Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - IL AFL-CIO’s Carrigan responds - CFL’s Ramirez responds - IFT’s Montgomery responds *** ILGOP goes full-on Mother Jones in response to new Pritzker ad
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*** UPDATED x3 - IL AFL-CIO’s Carrigan responds - CFL’s Ramirez responds - IFT’s Montgomery responds *** ILGOP goes full-on Mother Jones in response to new Pritzker ad

Wednesday, Aug 2, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here. From the Illinois Republican Party…

“J.B. Pritzker’s new television ad is a deceptive attempt to cover up his family’s history of attacking the labor movement. Pritzker personally profits by exploiting union labor - just listen to what union protesters have to say about the billionaire family. Just like Mike Madigan, J.B. Pritzker is a politician with zero credibility who says one thing and does another.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Steven Yaffe

In response to J.B. Pritzker’s new television ad lauding his insider endorsement of Madigan-backed labor groups, the Illinois Republican Party today released a digital video highlighting Pritzker’s true record on labor.

* The video

Pretty well done. The quote from the IFT’s leader is particularly impressive…

I want to thank the Pritzker family for uniting us all here today. It’s not enough for them to go after the workers in their hotels, they have to go after teachers.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  From the IFT’s Dan Montgomery, who is featured in the above video…

“IFT members know that the Illinois Republican Party has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bruce Rauner, who has been leading the charge to rob workers and deny them a voice in the workplace. This six-year-old video clip is an attempt to distract attention from the Governor’s abysmal record and unpopular political demands that nearly drove Illinois off a fiscal cliff had members of his own party not stepped up to do the right thing. Rauner should focus less on campaigning and more on doing his job.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Chicago Federation of Labor President Jorge Ramirez…

“It’s clear that Bruce Rauner is leading the Illinois GOP and this attack on JB. For Rauner to pursue this line of attack after we’ve seen the way he treats public-sector workers across Illinois is hypocritical and laughable. He and his special-interest friends have tried to destroy our state’s labor movement and the public services that so many residents of Illinois rely on every day. Everything we care about is under assault by Bruce Rauner. There is no greater priority for us than defeating him in November and sending a leader like JB Pritzker to Springfield.”

*** UPDATE 3 *** Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan…

“If it wasn’t so pathetic, it would be laughable that the Illinois Republicans levy an attack concerning union member and worker rights. Many Republican Party politicians in Illinois have followed blindly down Bruce Rauner’s path of destruction. His refusal to compromise on a budget hurt so many – all driven by his obsession to subvert wages, destroy unions and weaken protections for middle class Illinois families. If the Republican Party would like to take a stand with unions and working families of this state, they should start by standing up to their leader and chief benefactor.”

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* And the accompanying oppo dump…

During the recession, the Pritzker family faced mass protests from its workers over mistreatment and attempts to prevent unionization.

As Crain’s Chicago Business notes, “Hyatt fought efforts by Unite Here union to organize and secure raises for Hyatt workers.”

In one infamous incident, the Pritzkers turned heat lamps on picketing workers during a heat wave.

J.B. Pritzker personally profits from the family business, owning nearly 2% of Hyatt and acting as a key member of the majority voting block that controls the company. One of Pritzker’s cousins chairs the board of directors.

Pritzker even agreed to align his share’s vote with his cousins’, making him a critical part of their voting block and an enabler to all of their controversial decisions regarding employee mistreatment.

Pritzker even bragged about his role in Hyatt on his website – describing himself as a “principal owner”.

JB Pritzker Has Enabled And Supported Hyatt’s Management

JB Pritzker Currently Controls 1.9% Of The Total Voting Power For Hyatt Hotels Corporation. (Form SC 13D, Charles E. Dobrusin, SEC Accession No. 0001144204-17-001664, 1/10/2017)

When The Pritzkers Took Hyatt Public, The Family Controlled 80 Percent Of The Class B Shares, Which Have 10 Times The Voting Power Of Class A Shares. “Hyatt Hotels Corp. announced recently that the shares will be priced at $23 to $26. The offering is structured so the Pritzker family would own 80 percent of Hyatt’s Class B common stock, each share of which has 10 times the voting power of a Class A common share. The company’s initial public offering of 38 million Class A shares would raise between $874 million and $988 million.” (Julie Wernau, “Hyatt IPO Plan Draws Fire,” Chicago Tribune, 10/29/2009)

