Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x7 - Oops in proclamation? - Pawar, Koehler, Kennedy, Biss, ILGOP, Pritzker respond *** Special session proclamation issued
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*** UPDATED x7 - Oops in proclamation? - Pawar, Koehler, Kennedy, Biss, ILGOP, Pritzker respond *** Special session proclamation issued

Monday, Jul 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here or on the pic for the full proclamation

Here we go again.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Pritzker campaign…

Bruce Rauner has made it clear he intends to pit schoolchildren and communities against each other by issuing a yet to be revealed amendatory veto to SB 1, a bill that lets school districts across the state open their doors on time. In response, JB Pritzker issued the following statement:

“The only person driving an ‘artificial crisis’ is Bruce Rauner. Rather than working cooperatively with lawmakers, advocates, families and school districts, Rauner has once again decided to approach school funding with his arrogant and dismissive ‘my way or the highway’ style,” said JB Pritzker. “It’s simply unconscionable that Bruce Rauner cares more about pushing a right-wing agenda than he does about making sure children get a quality education. Unfortunately for our children and families, it looks like Rauner still hasn’t figured out that being governor means coming out from behind the desk in his office to work with other people. If he follows through on his threats to hold children and families hostage to his political agenda, Rauner will be responsible for preventing schools across Illinois from opening on time.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** ILGOP…

ILGOP Supports Rauner Decision to Call Special Session
Mike Madigan’s Attempt to Hold Schoolchildren Hostage Needs to Stop

“It is beyond inexcusable that Mike Madigan and his allies refuse to release education funding for all Illinois schools unless they get their $500 million Chicago bailout. It’s just another attempt by Madigan to hold our state hostage for his disastrous Chicago agenda.”

“Governor Rauner’s decision to call lawmakers back to Springfield is necessary to protect students across Illinois from Mike Madigan’s hostage-taking.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Steven Yaffe

*** UPDATE 3 *** Press release…

Daniel Biss released the following statement in response to Governor Rauner’s calling of a special legislative session:

“We already knew Bruce Rauner as the proverbial kid on the playground who takes his ball and goes home when he doesn’t get everything he wants. Today, he’s proven that he’ll also bulldoze the playground.

“After more than two years of manufactured crisis, and over Rauner’s objections, Illinois has a budget, and a semblance of certainty. In retaliation, Rauner is now using divisive and evasive tactics to plunge us into crisis once again.

“Despite the pleas of families, students, educators, and legislators, Rauner has made it clear that he wants to create a crisis so that he can impose 100% of his ideological agenda on us.”

*** UPDATE 4 *** The governor’s official proclamation states that the “Illinois State Board of Education is required to begin making payments to school districts across the state on August 1, 2017.”

But this is what the statute actually says

In making this distribution, the State Board of Education shall present vouchers to the State Comptroller on the 10th and 20th days of each month beginning in August.

But this language is in SB 1

Moneys distributed under this Section shall be calculated on a school year basis, but paid on a fiscal year basis, with payments beginning in August

So, maybe that’s where the confusion is.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Kennedy campaign…

“This is the latest smokescreen Bruce Rauner has thrown up. He has no interest in fair funding for public schools in Illinois. He hasn’t led and waited until the eleventh hour to threaten a veto. That’s what happens in Springfield under Bruce Rauner. He creates a crisis instead of finding a solution. There’s been plenty of time to debate the bill. It isn’t perfect. It doesn’t fix the broken property tax system tied to our school funding, but it’s too late to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It’s time to show up, lead, and allow our schools to open this fall— not use our public schools, teachers and students as Bruce Rauner’s latest political football.”

*** UPDATE 6 *** Sen. Dave Koehler (D-Peoria)…

“Governor Rauner has demonstrated once again that he favors campaigning over governing. Rather than focusing on how he could work constructively with the General Assembly, he calls Blagojevich-style special sessions that only waste taxpayers’ dollars.

“I am calling on the governor to sign a bill that his own administration says he supports 90% of. It is time to stop pitting one part of the state against the other for political purposes.”

*** UPDATE 7 *** Ameya Pawar…

“It’s painfully apparent that Bruce Rauner continues to play politics instead of governing. He says he agrees with 90 percent of the school funding bill lawmakers passed during the last session, yet he is threatening an amendatory veto without releasing any details. Now, he’s calling lawmakers back to Springfield to rehash what was a common sense solution to our inequitable school funding system. Lawmakers did their jobs, while Bruce Rauner is failing at his.

