Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Illinois bonds rally while Tribune tries to kill the deal
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Illinois bonds rally while Tribune tries to kill the deal

Wednesday, Jul 5, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is such a weird state. The governor vetoes a budget and a tax hike and the bond markets rally because traders figure the General Assembly will ignore him

Illinois bonds surged as the legislature moved closer to ending a record-long impasse over the budget, reducing the risk that the state’s bond rating will be cut to junk.

The rally came after the state senate overrode Governor Bruce Rauner’s veto to approve tax increases and the first full-year budget in two years, sending the measures to the House of Representatives. Without a spending plan in place, Illinois had been squeezed by chronic deficits and credit-rating companies warned that they may withdraw the state’s investment-grade rank, a step that could have prevented some investors from buying its debt.

“It does look good — it looks like the momentum is there,” said Gabriel Diederich, a portfolio manager at Wells Fargo Asset Management, which has Illinois debt among municipal bond holdings. “When you get shreds of fiscal management and fiscal prudence, even small steps have been greeted positively.”

The average price of taxable general-obligation bonds due in 2035, the most actively traded, jumped 6.5 percent to 110.5 cents on the dollar Wednesday, the highest since the end of October. That pushed the yield down to 6.36 percent from about 7 percent on July 3. The state’s bonds were the most heavily traded municipal securities Wednesday.

* Meanwhile, the Tribune editorial board makes a last-ditch effort to stop the override

Members of the Illinois House, the decision falls to you. Will you override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of a permanent, 32-percent increase in the personal income tax? Or will you instead insist, first let’s agree on the reforms that many of us promised voters would have to be part of any tax deal?

We ask because if you vote this tax increase into law and then have to admit to your constituents that accompanying “reform” bills are really just diluted eyewash, you’ll look like chumps for Speaker Michael Madigan.

At this writing, an override looks like a terrible risk for you. We say this not because we’re reflexively opposed to tax increases — we aren’t. We say it because Illinois citizens need offsetting fixes from Springfield. Otherwise you’ll own the same old state government and weak Illinois economy, but at a price you’ve just raised by 32 percent. […]

So, House members, if you’ve delivered solutions — on property taxes, on pensions, on work comp, on government bloat in Illinois — then maybe you should vote to override Rauner’s veto.

The Tribune argues that the budget chaos should continue until the governor’s reforms are enacted, but 16 Republicans specifically voted to end that insane and protracted chaos.

You’re going to see a whole lot more arguments like this before tomorrow’s expected override vote.

* Related…

* McSweeney files bill to repeal Illinois House’s permanent income tax hike


  1. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:09 pm:

    The betting money is on reality and Madigan. The political money hasn’t decided yet.

  2. - Will Caskey - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:09 pm:

    I like how McQueary can’t QUITE bring herself to explicitly endorse junk status and a continued shut down so she just whines a lot (hi Kristen! I’m still correct about the IL budget. A tax hike was necessary a decade ago and it still is!).

    Also that having less money via a tax hike is compensated by something other that receiving money. That is not how money works!

  3. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:11 pm:

    “The Tribune argues that the budget chaos should continue until the governor’s reforms are enacted”

    In Chicago, Wishing For A Hurricane Katrina

    I find myself wishing for a storm in Chicago — an unpredictable, haughty, devastating swirl of fury. A dramatic levee break. Geysers bursting through manhole covers. A sleeping city, forced onto the rooftops.

    That’s what it took to hit the reset button in New Orleans. Chaos. Tragedy. Heartbreak.

    A very curious bunch, that Tribune Editorial Board.

    – MrJM

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:12 pm:

    To me?

    It’s no different than Kristen McQueary begging for a hurricane to destroy lives, so her idea of Utopia could begin, no matter how many people are hurt, no matter the permanent damage a hurricane delivers.

    When I look at this editorial as wishing for no budget, no social services being saved, no higher education outlasting the continued budget stalemate… Kristen McQueary, “@StatehouseChick”, already signaled what thus editorial board would say here, and they don’t disappoint.

    It’s about wishing for continued destruction to begin policies that have not enough support to be.

    As @StatehouseChick tweets … “Simple”

  5. - Dandy Edward - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:14 pm:

    Madigan and John will be asking for another tax hike after the 2018 elections because the issues that got us here have not been taken care of. No reforms = another tax hike. Illinois will be taxed out of existence.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===Madigan and John will be asking for another tax hike after the 2018 elections because the issues that got us here have not been taken care of. No reforms = another tax hike. Illinois will be taxed out of existence.===

    Since you know about all this taxing and Illinois out of existence thingy, who will win the next couple Stanley Cups, Super Bowls, and World Series?

