of intent.
Ask the PARCC test vendor if the new procurement loophole to speed the unfunded mandate is a new add.
- J IL - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:33 pm:
Still thinking there will be no budget this upcoming year. Based on the comments thus far today this is setting a perfectly to be the mother of all blame games.
- wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:33 pm:
Rauner emerges from a dark corner of the old State Cap for this?
While bipartisan groups of legislators are slugging it out to a resolution — with no help from him — he throws a tantrum on this?
Priorities. Focus. Unity!
His outrageous lying about the overwhelmingly bipartisan vote on the bill reveals, again, his contempt for the intelligence of the citizenry.
Not a good sign.
- Annonin' - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:40 pm:
And check back with “NewDemands” Demmer about gamin’ too. dang sux to get caught
- wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
–There were three demands related to education, I’m told. One was additional K-12 mandate relief. Another was an exemption from the procurement code for the K-12 PARCC testing program. And the third was a $1.5 billion school voucher plan, which may wind up as a limited pilot program.–
A $1.5B voucher plan, at this stage? Yeah, that’s not controversial or costly.
Somebody’s tryin’ to blow it up. Wonder who.
- G'Kar - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
“Instead of passing those common sense changes, the majority in the General Assembly has chosen to hold innocent people, our most vulnerable residents and essential services hostage to pass . . .”
How can he say this with a straight face?
- wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
–How can he say this with a straight face?–
Practice, practice, practice.
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:47 pm:
It looks like Demmer and Barickman aren’t telling the truth. Can they send Rich a clarification on this? Perhaps a truthification? a don’t lieacation?
- Sue - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:49 pm:
Downgrades Monday
- Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:51 pm:
===Downgrades Monday===
Don’t know if anyone is “open” on Monday…
- 360 Degree TurnAround - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:51 pm:
Now I can’t believe anything that the ILHouseGOP or ILSenateGOP puts out via twitter.
- Moe Berg - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:52 pm:
Rauner doesn’t want a budget. Has never wanted a budget with new taxes. The dust up with IPI is fiction. He’s a Randian and with them all the way.
He’s Burn It Down Bruce in the billion dollar asbestos suit. If it all goes bad, he doesn’t have to live in IL, but most of the rest of us don’t have 7 other out-of-state homes from which to chose.
- Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:54 pm:
It’s disappointing about Demmer.
Mr. Barickman earned his Raunerite stripes back during the NRI hearings, so it’s less disappointing, more of the same with Barickman.
- Dome Gnome - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:55 pm:
Yesterday’s KumbayaLoveFest™ is just a faint memory.
- Dick Butka - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:56 pm:
I guess the Republicans aren’t in favor of slowing down negotiations like they were in favor of doing back in May.
el oh el
- wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 3:57 pm:
===Downgrades Monday===
I doubt if anyone is back to work until Wednesday.
Regardless, I think the rating agencies will let this particular gambit play out until it gets done or blowed up real good.
If it gets blowed up, the junk announcement is a formality. Everyone surely must know that.
- Cssandra - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:03 pm:
Both sides want new revenue income tax hike, including Rauner, who is probably more desperate for one than the Democrats at this point, with the upcoming election. He needs at least some semblance of normal state operations in order to be even somewhat competitive. Plus, an increase in the state’s flat income tax is the merest nip for the state’s wealthy, a group which includes not only the Rauners but also the Madigans, and, I’d guess, most of the people they associate with.
- illini - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
I was starting to feel moderately optimistic this morning and now this. Haven’t we seen this before? We should have expected yet another last minute ploy.
I’m glad I restocked the liquor cabinet this morning. This is not going to end quickly.
- JS Mill - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:04 pm:
I wonder why Barickman never mentioned the $1.5 billion Voucher plan in his barrage of emails to superintendents in his district? He sent at least half a dozen emails and held a call in meeting over the last two weeks.
Many districts in his district are strapped for money and even $10 or $15 million would have a huge impact. But now vouchers?
Not. One. Mention.
Hmmm….wonder why? It’s a mystery.
- wordslinger - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:06 pm:
–Hmmm….wonder why? It’s a mystery.–
LOL, that’s what you call a Horse Poison Pill, at this stage of the game.
- walker - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:07 pm:
“”A $1.5B voucher plan, at this stage? Yeah, that’s not controversial or costly.
Somebody’s tryin’ to blow it up. Wonder who.”"
Was wondering if Rauner would pull something like this out at the 11th hour plus. His pattern is firmly established — let the legislators struggle to find a compromise, lay back, then as soon as they are close to a final set of bills, demand something else. He’s done it at least four times now, if you include working groups.
In Rauner’s mind it’s a two-level negotiation: Dems vs. Repubs in the Legislature to reach bipartisan compromise, then Rauner vs. the Legislature to change the bipartisan agreement.
It shows two destructive attitudes. Rauner still regards legislators, regardless of party, as “corrupt” and “incompetent,” like he said in his campaign. And he is not a Republican, in any common sense of the term.
- Wonder - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:10 pm:
Why would anyone even think that Madigan is going to let a budget pass until after the 2018 election. Nothing surprising about any of this.
- JS Mill - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:32 pm:
@Wonder- you may want to pay a little attention. Rauner just inserted a never before discussed or mention demand for a $1.5 voucher bill into the education funding discussion. A negotiation that was nearly done.
Not one of the GOP legislators has mentioned the voucher issue in their many emails and phone meetings with educators.
I was being snarky about it being a mystery. It isn’t in the least bit a mystery.
Word and Walker are completely on it, this is Rauner 101.
He is not interested in a budget and has proved it over and over.
- Stormsw7706 - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 4:40 pm:
This whole situation just gets more sad. The bottom line is that Rauner is not the least bit upset by this. The destruction of effective governance has always been his mission. BYW I am also appalled by the continued willingness of new stations to quote IPI as a valid source. Local news and papers are becoming a joke.
- Annonin' - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 5:06 pm:
Mr/Ms OW
With all due respect is some splinter of info that suggest “NewDemands” Demmer is something more that a taller, thinner, blonder Ives? Always open to learnin’ something new
- California Guy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 5:08 pm:
RIP 2017-18 budget. Grabbing popcorn for blame game showdown!
- Oswego Willy - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 5:19 pm:
- Annonin -
The Rebel in me might might be a bit Gray on that, South of seeing your clear apparent similarities.
History might been seen differently by others, including me.
Hope that might help, I know I’m constantly learning too.
- atsuishin - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 5:25 pm:
seems like the legislative republicans are raising the white flag. they have been bigfooted by madigan and will not hold the line against new tax and spend. they need to be flushed out in 2018.
- Rod - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 6:55 pm:
Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton opened the door to these endless Republicans demands. I don’t blame Rauner at all for piling it on, he wants a rout not just a win. The Democrat leadership seems in terror of being held responsible for the failure to finalize the budget.
- Telly - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 8:53 pm:
The AT&T/911 bill is one of the few “big” legislative initiatives to win bipartisan support the last three years. Bruce Rauner is against it. ‘Nuff said.
- StopPlayingGames - Saturday, Jul 1, 17 @ 9:03 pm:
Rauner, if you care about IL, it is time to stop the lies & the games.
- Rabid - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 8:24 am:
Rauners special session ended with no engagement, waiting at his desk with his veto pen, and necessary shakeout of his mouthpiece
- Generic Drone - Sunday, Jul 2, 17 @ 9:13 am:
Well, Rauner is doing all of this free of charge to the citizens of the state of Illinois. Hows that cheap governor workin for ya.