* Gov. Bruce Rauner said this yesterday about the proposed tax hike…
“This is not just a slap in the face to Illinois taxpayers. This is a 2-by-4 smacked across the foreheads of the people of Illinois.”
* Chris Kennedy is understandably appalled at this sort of rhetoric by our state’s top elected official, or from anyone, for that matter. From his campaign…
“We have seen an increase in violent political rhetoric both in Washington and Illinois. That type of rhetoric has no place in the political discourse. We can disagree with one another on policy and politics without resorting to violence or political rhetoric that encourages violence. We should have vigorous debate, discussion and disagreements, but it should never veer towards violence ever.”
*** UPDATE *** The Pritzker campaign responds harshly and, unlike Kennedy, actually mentions the governor’s name…
The Trump administration has been marked by bald-faced lies, attacks on the press, inciting violence, and unrepentant hypocrisy. Bruce Rauner has not only failed to condemn this destruction of our norms and civility, he’s now adopted many of the same techniques as Donald Trump.
A particularly egregious example came in Rauner’s press conference yesterday. While Rauner used to campaign on the importance of the state having a good credit rating, now, as he finishes his push towards Illinois receiving junk status, he has completely changed his tune. Rauner’s attacks on members of his party for holding him accountable, and violent rhetoric, comparing the bipartisan budget he vetoed to a “two-by-four smacked across the forehead” are simply unacceptable. With Rauner on the precipice of watching his special interest agenda fall apart, the failed governor is getting desperate – Trump style.
“With no real accomplishments and a record of creating devastation, Bruce Rauner is desperately resorting to the Donald Trump playbook of preying on people’s fear and anger,” said Pritzker campaign spokeswoman Jordan Abudayyeh. “This is the lowest form of politics and entirely unbecoming of our state’s highest office. It is evidence of a governor who has failed on every level. Bruce Rauner can continue hiding behind Trumpist tactics of inciting violence and gas-lighting the public, but it won’t change the fact that he has unleashed long term damage on Illinois.”
- Rocky Rosi - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:25 am:
It would be helpful if individuals running for governor had solutions that balance the budget and address pension reform. All other “red meat” talking points doesn’t help the hard working families of Illinois.
- OkComputer - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:26 am:
“This is a 2-by-4 smacked across the foreheads of the people of Illinois.”
Ironically, the people of Illinois can still get worker’s comp for that 2-by-4 smack, which if Rauner had his way, would be what he would have traded for the same tax hike.
- Curl of the Burl - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:27 am:
Rauner needs to hire Hacksaw Jim Duggan and bring him to his events.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:29 am:
===Man up, snowflake. It’s a metaphor, not a direct threat to anyone.===
It no wonder you’re ” - Anonymous - “.
You’d be wise to give Mr. Kennedy a very wide berth here.
Like “leave it alone” wide berth.
- Will Caskey - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:34 am:
Chris everyone agrees it is sad no one is paying attention to you. Even JB thinks it is sad. He’s going to send an extra mail piece for you out of pity.
- Saluki - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:35 am:
The days of leaders attempting to be judicial in their comments are over. I 2nd the Hacksaw Jim Duggan thought.
- Matt Miller - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:35 am:
Chris Kennedy is going to hear a lot worse than that from his own party in the coming months.
- JoeMaddon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:35 am:
Kennedy has now said more about violent rhetoric than he has said about Rauner’s veto.
Pawar, Biss, Pritzker all publicly and aggressively pushing back on Rauner, and defending this budget. Kennedy has been almost completely silent on it. His facebook page, his twitter feed, they say nothing about the budget in the last two weeks.
Show some freakin’ leadership, Kennedy. Talk about why this budget matters and has to happen.
- Gruntled University Employee - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:39 am:
It’s called a Constitution, you should check it out. And before you suggest amending our State Constitution to gut the Public Pensions you might want to check out the Contracts Clause of our US Constitution. But heck, maybe we can amend that one too, and while we’re at it maybe we can just eliminate the whole First and Second Amendments to that one. Yeah, that would solve everything. Sheesh.
- Ole' Nelson - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:43 am:
The employee has paid their share all along. It comes out of the paycheck. The State of Illinois, not so much….
As for a cost shift, it won’t take the State off the hook for the huge pension liability, just the costs going forward. Tier 2 has made those quite low.
- Flexible - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:56 am:
Ole’ Nelson, Tier 2 doesn’t meet federal standards for social security, the state is going to have to kick in more money for Tier 2 or join the social security system.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:57 am:
It’s hard to believe that people find a way to disagree with the statement. They spin it, deflect, or condone it. I am no fan of Chris Kennedy, but let’s not determine if violence is okay by what political party or politician it would happen to. If you think that way, you are part of the problem.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 10:58 am:
Rauner’s wrong.