    ‘Cause, calling your shot on existence seems a bit… over the top… so I figure, get some things to bet on.

  7. - Ace Laredo - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:17 pm:

    “Illinois will be taxed out of existence”

    So, like, it’ll just be a black hole on the map? Taxes can do that? Holy crap, that IS terrifying.

  8. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:18 pm:

    Who will be the Republican Minions for Mike?

  9. - A Jack - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    I suspect they will ask for a progressive tax amendment before they seek another tax hike. The Democrats can use the new tax hike as a selling point. “If you are middle class, and would like to see your taxes drop, then enact this progressive tax amendment.”

  10. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    ===Who will be the Republican Minions for Mike?===

    15 of 51 is about 30% of the HGOP wanting schools opened, universities accredited, social services paid.

    I’m with the “Brave 15″ all day, every day, twice on Sunday.

    Enough is enough.

  11. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    The party is over and everyone has left and the Trib is still pounding away at the same sorry song. Be brave legislators but only in the way we tell you to be, also be very very scared of Ma Blue. Please.

  12. - enoughalready - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    =who will win the next couple Stanley Cups, Super Bowls, and World Series?=
    That’s easy…Blackhawks, Bears and Cubs.

  13. - anon2 - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    === No reforms = another tax hike. ===

    Pray tell, how would a permanent property tax freeze and term limits prevent another state tax hike?

  14. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:35 pm:

    –Or will you instead insist, first let’s agree on the reforms that many of us promised voters would have to be part of any tax deal?–

    Is the Book of Secrets on the projected ROI of Rauner’s agenda hidden in Trib Tower? Behind one of those stolen stones from iconic world structures, perhaps?

    Maybe the tronclodytes could share the benefits with us, beyond the incoherent screwball talking points of the last two years.

    Either way, the troncs should retrieve the Book of Secrets from the Tower before the new owners toss them out on the street next year. Wouldn’t want that deep knowledge they demonstrate every day to get into the wrong hands.

  15. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    == No reforms = another tax hike.==

    “Cuts”. You mean “cuts”. Not reform. Like, term limits ain’t gonna do a damn thing about the budget. If you can only stick around for ten years anyway, you’re not gonna think too long-term. Have courage in your convictions, man. And specify the cuts, being mindful of all the stuff we’ve learned over the last three years that just can’t be cut.

  16. - Ajjacksson - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:38 pm:

    enoughalready–Blackhawks and Cubs I can buy. Now about the Bears….

  17. - P. - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:42 pm:

    She can never top the Hurricane Katrina piece but who remembers the Susana Mendoza is a big meanie and should pipe down piece?

  18. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:50 pm:

    –She can never top the Hurricane Katrina piece but who remembers the Susana Mendoza is a big meanie and should pipe down piece?–

    How’s about all of Rauner’s proposed budgets were balanced?

    Prior to that, she chastised those who called out Rauner’s unbalanced budgets as “pointdexters” who were missing the big picture.

    She aspires to sophistry, she achieves hackdom.

  19. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    Chain them to the ship when it sinks and see how they like it then.

  20. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    Making that last tax hike temporary was a stupid thing to do.

  21. - Roman - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    ==We say this not because we’re reflexively opposed to tax increases — we aren’t. ==

    We say this, because we reflexively regurgitate the governor’s talking points.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    ===…Susana Mendoza is a big meanie and should pipe down piece?===

    Let’s put this to bed.

    Unless those making the Ad think they are smarter than the “Seinfeld” writers by actively choosing to use Guacamole instead of plain white, apparently, onion dip…

    There’s nothing funnier than changing the type of dip to by happenstance try and convey another message. That’s knee slapping comedy there… or something else.

    You wanna change dips to be funny, sometime Karma means reminding those that they aren’t funnier by changing a “Seinfeld” bit.

    Kristen McQueary, as a reporter covering this state and the politics within this state must be confused how @StatehouseChick routinely ignores the institutional knowledge the reporter Kritsen McQueary apparently forgot when joining the Editorial Board.

    The eerie similarities between the Hurricane McQueary wanted, and that destruction and this editorial and the ramifications of not overriding and the rationale, way too coincidental as an Editorial Board sees, collectively, as the right answers

  23. - RIJ - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    The Tribune editorial board is a purveyor of bad ideas. When they claim something, it usually means it’s terrible for the average Illinois citizen and horrible for the State as a whole.

  24. - Markus - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:04 pm:

    The cuts-only Tea Party wing of the GOP caucus in concert with the moderates still wary of Rauner’s threats are not going to go down quietly. Those representing communities on the brink and interestingly, a former mayor who knows what it takes for a government to function will likely stand by their convictions and sensibilities.