“What Bruce Rauner is doing is pitting communities against each other and dividing our state by race, class and geography. He’s telling downstate communities that their schools aren’t getting funding because of ‘those people’ in Chicago - propping up a false narrative that Senate Bill 1 is a bailout for Chicago, despite the fact that it increases funding for every school district in the state. Meanwhile, school districts and families across the state are in panic mode as they try to plan for the start of the school year.

“We must reform our outdated school funding formula that relies on property taxes for funding and start making significant strides toward closing the 20 percent funding gap between upper income and lower income school districts. Instead of asking local communities to foot a majority of the bill for their schools, our government needs to make school funding a priority as our state constitution requires.”


  1. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:03 pm:

    The Springfield Hotel and Restaurant Association thanks Governor Rauner for his generous support, but urges legislators to wrap things up before the State Fair begins.

  2. - cdog - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:05 pm:

    Life is all about choices.

    This is a choice made by the leaders of the Democratic Party.

    And to think these jokers are in charge of making sure this state runs well. smh.

  3. - Wensicia - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:08 pm:

    Just four weeks until school starts for many districts.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    What is the purpose again?

    “Send me a bill to veto, you all can go home”?

    This is a Blago Special…

  5. - Moe Berg - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:14 pm:

    What if Rauner called a special session and Democrats refused to come, until Rauner actually put forth his proposal and shared the calculations attached to it?

    It’s not acceptable to demand others do their jobs while he fails to do his.

    Call. The. Bluff. Stay in your districts. Go to your schools and constituents. Tell them what is the problem. Ask them to stand with you against the madness.

  6. - Roman - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:22 pm:

    The guv’s proclamations says July 31st is the deadline. I’ve seen a few superintendents quoted as saying August 10th is the date they expect to receive their first GSA payments.

    Has the comptroller’s office offered a date that might constitute a real “deadline” for the making the first payment?

  7. - Seats - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    Wensicia- only 3 weeks until school starts in my district.

  8. - A guy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    Moe, with respect, you need to do some reading.

  9. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:29 pm:

    He can’t veto a bill that hasn’t been sent to him.

    arrogant and dismissive my way or the Highway? He doth project to much

    What is right wing about insisting Senator Cullerton’s bipartisan pension reform bill is passed in the House?

  10. - Fax Machine - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:29 pm:

    Rauner’s best message here is “Do your job and send me the bill”

    Dems best message is “Show us your secret plan”

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===…about insisting…===


    Can’t have a “required” and not be the hostage taker.

    Good try thou.

    I’m sure the emotions got the best of you.

  12. - Arock - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:33 pm:

    Is it in the State Constitution that he has to tell what he is going to do with the Bill before you send it to him? If not send him the Bill and stop the political game.

  13. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:34 pm:

    I sometimes wonder if the Dems really believe in the constitution. Everything is about meetings with the leaders. How about following the law. You passed a bill so send it to the governor where he can pass or veto it. If he does a veto then you can either override or compromise. But they don’t seem to like to follow the law. I guess attorneys, which most of them are, are exempt from the rules. I am not saying I agree with Rauner on substance of his argument. Just do it by the book Democrats, maybe everything would work better if they actually governed that way. Sometimes the whining of the Democrats is just so tiring.

  14. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:36 pm:

    Dear JB. I don’t know if you realize Illinois is in crisis mode. Rauner does not have the answers, but you better start understanding we have major issues in this state and they start with the overtaxing of the working poor and middle classes. And it starts with property taxes And how we fund schools.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:37 pm:

    This is just a continuation of Rauner needing to hurt Chicago students.

    It first started when Diana and Bruce Rauner clouded their denied Winnetka-living daughter, denying a Chicago student a chance, and now Rauner can’t wait to veto something to again purposely hurting Chicago students.

    Pitting region against region isn’t something a governor of a whole state does, unless they feel some aren’t as equal as others.

    Nothing pleases “a Rauner” more then to deny Chicago students.

  16. - Moe Berg - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:38 pm:

    A guy, also with respect, I don’t know what you mean. What reading is it that I need to do? Please help me.

  17. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    Blue Dog Dem, what’s your point? JB shouldn’t respond to this ploy by the gov?