Worse, he is spinning panic over something he caused. His choice of words are unprofessional and ungubernatorial. After what he’s put us through, we know he’s against whatever fixes this crisis. Having him saying this overwrought crap exposes him further as a self-beclowing political footnote.
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:00 am:
VanillaMan x 2
- The X Factor - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:00 am:
Flexible - Tier 2 doesn’t meet federal stds for soc sec. Has that been decided or is it potentially going to be decided? thx.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:02 am:
“This is a 2-by-4 smacked across the foreheads of the people of Illinois.”
Yes, Governor - thanks to you:
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:03 am:
Will, I’m paying attention to the obvious truth that Kennedy stated.
I guess you see it as a opportunity to troll for a JB payday.
Dude, have some self-respect and pick your spots.
- El Conquistador - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:05 am:
- What's in a name? - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:06 am:
Vanillaman is usually so eloquent that I looked up “beclowing” assuming I was about to learn a new word. Now I feel really stupid.
- Googoogaagaa - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:09 am:
For the love of God wont someone please pay attention to that Kennedy guy.
- GA Watcher - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:15 am:
=== Rauner is right. Why should we pay for public pensions. Let the employees and localities pay their own pensions.===
All local governments and their employees — other than schools — cover the costs of their pensions. The employer share is paid for through local taxes and fees, the employee portion via payroll deductions. BTW, benefit levels for local government employees are set by State law, not by the local government employer.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:19 am:
With all due respect, commenters who have a problem with use of Anonamous and get snarky about it, you are actually criticizing Rich Miller - the actual owner of this blog - since he does allow its use. Take it up with the boss. lol
- It Man - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Have to agree with Saluki 10:35…
As much as I had hoped for civil discourse in the future of politics, It is a no-holds barred arena. A snake pit. Hold my beer while I roll up my sleeves…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:23 am:
===commenters who have a problem with use of Anonamous and get snarky about it, you are actually…===
Not really.
I ask because it’s “tiring” to back and forth with 2-3 ” - Anonymous - “, all who think they are the Thought of the Day and we all should engage 2-3 ” - Anonymous - ”
Also, if ya wanna ding on ” - Anonymous - ”
It helps if ya spell it right.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:32 am:
== Tier 2 doesn’t meet federal stds for soc sec. Has that been decided or is it potentially going to be decided? ==
It’s a potential that is relatively easily fixed by altering some caps in Tier 2.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:38 am:
Um, do you read your hundreds of comments after speed typing? Ha. Lol.
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:39 am:
Silly? Sure.
ENCOURAGING violence? Come on…
- Tollway Tommy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 11:44 am:
Kennedy’s final evolutional stage is becoming a more watered-down version of John Kasich in this primary.
- DuPage Saint - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
Willie: maybe Anonamous is his nom de plume
- Wizzard of Ozzie - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 12:05 pm:
Wordslinger @11:03 is spot on
Will Caskey, we know you’re a political consultant. And I appreciate when people use their actual names. But try and add something to the dialogue here… other than your blind defense of Joe Berrios.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 12:13 pm:
===maybe Anonamous is his nom de plume===
That would be genius, kinda like the misspelling of “Apacalpse” was for a commenter.
Oh well.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 12:22 pm:
Good. exactly what needs to be said. keep saying it.
- LibertyvilleNick - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 12:29 pm:
This is like McCains ‘Lipstick on a pig’ in 2008. Phoney outrage
- Rabid - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 1:10 pm:
Spruce Bruce taps the gop general assembly hard
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 1:33 pm:
@ Anonymous (or however you spell it) at 11:19 a.am. === With all due respect, commenters who have a problem with use of Anonamous and get snarky about it, you are actually criticizing Rich Miller - the actual owner of this blog - since he does allow its use. Take it up with the boss. lol ===
But before you take it up with the boss, note what he says right above the comments field: “Post your comment… And please take a half second to come up with a nickname. It makes following the posts easier for everyone… Thanks[.]”
- Soccermom - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 2:16 pm:
I am Team Biss. But if anybody has a right to be sensitive to threatened violence, it’s Chris Kennedy. Sheesh.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 2:22 pm:
You’d be wise to give Mr. Kennedy a very wide berth here.
Like “leave it alone” wide berth.
The ,Kennedy Clan has actually killed and raped several people for him to lecture about violence is an absolute disgrace.
- Johnny Justice - Thursday, Jul 6, 17 @ 4:34 pm:
To both Kennedy & Pritzker, there’s a lot to criticize Rauner about, but to say he’s encouraging political violence is ridiculous. Everyone knows he was speaking figuratively. This type of criticism simply verifies Trumps claims of too much political correctness. Everyone knows “A stab in the back” or “slap in the face” is often used figuratively rather than literally, so be it with “a 2-by-4 smacked across the foreheads”,,,,,SHEESH, as Rich would say.