This “Super-Voting” Stock Allowed The Pritzkers To Maintain Control Over Hyatt Even If Their Ownership Of The Company’s Outstanding Shares Fell Below 50%. “Hyatt Hotels Corp. is likely to see “outsized profit growth” over the next decade, but the Pritzker family’s tightfisted control over the underachieving hotel chain should make investors wary of its initial public offering, a prominent real estate stock research firm said Wednesday. The proposed IPO could raise about $1 billion for Chicago-based Hyatt, the crown jewel of the billionaire family. Pritzker family trusts plan to sell 38 million shares for as much as $26 apiece, according to a filing last week with the Securities and Exchange Commission. But the family plans to retain its grip on the company through so-called “super-voting” stock, which would allow the Pritzkers to outvote other common shareholders even if the family’s stake falls to nearly 15%.” (Thomas Corfman, “Hyatt’s Corporate Structure Criticized In Report,” Crain’s Chicago Business, 10/29/2009)

JB Pritzker Agreed To Vote His Super Shares In Line With The Recommendations Of Hyatt’s Board Of Directors. “Until the later to occur of (i) January 1, 2015 and (ii) that date upon which more than 75% of the FD Stock is owned by Persons other than Pritzkers and Foreign Pritzkers, all Pritzkers (and their successors in interest, if applicable), but not the transferees by sale (other than Pritzkers or Foreign Pritzkers who purchase directly from other Pritzkers or Foreign Pritzkers) or by, or following, foreclosures as aforesaid, will vote all of their voting securities of Hyatt (and successor Companies) consistent with the recommendations of the board of directors of Hyatt with respect to all matters (assuming agreement as to any such matter by a majority of a minimum of three Independent directors or, in the case of transactions involving Hyatt and an Affiliate thereof, assuming agreement of all of such minimum of three Independent directors). All Pritzkers will cast and submit by proxy to Hyatt their votes in a manner consistent with this Section 3.1(c) at least five business days prior to the scheduled date of the Annual or Special Meeting of stockholders of Hyatt, as applicable.” (“Amended and Restated Global Hyatt Agreement,” Hyatt Hotels Corporation, 10/1/2009)

JB Pritzker’s Cousin, Thomas J. Pritzker, Is The Executive Chairman Of Hyatt’s Board Of Directors. (Board of Directors, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Accessed 1/17/2017)

Jason Pritzker, Thomas Pritzker’s Son, Is Also On Hyatt’s Board Of Directors. (Board of Directors, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Accessed 1/17/2017)

Penny Pritzker, JB Pritzker’s Sister, Served On Hyatt’s Board Of Directors Until She Was Appointed Commerce Secretary In 2013. “Chicago billionaire Penny Pritzker intends to resign from corporate boards, including that of Hyatt Hotels Corp., and reported that she received nearly $54 million in consulting fees last year from an offshore Bahamian trust, the Commerce Department secretary nominee said in documents released Wednesday.” (Melissa Harris and Katherine Skiba, “Pritzker Opens The Books On Finances,” Chicago Tribune, 5/16/2013)


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:30 am:

    Decent line of attack, but once again proving that the ILGop is incapable of putting something out that doesn’t mention madigan.

  2. - Stormfield - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:31 am:

    Hats off to “A Guy,” who called exactly this in the comments on the JB ad earlier this morning. That didn’t take long.

  3. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:32 am:

    Thanks ILGOP for telling all of us that JB isn’t in the union’s pocket.

    Genius move future Whigs.

  4. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    And since JB has proven to be more effective at whacking organized labor than Governor Rauner, we now endorse JB for governor.


  5. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    I’m sure Pritzker would debate union issues with Rauner all the way to November 2018, if he wants.

  6. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:35 am:

    ILGOP responds to a democratic primary ad. Obviously they know who their biggest problem would be in the general.

  7. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:35 am:

    I’m gonna guess Mike Z had this already loaded before he left. The new leader of Rauner’s campaign has huge shoes to fill.

