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Rauner rounds up the troops, fans the flames

Tuesday, Jul 25, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown

Rolf Sivertsen, the school superintendent in Canton in west central Illinois, is among a group of Downstate school officials who may be more important to the future of Chicago schoolchildren than Forrest Claypool.

Sivertsen and the others are ardent supporters of Senate Bill 1, the school funding legislation that Gov. Bruce Rauner has promised to veto as soon as it reaches his desk. Rauner calls it a “Chicago bailout.”

Contrary to the governor’s assertions that their communities are being shortchanged, these Downstate superintendents say the legislation is fair and are asking Rauner to sign it.

More important, if the governor goes ahead with his veto as expected, many told me they will ask their local legislators to override the governor’s veto if no compromise solution is found quickly.

* With that said, I still don’t think this meeting is being held out of desperation…

Sen. Sam McCann may vote with the Democrats to override the coming SB 1 veto (he just got a big campaign check from the IEA, after all), but the governor has mostly stuck to the plan laid out by his former chief of staff Richard Goldberg and so I doubt very many others will cross over. We’ll see.

Rauner took money from Chicago (how much is still in dispute because he won’t release his plan) and spread it around to suburban and Downstate districts (how he did that is also in question) and set this up as both a racial/geographical and a “I gotta vote my district” battle. So, no matter what your superintendents might say, Rauner has framed this simply: If you vote for SB 1 you vote against your district and for those corrupt Chicago incompetents.

Never underestimate the power of that argument in Illinois, particularly when the governor is so blatantly fanning the flames.

* Speaking of which, the governor shed some crocodile tears at the Daily Herald yesterday

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner said Monday that accusations that he cares less about predominantly minority students in Chicago Public Schools are “hurtful” and that he “cares deeply” about every child in Chicago.

* Related…

* ILGOP press release: ICYMI: Editorial Boards Side with Rauner on SB1

* JB Pritzker press release: Illinois Educators Urge Rauner to “Show Leadership” and #SignSB1

* JB Pritzker press release: Can IPI Teach Rauner How A Bill Becomes A Law? 


  1. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:38 am:

    ===Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner said Monday that accusations that he cares less about predominantly minority students in Chicago Public Schools are “hurtful” and that he “cares deeply” about every child in Chicago.===

    … says the man who clouted his denied, Winnetka-living daughter into Payton Prep.

    He cares about students… just not Chicago, CPS, students.

    Rauner proved well before becoming governor.

  2. - winners and losers - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:38 am:

    Was there a previous time when so many local school superintendents took such a public stand, using public resources, for or against state legislation?

  3. - Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:39 am:

    ===he “cares deeply” about every child in Chicago.===

    I’ve said all along that Rauner cares deeply about the state of Illinois and it’s citizens, he just cares about the decimation of organized labor more.

  4. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    –Rauner took money from Chicago (how much is still in dispute because he won’t release his plan) and spread it around to suburban and Downstate districts (how he did that is also in question) and set this up as both a racial/geographical and a “I gotta vote my district” battle. –

    Ain’t it swell when the governor of Illinois can set up a racial/geographic battle over schools? Just what this state needs more of.

    He’s moved from race-to-the-bottom to race-to-the-gutter.

  5. - Baloneymous - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:40 am:

    Isn’t the governor using public resources for or against state legislation?

  6. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:41 am:

    ==using public resources==

    What does that mean? One of the jobs of a Superintendent is to advocate for their districts. You think this should be on personal time on their personal dime? Please.

  7. - A guy - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    == when so many local school superintendents==

    Respectfully. someone, please put a number on this.

  8. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    Interesting show on WTTW Chicago, Public Television on the topic last night. three teachers, one Chicago, one suburban, and another downstate talked the issue and they all clearly understand that Chicago has to pay for the pensions and other districts do not. worth a watch.

  9. - Blue Bayou - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:46 am:

    If you really wanted to hurt teacher’s unions, wouldn’t you want all the state superintendents on your side?

    Like Trump, Rauner is out for Rauner. Making allies and solving problems is nowhere on the to-do list .

  10. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:47 am:

    Fanning regional hate is always in the toolbox for politicians. It’s sad, but reality.

    If I recall, Rich has occasionally posted tidbits on how downstate benefits from Chicago. Perhaps he could dust those off. Nah, it wouldn’t convince people anyway.

  11. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    == when so many local school superintendents==

    Respectfully. someone, please put a number on this.–

    Someone did, in the links of this very thread.


  12. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 11:58 am:

    Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner said Monday that accusations that he cares less about predominantly minority students in Chicago Public Schools are “hurtful” and that he “cares deeply” about every child in Chicago.

    He had to publicly apologize when his personal emails became public and it was discovered he had written that CPS teachers were “virtually illiterate” and he called CPS schools “crumbling prisons”. So, spare me.

  13. - illini - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:01 pm:

    Thanks Wordslinger - I’m seeing quite a few downstate Superintendents and Districts on that list.

  14. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:12 pm:

    – I’m seeing quite a few downstate Superintendents and Districts on that list.–

    Curious that Rauner hasn’t rounded up his own group of those who oppose it, outside his payrollers.

    How hard could it be? Rauner opposes it, and he likes 90% of it.

  15. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:15 pm:

    Rauner can fan the flames, but no one has to stand by and let the fire burn out of control.

  16. - Markus - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:15 pm:

    If this turns into a battle of attrition, the GOP loses; their districts on balance exhaust their resources first and close down first. Why did they close down? Because Rauner vetoed the education funding bill. Nobody at that point is going to care about the nuances of the amendatory veto. The ideologues will hold their ground but enough legislators remain in the GOP to override.