  18. - RNUG - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:42 pm:

    == What is right wing about insisting Senator Cullerton’s bipartisan pension reform bill is passed in the House? ==

    Waste of time. The forced consideration model will be found unconstitutional. All it is is another kick the can feel good measure.

  19. - Team Warwick - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    Whereas i like the way he put the manuevering in writing and on the record,
    Whereas, i guess the General Dissembling will be back in town. Its just not the same without them here.

  20. - Juvenal - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:43 pm:

    Is Pritzker’s campaign staff getting. Paid by the word?

    Less is more.

    If you can’t say it in five sentences, perhaps you are not sure what your message is or ought to be.

    Because I am really not sure what Pritzker wants my takeaway to be.

  21. - RNUG - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:44 pm:

    I’ve come to the conclusion Rauner is a bigger Drams Queen than any actress in Hollywood.

  22. - A guy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:47 pm:

    Sincerely Moe, when the Governor calls the GA into session. It is not optional. That’s what I meant. No offense intended.

  23. - Real - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:49 pm:

    Dear JB. I don’t know if you realize Illinois is in crisis mode. Rauner does not have the answers, but you better start understanding we have major issues in this state and they start with the overtaxing of the working poor and middle classes. And it starts with property taxes And how we fund schools.

    Yet you support a gov that does not want a progressive income tax plan. This shows you are voting against your best interest.

  24. - Chris Widger - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:54 pm:

    People like to throw around the fact (including in these comments) that Rauner clouted his kid into CPS, which is fine and a valid thing to bring up (although not really responsive to SB 1 and the debates around it). It’s always very odd to me that, in the same discussions, no one ever admonishes CPS/the city for having policies that allow clout. Isn’t it weird that principals of selective high schools can use discretion for up to 5% of incoming freshmen (or at least were allowed to do so at the time)? Is it rational to demand change from bad actors instead of demanding systemic change? I just don’t know if you get to use the “Rauner clouted” argument unless you also argue that CPS corruptly allows clout and that Rauner was just having his kid bypass some other would-be clout student anyway.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 1:57 pm:

    Oh - Chris Widger -, lol

    When someone else runs for governor and clouts their kid over a worthy child … when that other gubernatorial candidate that can also veto things to hurt Chicago students emerges, you get back to me.

    K? K.

  26. - Chris Widger - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:00 pm:

    Oswego, I don’t think I was making a very strong pro-Rauner case. I’m a strong proponent of the progressive income tax as one of several solutions for our woes, for one thing. I just don’t agree that Rauner had the power to clout his child over a worthy child. CPS has the power to admit students. Rauner has the power to give bags of money to people. That doesn’t take Rauner off the hook–it’s just weird no one ever suggests that CPS is on the hook. My other assertion was that it’s not clear at all to me that, had Rauner not done this, a “worthy” child would have gotten in, given the 5% policy.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:04 pm:

    - Chris Widger -

    The Rauners used his clout through Arne Duncan, later an Obama appointee.

    Also… Keep up…

    ===Isn’t it weird that principals of selective high schools can use discretion for up to 5% of incoming freshmen===

    Yeah, the Rauner Daughter wasn’t a Principal Discretion. The inspector general on Chicago Tonight made that clear too.

    Those Rauners, real rock-solid Raunerites.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    ===Rauner not done this, a “worthy” child would have gotten in, given the 5% policy.===

    Again, it wasn’t a Principal Choice

    There are not an “infinite” number of seats.

    Diana and Bruce chose to take a seat, a finite number of seats, from a worth student.

  29. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    Real. I do not support this governor.

    Chicago. I want a detailed plan of attack shifting from a flat income tax to a progressive tax. I want details on shifting K-12 revenue from locals back to the state. I don’t want to keep increasing revenue to K-12 until local costs are lowered. I want…..details. not campaign rhetoric.

  30. - reddevil - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    maybe someone could explain too me why Rauner amendatory veto couldn’t be overridden?

  31. - Moe Berg - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:23 pm:

    A guy: as I read the constitution, it says the governor may convene the GA via a proclamation. I don’t see anything that compels the members’ attendance. Alternatively, the presiding officers might convene their chambers and determine via roll calls that quora are lacking for the transaction of business.

    The legislature is a co-equal branch of government. I do not believe the framers intended the special session provision be used by the governor as a hostage-taking mechanism.