    Looking forward to looking forward rather than fearing it. Otherwise junk it and shut it down.

  25. - Ron - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:13 pm:

    So, Illinois was already top 5 in state and local tax burden. will this make us #1?

  26. - Ron - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    RIJ, the average Illinois taxpayer carries one of the highest state and local tax burdens in the country. This tax increase only makes it worse for the average Illinoisan.

  27. - Ron - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:16 pm:

    Why didn’t they cut 10% across the board instead of 5%?

  28. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:19 pm:

    The Trib is giving some House R’s, especially the suburban three, a last chance to repent and sin no more.

    They should take it– all of the R’s who voted like D’s to raise taxes without reforms — because their constituents are very, very unhappy.

  29. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    ==Why didn’t they cut 10% across the board instead of 5%?==

    You’re a moderate squish. They shoulda cut 20%.

  30. - Leadership - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    Are the Governor’s buddies buying up the bonds before the interest rates drop?

  31. - Moe Berg - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:24 pm:

    What’s interesting about those who wish for the doom, like Katrina and Bruce D., is their great confidence that they’ll be the ones who come out of it just fine. So eager to roll the dice and never pausing to consider the potential for negative consequences that might touch their lives in unexpected ways.

    Am also highly amused by their apparent belief that, by virtue of their insulated, walnut-paneled tower perches they are actually part of the wealthy elite, rather than merely its vassals. And, push comes to shove, said elite would be just as happy to cast them aside without a second thought. As Mitt Romney put it so well for his fellow 0.1%ers, “I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.”

  32. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===because their constituents are very, very unhappy===

    Craven politicians will only support whatever tests well in polls. Sometimes, you just gotta tell people that the fiscal tooth fairy doesn’t exist.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===They should take it– all of the R’s who voted like D’s to raise taxes without reforms — because their constituents are very, very unhappy.===

    Thoughtful representatives see where their party is wrong, and then vote against what others think will make their constituents “very, very, unhappy”

    Like the 4 GOP members that voted for SSM. Do you think they should have felt the wrath, or did they sin by not voting as the party wanted?

  34. - northsider (the original) - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    Ms. McQueary publicly wished for the destruction of the third largest American city, hoping for chaos, tragedy & heartbreak. Her wishes were published and promoted by the Tribune.
    The Tribune Editorial Board endorsed Gary Johnson for President of the United States in 2016.
    It’s mind-boggling that anyone listens to these people.

  35. - doggonit - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:10 pm:

    I don’t buy or click Tribune stories anymore unless they’re written by Zorn.

  36. - SAP - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:13 pm:

    ==I suspect they will ask for a progressive tax amendment before they seek another tax hike. The Democrats can use the new tax hike as a selling point. “If you are middle class, and would like to see your taxes drop, then enact this progressive tax amendment.”== Agreed. A permanent tax hike sets the table for a move to progressive tax rates so that the majority of the population can get a tax cut.

  37. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:14 pm:

    =They should take it– all of the R’s who voted like D’s to raise taxes without reforms — because their constituents are very, very unhappy.=

    In the end they need to put the blame where it belongs - math. Math said that 90% wasn’t good enough. Math said that there weren’t enough D’s (and maybe R’s) to give Rauner the 10 out of 10 he demanded. Math ultimately said that we have to bring in enough to pay our bills. Math required 60/30. Math ultimately dictated that even with a $3B cut in spending we still needed a tax increase. So if anyone is to blame it’s math.

  38. - Ron - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:30 pm:

    They should elminate corporate income taxes altogether with progressive personal income taxes.

  39. - Trapped in the 'burbs - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    Katrina Kristen McQueary and Bruce Dold can lead an expedition for their Tribune colleagues in search of their long lost credibility and gravitas. If Madigan doesn’t have the votes for the override, what do the Tribsters suggest? Oh that’s right, they’re in favor of a complete meltdown or catastrophic event. They should know, look at the wreckage that they inflicted on the Tribune.

  40. - Jmo - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    As a life long Republican represented by Rep Jimenez, this constituent is very happy that she showed the courage to do what was needed. I sent her a message stating how I felt and that she definitely still has my vote.

  41. - Winnin' - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:56 pm:

    The Trib edit board gets a 10 for consistency but dons a dunce hat for its inability to understand the brained of eliminating red ink.

  42. - Winnin' - Wednesday, Jul 5, 17 @ 2:58 pm:

    I wear a dunce hat for not proofreading. Brained is supposed to be Business.

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