    Once school starts, the messaging from schools will overtake the IPI/Rauner messaging. Parents will believe the school message because it will be logical and well presented; in support of SB1.

    The pragmatic GOP moderates again have to decide how long to tow the IPI/Raunerite line in this ideological crusade doomed to fail.

  17. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:16 pm:

    The governor “cares deeply” about his hostages, yet refuses to release them.

  18. - Lamont - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:24 pm:

    You would think enterprising journalist would contact every school superintendent in the state and see if they support (or not) SB1. Compile these facts and present an article in a newspaper. I’m guessing 90% plus support it.

  19. - cdog - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:44 pm:

    “…and set this up as both a racial/geographical and a “I gotta vote my district” battle.”

    I find this notion of downstate people being broadly brushed as racist and city-hating-rural-types to be a double-standard.

    I know no racists, and I run a very color-blind shop.

    The ruling class of Chicago, with their water department and their segregated neighborhoods among other well-documented attributes, have far greater evidence against them if these labels are to be applied.


  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 12:44 pm:

    ===I know no racists===

    That may say more about you than you realize.

  21. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:01 pm:

    ==Curious that Rauner hasn’t rounded up his own group of those who oppose it==

    The lack of Rauner’s own group of school officials out there matching the guys Manar lined up is really striking.

    ==I find this notion of downstate people being broadly brushed as racist and city-hating-rural-types to be a double-standard.==

    That’s not it. It’s not that downstate people are, as a class, racist. It’s that there’s racists downstate and Rauner’s playing to them.

    There’s racists everywhere else, too.

  22. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:17 pm:

    Actions speak louder than words Governor

  23. - cdog - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:21 pm:

    Maybe I should have said I don’t tolerate or suffer through the ramblings of any race talk.

    If I feel someone is racist (prejudging an individual or group based on race/color alone) I move away from them very purposefully.

    The degrading race talk and labeling seems to come mostly from the left-leaning media.

    Folks need to focus on getting that awful “35% ready for next level” percentage improved. That is terrible and deals with education funding, not union pensions.

  24. - Fred - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:28 pm:

    =I’m guessing 90% plus support it.=
    & 1.4% supports 90% of it.

    This Governor has the ability to create political conflict and public gridlock where there is agreement on nearly all of the substance of an issue.

  25. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:30 pm:

    I posted on this yesterday but there are many different opinions on SB 1. I don’t know any superintendents that don’t like most of it. I am not speaking for them per say, but that has been my experience. As unscientific as my opinion/conclusion is, over the last two years I have listed we to or spoken with at least two hundred superintendents.

    Most have parts they don’t care for or would like to change. But as noted by an earlier poster- those stepping up are supporting SB 1. Not opposing. The governor hears what he wants to hear, not what is being said. History proves that to be true.

    Sivertsen showed a lot of wherewithal to speak so candidly and openly. I can guarantee he is t afraid of Madigan or Rauner. I have never heard anyone say they were afraid of Madigan. Many, me included, don’t like or trust him. But we’re not afraid. Rauner is a different story all together.

  26. - Deadbeat Conservative - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:44 pm:

    =left-leaning media=
    mythical left-leaning media. There fixed it.
    Most media are owned and controlled by large corporations.
    These left-leaning media outlets have minimized or overlooked or the Rauners’ outright lies, contradictions, and attacks on Illinoisans of all races.

  27. - downstate commissioner - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    -From JS Mill- “I have never heard anyone say they were afraid of Madigan. Many, me included, don’t like or trust him. But we’re not afraid. Rauner is a different story all together.”

    Thank you sir. I believe that you have just clarified my feelings about Rauner into one sentence. Now if others could also understand this, and relay it to their legislators, Illinois might have a chance…

  28. - Markus - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 2:07 pm:

    JS & downstate- You are both looking to have an “F*’n problem”. Hey, maybe the meeting with All Hands is to reprise that first speech & re-live the days before Madigan exposed the man behind the curtain for what he is. /s

  29. - Das Opinionator - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 2:46 pm:

    @Cdog, it would be easier for “folks” to improve the ready for next level scores if we didn’t have to send our tax money to “folks” downstate.

  30. - cdog - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 3:01 pm:

    Das Op,
    You can’t have it both ways. You either support divisive geographic talk, you don’t.

    I haven’t said anything about denying CPS education money. I have a problem with pension cash flow needs being conflated with education funding.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    –For starters, amend the state constitution and eliminate pensions for public employees.–

    Gee, what would you do after lunch? Fix that Israel-Palestine thingy?

    Your silly flippant “solution” still would not eliminate the unfunded pension liability debt.

    Back to the dorm room. Or IPI. Or the governor’s office.

  32. - Markus - Tuesday, Jul 25, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    cdog- cps pension pickup including underpayment has to be in the formula as an offset. It’s money off the top they have to pay that does not go to current year education expenses. The offsets just put CPS on the same plane as non-CPS districts.

    To the extent CPS does not apply those funds to the pension, I could see an argument they should be subtracted from the next year’s calculation. The State has been more negligent with respect to TRS funding than CPS. I get why CPS does not want to rely on an appropriation from the State for pensions; conversely absorbing CPS pension would make the math simpler in the funding formula and decrease the unfunded liability of the pensions as a whole.

    SB1 does not preclude absorbing CPS pension in the future. In that case the formula offsets in SB1 for the pension would go to zero.

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