    Special session proclamations are legitimate to the extent that the intent behind them is legitimate. There is reason to doubt that is the case in this instance.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:24 pm:

    To Pritzker,

    They do a good job in trying to make a simple argument and make clear where this stands in their eyes…

    ===Bruce Rauner has made it clear he intends to pit schoolchildren and communities against each other by issuing a yet to be revealed amendatory veto to SB 1, a bill that lets school districts across the state open their doors on time===

    Simple, to the issue, how it’s on a governor, this governor, and puts Rauner on notice his actions will be taken as his and his alone.

    If that was the “meat”, here are the potatoes…

    ===…It’s simply unconscionable that Bruce Rauner cares more about pushing a right-wing agenda than he does about making sure children get a quality education. Unfortunately for our children and families, it looks like Rauner still hasn’t figured out that being governor means coming out from behind the desk in his office to work with other people.”===

    Agenda over kids.

    Smart, simple, clears up what they think is the reality of this crisis.

    Some really good work going on.

  33. - Sic semper tyrannis - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:27 pm:

    There won’t be a “crisis” with the Legislature if JB gets elected.

    He’ll do whatever Madigan tells him to.

  34. - Where's The Truth? - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:34 pm:

    All these ‘political’ comments and nobody mentions the incompetence, patronage and corruption at CPS headquarters for the past 25+ years that got us here. Why?

  35. - Rod - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:40 pm:

    Willy as we have discussed many time before on this blog the Governor was not the only one to use influence to get his child a seat at Payton, which means it was a well known practice for those with influence within the City of Chicago. Both major newspapers in Chicago exposed this practice. My own daughter graduated from Payton before Meg Rauner did and was admitted without any additional assistance. I don’t know of any parents of graduates of Payton who really hold this clouting process against Rauner any more than we are generally disgusted by the entire corruption of CPS inclusive of Board President Scott shooting himself over credit card fraud, or BB Bennett going to jail for kick backs. It is all part of the same illness in this town. Its also possibly one reason that President Cullerton may not have the votes need to override a Rauner veto of SB 1 and did not even forward the bill to the Governor.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 2:54 pm:

    To Biss…

    ===Today, he’s proven that he’ll also bulldoze the playground.===

    That’s really cutting it to the quick.

    You veto everything, you are in essence not picking ot choosing what can or would survive in funding. It’s taking that bulldozer of a veto and scraping across the landscape the funding levels of zero.

    Now, if Rauner gets emotional again and AVs to hurt Chicago, then like the $215 million, that’s on Rauner, and Chicago voters, Rauner needs ~20%, need to remember Rauner vetoed that.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:00 pm:

    ===…as we have discussed many time before on this blog…===

    When another person decides to to fit governor of this state and have in their past that they clouted their denied suburban child over a worthy Chicago student, see me then how is react.

    I would prefer you not use the Rauner student’s name, unless you think she clouted herself into Payton Prep.

    If your point, again, is Rauner is the Status Quo, maybe the point I’m making is Rauner tells us every day he’s not the Status Quo… while clouting his denied Winnerka-living daughter, maybe not over your child, but someone’s child.

    They might think that’s not right.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    To Kennedy,

    It’s actually very smartly written in the concise with a sure-fire quote to be picked up with “smoke-screen”

    This is actually quite well said…

    ===He hasn’t led and waited until the eleventh hour to threaten a veto. That’s what happens in Springfield under Bruce Rauner. He creates a crisis instead of finding a solution.===

    … bringing it back to Rauner’s history.

    This is nice too…

    ===…to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.===

    … a left-handed nod to the 90% without going full hyperbole.

    It’s good.

  39. - Chicago 20 - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    It’s all for the messaging.
    It’s just a show to create imagery for Rauner’s campaign.

  40. - Free Set of Steak Knives - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:25 pm:

    “Bruce Rauner’s failed leadership destroyed countless social service programs, wrecked our state finances, and nearly drove the state into the junkyard.

    Now, Rauner is threatening our schools: issuing veto threats and holding school children hostage in order to push his extreme, right wing agenda.

    Rauner’s threatening to veto a school funding bill that gives him 90 percent of what he wants, and is supported by teachers, administrators, and parents from Rockford to Cairo. They understand that Bruce Rauner is a threat to the stability of our schools, the economic vitality of our communities, and our children’s futures.”

    Crisp and clean, and you have Rauner threatening everybody.

    If Rauner is going to decide to issue threats, I say run with it, “threatening” isn’t really a trait most people are looking for in a governor.