    Chris Kennedy relying on GOP money to get out his “outsider message” is brilliant (snark)

  8. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:42 am:

    Wow, the ILGOP is a great supporter of the labor movement. Given today’s theme, we’re looking at another failed message strategy.

  9. - RNUG - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:43 am:

    So, if I’m a union member, I have to ask: who will be worse for me, Rauner or JB?

    Right now, the record says Rauner.

  10. - Buster Crab - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:44 am:

    This may hurt him in the primary, but if nominated could give him conservative cred in the general election.

  11. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    More do as a I say and not as I do hypocrisy from JB

    At least he never tried to remove toilets from Hyatt Hotels to lower their property taxes.

  12. - Mugsy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    With this anti-union record, Pritzker may just win the ILGOP endorsement after all.

  13. - Jibba - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    Meh. Comes across as hypocritical concern trolling. And desperate…

  14. - walker - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    Great headline, Rich.

    ILGOP to the barricades!

  15. - Texas Red - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    =vanilla man

    It is all about the Dem Primary; the GOP wants to hurt the front runner and get a weaker candidate on the ballot. showing JB alienating his union employees will do just that. In the general the messaging will change.

  16. - pskila - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:57 am:


  17. - Union Guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 11:58 am:

    UNITE HERE reached a national settlement with Hyatt Hotels Corporation in 2013. Pritzkers were billionaire jerks, but at least they faciliated a deal after a tough corporate campaign by the union. Rauner has no interest in collective bargaining; he just wants to destroy unions. From the union’s standpoint, at worst, J.B. Pritzker would be better than Rauner. At best, like FDR. he would be a traitor to his class. One can only hope.

  18. - Liberty - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:01 pm:

    LOL. - Maybe if the Republicans paid better, they would get better messaging.

  19. - lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:02 pm:

    Per RNUG’s comment: isn’t there still a primary?

    Come on now - you’ve got JB saying he didn’t know if he was going to vote for Obama or either 1) Romney, 2) Gingrich or 3) Rick Santorum. You’ve got him joking with Blago stoking the fires for some high level position. You don’t need this video to know the guy has no innate liberal/democratic leanings whatsoever. He’ll be in whoever’s pocket can get him into power and keep him there.

  20. - City Zen - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:11 pm:

    ==UNITE HERE reached a national settlement with Hyatt Hotels Corporation in 2013.==

    You left out “After a blistering four-year labor battle”…

  21. - Arock - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    The only reason anyone is paying attention to him is because he can bankroll his own campaign and he placed a D behind his name to be a supposed democrat. He has not walked the walk as being in line with the Democrats in the past and that is proven fact. He follows in the trademark ways of his family in trying to avoid paying his fair share of taxes as well.

  22. - Baloneymous - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:26 pm:

    Arock you do realize if you change D to R you just described Rauner 3 years ago. How’d that work out for ya?

  23. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    This ad … doesn’t seem like the brightest idea to me. The ILGOP creating an ad to specifically mention that a possible Democratic challenger to the Governor is against unions? Sure, if Rauner hadn’t spent the last three years bashing unions and pushing right to work laws - OK, I can see an ad like this being effective.
    In the general, how does Bruce start running ads downstate saying JB is beholden to unions? Right here is an ad (paid for by Rauner’s Republican Party, no less) saying just the opposite.

  24. - Century Club - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    This attack might seem more sincere coming from people that wouldn’t happily dance on the graves of UNITE HERE and IFT. I’m not sure that Kennedy or Biss has the labor bona fides to pull it off, either.

    Prognosis - Dem’s nominate establishment backed candidate with lots of baggage to take on crazy rich guy who’s determined to burn the place down. What could go wrong?

  25. - DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Who does the GOP fear? Lots of time, energy and money being used to attack JB by the GOP. Seems the GOP is going to do everything they can to help the other Dems get free commercials to use against Pritzker.

  26. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    In the long run, Republicans are gonna wish they’d saved this up for just a day or two before AFSCME or IFT or some other big group does their endorsement meeting.