  41. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:27 pm:

    –Sincerely Moe, when the Governor calls the GA into session. It is not optional. –

    Where can we find that reading you speak of in which the executive can compel a legislator’s attendance?

  42. - Trump2020 - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:40 pm:

    OW must have been the child denied to Walter Payton Prep. He’s like a broken record with how much he whines about it.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===…must have… ===

    No. Good try.

    Making it about me doesn’t change the clouting.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 4:08 pm:

    To Pawar,

    Once again, there is s clear understanding at what’s really at play, and where Rauner is trying to spin away from the responsibilities and pit regions against one another.

    Pithy and smart.

    As to “Un-Smart”…

    ===“Governor Rauner’s decision to call lawmakers back to Springfield is necessary to protect students across Illinois from Mike Madigan’s hostage-taking.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman… ===

    You say the silly and ridiculous enough… No one will believe when you tell the honest.

    The Illinois Raunerites must’ve elevated Madigan not only to the Senate, but President of the Senate too.

  45. - Oh please... - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 4:17 pm:

    Hey “a guy” - the Governor seems to think presenting and passing a balanced budget is optional, so…

  46. - Mama - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    “Now, Rauner is threatening our schools: issuing veto threats and holding school children hostage in order to push his extreme, right wing agenda.”

    Free Set of Steak Knives, Rauner’s right wing agenda is to close all public schools in IL, & give the state and federal funds to the private sector to “run” those schools. The first public school he wants to close is CPS.

  47. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 4:43 pm:

    I have an order of pork rinds at the states best bbq joint says football season starts on time.

  48. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Gov Rauner has been all over KMOX the last week bemoaning how much local school districts are losing to CPS(whether its true or not). He is winning the messaging war down south. If it matters.

  49. - A guy - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 5:18 pm:

    ==Where can we find that reading you speak of in which the executive can compel a legislator’s attendance?===

    lol. Sling, you above all should know where to look for the Executive Branch powers expressly empower the Chief Executive to convene the General Assembly (which compels them to answer the roll call)
    C’mon man, it’s not hard to find. Go look.

  50. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 5:42 pm:

    @Blue Dog Dem:

    Nope, it does not matter.

    What matters is 71 and 36, the number of votes that will be required to pass a school funding bill if Rauner proceeds with his veto.

    It is not conceivable that a bill would pass that cuts CPS funding by $250M - $500M.

    It is not conceivable that schools will just never reopen.

    That means that there eventually will be a bill and it will contain “a Chicago bailout.”

  51. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 6:14 pm:

    –lol. Sling, you above all should know where to look for the Executive Branch powers expressly empower the Chief Executive to convene the General Assembly (which compels them to answer the roll call)
    C’mon man, it’s not hard to find. Go look.–

    I guess you’ll have to help me. Where did you find the language that the executive can compel legislators to attendance?

    The Constitution? Statute?

    Do you think there will even be a quorum tomorrow in either chamber?

    There were days in the recent budget special sessions when there were not quorums.

    You have issues with the language.

  52. - cdog - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 6:43 pm:

    Why would Democratic legislators not show up to do their job?

    The reality is that everyone knows Democrats are holding the bill and stalling trying to create an impossible situation.

    What’s their objective? Funding schools or funding CPS pensions in a school funding bill?

  53. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 6:48 pm:

    CDog, you’re late to the party.

    We’re all just trying to help A Guy out here. He sees and hears things that don’t exist.

  54. - peon - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 7:24 pm:

    There is no leverage in a showdown over this bill for the Governor. The budget-as-leverage thing is over. Move on.

  55. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 7:24 pm:

    @ CDog:

    There is nothing “impossible” about the “situation.”

    All Governor Rauner has to do is sign his name to legislation which, by his own admission, gives him 90 percent of what he wants.

    The only thing keeping Bruce Rauner from signing the bill he supports to the tune of 90 percent is Bruce Rauner. All the opposition to the legislation is being ginned up by Rauner.

    So you see, there is no “situation.” There is only Bruce Rauner, making trouble with Bruce Rauner.

  56. - cdog - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 9:09 pm:

    So the Executive needs to just rollover, again, for the Legislature, and is basically an unnecessary and ceremonial branch of government.


    Let’s treat the Judicial Branch with equal disdain.

    There. Everybody happy?

  57. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jul 24, 17 @ 10:41 pm:

    Lying Bruce Rainier everyday all day

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