  27. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 1:10 pm:

    The GOP fears Pritzker facing off in the General against Rauner simply because Rauner would no longer have a big monetary advantage like he would have against all other candidates.
    Regardless of what the ILGOP can dig up, the Unions will support anyone against Rauner. Rauner has made it very clear how he feels about Unions. In his own words when talking with Dick Durbin Rauner said that “I wish they’d just go away” when referring to Unions.

  28. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 1:27 pm:

    ==Hats off to “A Guy,” who called exactly this in the comments on the JB ad earlier this morning. That didn’t take long.==

    Kind thanks Storm. Though this sure came a lot faster than I would have thought. But a smart shop would have this cued up and ready and they did.

    Compare this one to theirs…that’s how you concept, shoot and execute the launch of a video.

    Next, I’d show some union plumbers yanking toilets out of a mansion…

  29. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 1:34 pm:

    I don’t think Rauner or the GOP fears JB. He’s probably the easiest to deal with from a “chops” standpoint. I’d be more fearful of Biss by the time debates roll around.

    What they can do is slice him with a thousand cuts through his own primary process and ensure a damaged nominee come out full of band aids.

    2 things I know for sure about Union Members; they have very long memories, and they know how to hold a grudge. Don’t confuse union members with union leaders. Members don’t let anyone off the hook. And finally, the guy/gal who offers the best chance for more work going forward is their default position.

    Whoever demonstrates that wins their support, begrudging or otherwise.

  30. - Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 2:22 pm:


    Does this mean your Governor and your Party are better friends to the working class voter than the Democrats???

    Who ya tryin’ to fool here?

  31. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 3:24 pm:

    Gotta love these comments:

    “You don’t need this video to know the guy has no innate liberal/democratic leanings whatsoever.”


    “He has not walked the walk as being in line with the Democrats in the past and that is proven fact.”

    You guys really need to do better. You’re talking about a guy who has been volunteering and working for Democratic candidates and progressive causes since he was a little kid. This is a guy who started his own Democratic organization to get more young people into Democratic politics. He’s literally supported hundreds of Democratic candidates around the country and personally went door to door, phone banked and protested for literally decades. So yea, he’s kind of “walked the walk.”

    And has been pointed out many times on this blog by many people, other than a stint in the laundry when he was a kid, he’s never worked for Hyatt and had zero control over Hyatt.

    So yea, you’ll need to do better, as will the Mother Jones GOP.

  32. - A guy - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    To each of the updates; You doth protest too much and too late.

    Your members remember.

  33. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:16 pm:

    I guess it’s nice for the unions to swat down everything, but it’s not really necessary for an ILGOP press release and online video that will be seen mostly by committed Republicans who forget to switch off auto-play.

  34. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===but it’s not really necessary===

    Agreed, but what does that tell you?

  35. - City Zen - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:17 pm:

    Dan Montgomery: “This six-year-old video clip…”

    Subtract 5 years of relevance for shouting in microphone.

  36. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:33 pm:

    Interesting quote from Jorge Ramirez. Last I checked the CFL hadn’t yet made an endorsement in the Democratic Primary. Has that changed?

  37. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:36 pm:

    ==Agreed, but what does that tell you?==

    Well, it’s either necessary or it’s not, right? If it’s necessary, it’s because the attack has legs, and if that’s the case, well, this is an improvement over the rapid response to the tax and Blago hits. Our JB is learning!

    If it’s not necessary, then these guys are all just paranoid. Which is fine; in politics, there’s the paranoid and the losers. But it still looks silly.

  38. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:42 pm:

    ===If it’s not necessary, then these guys are all just paranoid===

    Or… ?

  39. - Lucky Pierre - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    I guess JB and the Pritzker family are not as pro union when it comes to their Hyatt Hotel business that affects their personal wealth as they are with Government unions who are paid for with tax dollars.

  40. - Anon0091 - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 5:17 pm:

    I wouldn’t read too much into the union responses. Seems like just a good chance to whack the GOP and Rauner some more.

  41. - Blue dog dem - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 8:20 pm:

    Word. None of the current Dem candidates for governor will poll better than 2 out 5 union households. Guns.

  42. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 2, 17 @ 10:39 pm:

    Guy, alleged Mr. IL GOP man, enjoy your Trump

    Spit or swallow?

    I encourage every Americam to read Sen. Flake’s book.

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